eXeem Lite Public Beta Released 289
TheKarateMaster writes "Just days after the release of eXeem Open Beta comes eXeem lite 0.19 Public Beta. Much like with KaZaA, the official version of eXeem comes chock full of spy/adware -- specifically, cydoor. eXeem lite is spyware free and free of bloat -- and free. Version .20, which should fix a few minor bugs, is expected 'in next coming days.' (read: soon)"
Good news for the computer savvy (Score:4, Insightful)
Does this sound familiar:
Clueless user: Hrm, that looks like a good idea. Click. Install. Now why is my computer slow and always crashing? Better call my tech boy genius neighbor!
Tech boy genius neighbor: OMFG what did you do!?
I commend the software venders that do their best to protect those who need protecting the most. Even Microsoft is looking into integrating Spyware search and destroy tools into Windows. It pays to get with the times!
Re:Good news for the computer savvy (Score:4, Insightful)
WTF? Computer savvy?
Download a cracked version of some shadowy software - and trust that its 100% legit??? Why not publish MD5 sum of the package which can be verified by expert users willing to take the plunge?
Plus, has anyone tried this on WINE?
Re:Good news for the computer savvy (Score:5, Funny)
It was terrible. I saw two of them and they were both out of focus, then I was physically sick and in the morning I had a terrible headache. :-)
Re:Good news for the computer savvy (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Good news for the computer savvy (Score:2)
It installs fine, but when I try to run it, it complains about missing activex and wine dies with a windows about "exception raised" or somesuch.
Re:Good news for the computer savvy (Score:3, Informative)
Full instructions here [solaris.name].
The funny thing is (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Good news for the computer savvy (Score:3, Interesting)
Seriously. People call their ISP tech support whenever their PC gets slow, regardless if it's slow when they're actually using the Internet or not.
Anyways, back on topic. I downloaded the last beta lite version of eXeem, and I couldn't find a damn thing I wanted.
You're not wrong. (Score:2)
Re:Good news for the computer savvy (Score:3, Funny)
I'd say about 0.1% of calls, if that, could show any hint of being our problem. People don't just call us about the net being slow, they ask us about MSN, printers, screen resolutions, everything. I think my favourite calls have been as follows:
1. "Close that window, please" "How do I do that?" "Just click the X at the top right corner" "What is an X?"
Re:Good news for the computer savvy (Score:2)
Re:Good news for the computer savvy (Score:2)
Clueless user: Nothing, it just started acting funny.
Tech boy genius neighbor: Have you installed anything since I fixed your computer last time?
Clueless user: No.
Tech boy genius neighbor (BOFH level now 1): So you computer, for no reason whatsoever, started to slow down as if by magic?
Clueless user: Yeah.
Tech boy genius neighbor (BOFH level now 2): I guess your screwed, then. Sounds like your computer is dying and may catch fire any minute.
Re:Good news for the computer savvy (Score:2)
Tech boy genius neighbor: Ah hah! Now I get to charge him more for his cluelessness! Now I can afford to buy that hot new gamer's case!
God (Torvalds) bless spyware!
Guess Exeem Lite is the end of Exeem (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Guess Exeem Lite is the end of Exeem (Score:2)
I get extremely pissed off if it includes spyware and then the developers lie about it.
Long live Exeem Lite! May the creator of Exceem make no profit on it at all.
Re:Guess Exeem Lite is the end of Exeem (Score:2)
Perhaps, but perhaps not. There isn't much information out there about how the Exeem actually network works, but I get the distinct impression that the Exeem servers are necessary for it to function. Do they merely act as a gateway to the network, are purely for the Spyware/Ad serving, or (as I suspect) are integral to providing the Kazaa style "search engine"? More importantly, can Exeem Lite still function if those servers a
Re:Guess Exeem Lite is the end of Exeem (Score:2)
If you read the privacy policy for eXeem it openly states:
Third Party Advertising
The ads appearing on the Exeem.com Web site and within eXeem(TM) application are delivered by our web advertising partner, Cydoor. Information about users of eXeem(TM) and Exeem.com, such as the number of times they have viewed an ad (but not user name, address, or other personal information), is used to serve ads to users. If you would
Azureus Plugin for Exeem (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Azureus Plugin for Exeem (Score:2, Informative)
For the few of you you havnt heard of azureus, its an excelent and cross platform java bittorrent client. Very feature full.
So come on people! write an exeem plugin for azures, pretty please?
Re:Azureus Plugin for Exeem (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Azureus Plugin for Exeem (Score:2)
http://azureus.sourceforge.net/2200/cpu_usage.php [sourceforge.net]
If your computer still crawls to death after you install Java 1.5, I'll eat my hat.
Re:Azureus Plugin for Exeem (Score:2, Informative)
Good News! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Good News! (Score:2, Informative)
"where is your IE? I need ActiveX!!!"
no thanks.
(and why should
Re:Good News! (Score:2)
Re:Good News! (Score:2)
eXeem lite appears to work well under the latest Crossover Wine... Of course that doesnt negate the requirement for a less encumbered open source incarnation.
New name for Exeem Lite (Score:5, Funny)
So... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:So... (Score:5, Informative)
But since it's not an option to me to use a Cydoor-infested eXeem, I'll just use other software in replacement of this one, and maybe eXeem Lite for however long I can. For replacements, BT trackers are still around, alive and highly functional, and solve the whole deal with the Kazaaification eXeem might experience too. For more rare stuff than might be found on BT networks, there's always uncentralized networks like Kademlia. Slower downloads, but an amazing selection.
Ban users from the network ? Implications... (Score:5, Insightful)
Which means that they would become a prime target for whichever media copyright maintenance agency applies to them.
Unless I'm missing something.
Re:Ban users from the network ? Implications... (Score:2)
Did it work for them?
Re:So... (Score:2)
A shame original bittorrent didn't use GPL (Score:5, Insightful)
Granted, the trackerless protocol surely took some work, but the base BT protocol (and its implementation) was the revolutionary thing.
I hate companies providing adware software like Kazaa or Exeem, that promise you heaven on earth, and actually offer subpar programs, that would have much more quality as an opensource project (see eDonkey vs eMule).
Re:A shame original bittorrent didn't use GPL (Score:5, Informative)
Re:A shame original bittorrent didn't use GPL (Score:2)
Protocols can't be copyrighted.
Re:A shame original bittorrent didn't use GPL (Score:2)
I think that claiming ownership of the protocol and then saying that the protocol was liscensed freely for use in GPL'd programs would be exactly in the spirit of the GPL. The GPL is all about using the power that you have to keep things open.
Re:A shame original bittorrent didn't use GPL (Score:2, Insightful)
I think that claiming ownership of the protocol and then saying that the protocol was liscensed freely for use in GPL'd programs would be exactly in the spirit of the GPL.
Protocols are ideas; they can't be copyrighted, but they can be patented or trade-secreted. If a GPL program is the first to implement an unpatented protocol, then there's nothing prohibiting a reimplementation in a BSD licensed program or a proprietary program.
Re:A shame original bittorrent didn't use GPL (Score:2, Informative)
Indeed. The eXeem home page states that the program is based on libtorrent.
Re:A shame original bittorrent didn't use GPL (Score:2)
libtorrent is BSD-licensed.
Re:A shame original bittorrent didn't use GPL (Score:3, Insightful)
Presumably it's not the profit which is the problem, so much as the creation of non-Free software which is competing in an an unfair* way with the original.
*unfair as in, one project can take freely from the other, but not vice-versa.
But we all already knew this right? It's not like RMS warned us in 1985 about the problems with non-GPL licenses.
Re:A shame original bittorrent didn't use GPL (Score:2)
Re:A shame original bittorrent didn't use GPL (Score:5, Insightful)
And we wouldn't have exeem. Unless, of course, you can point out an open source solution that provides the same (and better, according to you) features compared to exeem?
Don't you hate it when people complain about the GPL restricting their free use of software? You are complaining about another person's use of a license.
When you release your software, you get to choose the license. Don't complain about another author's choice of license. I want other people to use my software, even to make money off it. Therefore I use the BSD license. We have philisophical and political differences, but that doesn't make my choice bad and your choice good. In my case, I don't want to force others to give back to the 'community' - I let them choose how they contribute (or if) to society. The GPL preference is to tell people, "Use my software and you have to release all your efforts - if not, I'm taking my toys and going home."
Sarcasm aside, each has its advantages and disadvantages. I suspect many choose the GPL not because they have an altruistic desire to further society. Many release it for the reasons you imply when you say, "people would not be able to profit so easily from his work." They don't want other people profiting off their work. "If I can't or didn't make money off it, neither can you." Which, I feel, is a very different goal than the claimed altruism of the GPL.
I don't mean to imply that most people have this in mind when choosing a license, but I've seen this side of the license debate more than I care to.
Re:A shame original bittorrent didn't use GPL (Score:2, Insightful)
Exeem opensource alternative: http://kenosis.sourceforge.net/ [sourceforge.net]. Probably needs more work, more recognition and a slightly nicer website (well, and a license, it does not seem to have one).
If I make some useful piece of software in my spare time, I would not care that some John Doe would profit from it, or even that companies like Google would profit from it; but I wouldn't stand companies like Microsoft, Kazaa or Exeem earning money from it. So it has to be everyone or no one (tha
Re:A shame original bittorrent didn't use GPL (Score:2)
They weren't. They exist to make money for their shareholders. They are *not* people. Stop trying to ascribe personality traits to them! Eventually, when it comes down to the bottom line or being 'cool' in the fickle eyes of geeks, they'll favor the bottom line.
I don't see why you believe that companies exist for any reason OTHER than to make money.
Re:A shame original bittorrent didn't use GPL (Score:3, Insightful)
"You can (1) repay me with money or (2) repay releasing your improvements to the community. Your choice."
Sometimes people like to eat.
Re:A shame original bittorrent didn't use GPL (Score:2)
Re:A shame original bittorrent didn't use GPL (Score:2)
duh, just press "i have donated" and it goes away
Is this true? (Score:2, Interesting)
Can this above comment be explained? I downloaded and installed eXeem, it did not appear to include any spyware whatsoever. It certainly did not come packaged with Cydoor. What's the deal here?
Re:Is this true? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Is this true? (Score:2)
i installed it being aware of the cydor possiblility. After installing, there were no registry entries by cydor, no cydor dlls present nor were any processes running.
So it wasnt installed.
Re:Is this true? (Score:2)
Re:Is this true? (Score:2)
Oh yes it did [exeem.com]:
Don't think that just becau
Re:Is this true? (Score:2)
Maybe an early beta had Cydoor in it?
Maybe someone is just trying to get traffic by spreading rumors about a really nice tool.
Re:Is this true? (Score:2)
Re:Is this true? (Score:2, Interesting)
I most certainly installed eXeem from the eXeem website. I don't know what's going on.
Re:Is this true? (Score:2, Interesting)
From what I understand, Cydoor is pretty much harmless, but I suppose we'll see what happens. I'm planning on reformatting my rig very soon, so I took the chance.
Easy fix (Score:5, Informative)
Delete files in c:\windows\system32\AdCache
Set all user permissions on folder c:\windows\system32\AdCache to deny (no access)
It doesn't complain if the ads are not comming in, it just throws them up
Re:Easy fix (Score:2)
Re:Easy fix (Score:5, Insightful)
Delete files in c:\windows\system32\AdCache
Set all user permissions on folder c:\windows\system32\AdCache to deny (no access)
It doesn't complain if the ads are not comming in, it just throws them up
Although I appreciate the information, I'd just as soon not have the spyware installed on my computer in the first place. Unless you've sat there with a debugger and stepped through Cydoor one instruction at a time, how do you know it doesn't stick copies of itself somewhere else, or trojan another binary along the way? These spyware programs are notorious for nasty tricks like that.
Also, I remember reading in the previous article that uninstalling Cydoor causes Exeem to stop working, so you're still better off using the Lite client.
Please don't support spyware or authors that include spyware in their products. There are better ways to make money, and decent programmers can simply use Paypal or some other method of donationware to make a buck, while still delivering value (and most importantly goodwill) to their users.
My guess is the real reason why they're funding this using Adware is that the original Suprnova was mostly funded by banner ads, and they still need a revenue stream. Of course, now the editors are no longer screening content, so what they bring to the table (besides the application) is not as much.
Re:Easy fix (Score:2)
Re:Easy fix (Score:2)
They probably are. Just use a spamhole address like I did.
Also, you might want to read up on the company like I did [wired.com] before signing up.
If you hate the spyware, why support the network? (Score:2, Insightful)
What good reason is there to use eXeem? If you want to use a popular program that a lot of people use, what problem does eXeem solve that Kazaa doesn't?
Is eXeem supposed to be considered the second coming strictly because Suprnova shut down? Anybody who rel
A bit biased? (Score:2, Informative)
Check your sources.
eXeem does not come with a bunch of spy/adware. It comes with exactly one: Cydoor. Which is adware, only displaying ads.
Re:A bit biased? (Score:2)
I mean, Bram Cohen is one smart cookie, and had user anonymity been one of his design goals (it wasn't) I have no doubt that the **AAs would be having a much
Not FOSS (Score:3, Insightful)
eXeem lite is spyware free and free of bloat -- and free
This isn't Free (libre) software, so while it is nice that it doesn't cost anything, neither does the official eXeem, so it is not better in that respect.
As for the claim that the official version comes with spyware and that this "lite" version doesn't - several posters have already said they couldn't find any spyware after installing eXeem.
As for eXeem-lite, if I can't see the source, why should I believe the site that claims it is spyware-free? Because the say so?
Uhm... Why do they bother with eXeem at all? (Score:3, Insightful)
And while we on it. Why so many Slashdot articles on this? Promote it when eXeem is worth it.
Re:Uhm... Why do they bother with eXeem at all? (Score:2)
It must be great, because the authors are hardcore protocol geeks who know how to create a good network. You can tell because they used to run a web site. </sarcasm>
or you can just use this dummy cydoor file (Score:2, Informative)
Re:or you can just use this dummy cydoor file (Score:2)
It might stop the ads, but the app itself is still there, wasting CPU cycles in the background, checking those files to see if there's a new ad to display on your screen.
If Ad-Aware didn't do a complete clean-up, it's probably best to try a different removal tool. (I suspect the new Microsoft Anti-Spyware beta would fix this for you, in fact.)
eXeem is NOT related to Bittorrent in any way! (Score:5, Insightful)
If you want to use a P2P application that combines the swarming of Bittorrent with distributed indexing, searching, and tracking, try one of the eDonkey apps such as aMule [amule.org], eMule, eDonkey2000, etc. Many of them are open source, spyware free, and run on multiple platforms. Since the eDonkey network has been around for a long time, it is filled with a variety of content. However, Bittorrent is still the fastest P2P protocol for raw data transfer, so don't drop it, just find a few good torrent sites.
Re:eXeem is NOT related to Bittorrent in any way! (Score:2)
This is just a new "kazaa", and frankly I won't be using it because what I liked about Suprnova so much was the organization, the moderation the editors did with the files, and the ability to see on the front page what recent things were added to which categories.
I mean, its like when you walk into a Blockbuster and you don't know what you want.
Re:eXeem is NOT related to Bittorrent in any way! (Score:2)
eDonkey2000, on the other hand, is tuned for long-term sharing. People are not "encouraged" by the application to stop sharing (implying they start sharing new files), so in addition to people down
Re:eXeem is NOT related to Bittorrent in any way! (Score:2)
Re:You're wrong. It is. (Score:2)
No Thanks (Score:2)
Does it increase my anonymity? Does it increase available downloads?
Really.. why do i care about such a beast when there are 'safer' alternatives ( for both my computer and my actions )
Re:No Thanks (Score:2)
How is it different from Kazaa/eDonkey/etc..? (Score:5, Interesting)
One of BitTorrent's strengths was that it was very difficult to spoof content. IE - If you trusted the tracker, you knew exactly what you were downloading. Given eXeem's new "everyone's a tracker" marketing, is it now vulnerable to spoofing? If a user posts a malicious file under an alternate name, what's to prevent everyone from downloading it? Are there safeguards to protect the network from being flooded with invalid files?
Functionally, how is eXeem different from other P2P clients? My idea of what goes on is; You do a search across all files shared on the eXeem network, pick a file you like, and start downloading from peers. That's roughly the same thing with Kazaa, etc. What's the advantage of using eXeem?
Re:How is it different from Kazaa/eDonkey/etc..? (Score:2)
Re:How is it different from Kazaa/eDonkey/etc..? (Score:2)
Re:How is it different from Kazaa/eDonkey/etc..? (Score:2)
Re:How is it different from Kazaa/eDonkey/etc..? (Score:2)
So it's like Gnutella then?
Tinfoil hat time (Score:2)
It's NOT free.. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:It's NOT free.. (Score:2)
That's.. a rather odd way of thinking.
Re:It's NOT free.. (Score:2)
No problem..
You just gotta decompile it first.
Re:I thought.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:I thought.... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:I thought.... (Score:2, Informative)
He raised 30k last month and 10k this month.
Re:In other news... (Score:2, Informative)
That was the official eXeem release, the one with spyware.
This is eXeem Lite, which is supposed to be spyware free.
Re:In my language Exeem mean... (Score:2)
Re:exeem is cack (Score:2)
Re:exeem is cack (Score:2)
i noticed a little white area in the program windows, and it seems thats were ads are supposed to be shown, but cydor isnt present.
maybe thats one of the bugs that need fixing...
Re:exeem is cack (Score:2)
Re:exeem is cack (Score:2)
Predicitons: (Score:2)
A slew of exeemlite.tk style sites will replace the old sites, advertizing free legal movie downloads when you *buy* their product. The earlier versions of ExeemLite will get harder and harder to find. And even when you do obtain a copy, all the mp3 files you find shriek distortion though your hi-fi system that you connected to your pc.
And in the meantime, the original Exeem will rele
Re:eXeem Lite is useless as much as eXeem is (Score:3, Insightful)
I don't understand your point, Lepaca. I just used the lite version to dl a nice PDF version of the Kama Sutra. How is eXeem or eXeemLite useless? Why is taking a decent program riddled with spyware (eXeem, KaZaA) and hacking out the spyware (lite versions), therefore improving the base program, not a valid endeavor?
To the anti-p2p crowd:
You people make me sick. You know in your heart-of-hearts that there's plenty of legitimate uses for this technology, and yet you still try to paint p2p users wi
Re:eXeem Lite is useless as much as eXeem is (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm sympathetic to your point, but this seems to be the wrong discussion to be making it in. Check out clause 7.
Re:eXeem Lite is useless as much as eXeem is (Score:2)
For legal purposes, though, the original BitTorrent software is still just as useful as before. People that distribute Linux ISOs or game demos don't need eXeem. For them, the software is a solution to something that never was a problem in the first place.
Re:version 2 is already out (Score:2)
re: clusterfuckorgy (Score:2)