Shortcomings Revealed in nForce4 SLI Redux 93
EconolineCrush writes "Slashdot recently covered the launch of NVIDIA's nForce 4 SLI chipset for Intel processors, and although early reviews fawned over the chipset's performance, closer examination reveals several shortcomings that the initial wave of coverage failed to document. Problems with stability, drivers, and the chipset's oft-praised hardware-accelerated firewall and Gigabit Ethernet controller escaped the scrutiny of many reviews."
Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:2, Insightful)
These kinds of problems, which we readily acknowledge aren't total showstoppers, may pass muster for Athlon 64-based enthusiast systems. NVIDIA will probably find, however, that competing against Intel's chipsets requires a higher standard of competence.
As a serious gamer and one who has built several Athlon-based machines, I can't imagine for the life of me what he's talking about here. AMD's chips are the undisputed king of the hill when it co
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:1, Funny)
These days, AMD is the singlemost important chip maker on the planet, second only to Intel
is off the wall.
How can something be the singlemost important chip maker, yet still be second only to Intel?
Your kung-foo intrigues me.
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:1)
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:1, Funny)
Perhaps that would make them the second-most important chip maker on the planet then?
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:1)
Who was the first to have Rambus memory?
Who was the first to ink a deal with the Blue Men Group?
Who was the first to have CPU_ID on by default?
Who was the first to have a 300+ channel pipeline??
Who was the first to marvel at AMD's intergrated memory controller??
The tables are turned now Athlon fanboi!
Dual Core or bust!!!
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:5, Interesting)
As for cutting edge tech, AMD wins hands down in the x86 world. They did a nice edge run around Intel's GHz GHz GHz mantra, and they're beginning to reap the rewards. The dual and multi-core chips coming soon should finish the job once they're out and in tester's hands. Intel's dual core will either burn eggs or perform sluggishly, and they're still regrouping from their P4 mistakes and trying to come up with a new tech. Their size and brand is the only thing keeping them alive at the moment IMNSHO.
If you want to see cutting edge technology, look towards things like the Power5 (that's not a G5 btw;) and the Cell processors. One's a multi-core powerhouse, the other, well, it's an interesting amalgam of a core with multiple DSP chips to speed things up. I'm looking forward to the PS3 and its capabilities. (There are others too, but these may be the most likely to be seen by average consumers in some form or another)
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:2)
>has except itanium2, which it also might smoke
>but I'm withholding judgement until I read
>better comparisons than I've seen to date.
sorry, you wont be seeing any comparisons. the Itanium blows so hard that no one will buy any... so no one has them to review. Even HP, who did most of the dev work on itanium, is shipping opteron systems now.
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:1)
I do recall seeing some benchmark results where Itanium2's performed exceedingly well, but I didn't have a chance to read through it, hence my holding back on commenting that it completely blows performance wise. It might actually do well under certain tasking, but for any normal person, AMD is the king of the hill
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:2, Insightful)
Well he's not talking about AMD at all, really. He's talking about the quality of nVidia's nF4 SLI chipset/drivers.
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:2)
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:2)
Though I think the difference here is consumer vs. bussiness (I couldn't think of better names for them). Intel mostly makes consuemr chips (Again Itanium is the exception), so does AMD (though Opteron doesn't really compete against Itanium or Power 5), IBM makes both (though consumer only through Apple systems
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:1)
Ok. I'm sorry. I know this is nitpicky. I've been thinking about this for about a year, and I just have to say it. Someone PLEASE correct me if I am totally off here.
IBM "are" not anything. IBM *is*. AMD just *tries*, and IBM actually *tries* to do...
IBM, AMD, Intel, Microsoft, etc. are companies. These are SINGULAR ENTITIES. A group of people under a single umbrella is a singular entity. Just like "mankind is
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:1)
AFAIK, it's a cultural difference. Most of the plural-company references I see are from the UK... I can only surmise they prefer to think of companies as composed of a great many people, while we (I assume) Americans see them as one all-emcompassing behemoth entity.
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:1)
and yes, that is exceptionally annoying.
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:2)
Clarification (Score:3, Informative)
So... what he was saying is that an Intel user may be disapointed by the Nforce 4's shortcomings, but an AMD user is acustomed to this level of quality, still good just not the best.
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:2)
Does not compute, systems overloading...
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:1)
how you can have a sig like this with comments that start at +1 is beyond me. you, sir, are amazing.
if only because i'm glad to see someone talking about apple who isn't drooling over their latest product at the time of writing.
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:5, Informative)
It's hard to be both most important and second-most important at the same time. Yet this is apparently a feat both AMD and Intel have managed. I guess this is a byproduct of their research into quantum computers. ("Alright! We're on top! Oh shit, I just changed our importance by measuring it.")Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:2)
So, um... doesn't that make them the second most important?
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:5, Insightful)
I've found the one short coming of AMD based solutions has always been the shoddy 3rd party chipsets and motherboards out there. I have a dual Opteron system on my desk and it has been wonderful. However, I have ran into many people running Via or nVidia chipsets on brand-x motherboards that have had awful hardware difficulties.
I'm inclided to blame the mainboard manufactures more so then the chipset manufactures because companies like Asus, MSI, and Gigabyte never seam to have trouble putting out solid mainboards based on nVidia and Via chipsets.... but the fact of the matter is there seam to be a lot of other manufactures that build absolutely terrible mainboards for AMD processors.
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:1)
An AMD fanboi, on the other hand, won't blink if you tell him that he'll need to reflash the BIOS and download the latest chipset drivers to make a certain board work. I know I didn't. It was all sleek and shiny and was sitti
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:1)
If you want your comments to be taken seriously, and not come across as an AMD fanboy, don't use sentences like these that don't make any sense. If AMD is the singlemost important chip on the planet, it's not second to anybody.
Disclaimer: I'm an AMD fanboy, I have never used an Intel product in my life.
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:2)
The chipset and the technology doesn't lack power. That's not the point. The point is that they weren't as reliable as they should have been.
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:2)
First off. everybody knows that if you have an Intel procesor, you should use an Intel chipset for the highest level of stability. I mean when the processor manufacturer makes a chipset for their own processor, it better be as stable as possible. Intel tends to focus on stability rather than performance because they are more intere
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:1)
Same goes for ATI, a lot of the bias agenst them is based on old information perpetuated by fanboys.
If the sites content does not work for you... don't read it, I am sure there are people out there not looking to be "converted" who want to read reviews. (not mine to say if they are right or wrong.)
P.S. On the other side it
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:2)
I have to agree with you and frankly I think AMD is making a mistake by not making AMD chipsets and even motherboards.
I think they would do better in the server/corporate market if they produced motherboards like Intel.
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:2)
Re:Shortcomings of the reviewer (Score:1)
isn't this always the case? (Score:4, Insightful)
The same is true of anything. I saw a pre screening of Samuel Jackson in shaft and LOVED it. Why? I don't know now.
Re:isn't this always the case? (Score:4, Insightful)
Charlie Demerjian is right in his latest rant [theinquirer.net]. Too many reviewers are under the spell of PR dweebs.
Embedded hardware reviewers? (Score:1)
[...]being in on a 'sneak peak' makes a person feel like an insider... part of the team. [...] this feeling alone accounts for a lot of over positive reviews.
Sounds like a familiar concept to me.
Another excellent review from the Tech Report (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Another excellent review from the Tech Report (Score:5, Insightful)
This is hardly front page Slashdot news here. Let's see, "motherboard chipmaker needs to fix some non-showstopping bugs with bios updates." yawn.
Everything mentioned in that article is minor. His summation is even minor:
We're pleased to see that NVIDIA has finally fixed the long-standing bug that caused its disk controller to hit a performance wall at 128 transactions per second, but the fix was a long time in coming. More notably, the ActiveArmor GigE implementation seems to have some strange problems still. We're encouraged by the fact that NVIDIA could demonstrate a fix for some of these problems with a new driver, but we're concerned about the current state of the Ethernet driver available to the public for AMD-based nForce4 boards that have been on the market for months now. These kinds of problems, which we readily acknowledge aren't total showstoppers, may pass muster for Athlon 64-based enthusiast systems. NVIDIA will probably find, however, that competing against Intel's chipsets requires a higher standard of competence.
OK...they fixed a bug and one of the Ethernet ports is "strange".
But that last statement seems to throw the entire review out of whack. So what he's basically saying is: "The minor Athlon fanbois may not mind this junk...but us Intel Professionals know it's crap and will stick with Intel".
Re:Another excellent review from the Tech Report (Score:1)
A question... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:A question... (Score:2, Funny)
Congratulations, you just earned your cookie for today.
Re:A question... (Score:1)
Shocked... (Score:5, Funny)
Whatever next!?!?
Whats next you ask? (Score:2)
I wonder why (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Yea, go... (Score:3, Funny)
"RISC technology is going to change the world"
Re:Yea, go... (Score:1)
and a "PCI bus".
Re:Yea, go... (Score:2)
The only reason x86 is so popular is for compatibility reasons. IBM has shown RISC can perform at least as well.
Re:Yea, go... (Score:2)
Having gone over this with my microprocessor proffesor, I have wondered if we should call the x86 'CRISC'. It makes some wierd kindasense when you think about it. Course, would the operators then be 'CRISCO's? (Complex Reduced Instruction Set Computer Operators/Owners)
mirror (Score:4, Informative)
Re:mirror (Score:2)
How much am I making off the ads? Well, although it is none of your business, to date, we've earned enough to pay for about 3 hours of the server's monthly fee.
The feedback we've been receiving has been overwhelmingly positive, but thank you for yours as well.
Re:Minus 3, T8oll) (Score:1)
Just like the AMD version (Score:5, Insightful)
The first review bunch of every hardware item is PAID ADVERTISING. Well, at least close to it. To get the product for such review requires signing of NDA and cooperation of the manufacturer. Trashing a product in such launch review ensures that you won't get the next shiny thing to review. Yes, some hardware reviewers are corrupt. Shocking.
The 'active armor' firewall has never worked right on the AMD64 NF4 either. Also on AMD64 NForce4 the gigabit ethernet has it's own problems - for example, many MMOs simply disconnect you (you go linkdead) if you have the Hardware Checksum Offload feature of the LAN chip in use.
And unsurprisingly when you compare ANY other chipset to the rock solid Intel chipsets, they look unstable. NF4 isn't the worst of the bunch, but it can't be helped. Last STABLE (rock stable) chipset on AMD platforms was AMD760. Yes, it was lacking features, but it WORKED. After that it's VIA this, nVidia that, SIS this - all suck more or less. Thankfully the suckiness has gone down over the years, and today I can say that KT800 VIA on AMD64 is usable. Still not perfect, but works. NForce 4 has bunch of quirks and unfinished drivers, but it's probably the best PCIe-based chipset so far.
Re:Just like the AMD version (Score:1)
Re:Just like the AMD version (Score:2)
Re:Just like the AMD version (Score:1)
Re:Just like the AMD version (Score:2)
Problems that I've had with the Nforce3 chipset:
* Their storage enhancements just don't work with Win2000 at all, practically speaking. Had to go with XP, not something I was thrilled about.
* Their RAID thingy drops disks at random, for no reason. This has happened with both PATA and SATA, and with different brands of drives.
* Their management utilities are reall
Re:Just like the AMD version (Score:2)
To see this in action just download Ethereal and you will see that the Checksums are incorrect.
Re:Just like the AMD version (Score:2)
One of my several AMD based computers, an AthlonXP 2500+ runs Linux... and has uptimes of 20+ days.
Another XP 2500 I had earlier ran WinXP for weeks at a stretch. And my new A64 3000 does the same.
The only reason I turn my PC's off is to sleep without the sounds of the fans for a change. And btw all my computers are OC'd from stock speed, but not by much.
I suspect people complain about stability because they can't use their PC's.
Re:Just like the AMD version (Score:2)
I never have network, performance or stability problems. And rarely have problems with the sound. But I use Linux, so my drivers might not be all there. Haven't updated them in a while, too. There's no need. It just works.
Re:Just like the AMD version (Score:1)
Amen, brother. Almost as if the people who design and build the CPUs have the best chance at making other complex chips working well with them.
I've gone into small companies to try and solve their stability problem, to find Via (especially), SiS or ALi chipsets sitting there. Replace one with an Intel/AMD-based chipse
NVidia also sucks for AMD (Score:1)
nForce4 for Intel != nFroce4 for AMD (Score:5, Informative)
nForce AMD (Score:4, Interesting)
This is not a fault of nVidia chipsets (they are very good imho) and its not a fault of intel chips (again, very good, just showing their age a bit now).
The stabillity problem smells heavily of the same sort of goings on gigabyte had with their initial flagship nf3-250 board, the k8nsnxp. Between bad temp sniffing (minor read error causeing the cpu fan to shut down because it thought the cpu was 20C below what it really was) and a huge problem getting the dual channel memory working, these boards were shunned. After much patching of bios' code they are rock stable and burning up memory benchmarks.
Lets give these things 3 months on the market to get the bugs out then see what they can do
Big deal (Score:2)
I reviewed one of these nForce machines (Score:4, Informative)
We did request SLI, but HP sent a single card system because they told us SLI wasn't quite ready.
I have another system on my review schedule from another vendor, and when we suggested they ship us an SLI system, they backed off.
Looks like SLI isn't quite ready for prime time.
So, let me get this straight... (Score:2)
And yet, Intel doesn't get hounded because THEIR latest chipset saw a recall [theregister.co.uk] in the first two months of release?
Sure, Intel is more stable, if you don't live on planet Earth. NOBODY is perfect.
Oh, and I'd like to dispell another long-standing rumor, that 3rd-party chipset makers cause the A64 platform to be "unstable
These problems did not 'escape scrutiny' (Score:1)
BS (Score:2)
I have never built a computer that didn't have an NVDIA chipset in it. I've owned NForce, NForce2, and NForce3 250GB systems, and I've built NForce4 systems.
NForce, NForce2, and NForce3 250GB rock. No compatibility or stability issues, great drivers, and good performance. Excellent all-around.
NForce4 blows. I've had compatibility problems with all four systems (two with ASUS boards, one with an MSI board, and one with a DFI board), and the drivers