Computers Top BBC List of Stress Producers 286
twitter writes "The BBC is reporting results of a poll by UK charity Developing Patient Partnerships that shows crashing computers to be one of the most common stresses and that it's actually killing people by driving them to drink and smoke. The quoted list has: 1. IT problems - 30%, 2. Change in financial status/personal injury - 24%, 3. Commuting - 20%. I've seen people take a smoke break when their computer pops a window and they lose an hour or two of work and admins taking their break straight from the bottle."
Suspect Studies (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Suspect Studies (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Suspect Studies (Score:2)
if (crap == i_hate_you) {
I work in IT... (Score:5, Funny)
(And yes, I'm quite serious.)
Re:I work in IT... (Score:2, Informative)
Not good.....
Re:I work in IT... (Score:2)
Not good.....
Beer and Fruit Loops is even worse, yuck.
Re:I work in IT... (Score:2)
Re: I work in IT... (Score:3, Funny)
Isn't merely waking [] up sufficient?
Re:I work in IT... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:I work in IT... (Score:2)
Re:I work in IT... (Score:2)
And as to my taste in beer.... Well, I tend to drink more scotch, and generally buy it when it comes to out-of-bar consumption. But I try to avoid shitty beer when drinking that -- Steamwhistle is a damn good choice, IMHO.
Re:I work in IT... (Score:4, Funny)
They worked in IT... (Score:5, Funny)
The network hasn't been the same since.
Re:They worked in IT... (Score:3, Interesting)
Management needs to wake the fuck up, I know plenty of PhD's, lawyers, and all manner of highly intelligent people who use drugs on a regular basis, and are all fine, upstanding citizens who go to work on time every day and do a great job.
If you want to see who is a problem employee based on non-work behavior, you're looking in the wrong place.
Re: Anything but that! (Score:2)
What next? A USB space heater? USB was not designed to power your little trinkets especially not one that's primary purpose is to convert power straight to heat. This will just drive you to more drinking and smoking after your USB port melts down.
Hmm... (Score:2, Funny)
1. IT problems
3. Commuting
What about telecommuting?
Seen on side of Windows package: (Score:4, Funny)
MOD parent up (Score:2)
p.s. for non brits its a fag packet related joke.
Re:MOD parent up (Score:4, Funny)
Re:MOD parent up (Score:2)
are you kidding? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:are you kidding? (Score:2)
Yeah sure, unless that pr0n is goatse or tubgirl on your desktop background "helpfully" installed by a co-worker... Unless that floats your boat... Ew...
Re:are you kidding? (Score:2)
But then again, porn on your comp when your wife/girlfriend/boss walks in the room is a fantastic source of stress...
I wonder... (Score:2, Insightful)
I am going to go way out on a limb here (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:I am going to go way out on a limb here (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:I am going to go way out on a limb here (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:I am going to go way out on a limb here (Score:2)
Relief (Score:5, Funny)
The study also shows smashing computers to be one of the most common stress-relievers.
Which is it? (Score:5, Informative)
From the article: "1. IT problems - 30% ... 2. Change in financial status/personal injury - 24%" Then later: "Over two thirds thought stress was simply having a 'bad day', 63% said it was dealing with difficult people and 58% saw stress as having too much to do." Okay, so which is it? 30% said IT problems were the top problem, but 63% said dealing with difficult people? Maybe the IT problems are caused by difficult people...?
Elsewhere: Considering that most people - 79% - believe they have been stressed in the last year.... ONLY 79%?! Who are these 21% of people who haven't felt stressed in the last 365 days?
Re:Which is it? (Score:5, Insightful)
The ones that are high?
Re:Which is it? (Score:2)
Re: Which is it? (Score:2)
In the coma ward.
Re:Which is it? (Score:2, Funny)
Those are the people who deal with their stress by lying when they participate in surveys...
Re:Which is it? (Score:2)
Re:Which is it? (Score:2)
Both. 33% of people anthropomorphise their computers.
Blame Windows (Score:3, Interesting)
"Sorry," I said, "that's just Windows. It crashes. That's why I don't like it." I looked up the uptime on the Sun workstation where I was: 121 days. RHEL4 Server: 122 days. Oh yeah, I did patch those last summer, around Labor Day.
Computers don't crash: Windows does.
If admins were honest with their users and didn't try to defend Windows or say that all operating systems crash just as much, the world would be a better place.
Re:Blame Windows (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Blame Windows (Score:3, Insightful)
Applications crash. Drivers crash. Hardware crashes. Windows itself is quite stable. I had a 150-day uptime on the box I'm typing on right now (WinXP) until I had a power outage.
I've seen drivers crash, and I've seen flaky hardware cause problems, and I've seen combinations of the two become an issue. But Windows itself? Pretty damn near rock solid. It gets a nice reputation for instability because so many manufacturers put it on bottom-basement gimpy hardware, but I seriously doubt Li
Re:Blame Windows (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Blame Windows (Score:5, Informative)
XP at stock is very stable, though, but there is a wider problem in computing than just the 'OS' the electrical grid can have spikes (no problem a good PSU can protect you) and worse, undervoltages. there is Nothing (other than having massive redundent arrays of capacitors) that can be done about under voltaging, and even then it's just a matter of time before the undervolateges cause the capacitors to all blow... then we have people trying to plug everything on one 15 amp breaker that was designed when people had like a living room radio as 'entertainment'
PC power and cooling is selling a PSU that can draw 38 amps from Each 12 volt rail. Dude, my OVEN only operates on 60 amps. but i guess if you want that quad sli setup so you can run battlfield 2 at full resolution on a 40" LCD screen... call an electrician, and have em put in some 60 amp wiring to where your pc plugs in...
er, well there is more than just power issues there are 'reliability' a lot of technology is built on a 'pump and dump' model make it cheap as possible and who cares if it blows up, or sucks etc. they'll just buy more of the junk. still more hardware is designed and engineered broken, but it seems to work fine so they ship it and then find that it seems to work fine but only with one configuration of hardware etc.. it takes a lot of time and energy to really find out who's got a good solid product, and who's selling the flimsy ones.
Re:Blame Windows (Score:2)
I never said Windows was great on security - just that the core OS was stable.
(Amusingly, I actually had to reboot my Linux server more recently than my Windows box - Debian updated glibc.)
Re:Blame Windows (Score:2)
Okay. The kernel doesn't reset. So what? If all the servers go down, I don't much care about the kernel. And, y'know, not all servers shut themselves down properly in all cases . . . it's just safer, simpler, and less error-prone to reboot the damn thing. Windows *or* Linux.
Re:Blame Windows (Score:2)
Re:Blame Windows (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Blame Windows (Score:2)
For that matter, recently the only problem along those lines I've had was flaky-drivers.
Seriously - 80% of the time, it's the drivers. 19.9% of the time, it's crappy hardware. And 0.1% of the time, it's cosmic rays.
Obviously all these numbers go out the window if you have spyware.
Re:Blame Windows (Score:2)
You haven't said anything about what program she was running, why an auto-save was not enabled or what caused the crash. To say "that's just Windows" is a bit of a cheat.
Re:Blame Windows (Score:2)
Re:Blame Windows (Score:3, Interesting)
Computers don't crash: Windows does.
My dual BP6 Celeron 500 running on Windows XP sp1 crashed only when the ancient motherboard had some diodes that died. It ran my SSH server, IM client and Email client 24/h a day. Oh and it was my main download machine since it was on 24h a day.
Brings back memories.. (Score:2)
Re:Blame Windows (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Blame Windows (Score:2)
Re:Blame Windows (Score:2)
Then I just bought a new Mac laptop last week (it's an iBook, for those of you about to laugh at me for getting a PowerBook when the new one was just released)...
Now I remember why I used to so adamantly defend the Mac back in elementary school when all the kids made fun of me for using a Mac and thinking it kicked ass. It did. They still do. Now I remember why I told them t
Re:Blame Windows (Score:5, Insightful)
The main problem here is that your wife is an idiot. She worked for a couple hours without saving her work... not even once during that time? Then she deserves to lose a couple hours' work. This is like complaining that your precious family heirlooms were stolen when you left them unattended in a busy location for a couple hours. I don't care if you're using Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, or even some high-availability OS that Never Crashes. Unless your apps were written by God Himself, they will fail on you. This is a fact that anyone who has used a computer for more than a few months should understand. And if you can't be bothered to press Ctrl-S or Command-S from time to time, I can't be bothered to feel sorry for you when you lose your work.
Re:Blame Windows (Score:2)
Re:Blame Windows (Score:2)
If you're going to go to that extreme, you might as well blame them for not coming over and pressing CTRL-S for you. Ultimate responsibility for saving documents lies with the user.
Re:Blame Windows (Score:5, Funny)
Don't rely on it even then, heck Jesus saves.
Re:Blame Windows (Score:3, Insightful)
Before I go to the detail of pointing out what a complete bastard you are, you need to get somebody to help you (because you're too fucking stupid to do this yourself) run the Emacs text editor on any Linux system. Have them create a file
Re:Blame Windows (Score:3, Insightful)
Lookit the name on the post of the guy you replied to the first time. Now lookit my name. I think we have found the root of your problem: you are unable to focus on any particular thing for a length of time, and hence this make you the ideal Ctrl-S fact, that's ALL you press! Yes, this explains a lot...
Not a fair test (Score:2)
See that's the problem. Narrow minded people like you that have managed to get a box stable for their own needs and automatically assume that if everyone else can't do the same for their purposes it must be because they've chosen an in
Re:You're darn right it's not a fair test (Score:2)
What? Make her run Linspire?
Why the heck would you grant administrator rights to a person that doesn't know how to admin the machine? I allow all of my friends to ride in my car but only people that can drive are allowed to operate it.
If I configure a Windows system for someone I don't make them an admin unless they can actually handle the responsibility. Sadly, it doesn't stop all of the malware that can take down the whole system, not just things th
Re:Blame Windows (Score:2)
Applications crash. OS's crash. Even Linux (Score:2)
My coworker has 1 box - FC4. For awhile it refused to boot - he'd have to restart it several times, it would hang up on mountin
Re:Blame Windows (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Yes Indeed (Score:2)
She's either doing nothing more than reading email and surfing the web (with the occassional card game thrown in for good measure) or you're flat out lying.
If she was doing more she'd have come across a word document whose layout your office sweet had stuffed up, an excel spreadsheet with a macro it couldn't render or something else
Sometimes it takes a long time... (Score:5, Interesting)
It was not the GPL or being able to Use the Source that led me to Linux; it was Windows' misbehavior. I learned to love those other things later, after I found Linux to be much better behaved.
I would much, much rather spend time learning and configuring Linux to my liking -- a positive feeling of success and pride -- than put up with Windows' flaws -- a feeling of failure and helplessness.
Frankly, I didn't care whether I used BeOS (which I was considering at the time) BSD or Linux as long as it didn't crash all the time or get viruses (boot sector trojans were popular then.) As chance had it, my local computer store had a 5-linux-distro boxed set for sale for $20 USD, so Linux it was.
I have been an enthusiastic Linux user and contributer ever since.
Playing the Percentages (Score:2)
X-Bender: What I don't do is none of your business (Score:5, Funny)
Bender: Leave me alone.
Leela: Look at the 5:00 rust. You've been up all night not drinking, haven't you?
Bender: Hey
Leela: Please, Bender, have some malt liquor. If not for yourself, then for the people who love you.
Ugh (Score:2)
Yay for awful conclusions (Score:5, Insightful)
When you're stressed, do you smoke or drink? [read: do you smoke or drink? This is an awful question for establishing a link. Possible alternate question: "do you like a massage when you're stressed?"]
What stresses you? Do crashing computers stress you? ["Yeah." Of course they do.]
Therefore, computers drive people to drink.
Nowhere have they established a causal link between the group that is stressed and the group that drinks, aside from what you'd expect from pretty random overlap. This has the smell of a bad study and results blown up to sound outrageous. The article reads like a bunch of observations about overlapping groups concluding with inflammatory statements about two of the groups which are only vaguely linked in the actual data.
Another analogy: IT problems lead to sex. Well, IT problems lead to stress, stressed people are more likely to get massages, and a nontrivial number of massage parlors offer sex services. IT problems lead to prostitution! Please give us more funding.
A Big Shame, Regardless. (Score:2)
The poll by UK charity Developing Patient Partnerships showed more than a third of men and a quarter of women have a drink to cope with stress. Of the 1,000 people polled, 27% of men and 23% of
Re:Yay for awful conclusions (Score:2)
Re:Yay for awful conclusions (Score:2)
Seriously, this "study" actually claims that a computer crashing is more stressful for people than bodily injury. Who the hell are they surveying, stunt men? I'd say seeing a BSOD is a ton less stressful than, say, a broken limb.
Then again, maybe their computers are crashing right in the middle of something more important to these people than their p
Good for 4 minutes to going home time (Score:5, Funny)
I bought a new computer.
It cost a thousand pound,
But every time I switch it on
It keeps on falling down.
I used to think it was my friend,
But now it drives me 'round the bend.
You'd be surprised the time I spend:
I switch it on -
What is this?
Something wrong with CONFIG SYS
This isn't my idea of bliss:
I want to share my printers and
I want to share my files.
I want to share my anger
'Cause it drives me blooming wild.
My songs, they say, are sublime;
I've conquered cadence, mastered rhyme.
But now-a-days I spend my time:
Reinstall - oh what fun!
It says it helps you get things done.
Every day now, everyone's
Look again. It will say
All you do is plug and play.
How do I spend every day?
It can't find my printer and
It can't locate my mouse.
The other day it drove me
Right out of the bloomin' house.
Still unplugged, still unplayed,
I e-mailed God in search of aid.
He's far to busy, I'm afraid...
Up at dawn for one more try
Will it work? - Can pigs fly?
How do I expect to die?
I used to like a drink or three.
No time now - don't call for me.
How will I spend eternity?
Re:Good for 4 minutes to going home time (Score:2, Informative)
Sample [] (sadly, not Mr Formby).
It's turned out nice again: the tune to sing it to (Score:2)
Re:Good for 4 minutes to going home time (Score:2)
Commuting? (Score:2)
I find it relaxing. In the morning, it gives me some time where I can't really work, and can't rush around looking for things, or doing last-minute household stuff. Instead I can sit (well, stand) on the train and sort oease into the day by reading a book or a bunch of saved webpages on my computer, or just listen to the radio.
In the evening, likewise, I can sit and wind down, again with a book or radio. I get some tim
See the tips for avoiding stress? (Score:5, Interesting)
1. Live a healthy lifestyle
Well, duh. OK, maybe someone under stress needs the bleeding obvious told to them. Whatever.
2. Don't take too much on
Too much what? Stress?
3. Decide what causes you stress and change it
OS9 causes my stress. The Accounting Dept. says I can't change it either.
4. Avoid unnecessary conflict
So, one should just smile at that luser and say "Yes, you're right - it's a virus I let in through the firewall. Your kids music collection acquired through Kaaza - on our corporate laptop - has _nothing_ to do with all those strange pop-ups. No sir. I'll have it all fixed up in a jiffy."? OK.
5. Manage your time better
Good. Hang on, cell phone ringing again...
6. Practice saying "no" without feeling guilty
Me: Hullo?
Them: Hey - the server's down
Me: *checks with ssh* Odd - it was runnig like a top when I left for home.
Them: Well, with the construction going on in here, the electricians kinda shut the power to the server room off.
Me: Ummmm... The server is on UPS. Why's it dead?
Them: They shut it off a 5. It's now 8. The drill they plugged into the UPS didn't help either. Can you come in and fix it?
Me: NO. Get them to fix it - it's thier fault! And nothing you say will make me feel guilty enough to come in.
Them: Suuuure. Get your ass in here or your fired! The CIO golfs at my country club, you know.
Me: Yeahyeahyeah. Be there ASAP. As soon as I explain to my wife why I'm going to work during her birthday celebration.
Yup, no stress there....
7. Take time out to "recharge your batteries"
Me: Yup, the batteries aren't charging. You guys fried the my UPS batteries with your drill. You've trashed my DB and destroyed a 3000VA UPS. I need to see the foreman now - you guys owe us for all this.
FatAssSparky: Fuck you.
8. Talk about problems so they do not get out of proportion
Me: I'd like to talk to you about your workers killing power to my server room, and...
Foreman: Sorry 'bout that, buddy. Now, we want we should take 4 days to finish up here, or an extra week with similar 'mishaps', if you wanna start sqwaking about our little boo-boo dis evenin'?
9. Make time to see friends
Friend: Soko, if your just going to bitch about your day, I'm leaving. I hate that geeky stuff. Oh, and you pay the tab.
10. Do not use alcohol, nicotine or caffeine to cope with stress
Teh List of Stressors (Score:2)
2. The three staff PhDs together can't team up to figure out how to submit a web form.
3. The CEO knocks you out of a revenue project to work on his pet project.
4. After 6 months of dissing the CEO, his pet project starts making as much money as he predicted. Yes, you were wrong. Yes, the CEO was actually right.
5. For the 14th day in a row SQL Server Agent decides to magically, and for no reason, saboutage your carefully orchestrated maintenance plan for SQL Ser
Re:Teh List of Stressors (Score:3, Funny)
Can't you see it? She wants you bad
Lack of education is the real stressor (Score:2, Insightful)
In related news... (Score:2, Funny)
I frag stress (Score:2)
An Analogy (Score:2)
Remove it from your diet and you will be healthier.
This computer stress thing... its alot teh same....
Simply remove Microsoft from your computer diet and your stress level will decrease.
Its the MS user frustration function. Its pervasive...junk food...
Re:Save your health... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Save your health... (Score:3, Insightful)
I've been using OS X since the public beta, and I haven't had one do the old black-scrolling-text-screen-of-death in years now. And when it did happen back a while ago, it was mostly because I was using some (at the time) very shady drivers.
Whatever software you were running
Re:Save your health... (Score:2)
Re:Save your health... (Score:2)
Mind you, My Dell Precision M60 blue screened for the first time the other night. It was provoked, a screw had fallen out and I accidentally pulled the hard drive out while the machine was on. Oops.
No harm done though!
Re:Save your health... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Save your health... (Score:2)
Re:Save your health... (Score:2, Insightful)
MS-Word crashes on my mac nearly as often as it does on my PC, but the difference is that I can generally open it right back up and keep working on my Mac, whereas it takes a huge dump in memory on my PC and slows everything else down.
Re:Save your health... (Score:3, Insightful)
and I had similar results by switching from a car to a motorbike.
this "computers cause stress" is the same inaccuracy as "computers affected by viruses" - it's not *computers*, it's just Windows.
Re:Solution (Score:2)
Re:Shouldn't that read... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Shouldn't that read M$ (Score:2)
I have to disagree. The article specifically said "crashing computer". That is an MS specific feature. Other OSes don't do that nearly as often, which is one more reason I don't use MS products.
Re:Shouldn't that read... (Score:2)
Re:Shouldn't that read... (Score:3, Interesting)
The frustrations that my family exhibit (and bring to me to fix) are almost always spyware, worm, or other malware-related, followed in close second with registry issues caused by legitimate software. Both these things are almost solely found on Windows.
Re:Programmers do Have it worse (Score:4, Funny)
You need a new job, son. Maybe something in the french fry delivery category.
And your boss needs a new worker.
Re:mac stress video (Score:2, Insightful) []