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Supercomputing IT

Supercruncher Applications 58

starheight writes "Bill McColl has written an article contrasting traditional massively parallel supercomputing with a whole new generation of compute-intensive apps that require massively scalable architectures and can deliver both incredible throughput and real-time responsivenes when processing millions or billions of tasks."
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Supercruncher Applications

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  • Yay!!! (Score:5, Funny)

    by nixkuroi ( 569546 ) on Wednesday February 14, 2007 @12:48PM (#18013924)
    Just in time for Vista!
  • by HugePedlar ( 900427 ) on Wednesday February 14, 2007 @12:49PM (#18013954) Homepage
    Dell's website consumer pricing generator.
  • Wow (Score:5, Funny)

    by Sneakernets ( 1026296 ) on Wednesday February 14, 2007 @12:51PM (#18013978) Journal
    Imagine a Beowulf cluster of-- oh. Wait.
  • How many hours does it take vista to boot on this thing?
    • Haha...oddly enough, Vista boots faster than my old XP install and aside from some video drivers not yet being released for Vista (What?? I have to run Second Life on my MacBook Pro for the time being?), it's really a pretty decent experience.

      Modders, feel free to mod me off topic :)
  • by $RANDOMLUSER ( 804576 ) on Wednesday February 14, 2007 @12:57PM (#18014050)
    Looking at his examples (Search, Ecommerce, Software-as-a-Service, Infrastructure-as-a-Service, Fraud Detection) I have to think "wow, single point of failure". Lots and lots of fault-tolerance needed to put all your eggs in one basket like that.
    • Good point. Single point of failur not only causes your entire system to go down, but stops the several billion processes you're running all at once. How long would it take to get things running again if something simple stopped? How long if its a processor that fries out? An hour? A day? Several days? How much money are you losing when that happends?
    • There had better be a CPU dedicated to Error detection and correction!
    • Fault-tolerance is either built into the problem or into the application. Take for example search, if one search server on the backend that is handling 0.1% of the web sites goes down, you may not know or even care that those results are missing (assuming the system doesn't have something built in to give that query to another node searching the same dataset).

      In fraud detection, thinking of the credit card companies, it's typically looking for patterns after the transaction has already gone through, and if
    • It's rare for an entire machine like that to fail. More likely is 1 processor board, or similar subsystem, which you can design for (I didn't get a result back, try again) in software, and, like the T3E which shipped with redundant processors, in hardware as well. If you have enough processors, you could stripe your job across several, so if one doesn't return a result, a second one will. Now, locating your only one of these machines in California might not be the best idea (we had an earthquake which st
  • Prognosticating (Score:3, Interesting)

    by truthsearch ( 249536 ) on Wednesday February 14, 2007 @12:59PM (#18014090) Homepage Journal
    The first half of his list seems a bit flighty. They lean more towards buzz and less useful applications. But the second half is much more practical and likely. There are many potentially interesting applications coming up, but I don't think we'll directly see most of them publicly on the internet. So I give him a +0.5 Insightful.
  • Yes ... it includes RFID tracking to reduce theft, and ... manage traffic!?!? We need our next generations of supercomputers to follow you around, knowing where you are at all times ... so umm, we can change the traffic lights when the roads get busy for you .... ~Director of NSA Domestic Spying Program
  • by xxxJonBoyxxx ( 565205 ) on Wednesday February 14, 2007 @01:13PM (#18014268)
    Slow news day, huh?

    Can we please have a "no links to random, boring blogs week" on Slashdot?
    • If anything is "News for Nerds", it is applications for and scalability of Supercomputers. Just because it doesn't come from NBC or Fox News doesn't mean it is uninteresting, or that it isn't news. A big benefit of the internet is that average people can post news and stories, without the funding of a major news corporation.
      • If anything is "News for Nerds", it is applications for and scalability of Supercomputers.

        However, this guy's blog might have been taken from a couple of high-school stoners. (Supercomputers for weather? Who would have thunk it?) There's really no insight on this blog; there's nothing that the average geek wouldn't be able to rattle off in five seconds without really thinking.

        average people can post news and stories, without the funding of a major news corporation.

        I know - this blogger is quite "average"

  • by jjeffries ( 17675 ) on Wednesday February 14, 2007 @01:22PM (#18014362)
    Did anyone else picture this story's text blurb being read by fast-talker John Moshitta [], or is it just me?

    bah weep grana weep minibom

  • by Anonymous Coward
    "Using supercomputers to test the next-generation version of the SMP code, we get good scaling to many more cores than in the Intel prototype, and we expect to do even better in the future." l#166684 [] []
  • by KatchooNJ ( 173554 ) <> on Wednesday February 14, 2007 @01:43PM (#18014634) Homepage
    "Give me a SUPER number crunch."

    "We have a 32.33, repeating, of course, percent chance of survival."

    "That's better than we usually do."
  • # Dense linear algebra
    # Sparse linear algebra

    What about Average linear algebra?

    # Structured grids
    # Unstructured grids

    Are there any other types?

    (** Warning: Car analogy...)
    Isn't that kind of like selling a car and listing on the spec sheet:
    # Goes slow
    # Goes fast
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by joto ( 134244 )

      # Dense linear algebra
      # Sparse linear algebra

      What about Average linear algebra?

      For sparse matrices, you can use algorithms that are vastly more efficient than the algorithms you otherwise would use for non-sparce matrices of the same size. This is called sparse linear algebra. If you can't use the algorithms for sparse linear algebra, it doesn't matter whether you call it "dense", "average", "standard", "normal", "regular", "common", or what the fuck else.

      # Structured grids
      # Unstructured grids


  • by Anonymous Coward
    Bill McColl, for those who aren't familiar with him, was the driving force behind the bulk synchronous parallel (BSP) model of programming. This model, while available in the MPI-2 spec, is not widely used as is. Instead, its major contribution is inspiring remote direct memory access and the partitioned global address space, among others.

    Last time we spoke, Bill said that he was interested in the issue of massively scaled computers that can handle fault tolerance pre-emptively. He compared today's supercom
  • As a standard power user running internet apps/office apps/video processing (home/tv)

    At one point you have the app running on a core, the OS on one, the graphics on the GPU, the network on a cpu. You get lower latency because your app's cpu doesn't have to time slice with the others.

    I can see parallel makes, conversion (wav2mp3, video formats etc), formatting (commercial skipping, panorama stitching). I/O is going to be the ultimate bottleneck.

    What kind of consumer applications would benefit?
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by David Greene ( 463 )
      • Anything dealing with graphs (searching, for example)
      • Many things dealing with large data arrays (video, for example, as you pointed out)
      • Anything that can be pipelined (software radio, for example)
      • Lots of physics modeling (games, for example)
      • A bunch of stuff we've not even thought of yet

      Some off-the-wall future consumer things to consider:

      • Homebrew processor (or any) design (design space searching could be really interesting)
      • Dynamic compilation/jit/adaptive software/introspective computing
      • Immersi
  • Errors (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Beryllium Sphere(tm) ( 193358 ) on Wednesday February 14, 2007 @03:19PM (#18015784) Journal

    ...web players such as Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Amazon and eBay. For these systems, scale, resilience and real-time throughput are major concerns. In contrast to the other two classes, these systems need to process vast numbers of simultaneous tasks, to deliver guaranteed real-time performance...

    None of those offer or require real-time guarantees.

    Unlike today's search engines and data mining systems, which essentially search the past, continuous search is about searching the present and the future.

    Google Alerts is here now.

    A better article would have started with the table that defines "supercruncher" and proceeded to describe the architectural issues of building one. Ideally it would have addressed the software challenges.
  • by heroine ( 1220 ) on Wednesday February 14, 2007 @05:05PM (#18017104) Homepage
    Fascinating that a story purporting to be about supercomputers is actually a summary of Weightless Economy theory. The theory is that the wealthiest countries can't achieve more wealth by implementing things anymore. They can't increase their net worth by manufacturing or solving math problems. They have to turn instead to philosophical goals like people management, interpreting literature, creating works of art.

    The supercomputer function is still the same. It still solves algebra, n-body methods, structured grids, and finite state machines. The user of the supercomputer is different. The user is now living on $1 a day in Mongolia.

    For the wealthiest countries to stay wealthy, they have to focus on not the computing part but marketing the computing, creating the interface to the math, managing the business around the computing.

    • i disagree, why solving climate models is not a work of art?, why an astronomical simulation or a chess machine have a disconnection with philosophy?, the computing part is an implementation thing, yes, but they have a part of philosophy and art, at least in the eye of the implementors.
  • As used in the field of "real-time computing/systems," satisfying time constraints is a correctness criterion, not simply a performance metric.

We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
