Putting On a Show For the Google Streetview Camera 109
Urban Garlic writes "The community surrounding Samsonia Way in Pittsburgh were ready when the Google StreetView car arrived, and staged a 21st-century public art project. Also celebrated in this Washington Post article, and Kelso's Corner, which also has a collection of public art in StreetView."
Arts Degree (Score:5, Funny)
1. Finish Arts degree
2. Wait for google Street view van
3. ??
4. Profit
Re:Arts Degree (Score:5, Funny)
3. Work at McDonalds?
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Contradiction to 4.
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4 doesn't specify who will profit.
Netculture (Score:5, Interesting)
This does show how much being online is part of everyone culture now. Back in the 90's putting a web page with your pictures and we would have easily called you narcissist and think of you as a jerk.
But now, euh... no sorry, nevermind.
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I just thought that narcissist jerks had found another outlet.
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They did. Its called twitter.
Why this is important (Score:4, Interesting)
Just getting people to look at street view and think "Maybe they did this on purpose because they saw the van coming" is great. Don't trust everything you see is a good lesson for those who would use this technology against you.
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That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Just flash it...or maybe street theatre (Score:1, Interesting)
Don't get so complicated. Just lift your shirt and flash the google van. (what the heck, even if you're a female...do it! :-)
Or do some street theatre... I suggest zombies with guns would be real cool. (ob slashdot: or dress up as sharks with frikken lasers)
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Too bad the signs I drive past here in Austin didn't get zombie programmed. That would have been a great way to start a morning.
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lol, I'd love to see a zombie scene.
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Street theatre sounds more creative.
Slashdotted (Score:2)
Re:Slashdotted (Score:5, Informative)
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Is too :P
Here's the coralcached version:
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Looks to me as if it's google itself being slow. I doubt it's slashdotted, but what's going on? Then again, maybe it's just my company's network :)
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Travelling down that street, there were some interesting characters at:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=504+Sampsonia+Way,+Pittsburgh,+PA,+United+States&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=31.095668,78.398437&ie=UTF8&ll=40.461887,-80.016539&spn=0,359.972706&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr&layer=c&cbll=40.456786,-80.012446&panoid=lSBvKglurQAKmE49AlGQgA&cbp=12,76.19528892102309,,0,19.641576473350586 [google.com]
The odd thing is that the frame one step
fixed: (Score:2)
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=504+Sampsonia+Way,+Pittsburgh,+PA,+United+States&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=31.095668,78.398437&ie=UTF8&t=h&layer=c&cbll=40.456949,-80.011593&panoid=C4I-QLkZJoT1SHXslK5f7Q&cbp=12,137.1463727456883,,1,14.737390683235331&ll=40.456973,-80.011475&spn=0,359.980774&z=16&iwloc=addr [google.com]
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One click forward yields "Image no longer available" - I wonder what that was? One more click farther along yields ghost [tinyurl.com] and a guitar player [tinyurl.com].
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Yes, I know it's huge but it's the only way I know how to do it.
http://tinyurl.com/ [tinyurl.com]
Re:Slashdotted (Score:5, Funny)
http://tinyurl.com/ [tinyurl.com]
God help the meta-moderator that comes across this post. : p
scripts from file://? (Score:1, Funny)
Great work, B. Kinsley:
Just like a monorail (Score:2)
This will really put Shelbyville on the map!
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This will really put Shelbyville on the map!
You mean it put Ogdenville, North Haverbrook, and Brockway on the map...
Better if it is not in the live version (Score:2, Insightful)
I hope it isn't. Or at least have it an option.
It would ruin the feeling of wandering around streets and getting an idea of somewhere.
Sort of defeats the point of the system.
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An elaborate prank... (Score:5, Funny)
if *everyone* now dresses up their streets as other streets when the google street view car arrives then google will show it all wrong and Washington will look like Moscow and Moscow will look like London and we can all have a laugh and we can go to sleep at night feeling we've done something useful.
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For this example, I agree with you. As the article & google guys mentioned, it's more of an easter egg. Of course, turning it into an exhibit sort of defeats that, too.
Z word? (Score:5, Funny)
Can't find any zombies... not interested. This is Pittsburgh after all!
Dumb question (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Dumb question (Score:5, Informative)
The pittsburg people arranged an appointment with the google streetview team, which is why they were able to prepare.
Originally the google car wasn't even supposed to go through that alleyway.
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Come on! No need to troll the guy just because he didn't RTFA :)
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Mmmm... "assimilate"... sounds like a cross between Dark City and Matrix.
I could tell you... (Score:2)
but then my new Google-car-ad-spamming business proposal would be dead from the start. There's an awful lot of sandwichmen I have to pay to be in the right spot at the right time.
Kinda neat. (Score:1)
Re:Face blurring (Score:4, Informative)
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Of course their faces aren't obscured! They gave their permission to be shown.
Need big sign in window (Score:2)
Kelso's Corner? (Score:3, Interesting)
Just curious...
Why was a blog that just did a copy/paste of a Washington Post article that was in the summary linked to in the summary? Isn't that a bit redundant or were the owners of the blog looking to get hits?
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Submitter here -- Kelso's Corner was where I first saw it, so I felt some credit was due. They also had the broader link to more content about public art on Google StreetView, so I felt they added a bit of value. I figured if that sort of thing was a problem, our dutiful and diligent Slashdot editors would edit it appropriately.
For the record, I have no affiliation of any kind with Kelso's Corner, the Washington Post, or Google.
They weren't the only ones mugging it up (Score:1)
http://maps.google.com/maps?q=googleplex&oe=UTF-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&ei=N6uRSdjJApjAtgfT6oDYCw&cd=2&ll=37.421751,-122.083758&spn=0,359.996513&t=h&z=18 [google.com]
Yknow there are easier ways... (Score:1)
To get your picture on the web.
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I guess you didn't see the mad scientist.
Sampsonia with a P (Score:4, Interesting)
My jaw dropped when I saw this article. I lived on Sampsonia Drive nine years ago, which is incredible, because it's one of the shortest little streets in Pittsburgh.
I'm amazed that there is a custom Slashdot spelling even for such a tiny little one-way street in Pittsburgh. You remove the "p" from the middle. What do you put it? I guess you can just stick it behind a colon, like this :P
My girlfriend and I were paying a rent of $400/month to live on this street. It's in a really poor part of the North Side of Pittsburgh. We were the only white people in the neighborhood I think, but even though we stuck out a little, this was the nicest neighborhood I ever lived in. Everyone was really pleasant; it's a fun little place. I'm totally not surprised that they would arrange something like this there. Plus, $400. That was sweet even back then.
Here are some 8-9 year old pictures of it:
A pretty sunset [photobucket.com] where you unfortunately can't really see anything...
Facing eastward [photobucket.com] with my 86 T-Bird in the foreground
Facing westward [photobucket.com]
Facing eastward [photobucket.com] again.
And BTW this wasn't the first time I've looked at the Google Maps street view on Sampsonia. These people weren't there last time.
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Since you're familiar with the area - what is that building with people's names written in stone put in the windows? Is that really an old building turned into a mausoleum?
Confused (Score:2)
My favorite streetview scene (Score:2)
Missing section? (Score:2)
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Re:very cool - and a bit naughty I guess... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:very cool - and a bit naughty I guess... (Score:5, Funny)
Geez, don't remind me! My four month old is probably at home at this moment with my topless wife!
Re:very cool - and a bit naughty I guess... (Score:5, Funny)
That's it. I'm calling child protective services. It's clear that your wife is not fit to be a mother.
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unless the perverted father has taken into slavery that poor woman to breed and (oh god) brestfeed babies of him
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My four month old is probably at home at this moment with my topless wife!
Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter. Pictures are also important.
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Unless she particularly likes surgical steel.
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Or he has an eye on his tongue.
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... have logged hundreds of hours with partially nude women...
It is quite apparent that the number of hours you've "logged with partially nude women" is largely consistent of WoW characters or RedTube.
Or are you making reference to a certain practice made popular in Germany?
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I hate to admit it but I was fibbing - there is no nude woman in the picture --- oh how I hate 4chan and the LOLs mentality it has instilled in me ...
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Cloud! Cloud? I'm an insensitive cloud? How dare you! ... not me sir/madam ...
I have never been a cloud... all fluffy and (even worse) white and full of either recycled urine or recycled tears
I am, and always will be, a clod
Re:very cool - and a bit naughty I guess... (Score:5, Funny)
Somehow, only a few of them grow up to be serial killers.
Pretty sure that if you study the matter, the time spent around partially nude people is inversely proportional to your propensity to shoot up a school-yard later in life.
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Breastfeeding? Hello? Do you know anything about the human reproductive process?
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You can do the math yourself, but I think "most children" is a valid classification.
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You do realise we all come out of a vagina right?
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Except for all of those who were born via C-section [wikipedia.org]...
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nearly everybody has seen a vagina up close once, and I mean really up close.
I was about to say something stupid and ask why you said "nearly everybody" but then I realized "oh yeah, c-sections" and then I realized that it is possible for some of the people here to have actually never had any contact with a vagina whatsoever.
As a side note, when you are being forced through the vagina in a natural birth, are you even capable of "looking" at that point?
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Or as the BBC show coupling said in the Lesbian Spank Inferno episode : Halfway down the birth canal we're already enjoying the view
Do a youtube search for the clip if you haven't seen the show - it's worth it.
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... 'cause I think the partially nude woman in the car at the back of the scene was a bit unnecessary
Don't forget to look up. The shot of the people screwing on the balcony is priceless.
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It's teh internets. I'm afraid they have already seen far worse.
By "public art", I was expecting more gaping anii.
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I think you are confusing "public art" and "pubic art".
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I think the partially nude woman ... not being a prude or anything but kids
"The Kids" - standard excuse for the prudes and the lovers of censorship. Sorry, doesn't compute. It is usually the ones that have issues about watching partially, or fully for that matter, nude people of either gender that eventually run into their work-place and shoot everybody. People with a healthy attitude towards nudity rarely do.
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