Facebook and Zynga Team Up To Merge Romance and Social Gaming 38
TechCrunch has the scoop on a really new project from Zynga and Facebook that aims to bring together two of the most popular segments of the social web: romance and gaming. Quoting:
"Dubbed 'Relationships,' Facebook is going to soon a section of the site dedicated to helping users meet potential romantic . To do that, the company has been working with Zynga over the last four months to develop games that 'synthesize romance and foster relationships through social gaming mechanics,' helping users flirt and get to know each other using Farmville-like games to help break the . In the post, Facebook says that it will look at the profiles of your previous boyfriends/girlfriends to determine the you’re attracted to most, and that it will also use advanced photographic analysis to figure out your preferred facial structure and body type. In an attempt to privacy concerns before they begin, Facebook notes that all of this is done automatically, and that at no point are allowed to view these reports on your innermost psyche. How reassuring."
Post (Score:1)
[first; second; third; other] post!
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And catz.
Seriously, a "Facebook for pets" teamup between Google and lolcats in which Google pilots online medical data records in the veterinary space and all the sinister iomplications thereof would have been funnier.
Wait... people might actually use that... Google might actually do that.... hey folks forget I said that, PLZ. KTHXBYE.
Hasn't that already been done? (Score:5, Insightful)
Like in "Spin the Bottle", and "Doctor"?
Oh, wait - this is new, it's "On the Internet". Quick, patent it!!!!
Re:Hasn't that already been done? (Score:5, Funny)
"Bringing together romance and gaming."
Like in "Spin the Bottle", and "Doctor"?
Oh, wait - this is new, it's "On the Internet". Quick, patent it!!!!
That idea has already been patented.
And the idea to patent that idea has also been patented.
And Fox News has a copyright on Spinning Bottles and Doctoring things.
CIA (Score:5, Funny)
I thought they were both run by the CIA?
http://www.theonion.com/video/cias-facebook-program-dramatically-cut-agencys-cos,19753/ [theonion.com]
Meanwhile, a jilted Ronald McDonald says (Score:3)
I'm not lovin' in.
Finally (Score:2)
Zynga made some big hires recently: Wright, Miyamo (Score:1)
Zynga is on a roll.
Zynga hires three video game Legends: Will Wright, Sid Meier, and Shigeru Miyamoto Join Social Game Leader
Word changes (Score:2)
I do terribly hope that they're collecting all the data on the changes and will release it later :)
On topic, I don't know if this is an april fools joke or not... :/
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As near as I can tell, the dropdown does not send any data back to the server. It seems completely worthless even by Slashdot standards.
Ok, ok, April fools, etc... (Score:4, Insightful)
...but i mean isn't this what the folks at Second Life have been doing all along? :P.
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...but i mean isn't this what the folks at Second Life have been doing all along? :P.
Yeah, probably. And Muds and Internet Forums and all the way back to FidoNet Bulletin Boards.
I was traveling in Brugge, Belgium in 1993 and encountered a pair of psychologists in a restaurant, both counseled network addictions. Yep, before there was even the internet people were immersed in BBS systems and such and the news would carry the occasional story of lovers who met over a connection and were getting married.
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Hopefully this is an april fools joke (Score:2)
Oh, that sounds like a very good idea... WHY Some WOMEN Choose THE WRONG MAN Time and Time and Time Again [findarticles.com]
What if we are married? (Score:2)
Exgfs (Score:2)
I hate 1 April. (Score:2, Interesting)
There should be a Do-Not-Send-April-Fools-Jokes HTTP request header.
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Mozilla are there already.
http://mozillalabs.com/blog/2011/04/protecting-users-from-an-age-old-threat/ [mozillalabs.com]
The one day of the year Slashdot becomes useless (Score:3, Informative)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vel gravida est. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec ultrices felis ut nisi mollis pharetra. Proin dapibus, lacus et suscipit hendrerit, dui elit malesuada arcu, in cursus neque lorem sed lacus. Praesent bibendum dui sed ipsum volutpat aliquam. Pellentesque pharetra nulla in massa consectetur condimentum aliquam metus pretium. Duis id turpis sapien, a lacinia mauris. Fusce egestas pharetra ultrices. Donec sem diam, egestas et molestie et, faucibus quis metus. Nulla cursus ante lobortis enim elementum porttitor. Integer vitae nibh eu lectus blandit sollicitudin cursus vestibulum tellus. Proin cursus lorem in metus consectetur bibendum. Donec ultricies, neque viverra euismod posuere, ligula tellus placerat sapien, sit amet dapibus libero augue et enim. Aliquam et orci a sapien tincidunt dapibus. Suspendisse auctor lacus et tellus volutpat adipiscing. Phasellus ut ipsum velit, eget condimentum est. Mauris pulvinar vehicula leo vitae aliquam. Curabitur non turpis nec lorem adipiscing bibendum. Nam porttitor tortor et felis scelerisque auctor.
Cras blandit urna at purus vulputate a interdum lectus imperdiet. Vestibulum id felis mauris. Phasellus pharetra nibh ut diam fringilla porttitor sit amet eu diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer malesuada nisi eget nisl semper venenatis. Vivamus interdum rutrum libero, vel vehicula ligula viverra lobortis. Praesent vehicula tellus at augue venenatis suscipit. Curabitur sollicitudin, erat non varius malesuada, augue justo ultricies lacus, sed pulvinar sapien nibh quis sapien. Nullam suscipit sagittis aliquam. Vestibulum hendrerit urna et lorem malesuada luctus. Mauris sit amet lorem in elit vestibulum malesuada. Integer pulvinar, diam sit amet pretium porttitor, dolor justo malesuada erat, sit amet dictum mauris nulla in ante. Pellentesque vehicula scelerisque dui eget consequat. In elementum turpis sed ligula scelerisque in blandit urna interdum. Nulla adipiscing aliquet ultricies. Ut et mi eu diam rhoncus ultricies. Phasellus convallis posuere tellus nec scelerisque. Cras facilisis ullamcorper convallis. Phasellus augue ante, ornare consectetur adipiscing et, iaculis ut elit. Aliquam pretium iaculis dolor eget blandit.
Morbi venenatis vestibulum nisl, non convallis felis congue malesuada. Etiam magna odio, luctus nec venenatis non, rhoncus sed sapien. Cras commodo quam vitae purus facilisis cursus. Nam elementum tristique nisl, at congue ligula gravida at. Aliquam tincidunt gravida felis, id dapibus velit luctus ac. Vivamus commodo libero in elit porttitor vitae euismod nibh bibendum. Nulla porttitor lacinia nisi, sit amet semper felis ultrices vel. Morbi aliquam dolor dui. Morbi eu sapien diam. Sed faucibus pellentesque ipsum, et commodo tortor tempus eu. Cras eu nulla in mauris dictum euismod. Praesent accumsan, dolor non ultricies pharetra, ante ligula interdum tellus, non adipiscing orci purus et neque. Vestibulum vestibulum, purus at pulvinar iaculis, elit neque consequat metus, ac suscipit nulla lorem eu massa. Ut imperdiet venenatis orci vitae commodo. Cras faucibus elementum odio, vitae scelerisque mauris adipiscing id. Nulla gravida, urna vitae porttitor eleifend, urna sapien porta velit, quis ultricies magna quam eu libero. Donec commodo molestie risus vitae vulputate. Vivamus lobortis mattis risus, ac elementum felis accumsan ac. Duis scelerisque elementum libero quis luctus. Fusce erat lorem, lacinia eget suscipit sit amet, venenatis in purus.
Fusce fringilla cursus dignissim. Integer et mauris non nisi facilisis fermentum quis id nisi. Aenean vel justo ante. In non enim vitae massa faucibus hendrerit. Donec imperdiet pellentesque velit, quis mollis velit pulvinar a. Cras eleifend elementum lorem, ut scelerisque ante tempus nec. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed ultrices felis sed tellus rutrum ornare. Nullam felis enim, placerat et porta in, porttitor quis urna. Donec tincidunt od
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The one day of the year Slashdot is not useless
FTFY. ;)
If you think this site is anything other than a huge waste of time and a wonderful type of entertainment, you're probably kidding yourself. =D
what's with the combobox dropdowns? (Score:1)
just curious...
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Good luck.
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"Natalie Portman hot grits T-shirt eventually."
Before, after, or during the pregnancy? It matters...
Error in the Mad Lib code (Score:2)
This is fun and all, but there's an error in the dropbox code. If you select anything but the first option, it becomes a permanent change to the article. But if you try to select the first option it remains a dropbox -- the selection doesn't take.
I noticed on this story because as a Shepherd, meeting potential romantic sheep is pertinent to my interests. :)
All the women are men (Score:2)
Famous faces (Score:1)
From the bottom it seems to be Pam Anderson, then Rashida Jones and ???? That David Barker is a real stud.
face book games are not very exciting (Score:1)