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You Can't Bypass the UI Formerly Known As Metro On Windows 8 444

colinneagle writes with this excerpt from Network World: "The final build of Windows 8 has already leaked to torrent sites, which is giving the propellerheads a chance to dig through the code. One revelation will probably not sit well with enterprise customers: you can't bypass the don't-call-it-Metro UI. Normally, you have to boot Windows 8 and when the tiled desktop UI (formerly known as Metro) came up, you had to click on one of the boxes to launch Explorer. Prior builds of Windows 8 allowed the user to create a shortcut so you bypass Metro and go straight to the Explorer desktop. Rafael Rivera, co-author of the forthcoming Windows 8 Secrets, confirmed to Mary Jo Foley at ZDNet that Microsoft does indeed block the boot bypass routine from prior builds. He also believes that Microsoft has blocked the ability for administrators to use Group Policy to allow users to bypass the tiled startup screen. There had been hope that Microsoft would at least relent and let corporate users have a bypass, if only for compatibility's sake."
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You Can't Bypass the UI Formerly Known As Metro On Windows 8

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 11, 2012 @08:35AM (#40956263)

    ...Windows 8.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 11, 2012 @08:40AM (#40956299)

      ...Windows 8.

      There's UEFI for that! I mean, err, it's for your security. Of course.

      • by Joe_Dragon ( 2206452 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @10:05AM (#40956797)

        as Windows XP still holds half of the market. Enterprises are still getting around to rolling out Windows 7. Those companies are not going to touch a brand new operating system to begin with, especially one that makes such a radical departure.

        any OEM that does the lock down will not only lock them self's out of the web sever market but the desktop and laptop Enterprise market as well.

        • by arth1 ( 260657 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @10:43AM (#40957061) Homepage Journal

          as Windows XP still holds half of the market.

          I think you confuse "market" with "install base". The two are not the same - it's not like everyone with an XP machine will get a new XP machine when they upgrade, for example.

          And even if looking at install base, it's likely not true. This chart [] shows W7 surging ahead of XP in October last year, and while granted, not all computers browse the net, or in a way that triggers statcounter, there's little doubt that W7 has overtaken XP. If nothing else because companies can't buy machines with XP anymore, so as they switch out their old machines in a typical 3-5 year cycle, the new ones will be W7.

          But I doubt they will be W8, which seems to be a productivity killer, not meant for busy workers who multitask.

          Where I work, the migration to W7 is almost complete - most of the remaining XP installations that can't easily be upgraded have been virtualized, like other legacy x86 operating systems.
          Windows 8, I doubt will happen at all, except perhaps for marketing.

        • Who the hell would run windows 8 on a server in the first place?
    • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @09:24AM (#40956509)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by Nerdfest ( 867930 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @09:46AM (#40956631)

        I'm fairly sure the reason they're pushing it is because they get a cut of all software sold for the 'Metro' UI. The better the uptake is, the sooner their profits and level of control goes up. I posted this same thought on another article relating to this and got modded 'Troll', so I may be more accurate than some would like.

        • by yoshi_mon ( 172895 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @02:13PM (#40958817)

          You just got nailed by some MS shills because you are totally right.

          MS is doing it by the MS book. 1. See someone else make a lot of money/capturing a market doing something. 2. Scramble to make a plan/software/hardware to enter the market. (Note I did not say make money.) 3. Enter market dumping a ton of resources in exchange for a some of the market share but no promise of profits. 4. Stay in market while continuing to put in their own resources. 5. Maybe...big maybe profit at some point if the income can ever dig them out of the amount spent on the overall project.

      • by BenJury ( 977929 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @10:12AM (#40956845)
        I does all just seem like madness. On the upside, it's also an opportunity. I hope that the alternative operating systems and office suites get themselves into a position to profit from this (I'm looking at you Linux) then all I need is services such as Bloomberg to offer a Linux alternative, and the future would start to look a lot better!
        • by LVSlushdat ( 854194 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @11:39AM (#40957495)

          The insanity that infests Microsofts UI design people that brought forth that abortion previously called Metro, seems to have attacked the suits at Canonical/Ubuntu, such that they feel the need to shove their turd, Unity, down loyal Ubuntu users throats.. I'm a long LONG time Linux user (Slackware-1994), and a Ubuintu user since 7.04, and this idiotic abortion called Unity, makes me reconsider my loyalty to Ubuntu. For now, I'm upgrading my systems to 12.04, and putting Cinnamon DE on it.. After installing 12.04 on a test machine, I made a valiant effort to actually try to use Unity in my day-to-day workflow... NO WAY.. It had me screaming and tearing my hair out by the roots.. I gotta say, WHOever designed Unity, needs some serious mental health care.. Since I weaned myself off Microsoft's teat a while back, I wasnt too worried about what kind of idiocy MS had come up with this time, but since I'm the defacto neigbhood tech guy, I figured I'd better check it out, so took a spare machine and installed the preview.. I'm sure it would be perfect for a tablet pc but on a DESKTOP?? WHAT the hell is MS smoking???? There's just too much insanity in the world today....

          • I had the same reaction to Unity as most people... at first. When I first upgraded to 11.04, I found Unity annoying to use, even on my touchscreen laptop.

            However, they've been steadily improving it, and to be perfectly honest I rather like Unity as of 12.04. The Dash is slick, the HUD is a great new feature, and I've always been a fan of the more minimalist window managers anyway. My only significant complaint is that I refuse to give up sloppy mouse focus, which renders the global menubar completely use

          • " I made a valiant effort to actually try to use Unity in my day-to-day workflow... NO WAY.. It had me screaming and tearing my hair out by the roots.."

            Wasn't worth trying for more than a day, so.....


      • You already have Windows 7, so Windows 8 doesn't look too appealing to you. But if you're starting from Windows XP/Office 2003, which is being retired on April 8, 2014, then Windows 8/Office 2012/Windows Server 2012 might be the platform you are targeting as replacement instead of Win7/Office 2010. Why? Because if you're the guy who stuck on XP for a decade, then you're probably going to want to go as far forward as you can. The 4/8/14 deadline for retirement is not an accident. Microsoft left enough time for slow adopters to get the first service pack for Win8/Office 2003 when they push out their new systems.

        For corporate/business/enterprise users, Windows 8 offers:
        (1) upgraded version of Windows Defender baked in.
        (2) faster boot compared to Win7, so it must be so much faster than WinXP, right? Hybrid boot makes this go faster.
        (3) UEFI will, unfortunately, be sold as "protection against malware".

        • by LVSlushdat ( 854194 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @11:44AM (#40957535)

          The above improvements over Win7 are admirable and appear to be highly useful, but that blindingly stupid Metro (or WHATever they're calling it this week) kinda negates the improvements over Win7. ALL MS would have to do to fix this fiasco is allow you to install with "Classic Win7" or "Metro".. your choice.. Obviously if you're putting it on a laptop thats a convertable tablet, you'd opt for Metro, but for a desktop, I gotta know WHAT the hell they're smoking in Redmond...

        • by UnknowingFool ( 672806 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @11:52AM (#40957591)

          But if you're starting from Windows XP/Office 2003, which is being retired on April 8, 2014, then Windows 8/Office 2012/Windows Server 2012 might be the platform you are targeting as replacement instead of Win7/Office 2010. Why? Because if you're the guy who stuck on XP for a decade, then you're probably going to want to go as far forward as you can.

          Um, no. Most businesses are going to be conservative and go with Win 7. Drivers, software, etc. should all work with Win 7. While there are some under the hood improvements, most IT deparments aren't going to be crazy enough to install a consumer OS on these users. They have enough support calls as it is. They don't need a million more of users trying to find their start button. Or where is their Control Panel, etc.

        • Comment removed (Score:4, Interesting)

          by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @05:06PM (#40959973)
          Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • All we are watching is Microsoft catch up on Apples marketing model.

        Shit on the users and make them pay.

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Yeah, let's see this for what it really is: a memo to enterprise admins saying "You don't want this, keep using 7". 90% of us already knew this, but let's face it, there are always Irish Setters in the group who go all "Oh boy, new OS, oh boy, new OS" and start pushing it out two weeks after release.

    • by Fuzzums ( 250400 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @10:09AM (#40956819) Homepage

      ...Windows 8.

      Rumour has it that Windows 9 can only be installed on top of Windows 8 to ensure all users will at least once experience the delight of a gaming console operating system.

  • by rjejr ( 921275 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @08:38AM (#40956283)
    Didnt we just cover this very thoroughly yesterday?
  • by 3seas ( 184403 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @08:38AM (#40956287) Homepage Journal

    ....Make people need you. - bill gates

    And the way you make people need you is to not teach them to fish, but limit what they can do for themselves and make the rest so difficult that they have to need you.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      This. It is basically working for the government and having to pay them almost all you earn to eat and live. Then you are left with an absolutely minor amount of money with which you might be able to use, if you don't die first.

      But now people are waking up. Even the odd casual system user is realizing that Windows is actually really awful and limiting.
      God forbid the mess they will cause with the release of Win8. It is going to be hated more than Facebook changes.

      Besides, I think Microsoft are actually l

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 11, 2012 @08:40AM (#40956301)

    I hope it won't be that bad. If the Interface Formerly Known As Metro is as bad as the Ribbon, I'll struggle for a while to adapt, and then probably go back to the previous version or install Classic Shell. I don't mind experimentation with something new. Maybe it really is better. But I don't understand why Microsoft doesn't provide a "classic" mode for people who are willing to try, but eventually decide they like the previous arrangement better. How many of you stuck with the default theme for Windows XP? Anyone? Can you imagine if there was no way to change it?

    And to not allow it or make it easy for enterprise users. That's just cruel. Is Microsoft *trying* to increase training costs for companies?

  • by assertation ( 1255714 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @08:46AM (#40956333)

    I can understand why Microsoft decided to remove that option, though I disagree.

    They want to the users to give Metro a fair try by living with it for a while. It is different enough where most people only see it once until they set an option to get rid of it. I've been using Windows since 3.0 and the first thing I do at a new job is get rid of the XP theme and set things up to look classic.

    I think this is a mistake for Microsoft. Forced changes without easy options to go back angers users. Ubuntu and Unity are in a similar situation. Between Microsoft and Canonical trying to promote a tablet desktop on non-tablet PCs I think Apple and the KDE will be the winners.

    On my formerly Ubuntu box at home the change motivated me to give the KDE and Kubuntu a look for the first time in years. Luckily I really like it and am now unlikely to go back to Ubuntu and Unity(or GNOME )

    • by mwvdlee ( 775178 )

      Between Microsoft and Canonical trying to promote a tablet desktop on non-tablet PCs I think Apple and the KDE will be the winners.

      It's kind of strange, both of them are desperately trying to immitate Apple, yet neither looks anything like OS-X's desktop.

      I hate Apple as much as the next guy, possibly more so, but atleast they know how to make a good UI.

      • The current OS/X UI is loosely based on CDE [], actually, with a few carry-overs from old school Mac System. :)

        GP didn't say that MS and Canonical were trying to copy Apple, though several others have said it. He said that they were trying to foist a tablet-centric UI on the desktop users... this is certainly true for MS, but I don't think that Unity is a tablet UI, I think it's a netbook UI... on a netbook it's actually pretty efficient at how it uses the low screen resolution, but it is less than ideal for a

    • They want to the users to give Metro a fair try by living with it for a while.

      That's almost like calling a forced marriage "a fair try". It usually doesn't work out.

      • by tnk1 ( 899206 )

        That's not entirely true. Forced or "arranged" marriages do work out, particularly if the whole culture is around them. I admit, trying to get to the point of cultural domination is a ballsy move for MS, but they have done it before.

        I think the real story of their success will be more in the side deals that MS makes to keep their option as the "lesser evil", thereby moving their market strategy forward. Things like OEM deals and working to make things which make Win8 irresistible to SW dev houses. MS ha

    • by Tom ( 822 )

      They want to the users to give Metro a fair try by living with it for a while.

      Fuck 'em sideways with a chainsaw. As if users, including corporate IT departments, were some kind of kids who need their hands held and tricked into swallowing the medicine with a cube of sugar.

      It's the usual arrogance and MS attitude that they know better. It seems fairly common in IT, Apple has the same - except that in most cases, they are actually right.

      Yes, it will anger users. Everyone who sees through it and understands that this option was not removed for their benefit, but because MS thought their

  • by Tridus ( 79566 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @08:46AM (#40956335) Homepage

    It's called Windows 7. You can expect it to be a lot more popular in the enterprise then 8.

    • by mysidia ( 191772 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @09:12AM (#40956449)

      Corporations also have IT departments, who will demand Microsoft support provide them a bypass, OR it will be a condition that has to be met, before they will purchase Windows 8.

      Mark my words.... Microsoft will provide Enterprises a bypass of some kind, if not at release, then via a patch, special tool, registry hack, or script that can be deployed for domain-joined computers via group policy.

    • by Zocalo ( 252965 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @09:28AM (#40956525) Homepage

      You think Microsoft gives a damn which version of their desktop OS corporates use? Get real! All they care about it that they do use a version of their OS, hopefully in order to run MS Office and other MS applications as well, and not someone else's OS. Since pretty much any corporate with an MS desktop deployment that matters is now on MS's Software Assurance scheme they essentially have the revenue guaranteed already, no matter what version of Windows they decide to deploy.

      Factor in what happened with XP/Vista on the corporate desktop and there might even be a little bit of sense here. Forcing the new UI down home user's throats, whether they want it on the desktop or not, increases market penetration and user awareness, plus it helps drive sales of Windows 8 tablets and phones, although to what extent remains to be seen. By the time Windows 9 comes along, touch screens on the desktop should be fairly commonplace, users will be familiar with the new UI, and there will hopefully be plenty of business apps available to run on it. Anyone care to bet whether Windows 7 will get EOL'd not too long after Windows 9 SP1 ships?
    • It's called Windows 7. You can expect it to be a lot more popular in the enterprise then 8.

      Unless you're unlucky enough that your corporation signed a deal with MS of upgrading to every second Windows release, starting with Win2000.

      Yes, that's Win2000, then Vista, then Win8, bypassing both XP and Win7 :(

  • If it ain't broke (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Dunbal ( 464142 ) * on Saturday August 11, 2012 @08:49AM (#40956353)

    While I admire the desire to be really creative and shit and try to come up with a cool "new" interface, functionality still remains one of the key desirable attributes for a user interface. We can thank Apple and all the Apple wannabe copycats for useless, ridiculous new ways of doing things that are less accurate and more time consuming by design. Who said that dragging page after page of stacked thumbnails as if they were pages from a book is an improvement over a plain old list? Especially when the constraints are so narrow that you often end up "dragging" two at a time. Want an example? Here, go look for a specific [] picture on this site. Have fun. Oh it looks cute. It's not functional. You will waste time waving your mouse back and forth trying to get the picture you wanted. A UI is supposed to be something that helps you, not something you have to fight with.

    Now I'm not saying this is how (formerly known as) Metro is going to work, I haven't used the beta, and I've only seen a couple screen-shots. But I understand that Microsoft is going for the "smart phone" look and feel, and that means lots of big colorful buttons you have to drag everywhere, and crap like this. And considering what they've done with "Ribbons" when they obfuscated their "Office" suite - and I'm talking about the 2007 version, I refuse to "upgrade" and see what else they managed to fuck up, I can't imagine this UI will be better. I remember an argument in the late 80's about how computers hadn't really lived up to their promise of greater productivity in the office. Well Microsoft, I guess we'll have to congratulate you for lowering the bar even more...

    • by wbr1 ( 2538558 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @09:21AM (#40956499)
      First, let me say I am not a MS fanboy. I despise the 'metro' interface. I have the release preview loaded on a few VM's so I can learn it as I will have to support it.
      That aside, I disagree with your assessment of the ribbons in office. I have used MS office products since Word 2.0, and I trained people basic and advanced techniques in all office apps for 7 years, starting with 2000, then 2003, then 2007.
      When 2007 came out, I despised it. I remember hunting for 7 minutes just for 'Change Case' or 'Insert Date'. I have to say however, that was because of my familiarity with the older versions. Since I was teaching the software, mostly to adults who had little if any computer experience, it amazed me how much faster and easier they learned with ribbons than with the old UI.
      Once I trained my brain on both UI's I could do pretty much what I wanted in either with a minimum of fuss, and the ribbons did start to make a sort of logical sense to me as well.

      Regardless, I do not see the benefit of the 'metro' style interface at all. It feels like I am losing flexibility and I hate that. So for my customers and friends, I will recommend that if they require MS, Windows 7 is where you should stay. Otherwise I have a nice kubuntu or Linux mint DVD for you.

  • by CuteSteveJobs ( 1343851 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @09:04AM (#40956403)
    I feel like a police negotiator desperately trying to talk a man out of shooting his foot off.

    Repeat after me Microsoft: The desktop market is not the smartphone market, and any attempt to ram it down reluctant consumers throats will turn it destroy what is still your biggest cash cow. []
  • by epp_b ( 944299 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @09:07AM (#40956415)
    ...the year of the Linux desktop, because if this doesn't turn people away from Windows in droves, I don't know what will.
  • by Nimey ( 114278 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @09:18AM (#40956479) Homepage Journal

    Well, almost. I've got Classic Shell [] installed on the leaked version of Win8 Enterprise N. What happens is that it'll load Metro for a fraction of a second and then CS takes me back to the old "desktop" environment complete with start menu.

    So it's not a complete bypass but it's close enough for my purposes.

    If, like me, you prefer the Win7 start menu's look to the default Win98/2000 look Classic Shell provides, there's a skin [] to make that possible.

  • by p0p0 ( 1841106 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @09:21AM (#40956501)
    This is the most ignorant, useless release of Windows 8 ever made. Change for change sakes it seems.

    I recently tried installing it on my netbook with a resolution of 1024x600 (the typical netbok resolution) and I cannot run a SINGLE metro apps because my resolution is not at least 1024x768. What is that bullshit? The apps can scale at all? They expected this to be on some older devices that supported it, so why the limitation? I know future Surface devices will have to meet a certain standard, but why throw compatibility out the window? Why not an 800x600 resolution minimum? That way you'll know everyone within a reasonable time period (not the short time period of 2 years ago where my netbook sits) can use the full features.

    There reasoning I think is so app developers don't have to cater to tons of resolutions, which is fine. FOR A MOBILE DEVICE.
    They expect Windows 8 to be used on Desktops but completely cripple usability.

    It's true I only really use the start menu for searching programs and rarely go straight to the icon itself. But the search is even worse in Windows 8! I hit the WinKey and start typing. I type in "device" looking for the Device Manager. Nothing. There are some metro quicklinks for installing hardware and whatnot, but not the Device Manager. Not until I search "device m" does it show up. Meanwhile in Wndows 7, I type just "d" and there it is, as well as everything else that starts with "d".

    Now the sad part is, I would use it if it still had the start menu. It runs wonderfully on my netbook. It scrolls smooth and everything is snappy.
    But it's useless. The XP I ran before worked better.
    And all this crap they're giving to corporate users is hopefully gonna hurt them. It'll run terrible, it'll *feel* terrible. Maybe they've just decided to give this area to linux like Apple has and just focus on consumers. Well that's fine and dandy but the Apple user experience on a laptop or desktop is not in any way horrendous, while Metro leaves me feeling frustrated.

    Can't wait for Windows 9 now. Its sure to be good.
    • The thing that annoys me is if the OS just sucked period, ok no problem. It sucks, give it a miss, life goes on. However everything I've read says technically it is exceedingly good. Cakewalk tried out Sonar X1 on it and found an across the board speedup. This wasn't a recompile or mod for Windows 8, just regular X1d that we all use. Windows 8 just has better multi-threading, and better latency, which equals better performance for high end audio apps.

      So it is a very good OS from the low level, crippled by a

  • by Xacid ( 560407 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @09:37AM (#40956565) Journal

    Yeah yeah, I'm primarily a Windows guy and have actually been damned pleased with Win 7.

    But this does appear to be in their usual cycle of releasing garbage first (ME, Vista) just to make some fairly decent release soon following (XP, Win 7).

    As a Windows admin I don't even bother with the first releases of their seemingly usual 2 part deal. Not even worth it.

  • by cryptizard ( 2629853 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @09:49AM (#40956653)
    Am I alone here? I think it is pretty cool. I hear a lot of "change for the sake of change" being bad around here, but why is staying the same for the sake of staying the same a good thing? One of the biggest draws (for me) to Linux was that it was something new and different. Why are people suddenly so set in their ways that anything remotely different from their crufty old UI is instantly the worst thing ever? What happened to the spirit of "new and cool"? Maybe Metro isn't for everybody, and maybe it won't last, but it is certainly different and, dare I say it, kind of fun.
    • by EdZ ( 755139 )
      I too like it as a replacement for the start menu. I have no interest in metro apps, but the start screen is just more useful than the start menu. For one thing, it actually uses more than 1/5 of the screen (you've brought up the start menu to open something, do you really need to see that other 4/5 of the screen right now?). For anyone who hits the start key (who even uses the on-screen button?), types part of the application name and hits enter, the start screen works exactly the same as the menu.
      I do th
  • by guttentag ( 313541 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @09:53AM (#40956691) Journal
    It's a shell game [].

    "Like the look of the Metro Interface? Well it's right here in one of these shiny boxes! That's right, ooh shiny. Sick and tired of the Metro Interface? Well one of these boxes here has the NotMetro Interface! That's right, just what you asked for. No, no sir, no shell game here, just good fun. What's that? Oh, you wanted an actual shell? That's right here inside one of these boxes, inside the NotMetro Interface, inside the NotDOS prompt! Something for everyone! Step right up!"
  • by erroneus ( 253617 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @11:03AM (#40957225) Homepage

    What was the question???

  • by gestalt_n_pepper ( 991155 ) on Saturday August 11, 2012 @05:25PM (#40960071)

    1) You have 100 employees who use MS Office.
    Did they want a new interface? No.
    Did they need one? No.
    Do they have learn one to use the flood of .docx docs and xlsx spreadsheets they are starting to receive? Yes.
    Do you have to spend money retraining them again? Yes.
    Did a whole generation of macros become useless? Mostly

    2) You have 50,000 employees (say, Seimens) using XP who must now upgrade to Windows 8.
    Did they want a new interface? No.
    Did they need one? No.
    Do you have to spend money retraining them again? Yes.
    Did a whole generation of software build around Windows XP become useless? Pretty much.

    3) You have 1000 customers using your VB6 application. You employ 3 programmers
    Did they want to learn new code? No.
    Despite the promises, does their VB6 app work on 64-bit Windows 7? Yes, it just crashes every few minutes now.
    Do they have to learn new code and then recode and then retest to keep their customers? Yes.

    Microsoft's Motto? Who cares about how much you have to spend upgrading or training or re-developing, asshole? You'll eat our shit with a smile.

    Or not, actually. Linux gets more usable each year, and android pad OSs aren't standing still either.

Things are not as simple as they seems at first. - Edward Thorp
