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Communications Government

QuakeNet: Government-Sponsored Attacks On IRC Networks 197

Barryke writes "Like FreeNode, it seems more and more legitimate businesses or non-profit organizations are being targeted by government subsidiaries in attempts to disrupt and spy on their users. IRC network QuakeNet has posted a press release condemning these efforts. Quoting: 'These attacks are performed without informing the networks and are targeted at users associated with politically motivated movements such as "Anonymous." While QuakeNet does not condone or endorse and actively forbids any illegal activity on its servers we encourage discussion on all topics including political and social commentary. It is apparent now that engaging in such topics with an opinion contrary to that of the intelligence agencies is sufficient to make people a target for monitoring, coercion and denial of access to communications platforms. The released documents depict GCHQ operatives engaging in social engineering of IRC users to entrap themselves by encouraging the target to leak details about their location as well as wholesale attacks on the IRC servers hosting the network. These attacks bring down the IRC network entirely affecting every user on the network as well as the company hosting the server.' One of those tactics applied by governments is the DDOS, which (perhaps not so) coincidentally, is what their suspects are accused of. Is this irony or hypocritical?"
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QuakeNet: Government-Sponsored Attacks On IRC Networks

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  • Fuck Beta! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:18PM (#46176043)

    Please post this to new articles if it hasn't been posted yet.

    On February 5, 2014, Slashdot announced through a javascript popup that they are starting to "move in to" the new Slashdot Beta design.

    Slashdot Beta is a trend-following attempt to give Slashdot a fresh look, an approach that has led to less space for text and an abandonment of the traditional Slashdot look. Much worse than that, Slashdot Beta fundamentally breaks the classic Slashdot discussion and moderation system.

    If you haven't seen Slashdot Beta already, open this [] in a new tab. After seeing that, click here [] to return to classic Slashdot.

    We should boycott stories and only discuss the abomination that is Slashdot Beta until Dice abandons the project.
    We should boycott slashdot entirely during the week of Feb 10 to Feb 17 as part of the wider slashcott []

    Moderators - only spend mod points on comments that discuss Beta
    Commentors - only discuss Beta [] [] - Vote up the Fuck Beta stories

    Keep this up for a few days and we may finally get the PHBs attention.

    Discussion of Beta: [] []
    Discussion of where to go if Beta goes live: [] []
    Alternative Slashdot: [] (thanks Okian Warrior (537106))

    • Re:Fuck Beta! (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Aighearach ( 97333 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:38PM (#46176277)

      I've been here since the 90s, what makes you think I'm going to let Mr. Coward tell me how to mod?

      Next you'll suggest I read articles! lol

      As to the summary, which I skimmed, I already know about the freenode blog that it links, because I'm a freenode user. And the blog doesn't talk about the big bad gubermint DDoSing freenode. Actually it talks about cooperating with law enforcement in handling DDoS attacks, but that there aren't enough resources to track down the command and control servers so nothing is likely to get done on that front.

      It is actually some insidious FUD, trying to imply that FOSS == Anonymous, which is totally absurd. Freenode is a white hat IRC network.

    • by dmomo ( 256005 )

      Don't forget to comment on reddit: []

    • Trying to be more constructive I sent this message to the feedback email:

      There are a lot of users who do not like the beta design. I don’t especially hate it, but I do like the turquoise bars signifying the start of a new thread or comment. The beta uses a larger font which is not nearly as apparent.

      Comments are also very squished with the right bar eating so much space. 3 comments deep you can fit 70 characters opposed to 140 in classic. I also don’t like the font change in comments

    • by mickwd ( 196449 )

      When I went to uni, more years ago than I care to remember, I would return home from time to time at the weekend, and go out with the lads on a Saturday night. As it was a rural area, we'd drive to the nearest big town, visit a pub and then go on clubbing.

      We'd usually visit the same pub, but every few months the pub we went to would change.


      We didn't go to the pub with the best beer, the best music, the best seats. No, we just went to the "place where everyone else went". From time to time, everyone in t

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • About the beta. (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:20PM (#46176053)

    It is now official. Netcraft has confirmed: Slashdot is dying.

            One more crippling bombshell hit the already beleaguered Slashdot community when IDC confirmed that Slashdot page views has dropped yet again, now down to less than a fraction of 1 percent of all websites. Coming on the heels of a recent Netcraft survey which plainly states that Slashdot has lost more market share, this news serves to reinforce what we've known all along. Slashdot is collapsing in complete disarray, as fittingly exemplified by the stupid fucking beta website and the wholesale discard of user feedback.

            You don't need to be the Amazing Kreskin to predict Slashdot's future. The hand writing is on the wall: Slashdot faces a bleak future. In fact there won't be any future at all for Slashdot because Slashdot is dying. Things are looking very bad for Slashdot. As many of us are already aware, Slashdot continues to lose market share. Red ink flows like a river of blood.

            Slashdot Beta is the most endangered of them all, having lost 93% of its core users. The sudden and unpleasant departures of long time Slashdot users Jordan Hubbard and Mike Smith only serve to underscore the point more clearly. There can no longer be any doubt: Slashdot is dying.

            All major surveys show that Slashdot has steadily declined in market share. Slashdot is very sick and its long term survival prospects are very dim. If Slashdot is to survive at all it will be among S&M enthusiasts. Slashdot continues to decay. Nothing short of a miracle could save it at this point in time. For all practical purposes, Slashdot is dead.

    That crippling bombshell sent Slashdot fans into a tailspin of mourning and denial. However, bad news poured in like a river of water.

    Fuck the beta.

  • Beta feedback helps (Score:5, Informative)

    by Sowelu ( 713889 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:21PM (#46176069)

    I'm not going to quote them without permission, but from talking with one of the editors, some of our sentiment about the beta is shared by them, and they really do want user feedback to help things go in the right direction. Presumably they have no power directly, but if literate and thought-out comments get submitted to the beta feedback, they will do what they can to send them upwards. Don't just complain in the comments, help the editors help you, at least some of them are on your side.

    • by aardvarkjoe ( 156801 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:32PM (#46176207)

      We've tried that already. The feedback was ignored.

      It's obvious that whoever is working on the new site either lacks the skills or the desire to match the functionality of the current interface. No amount of feedback is going to change that, and so the Beta will always suck.

      Do they want to stop the complaining? That's easy. They don't have to get rid of the beta. They just have to formally commit to keeping the classic interface available, and make it straightforward to use it instead.

      • by Sowelu ( 713889 )

        Well, if that's least know that (some of) the editors know how bad it is and know what the consequences of Beta will be. The ignoring is happening above the level of people who read the feedback mail. If they're going to keep fighting, I'm all for giving them all the ammo we can.

    • by demontechie ( 180612 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:43PM (#46176341)

      The beta feedback discussion for the last couple days has been literate []and [] well [] thought out [], but there has been no public response of any kind. Not even a half-hearted "we hear you and we'll see what we can do about making classic available in perpetuity, but no promises."

      And with the revelation of Dice's view of the slashdot finances projections [], and the heavy handed mass downmodding [] it's hard to see what reason the users have to retain any faith in the editors or their superiors.

    • by carlos92 ( 682924 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:47PM (#46176389)

      If you have access to the editors, let them know that nobody is discussing the stories today. In a day or two this will be a ghost town, they don't have much time to process the feedback.

      • by Soulskill ( 1459 ) Works for Slashdot on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:49PM (#46176423)

        Believe me, we're well aware of what everybody is discussing.

        • by arth1 ( 260657 )

          Believe me, we're well aware of what everybody is discussing.

          ... and really busy ignoring it?

          • by Soulskill ( 1459 ) Works for Slashdot on Thursday February 06, 2014 @03:03PM (#46176633)

            It's all any of us are talking about today (and most of what we've talked about for the past few months). Whatever changes get made, they need time to be decided on and implemented. I'm sorry it doesn't go faster, but that's why we still have the classic site available.

            • by bluefoxlucid ( 723572 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @03:20PM (#46176859) Homepage Journal

              Soulskill, your stakeholder management is poor. Up on the front page there is a big "We are shoving this down your throat soon" message thrown at your customers--executive stakeholders, low power, high interest, low influence. You've largely shuttered them out, rather than keeping them informed; you've solicited comment and not informed them at large that their comments are heard and being discussed actively. This is producing customer backlash.

              You should change the primary message in everyone's face to reflect what's been said here, and to notate that you are considering further changes and delays before moving to a full public release. Make prominent also that you have decided on the short-term availability of Slashdot Classic after launch as yet another metric. Provide a larger update page describing how this will handle--more discussion, more sampling, surveying, and then when and how you will launch. Maybe detail a launch process where everyone is set to New Slashdot by default, with a Slashdot Classic option that resets once per month at most, after major changes, so that the metric of who immediately runs back to Slashdot Classic can be re-sampled after major changes.

              I suggest Tres Roeder's book "Managing Project Stakeholders" particularly for your review. The other book (A Sixth Sense for Project Management) is more useful in closed quarters, but I can recommend both.

            • by unitron ( 5733 )

              "Whatever changes get made..."

              aren't really necessary in the first place, at least not the ones represented by beta.

              Trying to optimize beta is like switching around the order in which influenza symptoms occur. It's still a disease.

            • by trawg ( 308495 )

              Please make a news post about the issue. I'm glad you're finally responding to the comments but today has been a train wreck and failing to publicly acknowledge that will not help matters.

              Give people an official thread to comment about the beta. Ensure that it has the feedback mechanisms - the survey and the email address, both of which I've used - prominently listed.

            • by labnet ( 457441 )

              Soul skill. I've managed a company for 20 years. I have two jobs. Manage problems and add value. If a customer or employee comes with a problem, the first thing I do is acknowledge the problem (whether I agree or not) by restating the problem in my own words. This 1. Helps me understand the problem 2. Defuses the initial emotion from complainant. /. Management has always been opaque, but in this case lack of communication has caused the biggest protest I have ever seen here. Yet this is the first grain of a

            • Ok - let's hope that changes are made quickly, before all the producers of the real content get bored of complaining and take their wit elsewhere. You could at least send a signal that feedback is being received and changes are at least being considered, perhaps that will help get things back to normal.

        • Now if only anybody over there gave a fuck.
        • Believe me, we're well aware of what everybody is discussing.

          Is that why suddenly our comments get massively downmodded now?

          Folks with mod point get the complaints to +5 and suddenly they are back to "0 Offtopic".

          • by Sowelu ( 713889 )

            Okay, devil's advocate, even though by now I'm just coming across as a huge apologist.

            We're vocal. We're probably even a majority. But is it /entirely/ unbelievable that some people don't care that much about the beta thing, and really do just want relevant comments? Sure it's important to deal with the beta, but some people are content to fiddle while things burn. I can totally see some of those people downvoting this stuff (for a while, until they run out of points and give up).

            Of course--the day that

        • being aware is a good first step.

          please reply back (on a new toplevel topic) addressing our concerns.

          if you really want the beta, fine; but don't remove the older version!

          let both run for a year and see if the beta 'proves itself'. what's so wrong with that? scientific and you'll get a lot of data samples rather than just raw emotions.

          let logic decide. if the new site does not bring in the post-counts you are after, there's your answer.

          • by Soulskill ( 1459 ) Works for Slashdot

            We'll have more posts coming about how the beta will shape up. (Possibly one within a few hours.) The comments and feedback emails are still rolling in, and we're trying to get as much information as possible.

            I can't really speak to letting the old site hang around in perpetuity -- it's not my call. I know it'd be a stretch for our small engineering team to support both, though.

            • I appreciate the comment and that you are hearing our voices on this issue.

              even if the old site is not 'supported' in terms of bugfixes, etc; its been years since it was written and I would assume/hope that there is not much new work needed to support code that pretty much Just Plain Works(tm).

              here's an idea, though: there is a lot of desire within the community to keep this older site going. if you need support, why not just ask for donated time (from reasonably qualified people). there are a lot of out

            • by unitron ( 5733 )

              In spite of probably half or more of all comments made today being anti-beta, not one of the anti-beta submissions has been moved from gray title bar to green title bar, so that it can be "the" we-hate-beta thread.

              If your corporate overlords are thinking "just ignore them and they'll go away", that may be one of the few things about which they've been right lately.

              Because right now it's looking like we will be going away, from the 10th to the 17th.

              Possibly never to return.

              I think there's definitely a Valent

        • by kbahey ( 102895 )



          Dice can't see it, since they are new here (he he)... but you and the editors should know well what I am about to say:

          The most loyal long time most avid readers of Slashdot, are not trolling the site, in protest of the failed beta. Never thought I would see the day ...

          Where is GNAA, Natalie Portman grits, and frist prost when you need them!

          I sent feedback on the beta months ago on the survey, and sent it again today. I sent emails for feedback, and I posted this several times:

          Requiring Java []

  • Beta a Bust (Score:5, Insightful)

    by LordFlower ( 606949 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:21PM (#46176075)
    Beta sucks. I will not be back if Beta is made mandatory.
  • by Princeofcups ( 150855 ) <> on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:21PM (#46176081) Homepage

    Give it up guys. You know that no stories are going to be discussed. Today is the end of the old Slashdot. Start sending out resumes, since this is going down in a blaze of glory.

    Hey, the first story we should get on the replacement site when set up is an interview with Rob and Roblimo on why they really left Slashdot and left these incompetents in charge.

    • by carlos92 ( 682924 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:43PM (#46176337)

      They won't give it up because they still don't get it. They think of the site users as the audience, as if the value of Slashdot was the articles. Just in case Dice reads this: the value is in the comments from the community, some of which are less biased and more informative than the referenced articles. Some are written by experts in the matter, or contain perspectives that a journalist doesn't have. Sure, most of the comments are junk, but the mod system helps you with that. But nobody from Dice will read this, because if they read Slashdot they would have already seen it.

      • by arth1 ( 260657 )

        They won't give it up because they still don't get it. They think of the site users as the audience, as if the value of Slashdot was the articles. Just in case Dice reads this: the value is in the comments from the community, some of which are less biased and more informative than the referenced articles. Some are written by experts in the matter, or contain perspectives that a journalist doesn't have. Sure, most of the comments are junk, but the mod system helps you with that. But nobody from Dice will read this, because if they read Slashdot they would have already seen it.

        I think this should be submitted as an article. Then, perhaps, the overlords would see it.

        Yes, the value of slashdot that keeps people coming back is the discussions - the posts from users. Not the articles. The people who discuss are not just customers, they are the people who are the reason why people come here at all.
        Alienate them at your own peril.

    • by ShaunC ( 203807 )

      Hey, the first story we should get on the replacement site when set up is an interview with Rob and Roblimo on why they really left Slashdot and left these incompetents in charge

      The lameness filter says I should probably not opine on how the true reason is:


      I don't blame them for leaving; really, I don't. I'd have cashed out too! I do blame the new stewards of the Slashdot domain and brand for fucking it all to hell. A few years ago, "Dice" was, to me, "a tech job site." Now, "Dice" means, to me, "that moronic company who fucked up Slashdot."

    • by Soulskill ( 1459 ) Works for Slashdot on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:51PM (#46176461)

      We know most of the discussion will be centered on the beta. Some people will want to read news anyway, so we'll keep posting.

      You folks are certainly welcome to keep commenting about the beta; we're reading all of it, and we're communicating it to the Product team who makes the decisions about the design.

      • Good.

        And know that we do not hold anything personally against anyone.

      • The beta has a nice fresh & simple look to it, but it suffers in usability/readability. Way too much scrolling to read through comments. Knowing what vocal, picky bastards the slashdot crowd is, why didn't you get the community involved instead of suffering the current farce? :-)
        • by Soulskill ( 1459 ) Works for Slashdot on Thursday February 06, 2014 @03:12PM (#46176759)

          We've had the community involved since October, actually.

          • "Involved" doesn't mean "nod and go 'mm-hmm' then do whatever the fuck you were planning to do anyway;" it means "actually make changes to implement the community's desires."

            Anyway, since you're allegedly listening, here is a partial list of the problems I have with Beta:

            • THERE IS NO HYPERLINK TO THE INDIVIDUAL POST NUMBERS ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!! How am I supposed to reference another comment (other than the one I'm directly replying to) without the ability to link to it?
            • The default comment title when replying i
      • Fantastic. And is there any intention of leashing the crazed mass downmodder that downmods en masse?

      • by unitron ( 5733 )

        "We know most of the discussion will be centered on the beta. Some people will want to read news anyway..."

        This is the news today.

        • by arth1 ( 260657 )

          "We know most of the discussion will be centered on the beta. Some people will want to read news anyway..."

          This is the news today.

          Indeed. Stuff that matters.

    • by dmomo ( 256005 )

      I think this needs more attention outside of the control of slashdot moderators. Please help by voicing your thoughts over at reddit: []

    • by dmomo ( 256005 )

      Backlash at Slashdot Beta needs attention outside of the control of Slashdot moderators. Please comment over on reddit: []

    • You should update your sig. I propose:
      The only thing worse than a Democrat or a Republican is
    • by Zocalo ( 252965 )
      Or, better yet, put a "Beta" discussion topic on the main page - like they should have been done hours ago when all this first kicked off. At least the comments there will be on topic.

      Oh, and anyone care to bet that this [] will be the "obligatory XKCD" link when tomorrow's strip gets posted? ;)
  • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:22PM (#46176101)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by acid_andy ( 534219 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:26PM (#46176139)
    Dice, Editors, your silence is deafening! Slashdot is News for Nerds but no true Nerd wants your Beta. Stop pretending this problem will go away. Maybe you actually hope it will go away, maybe you hope Slashdot itself will go away. Whatever - at least have the decency and respect for your long term readers to give some kind of response to all the negative feedback. Why not keep two versions of the site? If Beta was done properly it would all be a CSS skin with some scripts that could all be swapped out. You already have a mobile site, so it can't be to improve appearence on mobiles, tablets, phablets, touchscreens, etc. Oh sorry, I forgot, that wouldn't keep the advertisers happy. Slashdot was awesome while it lasted.
    • Oh sorry, I forgot, that wouldn't keep the advertisers happy.

      You would think that what would keep the advertisers happy would be increased page views.

      I'm betting that even a week of useless threads due to complaints about the beta will cause a substantial, permanent loss of readership. If it keeps up for much longer, the site will be dead. And given the non-response of the editors so far, it looks like that's how this is going to go down.

      I hope that somebody is keeping track of a history of page views, unique visitors, ad impressions, and so on. It will be a good

    • by Soulskill ( 1459 ) Works for Slashdot

      We're collecting and listening to all of your feedback.

      There have been many changes to the beta site since its inception last October, all in response to user feedback. It's an impossibility to act on it all, since some users want exactly the opposite of other users, but we're weighing everything we get. And there's work yet to be finished; it's still a beta, after all.

      • It's an impossibility to act on it all, since some users want exactly the opposite of other users,

        What, you mean there are people who actually like the redesign?

        Don't get me wrong the "new version" is more visually engaging (in the way that a lot of default Wordpress themes are), but if you've been involved in Slashdot for more than the last 30 seconds, you know that the community here cares far less about visual stimuli than we do for the communication we share in the discussion threads.

        Make whatever excuses you want, but so long as commenting is treated as an afterthought in the redesign, you're makin

        • by Soulskill ( 1459 ) Works for Slashdot

          Well, to answer your first question -- yes, there are some users who like the redesign. It's a bit of an echo chamber in the comments, but we've received some complimentary emails. (Which is not to say we weight those more heavily than uncomplimentary ones -- we don't.)

          Commenting is certainly not an afterthought. It's at the top of our list for things that need more work. We know you come to the site for the comments (as we ourselves did back in the '90s).

          • Commenting is certainly not an afterthought. It's at the top of our list for things that need more work. We know you come to the site for the comments (as we ourselves did back in the '90s).

            So... You've known all along that the main reason we come here for the discussions; the beta's been going on for what, the better part of a year? And commenting is still horrifically broken.

            Not to bust your chops, but that's kinda the definition of an afterthought, bro.

          • Thanks very much for responding, Soulskill. I'm pleasantly surprised.

            The one thing I can't get my head round is this obsession with increasing whitespace on new sites. I'm assuming it's connected with wanting to space out things people want to click on with their fat fingers on a small touch screen, but just increasing the size of buttons and links should do that.

            I noticed even the current (classic) Slashdot site got its whitespace cranked up a lot a little while back, (I think it was sometime last year) ar

          • Well, to answer your first question -- yes, there are some users who like the redesign. It's a bit of an echo chamber in the comments, but we've received some complimentary emails. (Which is not to say we weight those more heavily than uncomplimentary ones -- we don't.)

            Commenting is certainly not an afterthought. It's at the top of our list for things that need more work. We know you come to the site for the comments (as we ourselves did back in the '90s).

            "as we ourselves did back in the '90s" - interesting choice of words. Are you implying (either on purpose or by accident) that you don't come to the site for the comments anymore, or that you just don't come to the site (except for work)? Why?

            The beta looks terribly cookie-cutter in its design, and the comment layout just feels off. It doesn't feel right. Sorry, but I'm not sure how else to explain myself in this case. But do keep in mind that Slashdot is Slashdot because of the users that participate

          • by Goaway ( 82658 )

            Commenting is certainly not an afterthought.

            Then why is there no way to see replies to my comments, and no way to jump to my comments to post further replies? That makes it impossible to actually keep up a conversation. All you can do is shout into the void.

            Commenting is currently unusable on beta. It is an afterthought.

          • If you know commenting is so broken, why are you forcing people to use the Beta?

            For the last 4 days, I've been stuck using the beta when I browse from work (IE8, not my choice) because the page is too broken to give me the option of using 'Classic mode'. I emailed the feedback link (once I found it, another thing I can't see in the beta), and got no response.

            The UI and back-end stuff may be beta, but the comment system is alpha, at best, and shouldn't be forced on anybody.

  • by Bob9113 ( 14996 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:26PM (#46176145) Homepage

    Shame, I'd actually like to discuss this topic. But, then I'd be jeopardizing every future discussion.

    Javascript dancing baloney and giant pretty pictures belong on USA Today, not Slashdot.

    The meat of Slashdot, the substance that draws viewers here instead of the alternatives, is the comments. Lose those comments and you will lose the eyeballs. Lose the eyeballs and you will lose the ad revenue.

    Alternatively, you can accept that you made a mistake, keep Slashdot classic, and keep the steady flow of cash. Make the right business decision, here, Dice. Don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

    Alternative alternative: Dice; make us an offer. If you really have written this thing off, give us your stats so we can crunch the numbers and tell us your price. It should be pretty clear that the path you're on will not be lucrative, so show your lowest and best offer. There's some pretty affluent folks here, and this place is important to us. If the workers at Harley Davidson could do it, surely it is possible for us to do the same.

    No legitimate discussion until Slashdot classic is restored. Sacrifice a few days of discussion now to save all the days in the future. The Spirit of Mohdri Dragon [] Lives! (feel free to get drunk and naked while posting)

    • by sinij ( 911942 )
      It would be nice if they let Beta render without allowing half the internet run random sh1t on your browser.

      Also, if you ever seen pop-up announcment about Beta - you are not doing intrwebs right. Secure your browser!

      Now imagine Beowulf cluster of Beta covered in hot grits.
    • (feel free to get drunk and naked while posting)

      Uh, excuse me, but I'm at work.

      Meaning the drunken nudity is a foregone conclusion :)

      Works pretty well for keeping the marketing drones away from my cube.

  • Cut this shit out. Revert. Take the DICE Marketing department out for a nice big lunch, drinks and all. Then send them home for the weekend. Then undo the damage they've done.

    I'm sadly sure that this is an intentional ploy to drive away long-time users ("geeks" and "nerds") who have contributed so much that, like me, they're eligible to disable advertising. What they don't understand is that even if my karma was shit (we don't get numbers anymore, I guess mine would be 50++++++), I'd still be using Ghostery

    • The Marketing Department at DICE Cybernetics Corporation are a bunch of mindless jerks who'll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.
  • Slashdot Clone? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Keick ( 252453 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:39PM (#46176301)

    Ok, I tried the beta. Yeah its not pretty, the comment section is pretty small width wise, it looks HORRIBLE on my iPad... The client side filtering of comments completely ignores my long time preferences, etc etc.

    To the point; Many have asked about cloning Slashdot, and retaking the community site. But has anyone thought about how such a mission could be accomplished? Yes I know I can go grab slashcode and standup a 16 core xeon box to toss on my 100mbps connection. But what about the users, the stories, the comments. We can't just screen scrape those to stand up a new site.

    In what possible way could we honestly standup a new slashdot that is community owned?


  • It's usually obvious to the users. For instance, look at Slashdot's beta design... No normal webmaster who knows this site and its users would ever let garbage see the light of day. Slashdot Beta is obviously Government-Sponsored malware.

  • Open up a story for all of this. There's been dozens of red marked stories in the firehose, and you're all going on like nothing is happening. It's your job, I can appreciate that, but as site staff you need to address this at some point.

    If Dice are wanting to turn /. into another me-too Cloud/Biz/TV news aggregation garbage, it's your jobs that are on the line too. The slashdot you know will get eaten alive.

    Ask yourselves, what will the site have left if nobody contributes?

  • by skillrod ( 555920 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:50PM (#46176435)
    That's one way to look at it what this Beta will do.
    • by NoNonAlphaCharsHere ( 2201864 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @03:03PM (#46176615)
      THAT's the problem right there. They think we're the AUDIENCE and not the CONTRIBUTERS.

      NEWSFLASH: We don't come here for the stellar editing, we come here to make and read and reply to each other's comments. YOU'RE not supplying the content, WE are. Display some ads and stay out of the way, or expect most of us to "migrate" to another site.
  • I was wondering why anyone would DDOS a mining pool. It doesn't seem to me like that would be an effective method of stealing cyrpto-currency, but the Government surely doesn't like it, so there's the answer. []
  • by NoImNotNineVolt ( 832851 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:54PM (#46176483) Homepage
    If Dice doesn't reconsider this redesign by the 17th, I guess there won't be anything left to do on here other than earn membership in GNAA.
  • Car analogy time (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Bob the Super Hamste ( 1152367 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @02:55PM (#46176507) Homepage
    Car analogy time:
    I have gotten rid of vehicles that sucked less than the Slashdot beta. Seriously even that '85 Bronco II where everything was rusty, none of the body panels matched, and that had bad compression on the #5 cylinder sucked less than
    • by OzPeter ( 195038 )

      Car analogy time:

      I have gotten rid of vehicles that sucked less than the Slashdot beta. Seriously even that '85 Bronco II where everything was rusty, none of the body panels matched, and that had bad compression on the #5 cylinder sucked less than

      Yeah ..I've heard that about Bronco's .. seems like they haven't had a good run for years

      • Car analogy time:

        I have gotten rid of vehicles that sucked less than the Slashdot beta. Seriously even that '85 Bronco II where everything was rusty, none of the body panels matched, and that had bad compression on the #5 cylinder sucked less than

        Yeah ..I've heard that about Bronco's .. seems like they haven't had a good run for years

        Suddenly I wish I hadn't commented on this thread...

        +5 Zing!

  • Please learn the lesson that M$ should have learned with Windows 8. Don't push a cantankerous and cranky user base towards a pseudo-modern U.I.
  • by vivek7006 ( 585218 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @03:09PM (#46176707) Homepage
    FUCK BETA. I want my classic back. And one more thing, FUCK BETA!
  • by AmicoToni ( 123984 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @03:17PM (#46176811)

    Another Slashdot reader since 1998 here. Not for much longer, presumably: if Beta stays I will most certainly leave, as may others will, no doubt. Appalling.

  • BETA SUXX0RS!!! (Score:5, Informative)

    by tedgyz ( 515156 ) on Thursday February 06, 2014 @03:25PM (#46176913) Homepage

    Sorry Dice, but I have to jump on the beta-hata wagon. I'll just point out two things:

    1. Right side bar squeezes out comments. We are here for the comments, not whatever crap you want to cram down our throats.
    2. Vertical spacing of text wastes tons of real estate. It looks like a High School book report padded to fill the required pages.

    Dice Holdings, Inc: Please consider your next steps carefully. The /. castle was not built in a day, but it can easily be destroyed in a day. You have one chance to avoid a mass exodus. As others have said, eyeballs == advertising $$.

    Stop trying to squeeze blood from a stone. The reason we come here is because most other news sites suck. If you want to throw your hat into the sucky news site ring, all I can say is good luck with that.

  • We are geeks. We can get tech stories from a billion places on the web. Actually, we don't really need web browsers, if all we want to do is read tech articles. There are better news readers than browsers. We read these stories here, because we know a bunch of smart people are going to provide context in the comments. Some are programmers. Some work in the industry. Some are hobbyists. Some are fanboys. But the comments let us refine our opinions on a piece further, and god forbid, teach us somethi

As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
