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French Inquiry Launched After Live Suicide Broadcast On Periscope ( 108

An anonymous reader writes: French authorities have launched an investigation after a young woman recorded her suicide which streamed live to over 1,000 connected followers on the online video app Periscope. Prosecutors in Egly, Essone, a suburb 15 miles south of Paris, confirmed they had opened the inquiry following the incident which saw the 19-year-old throw herself under a commuter train at a railway station on Tuesday.BBC reports: Previously, she had filmed herself in her flat discussing how she intended to make a video to "send a message", warning younger viewers not to continue to watch what would be a "shocking" act, it was reported. During the filming, the young woman claimed to have been raped and named her attacker, according to the reports. It is not the first time that Periscope has been linked to inappropriate content.
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French Inquiry Launched After Live Suicide Broadcast On Periscope

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  • while live streaming???? also water is wet. Not sure what kind of investigation there is to be had here, i mean unless periscope somehow is controlling people making them be stupid on camera, but im pretty sure thats just the human ego which causes it
  • At very least the ad revenue should go to the government to cover there costs from this.

    • dead person owns the copyright for at least 70 years
  • Unless Periscope knew what the content was, as it unfolded, they couldn't know they were broadcasting a suicide. So they would not be in a position to stop it.

    I suppose it will unfold in the "investigation," but someone would have to watching her channel and then warn "the higher ups" at Periscope in time for them to cut it off. And frankly I can believe there are a lot more voyeurs who would just let it happen and not say a thing, even if they knew who to call/write/tweet

    • by Anonymous Coward

      And frankly I can believe there are a lot more voyeurs who would just let it happen and not say a thing, even if they knew who to call/write/tweet

      Why didn't one of those "over 1000 followers" call the police to try to stop it? Maybe they couldn't have been in time(?) but why the Hell didn't someone try. Have we become the don't give a shit society?

      • Because she didn't tell them she was going to kill herself before she jumped in front of the train?

      • Why didn't one of those "over 1000 followers" call the police to try to stop it? Maybe they couldn't have been in time(?) but why the Hell didn't someone try. Have we become the don't give a shit society?

        Who are we to tell someone else what they can/can't do with their lives? If she wanted to kill herself, that's her decision to make. Why should the onus be on the rest of society to 'protect' her from herself? I know it's not the feel-good moral crusader answer to this situation, but it's really none of our fucking business. Life can be hard and tragic, but worry about living yours and let others worry about living theirs.

        • by daid303 ( 843777 )

          You do know that every single attempted suicide survivor regrets his/her decision?

          Or, if you do not like the human angle, pick one:
          a) Yes, society invested in this person, and you want the highest return on investment.
          b) Do not kill yourself by causing a shitload of damage to society. The train conductor now has been traumatized. And the train is delayed. Both causing economic damage to society.

          No, you are not free to do whatever the fuck you want. Because a lot of things you do influence other people as we

          • hey at least if I litter, i'm creating a job for that person.
          • You do know that every single attempted suicide survivor regrets his/her decision?

            Or, if you do not like the human angle, pick one: a) Yes, society invested in this person, and you want the highest return on investment. b) Do not kill yourself by causing a shitload of damage to society. The train conductor now has been traumatized. And the train is delayed. Both causing economic damage to society.

            No, you are not free to do whatever the fuck you want. Because a lot of things you do influence other people as well. You litter? That means someone needs to clean that up, and we all need to pay for that someone. And thus, you should not litter.

            Really? So you've spoken with every single suicide "survivor"? Even those who went on to do it again, and eventually succeed? How about those who are terminally ill, in intense pain with no hope of recovery. Do you think those suicide "victims" would regret their decisions to try to end their lives, if they failed in their attempt? I agree that those who kill themselves in the heat of the moment, over some lost love or other repairable condition, are selfish and it's bullshit. But there are some people for

      • by Motherfucking Shit ( 636021 ) on Wednesday May 11, 2016 @07:34PM (#52094779) Journal

        Why didn't one of those "over 1000 followers" call the police to try to stop it?

        Who knows. Maybe they did, and no one could get there in time. I came across and tuned into the drunk driving chick [] while she was doing her thing, and several people did contact the police, eventually guiding them to her based on streets and landmarks. I also watched while a suicidal guy in Texas drove around threatening to shoot up Wal-Marts and several viewers were keeping the county sheriff updated as to his whereabouts. They sent a chopper up to find him eventually, at least an hour into his escapade, then he holed up inside his truck occasionally speaking to officers while threatening suicide; I had to give up listening to the scanner and go to sleep before I learned the outcome of that one.

        In both of these cases, even with people calling police, it took awhile to get authorities to the correct place because the vast majority of the people watching didn't live anywhere nearby, weren't familiar with the area, weren't necessarily sure how to contact law enforcement there (or where "there" even was), etc. If you tune into a live stream and you see a lady standing in front of some train tracks, what exactly are you going to do? It's not like her GPS coordinates are embedded in the video stream.

  • by H3lldr0p ( 40304 ) on Wednesday May 11, 2016 @05:34PM (#52094167) Homepage

    ...Periscope has been linked to inappropriate content

    Exactly how is this software/company "linked" to inappropriate content in this case? Did someone from the company bully the young woman? Did someone from the company slip something into her coffee? I'm not certain how one logically links the actions of a third party to the platform they use to disseminate a message or actions.

    Likewise, I'm going to avoid the "inappropriate" portion. Because that's even more silly. There's good reason we have safe harbor laws when it comes to this sort of thing. It's not Periscope's fault someone used their software to do this. It's not like they can control anyone's actions.

    Poppycock! It's all poppycock!

    • by Calydor ( 739835 )

      They are linked in much the same way tumblr, imgur etc. are linked to inappropriate content. Slashdot too.

  • by ffkom ( 3519199 ) on Wednesday May 11, 2016 @05:43PM (#52094231)
    Should 99,999% non-suicidal people in the population be restricted in their freedom just because the tiny rest could put themselves on camera when ending their lifes? Certainly not! Also, to me it's perfectly fine when adult people decide to end their life voluntarily, it's their life, not anyone elses. If (Futurama-style) suicide booths were available, railway commuters would not need to suffer from delays just because others don't find a more reliable method to kill themselves.
    • by KGIII ( 973947 )

      Heh... I don't know what to say but I'm compelled to say something. I'm actually sitting here pondering the words to write, for another email, as I'm a huge fan of PAS (physician assisted suicide) and the right to end one's life with dignity.

      My email is likely not to be completed but involves my not returning and running for State Senate - as I've hinted in the past. Reason is, it has come to pass, that I've a sibling who is going to simply stop using her TPN and enter hospice care. It's not easy to cope wi

      • Heh... I don't know what to say but I'm compelled to say something. I'm actually sitting here pondering the words to write, for another email, as I'm a huge fan of PAS (physician assisted suicide)

        Well, don't choose to go too soon.

        • by KGIII ( 973947 )

          Nah, not me. If I did want to go then I'd like to have some dignity involved with it. I figure if I ever wanted to go then I'm a sucker for a giant shot of opiates. That's a pretty comfortable way to go, from what I've read. Nodding out in a warm fuzzy blanket? Yeah, that's better than lots of other ways.

          • but why not just kill the mind and wander about like say hmmm a street dog?... what's wrong with that? killing the body is kid's stuff anyway. I mean if you've decided that you are fed up with life, why not just drift about.. and let death come n take you when it wants. That is, stop making efforts to maintain the body..whatever food/shelter/fun comes let it come.. kinda way.
          • The giant shot of opiates very often is an option and is offered by medical professionals. It is usually stated as "More morphine won't help, should I give them more morphine?" or something along that line. Unfortunately at that point you are usually dealing with ending it a few hours earlier instead of days or weeks earlier. I have let my relatives know that if they are offered that option for me to take it.
      • by Whibla ( 210729 )

        I am sorry to hear that. I hope she passes quickly and without too much trauma to those involved.

        It is my firm belief that the first right we have, as a living being, is the right to end our own life. As a follow on I also believe we have the right to give others the (time limited) right to end our life - they are of course under no obligation to oblige our whims or wishes in this though - with no legal repercussions or consequences.

        I know a lot of people feel very uncomfortable even thinking about such thi

    • Probably not, but at this young age the mimicry behavior can spread quickly ; thus the authorities want to give a much more dramatic touch - murder-ish - to the turn of events to possibly prevent any new trendy behavior pattern.
    • by Livius ( 318358 )

      If (Futurama-style) suicide booths were available, railway commuters would not need to suffer from delays

      No, people who want to take their life can do so quietly if they want to. The narcissistic ones are making a statement about how much pain they are in, and the drama and/or nuisance is part of that.

      • by ffkom ( 3519199 )
        That's probably the case for some of them, and certainly for the few inclined to live-stream their suicide. But then there's a significant amount of people who neither have the means nor much knowledge on how to end their life quickly, and plenty of them choose the crude but known-to-work "death by railway". It might be different in the US, where guns are easy to obtain, so people can just shoot themselves. Where neither weapons nor narcotics are easily available, the "railway option" is actually one of the
  • by bluescrn ( 2120492 ) on Wednesday May 11, 2016 @05:50PM (#52094267)
    Another young person comitted suicide. Meh, just a statistic. There's little sypmathy. People who have never had to deal with depression call them 'selfish'

    But a suicide streamed online... 'inappropriate content'... outrage! outrage! ban this sick filth!
    • The real danger is mimicry, other young people doing the same "trendy" thing..
      • by Lotana ( 842533 )

        Exactly. I am quite surprised that this news piece was published. I thought that journalists have an unofficial standard to not report on suicide stories in order to prevent copycat suicides.

        • by ffkom ( 3519199 )
          The times when journalists could decide what's getting published are over, for good. That's precisely what this story is about. Sure, you can ignore this story in your newspaper. But the video still can go viral on the InterNet or SneakerNet.
  • Can I get some more advance notice next time?
  • Welcome to the inevitable result of the selfie generation and their obsession with broadcasting every detail of their life over the internet! Personally, I don't think she actually "threw herself in front of a train", I think she was just too distracted by her periscope feed to notice she was standing in front of a frickin' train!
  • "prosecutors ... confirmed they had opened the inquiry"

    Who will they prosecute? What will the charges be? Who will pay for the waste of resources?

    From TFA: "the young woman claimed to have been raped and named her attacker, according to the reports." Had she reported that to the prosecutors? Perhaps they will investigate themselves if they didn't act on that information.

    I've heard that suicide is illegal in some places but I've never understood how it would be penalized. I think that there should be some op

    • I've heard that suicide is illegal in some places but I've never understood how it would be penalized.

      It's not difficult. If the cops get a tip that you're going to murder Mr. X at 5:00 when he leaves his office, they can show up to his office at 4:45 and arrest you when you show up with a gun. Right?

      With law enforcement intervention in suicide, it's the same thing, except you are Mr. X.

      As far as the "penalty" for attempted suicide, the idea is that they get you into a mental hospital so you can get treatment for your suicidal tendencies. They can't commit you to a mental hospital involuntarily unless yo

  • by TheCreeep ( 794716 ) on Wednesday May 11, 2016 @06:53PM (#52094629)
    From TFA:

    It is not the first time that Periscope has been linked to inappropriate content.

    Well it's not the first time Humans have been linked to inappropriate content.

  • People kill themselves. They do so in public sometimes. This includes online, which is part of the public. Go back to stealing taxes and writing stupid reports; this is a problem without a solution, or a solution in search of a problem.

If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
