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Facebook Government Social Networks Politics

Israel Accuses Facebook Of Aiding Terrorists and Hampering Police Investigations ( 278

"The young generation in the Palestinian Authority suckles all of its incitement against Israel from Facebook and, in the end, goes and commits murders," Israel's Minister of Internal Security said Saturday. "Some of the blood of the victims of the recent unfortunately on the hands of Mark Zuckerberg, because the police and security forces could have been told about the post of that vile murderer." Reuters calls the remarks "ramping up the pressure" as Israel prepares legislation which would allow it to order social media sites to remove posts it considered threatening. The security minister says Facebook currently "sets a very high bar for removing inciteful content and posts" and "sabotages the work of the Israeli police" by being uncooperative.

Facebook responded that there's "no room for content that promotes violence, direct threats, terrorist or hate speeches on our platform." BetaNews writes that "while Facebook waits for content to be reported before acting, Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked said that the site should be pro-active in seeking out offending content instead."

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Israel Accuses Facebook Of Aiding Terrorists and Hampering Police Investigations

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 03, 2016 @02:41PM (#52439441)

    The war crimes committed in Lebanon and Gaza are awful. I despise Hamas and Hezbollah; they cannot be justified. However, the use of cluster bombs in southern Lebanon is inexcusable. How about Israel submits their leaders for war crimes prosecution and then we'll talk?

    • No kidding. I've sworn to never use Facebook, but now if Israel hates it .....
    • Aaaaaand instantly the thread spirals into irrelevant bickering about the relative merits of Israel and Palestine.

      Thank you for dooming this potentially interesting discussion on the responsibilities of social media.

      Next time, please make an effort to control your knee-jerk response to the word 'Israel'.

  • by Nidi62 ( 1525137 ) on Sunday July 03, 2016 @02:43PM (#52439453)
    If you want the Palestinians to stop attacking Israelis a good step would be to stop the settlements, closely followed by not tearing down peoples' houses every time a family member commits a crime against an israeli. You are making the Palestinians not care any more. And when people don't care they will do anything.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 03, 2016 @04:25PM (#52439875)

      So settlements is the excuse now? What was the Palestinians' excuse during the 1929 Safed Riots [], or the 1929 Hebron Massacre [], or the 1938 Tiberias Massacre [], or the 1834 Safed Massacre [], or the the 1517 Safed Massacre [], or the 1838 attack on Safed [], or the 1834 Hebron Massacre [], or the 1660 Destruction of Safed [], or the 1660 Destruction of Tiberias []?

      All of those occurred before Israel was even formed. Between the formation of Israel and the first constructed settlement (1948-1967), there were an average of just over 3.2 attacks on civilians per year originating in the Jordan-controlled West Bank, ignoring the multiple actual wars that were started.

      When Israel entirely withdrew from all Gaza settlements in 2005, they were immediately met with an increase of violence, not less.

      So is there *any* reason to believe the Palestinians -- the same people who overwhelmingly support the government that holds this kind of shit [] at their schools -- would stop attacking civilians if the settlements are disbanded?

      Fuck no. The settlements are just a convenient excuse, not that the Palestinians need one to kill teh joos [].

      • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

        by Nidi62 ( 1525137 )

        So settlements is the excuse now? What was the Palestinians' excuse during the 1929 Safed Riots [], or the 1929 Hebron Massacre [], or the 1938 Tiberias Massacre [], or the 1834 Safed Massacre [], or the the 1517 Safed Massacre [], or the 1838 attack on Safed [], or the 1834 Hebron Massacre [], or the 1660 Destruction of Safed [], or the 1660 Destruction of Tiberias []?

        All of those occurred before Israel was even formed. Between the formation of Israel and the first constructed settlement (1948-1967), there were an average of just over 3.2 attacks on civilians per year originating in the Jordan-controlled West Bank, ignoring the multiple actual wars that were started.

        When Israel entirely withdrew from all Gaza settlements in 2005, they were immediately met with an increase of violence, not less.

        So is there *any* reason to believe the Palestinians -- the same people who overwhelmingly support the government that holds this kind of shit [] at their schools -- would stop attacking civilians if the settlements are disbanded?

        Fuck no. The settlements are just a convenient excuse, not that the Palestinians need one to kill teh joos [].

        Probably just in retaliation for the Israelites' conquering of Canaan. You know, where they enslaved their allies and slaughtered every man, woman, and child in Jericho.

      • by St.Creed ( 853824 ) on Sunday July 03, 2016 @05:51PM (#52440223)

        To discuss "The Palestinians" in the context of the ancient history is rather farfetched - under the Ottoman empire it is difficult to say whether the Palestinians identified themselves as Palestinians . Going into detail on your examples, Safed 1517 seems to be a case of anti-semitism during wartime, in the case of 1660 Tiberias/Safed it was the Druze who attacked, for reasons not immediately apparent. In modern times, Druze do not identify as Palestinians. Hebron 1834... was a case of a day of rape and pillage by an army after a 5 months siege, in which there were a grand total of 12 casualties. Calling that a massacre seems more a propaganda piece than a massacre. especially as the Arab population suffered over 500 casualties during that same day. But they don't really count in your examples, do they?

        The 1929 riots are more interesting. To quote wikipedia: "The Shaw Commission found that the fundamental cause of the violence "without which in our opinion disturbances either would not occurred or would not have been little more than a local riot, is the Arab feeling of animosity and hostility towards the Jews consequent upon the disappointment of their political and national aspirations and fear for their economic future."[ It also attributed the cause as being Arab fears of Jewish immigrants "not only as a menace to their livelihood but as a possible overlord of the future."

        With the benefit of hindsight we might say they had a point.

        When Israel entirely withdrew from all Gaza settlements in 2005, they were immediately met with an increase of violence, not less.

        Is that so strange? It is quite obvious to all involved why Israel withdrew: it would make it possible to stall peace negotiations for much longer, it would bottle the Palestines up in West Gaza, a much smaller area than the original plans show, and holding the settlements was politically impossible if Israel wanted to keep up relations with the rest of the world. This was realized by the Palestines as well.

        So is there *any* reason to believe the Palestinians -- the same people who overwhelmingly support the government that holds this kind of shit [] at their schools -- would stop attacking civilians if the settlements are disbanded?

        There are loads of reasons to think that the attacks will *never* stop until the settlements are disbanded, for several reasons.
        1) the settlers are responsible for a lot of violence themselves. They are a huge part of the problem as they depend economically on the conflict. They do not want peace and do everything possible to stir up trouble. Shutting down the settlements would be a very small first step in normalizing the situation.
        2) the settlements use up a lot of water which is scarce in the area. They are connected by roads that the rest of the inhabitants are barred from even crossing, and occupy strategic areas with fertile lands.
        3) It is a visible reminder of the fact the population is controlled by outside soldiers.
        Removing the settlements won't stop the attacks on civilians (although it will stop attacks on settlements), but it is at least a start towards a solution.

        As for Hamas, yeah, they're wankers. It's not as if Israeli politicians are immune to the hatred though: rabbi Dov Lior ( is at least as big a wanker as any member of Hamas.

    • If you want the Palestinians to stop attacking Israelis a good step would be to stop the settlements

      The Palestinians attacked Israelis as a matter of course long before any settlement existed. What makes you think they will stop if they were gone?
      (Hint: Removing all settlements from Gaza only made matters far, far worse.)

      • The Palestinians attacked Israelis as a matter of course long before any settlement existed.

        Ah yes that faithful day when Britain so charitably handed the equipment that just won WWII to the minority Israel population. How the Israeli's trembled in fear at only having the best military equipment ever made and used it to immediately and forcibly evict non-jews from what the U.N. decided was Jewish land. Israel has literally been resettling Palestinians since day #1.

        Its no surprise that the day the minority got military control they immediately started a campaign against the majority.


        • Everything you have written is a lie. The Brits handed equipment? Evictions? Resettlings..!? The day "the minority got military control"? An open air prison? What parallel universe are you living in?
          Sorry, but Arabs have been butchering Jews at every opportunity for centuries. This started long before Israel was created, even long before Britain was even in the picture. You are clueless.

        • The Palestinians attacked Israelis as a matter of course long before any settlement existed.

          Ah yes that faithful day when Britain so charitably handed the equipment that just won WWII to the minority Israel population. How the Israeli's trembled in fear at only having the best military equipment ever made and used it to immediately and forcibly evict non-jews from what the U.N. decided was Jewish land. Israel has literally been resettling Palestinians since day #1. Its no surprise that the day the minority got military control they immediately started a campaign against the majority. Regardless of the past, Palestinian children are born into and condemned to live in an open air prison run by the Israelis and this has been true for more than a generation. Until this fact changes there is no moral refuge to be found in the ill deeds of the Palestinians, for their deeds are Israels doings.

          oh please, how old are you? as with any events which shaped history and thought, those who grew up in the current era have difficulty trying to replicate the thinking that prevailed before the events in question. in 1948, military victory of Israel was far from a sure thing, i fact arguably the smart money was betting they would be swamped. certainly, that was the thinking of the arab nations.
          and similarly in 1967. the idea that israel wanted territorial expansion is a fiction countering the fact that at

      • If you want the Palestinians to stop attacking Israelis a good step would be to stop the settlements

        The Palestinians attacked Israelis as a matter of course long before any settlement existed. What makes you think they will stop if they were gone? (Hint: Removing all settlements from Gaza only made matters far, far worse.)

        yeah, but... even stipulating all the list of crimes of Palestinians, individual and as a group; even stipulating that the Israelis were entirely innocent of all evil intent and acting only in self defense; even stipulating the existential threat to israel from the panArab and Islamist movements; even stipulating everything bad on the Palestine side posed against everything good on the Israeli side; what part of that suggests "therefore, the best thing to do is move some israeli civilians into the middle o

    • by Dog-Cow ( 21281 )

      Arab behavior started long before the settlements and long before the policy of demolishing homes. Arabs are sore losers, and that underlies every single Arab- conflict in history. Their religion just makes it worse, but a secular Arab can be brought to the same destination, same as any Maoist or die-hard Communist.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    End the siege of Gaza.
    Give back the Palestinians their land as mandated in UN Resolution 242.
    Let Palestinians have the same rights as Israelis.End the first class citizen

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      You know Gaza borders on Egypt too, right? So why aren't you just trying to convince Egypt to support the Palestinians?

      Is it because you don't really care about Gazans and you just want a reason to hate Israel, or because you recognize that Egypt wants nothing to do with them because they're run by terrorists?

      You see, the people of Gaza are being held hostage by their own government. Unfortunately they have developed Stockholm Syndrome, so they keep electing terrorists to hold themselves hostage.

      It's not li

    • Free Palestinian children from jails.

      You mean, Let my people go? [] Or maybe Let my people go-go? []

  • by ITRambo ( 1467509 ) on Sunday July 03, 2016 @03:14PM (#52439579)
    Israel is upset that Facebook didn't spy for them? State's have their own spy organizations that do that stuff. Get off your asses and go look for yourself to see what's posted. Why would any country expect a foreign organization to do their work for them? That's outlandish and pretty damn lazy.
    • No actually Israel and many other countrys are mad FB and many other web sites don't actively enforce its very own TOS. relying 100% on members to report violations instead of looking for them themselves. They "Facebook" have just about every algorithm data mining for adverting purposes buy not a dime towards say finding nude images. They get taking down because some member seen and reported the nude image. its a legitimate complaint IMO.
  • "Hey Facebook, that Palestinian is pro-gun!" and they'll lock him down really fast.

  • And don't let the kids listen to any of that boogie-woogie music! Gives them bad ideas.

  • It'll be OK when Trump is president because he loves the Jews and Israel. [] [] []

    • An anti-Muslim "comedian" on Twitter originally posted that image on 16/06/15. It didn't get picked up by "anti-semite websites" until a week later. []

      Grasping at straws, man.

      • An anti-Muslim "comedian" on Twitter originally posted that image on 16/06/15. It didn't get picked up by "anti-semite websites" until a week later.

        Wait, so you're saying it went from an "anti-Muslim comedian" to the anti-semitic message board to Donald Trump's twitter feed and you think that makes it OK for the Trump campaign? Who the fuck does Donald let post on his Twitter feed? I thought he hired only the "best people".

        How the fuck is Donald getting memes from anti-semitic websites unless he or one o

  • Or thinks he is. FB will shutdown your account in a second if a female nipple is seen.

  • by JThundley ( 631154 ) on Sunday July 03, 2016 @06:44PM (#52440429)

    Am I missing something from the summary? Israel's Minister of Internal Security said that a murder could have been prevented if Facebook told them about somebody's post, and now they're pushing for laws that make Facebook take down posts they don't like. How are the 2 related? How does the power to take down posts help them identify hateful posts?

  • by youngone ( 975102 ) on Sunday July 03, 2016 @10:40PM (#52441169)
    I'm kind of hoping this comment gets buried because of the flamewar in this thread, but here goes. I have no sympathy for Facebook really, but in my opinion they should respond in the same way ICANN responded in the next story down

    ICANN is neither "required or qualified" to pass judgment in such cases...

    Facebook is neither "required or qualified" to be pro-active in seeking out offending content...

    In other words, tell them to get stuffed. If Facebook engages with these arseholes, they'll always want more.

  • Anyone care to talk about the content of the FB posts that the Israeli gov't is complaining about?

    I see a lot of factionist rants and blatant exaggerations from all 8 or 9 sides in the religio-social wars going on in the Middle East, but nothing about the actual topic.

    For that matter, how would everyone react if Palestine demanded that FB delete all pro-Israeli posts?

ASCII a stupid question, you get an EBCDIC answer.
