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Amazon Plans To Challenge Cisco in Networking Market With Much Cheaper Switches, Report Says ( 126

Amazon Web Services already dominates the market for cloud services. Now, reports The Information, it is eyeing a part of the cloud business it doesn't already control: the $14 billion global market for data center switches [Editor's note: the link may be paywalled; alternative source]. From the report: AWS is considering selling its own networking switches for business customers -- hardware devices that move traffic around networks, according to a person with direct knowledge of the cloud unit's plans and another person who has been briefed on the project. The plan could plunge Amazon more deeply into the lucrative enterprise computing market, posing a direct challenge to incumbents in the business like Cisco, along with Arista Networks and Juniper Networks.

As it does in many other categories, Amazon plans to use price to undercut rivals. The company could price its white-box switches between 70% and 80% less than comparable switches from Cisco, one of the people with knowledge of the program estimated.

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Amazon Plans To Challenge Cisco in Networking Market With Much Cheaper Switches, Report Says

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  • by kbonin ( 58917 ) on Friday July 13, 2018 @01:59PM (#56942712)
    This is why Cisco purchased (2003), absorbed, destroyed, and released (2013) Linksys - their higher end devices were able to replace a growing percentage of the switches and routers being marketed towards smaller businesses. M&A is a very successful way to kill a competitor in the US, GOV rarely cares and is for sale, and the investors rarely care after they cash out. But Cisco can't afford Amazon. High end switch market has been a mess, software configured networking is eating it alive, and its amazing what you can do with a simple Docker network. Be nice to see someone with a budget release some cheaper hardware where we still need actual hardware.
    • by Anonymous Brave Guy ( 457657 ) on Friday July 13, 2018 @05:48PM (#56944290)

      Cisco have always had a slightly odd business model when it comes to R&D. How often has some mysterious stealth startup been formed to investigate a new idea, with a remarkable number of ex-Cisco people as its initial staff, and subsequently bought by Cisco to bring the technology back in-house if it was promising?

      I don't know what you mean by the high-end switch market being a mess. It's still dominated by a few big names, Cisco among them.

      For all the promise of SDN, so far it's much more talk than action. The brave few who have tried it at large scales so far have rarely spoken positively about the results. At this level, getting your gear from one supplier who also has you on a lucrative support contract still seems to work out much better in the real world than buying white box gear from that guy, buying another type of white box gear from the other guy over there, installing some Linux-plus-drivers "network OS" from his mate on each of those boxes, and then trying to get 80% complete and 60% working SDN infrastructure running on top. SDN is eating traditional networking alive in the same way that Linux is eating Windows alive on the desktop: only in the dreams of its most loyal fans.

      I'm not sure what Docker has to do with switching at any serious level. All the networking other than connectivity between containers/VMs running on the same big box is still hardware based.

      And as a final comment, don't be fooled by arguments about big price savings compared to established brands like Cisco. No-one pays anything close to list price at high volume.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Cramer ( 69040 )

        SDN is still mostly just Marketing Lies(tm). The only people to really do it, have been doing it much longer than the term has existed. And they do it with in-house designed technology that Works For Them(tm) -- and they generally don't share. (facebook and rackspace claim to opensource their shit. Good luck trying to use what little they've shared.)

    • by Cramer ( 69040 )

      Cisco bought Linksys to get it's name into the consumer market. It failed. All it did was tarnish the name "Cisco" in the enterprise market, and significantly confuse people who don't know the difference.

    • by antdude ( 79039 )

      I still have my Linksys WRT54GL v1.1 router with its Cisco logo. LOL.

    • by sglines ( 543315 )

      I used to replace Cisco switches with throwaway Celetron PC's and cheap ethernet cards. They worked just fine and cost almost nothing.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Cisco always has to prices: The list-price and the retail price to customers who are "in the know". The latter is usually 60-70% below list-price.

    Which one is Amazon going to undercut ? If it is the first... Meh... Not so interesting.
    If it is the second... Then things get interresting. They will even be undercutting HPE/Aruba then.

  • by jellomizer ( 103300 ) on Friday July 13, 2018 @02:00PM (#56942728)

    We are able to get switches and routers for cheap for a while. Many have the same features that Cisco offers.
    The reason most companies stick with Cisco, is because they are able to find Certified Staff to work on their products.

    If a company tried to upgrade to Amazon Fire Sale Switches, then you need to find staff willing to maintain them and do it properly with best practices in mind, may be difficult. You can probably get Cisco Certified staff to work on them, however if there are any differences there may be an issue.

    • by swb ( 14022 ) on Friday July 13, 2018 @02:20PM (#56942900)

      I can't help but think that "Cisco certified" is a giant circle jerk of empire building, premium brand affiliation and so-called network experts hiding behind their Cisco manuals telling everyone how complex switching is.

      It used to be that Cisco and networking were synonymous, but not for a long time. There's too much competitive product and often a lot cheaper but a lot of orgs keep buying into the Cisco myth,

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Well just march right down there and get yourself a CCIE and find out just how easy it is. ROFL

        • by swb ( 14022 ) on Friday July 13, 2018 @03:29PM (#56943434)

          99% of the networking out there doesn't get more complicated than VLANs, QoS and spanning tree with maybe some pretty trivial static routing on top of it. You might find a little bit of OSPF routing here and there, either bigger physical campuses or multi-site environments trying to deal with automating failover between MPLS circuits and IPSec backups.

          You need a CCIE for that like you need a PhD in chemistry to cook dinner.

          That's not to say that CCIE isn't one of the best vendor certifications and CCIEs aren't smarter than the average bear, but it's also a pretty narrow space where it's an applicable requirement outside of larger telcos, data centers and carriers, and maybe places bought into very broad Cisco-specific product suites.

          My point is mostly that the Cisco crowd likes to make "muh networking skillz" into some kind of mystical knowledge when it really isn't. It mostly seems like they hide behind a greatly elevated sense of phony expertise, which Cisco and their resellers are only all too happy to reinforce.

          • Throwing packets around coherently requires discipline, but it is certainly not rocket surgery. Cisco has a motive for making it more difficult than it really is; therefore, the people who mastered that falsely elevated difficulty are also falsely proud of their accomplishments. Nobody wants to hear that what they worked so hard to learn is really much simpler than what was presented. So they remain proud of their accomplishments.

            • by swb ( 14022 )

              Thanks, I wasn't able to put into words like that. There's a feedback loop where Cisco makes things (at least seem) more difficult than they should be, the people who do it are invested in sorting it out, and want to keep that going by keeping their organization invested in what "only they can do".

        • by Anonymous Coward

          Its hard, but thats just because Cisco builds their own standards built on top of other actual standards. Like EIGRP, VTP, VSS. And then, of course, they license everything in strange ways, like you can do VSS on a 4500x but not a 3850, etc. And the hardware compatibility is insane up and down the stack.

          So you have to have people that can cut through all the overhead BS that is Cisco instead of just working on networks.

          Personally I've waited a long time to see Cisco get cut. Its happening, slowly. HP/Ubiqui

      • Oh it is. That is the same with all Certification programs. However the advantage of Certified engineers working on your stuff, isn't that they are smarter or better then what anyone else could do with. But what it does do is keep the work rather consistent.

        I am not a networking guy myself. If given a job to do networking, I can probably get it to work, but in the future when the real networking people come in they will look and be scared about the insane job I did, where it could had been done much more e

        • by Anonymous Coward

          Most CCNA's I've dealt with are in the same boat. The network engineer will be horrified to figure out the creative ways you had to get it to work. Cisco's product line is such a moving target that a CCNA is useless. I've yet to find someone with a current CCNA that actually had a practical knowledge of network setup from the ground up. CCIE's are a different breed, they spent 10s of thousands on classes and taking tests. They are required to have a much deeper understanding of networking in general.

          On top

      • Says the guy that has probably never needed to call Cisco TAC lvl2 about a zero day bug found in a $10 mil+ DC.

        There's lots of competitors out there and the telco I work for has all of them in small amounts in both DC's but none of them comes close to Cisco TAC until that changes we won't move over anything major over to the wannabe's except edge devices (Aruba switch/controller/ap combo's).

        Juniper comes the closest but there layer7 support (next gen firewalls like Palo's) isn't there yet.

    • by Jaime2 ( 824950 )
      All the knock offs have a credibility problem. Amazon can just say "Netflix runs on our network and this is what we use". As for staff, Amazon will probably offer to do management for you for a third of your staff's salary. Stonewalling would only land them in the unemployment line.
      • That is all fine and good, unless your networking needs is different then what Amazon or Netflix needs are.
        Cisco can normally rattle off names of companies in your industry who are successful with their product.

    • The thing is that because of this the CLIs for most competitors are very similar, and for routers you are mainly looking at differences between noun-verb and verb-noun syntaxes. The idiosyncrasies between brands can be a challenge, and the management tools can vary tremendously... but it simply isn't the case that you *need* the Cisco branded equipment.

      With Cisco experience as an example, picking up configuration on a Ubiquiti switch isn't a huge deal. Mixing and matching all day long will be frustrating,

    • Amazon already has a certification program around AWS. It's not going to be very hard for them to add an "Amazon Certified" program.

      Assuming the hardware is not shit, getting some people to get that certification and getting some company to install that hardware is not going to be hard for a massive cloud behemoth. Start with their own staff and datacenters. "We run AWS on these" should sell well enough to start making inroads.

      At that point the market will pick a winner.

  • by QuietLagoon ( 813062 ) on Friday July 13, 2018 @02:15PM (#56942834)
    Prime members have their packets delivered in 2 nanoseconds or less.
  • From Amazon's perspective this makes sense, provide priority bandwidth for Alexa and Amazon Prime as well as providing a way of monitoring customers' internet habits. Hopefully, they will be providing a high level of security so the information they're accessing/collecting doesn't become available to third parties.

    When there are *lots* of low-cost switches that I don't have to worry about Amazon's potential for taking over my home, why would I want to buy from them?

    • The incremental cost of offering for sale something they manufacture for themselves already is low, and the opportunity for profit is high.

    • These are switches for datacenters, not your house. It is unlikely that Amazon is interested in getting you to buy one.

  • Silly (Score:2, Insightful)

    by heson ( 915298 )
    We pay top dollars (maybe 4x any other brand total cost, the license is ridiculously expensive) for Cisco because they are proven to work and don't fail. We have tried lot of almost as expensive brands and they failed, the chance of us trying something new is 0% testing in a lab another proven brand that is not burned is possible.

    I.e to get into market, start with solid cheap stuff (where the requirements are low). Then try to fight the big players.

    My estimated outcome: either they do not survive one year

    • I'd bet this is just vertical integration that they are selling to others. The sales pitch is going to be "you're running all your cloud stuff on this hardware already"
    • by Anonymous Coward

      We pay top dollars (maybe 4x any other brand total cost, the license is ridiculously expensive) for Cisco because they are proven to work and don't fail.

      Cisco also continues to find hard-coded admin passwords in the products: []

      Incompetence? Deliberate act? Hard to tell the difference...

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      For various levels of "Proven" - Cisco today isn't the Cisco of the late 90s and early 2000s. They've now got a lot of products that really don't live up to the legendary brand name.

      Their support is good and their core products are good. If you can afford them.

      Cisco's real problem is Cisco. They've got that 90s era pricing structure of "Pay out the ass for features, then again for CALs, then again for support." Their sales culture is appalling. They're really out to sell you anything and everything you don'

    • by pnutjam ( 523990 )
      HP switches have been reliable, cli compatible, and much cheaper for years. They also throw in a lifetime advanced replacement warranty and firmware without an annual cost.

      I used to love replacing Cisco with HP, when I worked on networks 10 years ago. Now there are plenty of other choices for commodity switching gear. I didn't realize you can now buy 5 port "managed" switches for around $25. Finally got rid of the old hubs I had hanging around for sniffing traffic.
    • We pay top dollars (maybe 4x any other brand total cost, the license is ridiculously expensive) for Cisco because they are proven to work and don't fail.

      This is true. Cisco gear CAN be the toughest of the tough. In one of my networks, a switch had been hit by a 7.62 millimeter round and it stopped working. Unplugged it, plugged it back in, and it started working again. Had a bunch of Cisco reps present because were signing a $500 million SmartNet deal with them and they begged to take pictures of my switch to use for marketing purposes. I imagine many people saw pictures of that 3650 (iirc).

  • Is it still going to be cheaper than Cisco when you pay to not get ads delivered to everything connected to your network switch?

    Is this going to be like their phones and their tablets and their e-readers where you have to pay more not to get ads?

  • by nehumanuscrede ( 624750 ) on Friday July 13, 2018 @03:13PM (#56943304)

    It won't take a whole lot to undercut Cisco since they have always had ridiculous pricing.
    Even companies with damn near infinite amounts of cash finally started looking at other vendors because of ludicrous price levels.

    However !

    That said, I have decommissioned Cisco routers and switches that have been running ( without a reboot ) for twenty plus YEARS without a hiccup.
    I doubt you're going to find that sort of reliability in anything offered at rock bottom prices.

    So, while expensive as hell, I can't complain about the operational track record.

    • by aaarrrgggh ( 9205 ) on Friday July 13, 2018 @03:52PM (#56943566)

      Sure, but in 5 years to you expect you will find much equipment that is 5 years old today left in operation? If so, is it at its "smashing point?" (Smashing point is where it is cheaper to replace something that works for something new with better performance.)

    • by bn-7bc ( 909819 )

      Hmm live upgrade on a 20 old switch/router, did Cisco dot thst back then, ore are ypu inderctly telling us thst the box has 20 year ol firmware? I’m shure I’m missing something here so any info is apprecuated.

    • by pnutjam ( 523990 )
      Your really surprised to see solid state equipment running for 20 years? Generally if switches fail, they do it in the first year. After year one, they usually just chug along.
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      You can have one very reliable Cisco switch or four redundant cheaper ones.

      Take your pick between NSA and Chinese backdoors.

    • Everyone has ridiculous *list* pricing. Anyone buying Cisco gear in quantity is going to get a healthy discount from list. I used to work for a Cisco partner, who got 40-60% off.

    • I once spent months trying to figure out a network problem only to eventually find that some Cisco routers, even though they negotiated full-duplex connections, were communicating at half-duplex and when transmitting packets they would discard simultaneously incoming packets (with no errors). It did stay up without rebooting though.
  • The NSA was already caught hacking Cisco's routers before foreign customers received them. I wonder how secure Amazon's are? Do they subcontract the manufacture to China? Does the Chinese government get a back door out of the deal?
  • I'd love to see this effort drive down the costs of 10gb+ network speeds and drive them into the consumer market.

To be or not to be, that is the bottom line.
