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Game Company Receives Complaints About Bad Example Set By '%FEMALENAME' ( 577

ArenaNet narrative designer Jessica Price was fired last week after she accused a Twitter user of "mansplaining", and adding later "Don't expect me to pretend to like you here." (Her employer characterized this as "attacks on the community.")

So what happened in the week that followed? An anonymous reader writes: A Reddit user indicated he'd been speaking satirically when he posted that "We can probably fire anyone on the GW2 dev team as long we make a big enough stink," and expressed surprise later that no one had disagreed with him. But another female developer told Kotaku she saw a real call to action on 4chan, and that it was followed by angry letters to the game studio she freelances for calling for her firing too, complaining their games had declined since she was hired (along with another woman). The letters also complained her Twitter account set "a bad example for the letter-writer's children, who supposedly play this game." The company's CEO received "a three-digit number's" worth of angry letters -- though "Fifty or so of them glitched out with a lot of variables exposed, including %FEMALENAME."

"A deeper look at the names and emails associated with the letters went to Facebook bot profiles and people whose profiles indicated associations with Gamergate or 4chan," reports Kotaku -- and Brianna Wu made a similar charge on Twitter last week, citing research by a team of volunteers. "The overwhelming majority of people harassing Jessica Price today on Twitter are bots and sock puppets. These are throwaway accounts that are used as toys. Almost no one claiming to be upset is an established, normal Twitter user." The Verge reports that Wu monitored Jessica Price's account, and found harassment "as bad as she's ever seen," blocking at least 600 different accounts.

Another female narrative designer at Arkane Studios says her employer was messaged with a complaint that she'd "verbally abused" a Twitter user -- and discovered a (since-deleted) online petition calling for her firing. And an angry message was also sent to Opaque Space (collaborating with NASA on VR games and training), complaining the company should take responsibility for the "man hating ideals...spread through social media accounts" by their game design lead. "I know MANY people like me, especially women, who have frequent experience with people calling for their employers to fire them for speaking up, speaking out," she posted on Twitter.

The latest furor began with an accusation of mansplaining which a YouTube streamer defended as "my obvious attempt at creating dialogue and discussion", calling it "disheartening" that Jessica Price didn't "correct me in my false assumptions."
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Game Company Receives Complaints About Bad Example Set By '%FEMALENAME'

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  • irony (Score:5, Funny)

    by c6gunner ( 950153 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @07:41AM (#56950612) Homepage

    I know MANY people like me, especially women, who have frequent experience with people calling for their employers to fire them for speaking up, speaking out

    Yeah, #metoo

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Perhaps you could share your experience? The more we know, the better we can deal with it.

      Perhaps a Wikipedia entry or a site that employers can be directed to which explains this problem could be created, so that if you are a victim you can show your boss and hopefully get the matter resolved.

      • by msauve ( 701917 )
        The problem, and solution, is simple. #deletefacebook [] (and twitter, etc.).
      • Re: irony (Score:5, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 15, 2018 @08:33AM (#56950762)

        I own a game company.

        We get this constantly from players, and it has nothing to do with the sex of the developers. If anything the men get it worse.

        I know that's an uncomfortable truth for you, but it's not anecdotal. It's industry-wide.

      • Re: irony (Score:4, Informative)

        by c6gunner ( 950153 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @08:48AM (#56950810) Homepage

        Perhaps you could share your experience? The more we know, the better we can deal with it.

        Sure, would you like that list alphabetical, or in chronological order?

        It's going to take me a while to type up an entire encyclopaedia anyway, so in the meantime here's a little primer for you: []

    • Re:irony (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Jane Q. Public ( 1010737 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @05:02PM (#56953068)
      Don't misunderstand me. I don't discredit your experience.

      Personally, I think the vast majority of the time these online petitions to get people fired are nothing more than bullying, coercive harassment.

      But I perceive a problem in the Jessica Price case.

      Jessica's problem was that she was using Twitter basically as an extension of her work life. She -- apparently constantly -- tweeted to people she knew to be gamers about her work designing games.

      In a case like that, yeah, I can see that a backlash on Twitter could lash all the way back to her employer.

      But as I said, most cases aren't like that. Generally speaking, unless someone is tweeting about their own criminal behavior or things that are really, grossly unethical, I don't think social media should have any impact on one's work or professional life.
      • Don't misunderstand me. I don't discredit your experience.

        Don't worry about it. If you had read the rest of my comments you'd see that I'm not exactly a snowflake. And I'm pretty sure you fundamentally misunderstood my position.

        But I perceive a problem in the Jessica Price case.

        Jessica's problem was that she was using Twitter basically as an extension of her work life. She -- apparently constantly -- tweeted to people she knew to be gamers about her work designing games.

        In a case like that, yeah, I can see that a backlash on Twitter could lash all the way back to her employer.

        But as I said, most cases aren't like that. Generally speaking, unless someone is tweeting about their own criminal behavior or things that are really, grossly unethical, I don't think social media should have any impact on one's work or professional life.

        I agree 100% with everything you said, and wish I could mod you up. For my part, I want to give her even more benefit-of-the-doubt just because I realize that, thanks to my dislike for her politics, I'm inherently inclined to judge her more harshly. As you say, if she did regularly mix work PR with her personal feed, that would be the o

  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 15, 2018 @07:52AM (#56950642)

    Is anyone really surprised that identity politics only lead to more and broader generalized hatred?

  • by Entrope ( 68843 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @08:00AM (#56950658) Homepage

    How many troll armies have been unleashed on the United States, trying to stir up dissent and unrest using tactics like these?

  • Go woke, go broke (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 15, 2018 @08:01AM (#56950662)

    She was fire for insulting the clients, she was not hire to speak garbage in twitter.

    • Smell the bullshit (Score:4, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 15, 2018 @09:21AM (#56950914)

      Worse, he gave *positive* encouraging feedback. Exactly the type companies want. I say, "He" but the name doesn't indicate male or female. Perhaps she ranted at a women for all I know. Either way it was bad. Then she double down on it publicly on Reddit, and it became a much much worse, a big problem for the company, to the extent they couldn't ignore it.

      And she got fired, the CEO explained to her personally why, and she took that even badly, suggesting he sacked her personally to gloat. When I read it, that he thought highly enough to sack her personally, and explain why.

      Serious personality issues.

      As to the rest of this shit:
      "But another female developer told Kotaku she saw a real call to action on 4chan, and that it was followed by angry letters to the game studio she freelances for calling for her firing too, complaining their games had declined since she was hired (along with another woman)."

      A targetted letter aimed at a particular woman, yet supposidly a generic template with %FEMALENAME in the template as if its a generic letter sent about all women to every studio?

      And %FEMALENAME, not just %NAME?? The word 'FEMALE" in there to back up the agenda claim. That doesn't ring true, and a google search does nothing to back it.

      So I think this is just bullshit.

      Jessica Price could be *Jeffry* Price for all it matters, he would still need to be sacked for that behavior.

      • by voss ( 52565 )

        I wish I had mod points for you. She wasnt fired for saying "thanks for telling me how to do my job". If she had stopped there muted the guy she would still have a job. She was fired for holding up an enthusiastic player with constructive criticism to public ridicule and further basically describing arena fans as emotional johns. That damages the company she worked for.

  • These days, it doesn't matter which group you're in, there will be a group targetting you. Be it scammers, hate groups, or trolls. The more you reveal about yourself, your beliefs, and your work... the more you'll be torn into. Also, uninformed people telling you how to do your job has always existed. It very rarely leads to any improvement and instead usually distracts. It all comes down to how you respond. Lashing out on social media just ensures logs exist. Don't give these people ammunition to use agai
  • by Anonymous Coward

    These tactics are bad and evil when used by one side, but when the forces of social justice band together to get conservatives silenced or fired, it's ok?

    Seems to me they don't like the taste of their own medicine.

    P.S. Are you really sure you want to make this woman your test case? I mean, seriously.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      These tactics are bad and evil when used by one side, but when the forces of social justice band together to get conservatives silenced or fired, it's ok?

      Yes. It is wrong to fake a group through the means described already. It is not wrong for a genuine group of people to assemble.

      The difference is significant. And for what it is worth, there is already a record of criticism over form letters and such in protests.

      You seem unaware that this predates the Internet.

      Seems to me they don't like the taste of their own medicine.

      Seems to me that you missed what is going on, namely that somebody substituted poison for medicine.

      P.S. Are you really sure you want to make this woman your test case? I mean, seriously.

      You seemed to have missed the point where multiple people are being targeted.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      There has to be a level of tolerance. I guess the level depends on the employer, but it's probably somewhere between "literal Nazi marching proudly" and "voted for the other candidate".

  • Not mansplanining (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 15, 2018 @08:34AM (#56950766)

    The dude was perfectly polite in his question. She just went off on him because she obviously knows better as SHE is the dev and he's just a player, that she's doesn't have to explain why he's so wrong that warrants her going off on him and basically called him sexist for bringing her gender into the mix(which he NEVER did, she assumed it herself, it was NEVER a gender issue yet she keeps on repeating it was.)

    This whole thing is ridiculous and all stemmed from that one awful dev, the same one who said she was glad Totalbiscuit was dead (you may not like him, but ffs, that's not something you say about someone that died of cancer and wasn't a criminal).
    It was never a mansplaining or a gender issue, the gender of the dev was never bought into this other than by herself to "justify" her actions.
    She deserved to be fired, this is no way to conduct yourself. A dev online is like a clerk in a store, you represent your company regardless of whether or not you put a disclaimer saying "the views expressed here are your own and bla bla bla".
    Don't like it? Don't respond, simple as that. No one forced her to reply to him in such a manner.

  • by brucekeller ( 5312389 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @09:07AM (#56950860)
    Just because you have a vagina doesn't mean you can be a jerk without retribution.
  • by MadCat221 ( 572505 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @09:22AM (#56950920)
    "Was only speaking Satirically" = "It's just a joke, lighten up". The classic capper to a round of bullying, trying to delegitimize the grievances of the bullied.
  • Horrid writing (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Ol Olsoc ( 1175323 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @09:29AM (#56950940)
    Could this thing be re-written so that it makes a bit more sense? Its like several disjointed story lines melded into an incoherent whole.
  • by remoteshell ( 1299843 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @09:35AM (#56950974)
    The topic of discussion and the depth and quality of the subsequent commentary gives me great hope for the future. My hope is that arthropods are back at the top of the food chain again. And the way this discussion and ecological changes are going, they have a good chance. I for one hail our new lobster overlords.
  • by skovnymfe ( 1671822 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @09:52AM (#56951058)
    Some idiot brings gender into a discussion on the internet. We don't hate you because you're a woman, we hate you because you're trying to get in our face about being a woman. On the internet. Where you aren't a woman. You're a collection of bytes. Bytes don't have a gender. So shut the fuck up already.
    • You're a collection of bytes. Bytes don't have a gender.

      0 and 1 would beg to differ...

    • Some idiot brings gender into a discussion on the internet.

      Yep, the women should just shut the fuck up about the shit they have to deal with. I mean the fact that there's troll armies targeting %FEMALENAME trying to get them fired, has nothing to do with it. They're hurting my delicate feelings by complaining and it makes me sad.

    • they're typically well known people at game studios. What's more, the ones in this story are being targeted for their gender. They're not just a collection of bytes. They're not anonymous /. posters. They're employees at a company expected to function in a customer service role. They can't "shut the fuck up". It's literally their job to engage with and talk with the community. The only way they can "shut the fuck up" is if they leave the industry, which, well, seems to be the goal here....
  • This is fake news (Score:5, Informative)

    by ma1wrbu5tr ( 1066262 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @10:39AM (#56951240) Journal
    I have been following this since it started. I have yet to see any evidence whatsoever of the '%FEMALENAME' letters that are being referenced in blogs, social media, etc. Until I see a pastebin, photocopy, or something published by an actual company who received it, I'm filing that under "shit-that-never-happened".
    The facts in this that we KNOW to be true are as follows. 1: Price received some feedback she didn't like. 2: She got offended over nothing and reacted badly. 3: She and a colleague were fired.
    In the real world, a business' bread-and-butter are its customers. (This is doubly true for entertainment related businesses) Treat them badly, and your business suffers. Treat them badly a lot and do it publicly, it suffers seriously. GW2 was hemorrhaging players already and Ms. Price's writing was likely playing a part. I uninstalled it about 6 months ago myself after playing for years.
  • Women's privilege, which lets women do and say things men cannot, must end in a time of equality. And trying to pin the problem on men is just more of what I call cherchez l'home, or search for the man behind the woman's bad behavior, speech, or attitude. If you cannot turn the genders around and find the speech and behavior acceptable, it isn't acceptable, period. And what man can make up words and phrases to attack women? We can't without the same kind of consequences she is having. It is time for equalit
  • by Chewbacon ( 797801 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @11:01AM (#56951330)

    She couldâ(TM)ve agreed to disagree professionally and left it at that. Ignored further inquiries or insults. But no, sheâ(TM)s a triggered child and had to lash out as a representative of her company.

    I work for one of the largest healthcare industry companies in the world and while we are encouraged to be participate on social media, we are not allowed to argue with others or defend the company other than offering to report complaints. I comment on my companyâ(TM)s posts, but I donâ(TM)t respond to other people even if itâ(TM)s positive as shit can get so twisted.

  • by najajomo ( 4890785 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @11:06AM (#56951350)
    'Jessica Price was fired last week after she accused a Twitter user of "mansplaining"' No she wasn't forced for "mansplaining": ref []:

    'After a long AMA on the Guild Wars 2 Reddit, Jessica Price; a writer for ArenaNet, went on to Twitter to post a 25-part essay on how she comes up with stories, and what is relevant as far as stories in todays MMO's. (Very rough synopsis, quite a good read.)

    After posting the essay, many community members chimed in to thank Price on sharing her views, and how insightful the read was, with one very popular community member; who has his own NPC inside of Guild Wars 2, commenting on the essay hoping to be able to start a civil and polite conversation with, one of his favorite writers. (He denotes this in his Twitch stream before the Twitter debacle)

    The attempt however at starting a polite and civil conversation with the ArenaNet Writer, ended in Price slandering and defaming the community member as a sexist who is trying to mans-plain the job to her, even after the community member apologized for trying to start a civil conversation. (Community member posted a total of 2 Replys to Price, the first being the initial polite conversation starter, the second the apology for attempting communication.)

    The next day on July 5th (This all occurred on July 4th), ArenaNet's CEO Mike O' Brian released a statement on a Guild Wars 2 Reddit post stating that Jessica Price and another ArenaNet member have been fired for harassment of an community member, when no such harassment was necessary
  • by Jiro ( 131519 ) on Sunday July 15, 2018 @12:58PM (#56951916)

    This article actually leaves in sufficient facts to contradict the narrative.

    The reason that the reddit user "speaking satirically" comes up is that Polygon was pretending they had found someone who actually believed that, but Polygon accidentally linked to the post where he admits his post was fake. This demonstrates that Polygon knew that the post they linked to was a fake post from their own side, but they deliberately used it anyway as clickbait.

    Furthermore, the claim that "nobody disagreed with him" is a voted into the negatives and deleted. Voting things down is often used to express disagreement.

    The slashdot post is written poorly because it's trying to avoid admitting these things, because "the supposed misogyny among gamers is a false flag operation" contradicts the narrative.

"I may be synthetic, but I'm not stupid" -- the artificial person, from _Aliens_
