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New Windows 10 Update Bugs Include Orange Screenshots ( 96

An anonymous reader quotes MS Poweruser: Microsoft's latest Cumulative Update KB4512941 for Windows 10 May 2019 Update(1903) may be Microsoft's buggiest yet, with the update already known for being plagued with high CPU usage bugs* and crippled search.

Now reports of a new bug are filtering in, with users reporting that their screenshots all have an orange tint, no matter which method or app they use to take them.

The issue appears to be related to older video drivers, as updating drivers (or uninstalling KB4512941) appears to fix this problem.

* Microsoft has told Forbes that the spike in CPU usage "only occurs on devices that have disabled searching the web using Windows Desktop Search" -- and that they're planning to release a fix for this update-related bug in mid-September.
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New Windows 10 Update Bugs Include Orange Screenshots

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  • by scdeimos ( 632778 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @01:16AM (#59172900)
    Wasn't it already bad enough that you had to select-all-cut-paste the search request three or four times before Windows Search returned anything other than the animated dots or "No results found"?
    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 09, 2019 @01:58AM (#59172958)

      What's fishy about this is that Microsoft has adopted an effective policy of:

      Well, if you don't wanna use our search engine, sure would be a shame if something happened to your performance for a month..

    • Today's joke about Microsoft: Microsoft is NOT a software company, it is an ABUSE company. When you consider that purpose, it is managed very well.
    • by stealth_finger ( 1809752 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @08:45AM (#59173618)
      If they are going to be forcing updates they should be making sure they work even more than before.
      • I guess you miss the memo about the end users being the beta testers.

      • by jwhyche ( 6192 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @12:35PM (#59174392) Homepage

        Should be more than that. If they are going to force updates then they should be held liable for the results. Computers running MS OS are no longer options now, many jobs require them. So if they brick my desktop and I'm out of work while I have to dig out their buggy crap then they should compensate me for down time.

      • by NewtonsLaw ( 409638 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @01:58PM (#59174710)

        I get really pissed off that *I* am not in control of the computer I bought and paid for.

        Microsoft (via its feature upgrades) repeatedly shits on my settings and reconfigures my computer without my performance. I have tried to block those feature upgrades but it eventually sneaks one past me and then I have to spend hours restoring the things it has changed.

        In the last update it messed up all my monitor calibration settings and also my audio configurations.

        Microsoft, get your bloody fingers out of my PC -- it is NOT yours and I want it configured the way *I* need it, not repeatedly reset to your lame defaults.

        Actually it's not a total loss. This latest "feature upgrade" and the hassles that it produced (where do I send the invoice for my time Microsoft?) has finally pushed me to transition this one and only remaining Windows machine to Linux. I had kept it on Windows because my video editing software has (until recently) been a Windows-only application. Now I've shifted to Davinci Resolve I am finally free to wipe the Microsoft self-mutating virus that is Windows 10 and bannish the evil blue screens forever.


        Forcing feature-upgrades on customers just lost you a customer Microsoft!

  • by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @01:18AM (#59172906) Journal

    Trump Mode

  • Orange tint (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 09, 2019 @01:19AM (#59172908)

    Now reports of a new bug are filtering in, with users reporting that their screenshots all have an orange tint, no matter which method or app they use to take them.

    Now Trump can blame Microsoft for the orange tinted images of him.

  • by Gravis Zero ( 934156 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @01:25AM (#59172918)

    Oh come on guys, who doesn't want their screenshots to be tinted orange? Everything is better when you color it orange! [] ;)

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      It's a feature, not a bug. First we had dark mode, now we have amber mode to simulate those classic amber screen terminals.

      I've been waiting for this for about 40 years.

    • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

      I don't know about that, let's try the one on the right.

  • Orange sounds better.
  • Microsoft is the new orange.
  • Microsoft hires FANG rejects nowadays. That's the quality of work you get out of those people.

  • by Waccoon ( 1186667 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @02:24AM (#59172986)
    I love this new trend of disabling things making them use even more resources. Because, y'know, disabling things totally works.
  • by The_Revelation ( 688580 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @03:27AM (#59173058) Homepage Windows without argument. Windows Search with Web Results is the most worthless feature in Windows 10. Presently, Microsoft have broken THE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE of Windows 10.

    Does Microsoft employ a single tester?
    • by zephvark ( 1812804 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @04:05AM (#59173120) Windows without argument. Windows Search with Web Results is the most worthless feature in Windows 10. Presently, Microsoft have broken THE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE of Windows 10.

      Does Microsoft employ a single tester?

      Yes. Microsoft employs a single tester.

      • by PolygamousRanchKid ( 1290638 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @05:51AM (#59173238)

        Yes. Microsoft employs a single tester.

        Microsoft's customers are its testers. So there are a lot of them, but technically they aren't employees.

        Most software companies pay testers to test their software.

        Microsoft testers pay Microsoft to test their software.


        • They have a term for it. Minimum Viable Quality (MVQ).

          You can find it at the end of this lengthy story about the topic from someone who used to do it:


          I guess it works?

        • by nytmare ( 572906 )

          Doesn't do any good to test if you neglect to fix the problems that are found. This is an industry-wide problem, but for an OS it's critical.

        • by antdude ( 79039 )

          Mosft software companies? Ha, where? I don't see many of them! I'm looking for a SQA testing job!

      • by dddux ( 3656447 ) Windows without argument. Windows Search with Web Results is the most worthless feature in Windows 10. Presently, Microsoft have broken THE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE of Windows 10.

        Does Microsoft employ a single tester?

        Yes. Microsoft employs a single tester.

        And he/she is on vacation, unfortunately.

    • If this is so important (it's not), why would you cripple someone's system when they disable it?

      Sorry, I keep forgetting. This is Microsoft. If you don't use something they'll make sure to make your life miserable until you do.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Windows search is important? Strange idea, I have never used it. In fact, I have it disabled as far as possible.

    • They actually fired most of their testers in 2014.

    • Windows Search is THE WORST peice of windows i've ever had the mispleasure of using. It commits some of the worst user interface atrocities seen by mankind. It's a disgusting, horrifying excuse for a function. Sa SEARCH function! Something computers are meant to be good at. by god is it awful. I would suggest immediately installing agent ransack. For some info on why it's so bad: 1. is it working ? It's searching, right ? 2. Nah it's not, click it again. 3. It takes over my window, and REPLACES my con
    • by gl4ss ( 559668 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @11:24AM (#59174146) Homepage Journal

      I've turned indexing off too. if you turn off the cortana search the cpu bug doesn't appear.

      I use classic shell as a replacement for start button and the only case where I want to use search like that is to just search in the start menu and that works fine with the other searches disabled.

      also cortana indexing is somehow seemingly totally separate from the other windows search indexing of file..

      microsoft has just been such a shitshow. but less of a shitshow than osx generally is still. I can't imagine anyone using the default windows search with web results or god forbig appstore results enabled though - the way I see it being used by anyone is simply to not use it if they don't understand enough of the system to turn those features off - so they just never use it for anything as it's basically just spam. well the default start button is basically just spam too though.

      the most important feature for me about windows is that it runs windows applications and 10 does that better for legacy stuff than 7, so there's that bonus at least. I could write a lot longer rant about how microsoft screwed up with 10 though. even just finding settings is a chore due to them being split IN TWO FUCKING SEPARATE CONTROL PANELS WHAT THE FUCCKKKKKKK. oh and just plain not having essential settings visible without using extra programs like ooshutup. or on purpose having made it so that most _normal_ people who install windows 10 think that you need a microsoft account.

    • Never used Microsoft Search, with or without "Web Results". Ever. Since Windows 0.001

      So it cannot be really very important. Its sort of like having "audio" and speakers in a TV. Perhaps the proles use it, but I have no clue if it works of not (nor if it ever did in any TV set I ever owned). It is one of those things that one is forced to pay for that has no utility whatsoever.

  • by Viol8 ( 599362 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @04:38AM (#59173158) Homepage

    If you don't like Windows then don't bloody use it. I can't stand it so I use Mac and Linux at home though unfortunately I have to suffer server 2012 at work. If someone doesn't like a Ford they go and buy something else, they don't keep buying Fords and constantly complaining about them so why do people keep using this junk software for personal use?

    • by Admiral Krunch ( 6177530 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @05:12AM (#59173184)

      unfortunately I have to suffer server 2012 at work.

      Stop the endless whinging and find a new job.

      • by Viol8 ( 599362 )

        Perhaps English is your second language and you don't quite understand what whinging means. Google it.

        • by Kokuyo ( 549451 )

          It means complaining. Why what did you think it means?

          • by Viol8 ( 599362 )

            Not exactly, it implies continuity of complaint. Anyway, feel free to point out where I was doing that.

            • The point is that you say if you dont like windows, then dont use it...

              ...then you complain about having to use it when you really dont have to. If you dont like your work conditions, then quit immediately. Same retarded logic.
              • by Viol8 ( 599362 )

                I don't really have to? Shall I tell my boss I'm not going to use it any more and see what happens? Or shall I just tell my family there'll be no more paycheques for the forseable future and we can go hungry and miss the mortgage payments because I don't like a particular OS?

                Grow up and get a clue sonny.

                • Ah. No balls. I see the problem.

                  • by Viol8 ( 599362 )

                    Don't worry, when you've finished puberty (mental if not physical) and eventually find a woman who'll sleep with you and maybe you're not firing blanks and so end up with kids you might understand.

            • Not exactly, it implies continuity of complaint. Anyway, feel free to point out where I was doing that.

              By saying you have to suffer it makes it whinging. It wasn't really endless though. Unless you say that a lot in a bunch of different posts I guess.

              • by Viol8 ( 599362 )

                "By saying you have to suffer it makes it whinging"

                No, that was stating a point, not whinging.

                • Hmmmm, if you'd said used yeah. It's suffering that tips it for me but whatever. As far as whinging goes it barely registers.
        • by RegisteringisLame ( 6225830 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @08:30AM (#59173584)
          The Grammarphobia Blog On “whinge” and “whine” March 12th, 2007 Q: The word “whinging” jumps off the page whenever I see it in British fiction. We don’t use it in the U.S. Why is it used in Britain? A: In modern English, “whinge” and “whine” generally mean the same thing, though “whinge” (it rhymes with “hinge”) isn’t often heard in the United States except in the mouths of Anglophiles. They come from two Old English words: “whine” from hwinan (to make a whizzing or humming sound, like an arrow in flight), and “whinge” from hwinsian (to make a sound like a dog whimpering). We probably get “whinny,” or horse talk, from the same root. Both words are very old; “whine” dates from 1275 and “whinge” from 1150. Originally, “whine” referred merely to the sound. But “whinge” implied a wailing or crying: the sound was one of distress. Eventually, to “whine” also came to mean complain or express discontent. Though Americans use only one word, “whine,” the British use both: “whining” covers a variety of meanings, including sounds made by people, animals, or inanimate objects, and “whingeing” (also spelled “whinging”) is more specifically for peevish or fretful complaining. The British sometimes use the terms together for emphasis: “Stop your whingeing and whining!”
        • Perhaps English is your second language and you don't quite understand what whinging means. Google it.

          I suggest you shouldn't whinge about other people's English comprehension when all you achieve it to categorically prove your own grasp of the language and its intricacies to be poor.

    • If you don't like Windows then don't bloody use it. I can't stand it so I use Mac and Linux at home though unfortunately I have to suffer server 2012 at work. If someone doesn't like a Ford they go and buy something else, they don't keep buying Fords and constantly complaining about them so why do people keep using this junk software for personal use?

      If people don't like ford they have more options than a mercedes (overpriced version of basically the same thing) or a kit car.

      • by Viol8 ( 599362 )

        Given that "kit car" runs the majority of Smartphones, web servers and a large proportion of embedded kit and general backend systems in the world its not doing too badly.

        • Alright then. Replace your desk/laptop with a phone, web server or embedded hardware. For general computing there are 3 options.
          • by Viol8 ( 599362 )

            I already run a Linux desktop, have done for 20 years. Whats your point exactly?

            • My point was if you don't want windows you have the choice of mac, which is basically the same but more expensive (the mercedes) or linux which is just not even a consideration for most people. It's for "computer folk" and requires a lot of self building/maintenance/however you want to phrase it (the kit car), more specific knowledge than the the other 2 options anyway. I didn't think it was that complex a point that the car world has way more option that the computer world.
              • by Viol8 ( 599362 )

                The point is that there are other options than Windows. Mac works perfectly well as an OS for non technical people, probably better than windows so if people don't like what comes out of Seatlle why don't they buy Cupertino instead. Or even a Chromebook.

                • The point is that there are other options than Windows. Mac works perfectly well as an OS for non technical people, probably better than windows so if people don't like what comes out of Seatlle why don't they buy Cupertino instead. Or even a Chromebook.

                  Exactly, if people don't like windows they can buy a mac. Which is basically the same thing (functionally) but more expensive and they only really offer one version of their product each (hardware/mobile aside). The amount of real choice is a joke. Windows or Apple, or yeah, I suppose you could get a chromebook as your main thing if you really wanted to. Final choice is setting up linux, of which there are a ton of different versions but that's not for your average user.

                  • by Viol8 ( 599362 )

                    Most of the people who post on this site are technical so setting up Linux would probably be doable for most of them if they don't want Mac. But I suppose whining about something you use at home but don't have to is much more fun.

  • quick fix! (Score:4, Insightful)

    by higuita ( 129722 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @06:05AM (#59173258) Homepage

    Quick fix for this and all MS problems:

    1- Install linux
    2- use it!
    3- profit !!

    Problem solved!

    • That should be:

      3. Lose access to all your software.
      4. Somehow try to rearrange your life around not-quite-it open source tools that don't do the half the stuff you need and that you previously had.
      5. Instead of being productive in any way, spend your days complaining about system-D, the right distribution to use, and Wayland not having network transparency.

      • Use WINE to run Windows programs on Linux (with varying degrees of compatibility).

        • Why would I run an emulator of doubtful usefulness, when I can just run the real thing? What is Linux even doing for me at this point, other than hindering my work?

    • Problem solved!

      I just followed your advice. Why does nothing happen when I click "Setup.exe"?

    • by mea2214 ( 935585 )
      Install Linux in a Virtual Box ( or some other brand ) VM. Only do Internet stuff in VM, block Windows from Internet access, and never take an update.
  • Testing of Windows has been atrocious since 10 was released. Between the anti-user features and the bugs introduced in every yearly release Windows 10 has turned into a mess.
    I really wish there was a company releasing a Windows-compatible OS.
  • by AndyKron ( 937105 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @07:19AM (#59173390)
    Does Microsoft even attempt to debug the their fixes to their previous bugs?
  • by lucasnate1 ( 4682951 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @07:21AM (#59173392) Homepage

    I really don't get it, how can they get that to happen by mistake? The only think I can think of is some DRM fail/notice that gets activated when it should not.

  • Your device is missing important security and quality fixes.

    Clicking update does nothing my version and updates are up to date so who knows whats going on or what fixes i am missing thanks MS for shitty work ya take after EA and Dice...
  • by gweihir ( 88907 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @08:23AM (#59173562)

    Have they lost control of their product? In a sane economic situation, you drop this crap and go to the next competitor with a reasonable update history. In this case, you have none that runs the same software. Goes to show that monopolies are always bad for society.

    • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday September 09, 2019 @08:33AM (#59173596)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        That is an exceptionally broken process. I wonder whether they are incompetent or are just so sure of their monopoly that they have mostly stopped trying. Probably both.

    • Have they lost control of their product?

      No software vendor has control of their product without also controlling *your* device. I'll take the bugs over having to beg my vendor for permission to do something as simple as using a graphics card (looking at you Mac).

    • by geek ( 5680 )

      This is called Agile/DevOps. Its the new norm because millennials told us all how much better it is.

      • No, that's how crap in the Linux ecosystems is made.

        Microsoft uses SDL for Windows (and Office), not Agile. They do use Agile for some smaller less complex projects. That said, they suck at both.

  • When Operating systems worked when released and were stable. That was the day when there was accountability and none of this forced migration and telemetry.
    • "forced migration and telemetry"

      There is forced migration? Someone is rounding you up at gunpoint and putting you on-board trains to the concentration camp? Even so, it is not forced, it is entirely voluntary. You are making the choice to migrate. You could choose not to migrate.

      As for telemetry, simply turn it off.

      • "simply"?

        turning off windows 10 telemetry is difficult, many of the common online instruction sets don't turn off all of it.

        Migration is forced when windows upgrades itself without permission. Many of the 7 to 10 Windows migrations were forced against user settings.

        So, shut up, Microsoft shill.

  • by swm ( 171547 ) <> on Monday September 09, 2019 @09:25AM (#59173756) Homepage

    the spike in CPU usage "only occurs on devices that have disabled searching the web using Windows Desktop Search"

    When you disable web search, the kernel goes into a tight loop checking if you have re-enabled it.

    If you won't let Microsoft monetize your search terms, then they mine bitcoin on your machine instead.

  • Every time I see an article like this about Windows 10 (and I see them all the time) I pat myself on the back for sticking with Win 7.
    Sure, I could switch to Linux and still be able to surf the web and type a document. Unfortunately, I'd have to abandon my expensive pro audio recording setup, since there's very little support (not just apps, but drivers) for pro audio in Linux. And I have no interest in Apple's overpriced walled garden.
    I'll probably have to go with 10 eventually, especially if (when) I upgr

  • that is spawned by explorer.exe on login.

    put doublecmd or cmd or whatever instead of explorer.exe as your windows shell in the appropriate registry entry

    i'm one step before going back to linux after how-many-years-since redhat 5.2 (5?)

    i already disabled freesync (because asus monitors are absolute garbage and flicker like mad) so there's one reason gone already.

  • Just ANOTHER great reason to put the choice to update in the hands of the users; and NOT force updates down our collective throats!

    Folks - PLEASE join the revolution AGAINST what Microsoft is becoming!

"Being against torture ought to be sort of a bipartisan thing." -- Karl Lehenbauer
