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NASA Space Mars

SpaceX Wins NASA Contract to Launch a Spacecraft to an Asteroid Beyond Mars ( 41

An anonymous reader quotes Teslarati: SpaceX has been awarded a $117 million launch contract for NASA's Psyche mission that will study a unique metal asteroid between Mars and Jupiter. The NASA mission to loft a 5,750-lb. (2,608-kg) spacecraft atop of SpaceX's Falcon Heavy Rocket will study a mineral-rich asteroid named 16 Psyche. The mission is expected to take place sometime in 2022 and launch from NASA's historic Launch Pad 39A in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Psyche is an intriguing, metallic world orbiting in the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter. Most asteroids are made of rock and ice, but not Psyche — it's composed of iron and nickel. That's what makes it an interesting target. Scientists want to study it because they believe Psyche could provide insight into how planets form. Terrestrial bodies, like the Earth, have metallic cores deep in their interior, below the outer layers like the mantle and crust. Psyche could be one of these metallic cores: the remnant of a violent collision with another planetary body billions of years ago. We're unable to study the Earth's core directly, so Psyche could provide a lot of insight into our own planet as well as how other rocky planets form...

This mission is one of true exploration because scientists aren't exactly sure of what we will find. Ground-based measurements indicate that Psyche could be as large as Mars, and is probably shaped like a potato. But is this hunk of metal the dead, exposed heart of an ancient protoplanet or could it be a weird iron-rich alien world....?

This is SpaceX's 8th contract from NASA's Launch Services Program (LSP) and the first for Falcon Heavy.

NASA has shared a terrific animation showing what the asteroid will look like.
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SpaceX Wins NASA Contract to Launch a Spacecraft to an Asteroid Beyond Mars

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  • just no (Score:5, Insightful)

    by bindo ( 82607 ) on Sunday March 01, 2020 @01:48PM (#59784512)

    "Psyche could be as large as Mars"


  • Will SpaceX be required to cover the costs of the satellite or other equipment in case of failure to deploy payload as agreed? Who would insure this? I, as a taxpayer would want my costs covered in case of an accident.
    • They should have the same terms and conditions as ULA or any other contractor. Of course, if NASA declines to pay for insurance from their contractors- or a third party insurer- that would be on them. As taxpayers I assume we both want all contractors held to the same standards.
    • esp. for the taxpayer.

      Insurance only makes sense for private entities to avoid bankruptcy or to save you standard of living. It's for losses one cannot afford to take so you're willing to pay a premium higher than the risk to cover yourself. For everyone else, insurance makes as much sense as for a billionaire playing the lottery.

      The US has a federal budget of about 4.5 trillion $ and is (probably) the largest economic entity in the world. Buying insurance for 0.0025% of this would be plain stupid and an ut

    • by Kjella ( 173770 )

      I, as a taxpayer would want my costs covered in case of an accident.

      Who do you think really pays for car accidents, the insurance company or the car owners? It's just that one car owner can't cover all the costs of a major accident, so they all pay a little into a pool and the insurance company makes a few big pay-outs and keeps the rest as profit. It's the same with satellite owners too, they're always paying for it in the end. The government has just decided they're big enough to be a pool of one and eat their losses without lining an insurance company's pockets, as far a

    • by Dunbal ( 464142 ) *
      Insurance companies normally cover this kind of thing.
    • "Will SpaceX be required to cover the costs of the satellite or other equipment in case of failure to deploy payload as agreed? Who would insure this?"

      If your Google is broken again, here's the WIkipedia link. []

    • by Ecuador ( 740021 )

      Do you make a fuss when your taxes are used to pay Boeing 10x more for the same thing?

  • In the animation, the exploratory craft has a thin, rectangular array of solar cells. Why would the panels be configured like this, instead of a more compact arrangement? Wouldn't a wider and shorter (perhaps fan-shaped) arrangement mean that there would be less torque during maneuvers?
    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      The width of the array looks like it's about the same as the core of the probe. That would be convenient for packing it into the fairing.

      The extra rotational inertia might be a benefit. It would tend to produce a more stable platform.

    • >Wouldn't a wider and shorter (perhaps fan-shaped) arrangement mean that there would be less torque during maneuvers?

      Yes, but it's unlikely to be an issue - in general satellites and space probes make only tiny adjustments and the forces involved are correspondingly tiny - unfolding the array is likely to be the greatest post-launch stress the arms ever experience. Greater rotational inertia can even be an advantage since it means that "noise" from propulsive adjustments has a smaller rotational effect.

  • And if retrieved and put into earth orbit. Yes, a huge technical challenge but imagine platinum become cheap and plentiful.
    • Then it'd be cheap, plentiful... and in orbit.
      • Not a problem. Coming down is cheap and easy. Heck, there's even a specialized flour paste that was developed as a wonderfully cheap single-use ablative heat shield.

    • by mark-t ( 151149 )
      It would be, I think, safer to just crash it into the moon than to risk keeping it in an orbit that might decay.
      • by Dunbal ( 464142 ) *
        Make the orbit big enough and it won't decay. Not before the human race goes extinct, anyway. There's very little chance of us being around when the moon crosses the Roche limit, breaks apart and all the small chunks crash back into the planet, for example. Since that's about 5 billion years from now I think we have more pressing issues.
    • by Dunbal ( 464142 ) *
      Betcha the current holders of the world's platinum really would not want it to become cheap and plentiful...
  • by jfdavis668 ( 1414919 ) on Sunday March 01, 2020 @02:54PM (#59784648)
    or did I get that quote wrong... Better send some X-wings to check it out first.
  • Looks like a good place to locate the home of the Belters [].

    • It's a tough choice with Ceres. Psyche has the metal - it's likely to be an early and very profitable target for mining, and people will follow the money (presumably mostly maintenance folk and troubleshooters for mostly autonomous mining systems)

      When we get to the point of actually homesteading in space though, we're going to want lots of raw material for an ecology - water, carbon, etc. Ceres is the go-to place for that in the belt. Of course you could also harvest minor asteroids as needed, but Ceres h

    • Spoken like a true Flatlander.
    • I was so taken with the description of 16 Psyche being (close enough to) pure metal that I did a whole essay on it. It's about the whole "Belters" SF trope - started with a bunch of 60s-ish SF writers, most notably Robert Heinlein's "Rolling Stones", Poul Anderson's "Tales of the Flying Mountains", and of course Larry Niven. These created an already-existing trope needing no explanation when "The Expanse" came along.

      16 Psyche shows it will Never Happen.

      That is, there's no need for this "lonely prospector

    • Inners don't get to tell Belters where to live, jerk.

"I prefer rogues to imbeciles, because they sometimes take a rest." -- Alexandre Dumas (fils)
