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AMD Hardware

NVidia, AMD Battle To Buy Out TSMC's Capacity (tweaktown.com) 59

Long-time Slashdot reader UnknowingFool writes: As NVidia and AMD battle it out with their GPUs in consumer gaming, behind the scenes both manufacturers were competing against each for manufacturing capacity with TSMC's lines. It appears that early on in the 7nm line, NVidia lost out as it is rumored their strategy was to use Samsung more only to go back to TSMC when that failed By then TSMC had sold out their capacity to AMD. For their next generation GPUs it appears both NVidia is securing both 5nm early while grabbing as much 7nm as possible.
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NVidia, AMD Battle To Buy Out TSMC's Capacity

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  • nVidia: if things don't pan out with Samsung, we'll go with TSMC.

  • Bullshit. (Score:5, Informative)

    by Guspaz ( 556486 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @02:35AM (#60042956)

    "NVIDIA has 'pre-booked' the entire of TSMC's production capacity of 5nm in 2021"

    No, they haven't. Apple has booked a ton of TSMC's 5nm capacity, and AMD has already bought significant amounts of TSMC's 5nm capacity. TSMC worked with AMD to design a specific version of their 5nm process just for AMD.

    • Where does it say that NVIdia booked all of TSMCâ(TM)s 5nm? The article say that they secured some 5nm capacity by pre-booking it unlike with 7nm where they missed out by waiting too long.
      • The article itself has it as a heading, though I think that is just like on slashdot where they have illiterate editors as while it is a heading the story does not reflect that.
      • by MobyDisk ( 75490 )

        Guspaz pasted it exactly as it appears in the subtitle, right under the title in bold.

  • by labnet ( 457441 ) on Sunday May 10, 2020 @05:24AM (#60043226)

    You would think with TSMC having 50% of the global chip wafer market with much of that in Taiwan, that this is a systemic risk to the world given Chinas growing agressiveness.

  • My 6800GT was not what was promised, and I will never buy nVidia ever again.

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened. -- Winston Churchill
