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T-Mobile Will Retire Sprint Brand, Unify Retail Stores In Mid-Summer (phonedog.com) 21

In an investor conference call this week, new T-Mobile CEO Mike Sievert said that he's targeting mid-summer as the time when the T-Mobile and Sprint brand will be unified. "This was originally planned for early summer but was pushed to mid-summer due to the coronavirus pandemic," notes PhoneDog. From the report: T-Mobile actually began combining the networks for T-Mo and Sprint subscribers last month. At that time, T-Mo flipped the switch on 2.5GHz 5G coverage in Philadelphia using spectrum that it had acquired from Sprint while also enabling Sprint customers with a Galaxy S20 to jump onto T-Mobile's low-band 600MHz 5G. Additionally, Sprint customers with compatible LTE phones gained the ability to roam on T-Mobile's LTE network, giving them access to more than double the number of LTE cell sites than Sprint's network alone.

When it comes to actually integrating the two separate networks, T-Mobile has said that it expects the process to take about 3 years. What the mid-summer unification will mean is that the Sprint brand will go away and existing Sprint customers will begin visiting T-Mobile stores, getting T-Mobile bills, and contacting T-Mobile support. For now, Sprint customers are still going to Sprint stores and contacting the same support that they've been using since before the merger.

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T-Mobile Will Retire Sprint Brand, Unify Retail Stores In Mid-Summer

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  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday May 14, 2020 @07:04PM (#60061374)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by TigerPlish ( 174064 ) on Thursday May 14, 2020 @07:23PM (#60061432)

    Can you hear me now?

    • Dude- they got like 50 minutes long distance for a DIME!

      A DIME!

      That's a steal! You luddites are probably still using Ma Bell for your LD!

      I'm gonna call my gramma!

  • I was entertained when Sprint started running ads with the "can you hear me now?" guy.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Marcarelli [wikipedia.org]

    I hope now T-mobile will run ads with that guy. Then he will have shilled for three of the four major cell companies.

    It would never happen but it would be perfect if, years from now, AT&T Wireless hired him to make some ads.

    • According to that article he actually appeared in a t-mobile commercial before he started doing the Verizon commercials.

    • by orlanz ( 882574 )

      And then at the end of his career his retirement or in his book or interview he ends with "But honestly, they all sucked in pretty much the same ways. I feel a little less human for perpetuating the lie all my life. Now that its all one company, Alphabet Inc sucks even more!"

      That would be hilarious!

  • by 140Mandak262Jamuna ( 970587 ) on Thursday May 14, 2020 @08:19PM (#60061566) Journal
    Happens in every major take over. Lets say company A buys and assimilates company B. The company B would have been in downward spiral, and all managers with marketable skill, people who find jobs would have left. The last remaining manager of B are likely to be veterans of corporate intrigue well versed in all the C Suite shenanigans. Its like fox getting into the chicken coop for company A. In short orders all the positions of power would be occupied by managers from B. Pretty soon the culture of A would be that of B.

    Just take a look at how Boeing took over Douglas and Douglas culture of corporate suites over ruling engineers took hold in Boeing.

    • What about the new AT&T? Actually, I think it was SBC's poor customer service that took over the culture. But they were so fragmented before, it's hard to say for sure.

      In this case, they only care about the spectrum and less competition. Globally, T-Mobile is the more well-known brand, but in the states I'm surprised to see the Sprint brand get dumped. They may have some legacy ill-will, but I don't know. I will always see T-Mobile as the "fourth" carrier and they would have to do a lot of work to

  • Does this mean Sprint CDMA is officially dead?

  • Less competition, higher prices.
    I guarantee prices for mobile service will go up industry-wide in the US after this merger is complete.

Support bacteria -- it's the only culture some people have!
