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Twitter Will Make Joe Biden's @POTUS Account Start With Zero Followers ( 151

AmiMoJo shares a report from The Verge: President Biden is going to need some Twitter followers. Twitter plans to wipe out all followers from the @POTUS and @WhiteHouse accounts once Biden is sworn in on January 20th, rather than transferring the accounts' existing followers over to the new administration, according to Rob Flaherty, Biden's digital director. The accounts for @VP, @FLOTUS, @PressSec, @Cabinet, and @LaCasaBlanca will also have their followers wiped, Twitter said. The Wall Street Journal reported earlier today that there was contention between the Biden camp and Twitter over whether followers would transfer over. This is a reversal from what Twitter did in 2017 when the Trump administration took over accounts from the Obama administration. Back then, Twitter essentially duplicated the existing accounts, creating an archive of Obama-era tweets and followers and building a new set of accounts for the incoming administration that retained all of those followers without any of the tweets.
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Twitter Will Make Joe Biden's @POTUS Account Start With Zero Followers

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  • by Revek ( 133289 ) on Wednesday December 23, 2020 @08:49PM (#60861388)
    Lets face it. They let him say anything until finally they started losing people. They did the bare minimum and now instead of making all of those sap headed chumps unfollow Biden they are going to do it for him. They certainly didn't do that for Obama followers. Twitter loves trump.
    • by Actually, I do RTFA ( 1058596 ) on Wednesday December 23, 2020 @09:03PM (#60861420)

      Also, if these are official accounts of the president, etc. I don't know why they would reset. Trump has a personal account if you want to follow him. I can see always following POTUS and never Trump, Obama or Biden

      • by bill_mcgonigle ( 4333 ) * on Wednesday December 23, 2020 @10:12PM (#60861586) Homepage Journal

        > I can see always following POTUS and never Trump, Obama or Biden

        This right here. Twitter is going to annoy a lot of people.

        Their execs must be so tied up in cult-of-personality thinking that they don't get that an average citizen might want to hear what whomever the President might is be saying.

      • by dwywit ( 1109409 ) on Wednesday December 23, 2020 @11:40PM (#60861730)

        I think it's to prevent trump from causing a shitshow by claiming "they're all my followers", not Biden's.

        • He will do that no matter what. He is sure have more followers because Joe Biden's tweets are going to be important, or boring, or both.
        • I think it's to prevent backlash from Trumpanzees who will be very angry and confused as to why they are getting messages from someone other than Trump on the @POTUS account.

          • by Rhipf ( 525263 )

            Since Trump rarely if ever actually used the @POTUS account does it really matter if it is reset? I would assume that most people that want to get Trump's tweets would already be following his personal Twitter account (@realDonaldTrump) and not @POTUS.

          • by shanen ( 462549 )

            Yes, but... It would have been an actual opportunity for Joe Biden to reach out to them with a message like "Hello, I'm Joe Biden and I want to understand you, too. Let us talk deeply and thoughtfully. Within 280 characters."

            Yes, sarcasm, but still a lost opportunity. Unfortunately I'm remembering the joke about "You make a better door than a window." Twitter is a much better divider than unifier.

      • I can see people wanting to follow the office of the president, AND I can see people following President Trump.

        I would bet that most, more than half, of President Trump's Twitter followers follow *Trump*. Of course, I haven't polled them all to ask. Just what I suspect is most likely.

        As for factual numbers, @potus peaked at 14 million followers when Obama was in office. It has 32 million followers today. So 14 million people were following either "the president" or President Obama, 18 million more started

        • by raymorris ( 2726007 ) on Thursday December 24, 2020 @01:40AM (#60861892) Journal

          If I were Biden and trying to start with a @potus presence, I'm not sure I'd WANT to start out with 18 million Trumpers commenting on every thing I post.

          It's kinda like if Joe rented a venue for a Rally, he wouldn't want to start with a stadium full Trump fans from the rally Trump had earlier that day. He'd want to start with a clean venue that his supporters could come into.

          • I'm not sure I'd WANT to start out with 18 million Trumpers commenting on every thing I post.

            Have you seen Trump's twitter comments? If there's one thing clear it's that Trump doesn't have 18million Trumpers but rather 18million critics. Hell I follow the worthess shit, and I just do it for the lulz. My sister does as well. It's a great piece of comedy to sit down and check out feeds and discuss the latest boneheadded stupid thing he said.

        • Really I don't think there is any "right" answer

          Really? It seems obvious to me that people who don't want to follow Biden will be reminded to unfollow him as soon as his tweet shows up in their feed. Whereas people following POTUS aren't going to instantly know they have to refollow him. So, as basic UI design, the correct default behavior - not acceptable, but correct, is to leave the people following the accounts. But more basically, the accounts are supposed to belong to the office. It's an offici

        • Thatâ(TM)s why Trump personally is @realDonaldTrump and the office of the President is @potus. Itâ(TM)s irresponsible to unsubscribe people from the potus account, especially during a pandemic and handover of power.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        It's because Biden won't simply take over the account. They essentially archive the old one, then create a new one with the same name and optionally manually copy over all the followers. That way the new administration can't go back and delete everything the old one tweeted, see their DMs or otherwise investigate their use of the account.

        • "That way the new administration can't go back and delete everything the old one tweeted, see their DMs or otherwise investigate their use of the account."

          And how is it that it is Twitter the one to take that decision instead of the White House?

          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            Twitter is a private company, the White House does not own it.

            • by EMN13 ( 11493 )

              Notably, they didn't do this 4 years ago, and normally they try to keep up the facade that they treat users fairly, and as equally as possible. By comparison if a corporation is acquired, it's twitter handles are not reset; and no reset happened after the previous US election; and I can't find foreign elections that caused official account resets, so this treatmet is clearly unequal, and likely unfair (but to who?). Conversely, if this were a reasonable norm, it kind of raises questions about twitters who

              • I mean, 4 years ago, they didn't push through a Supreme Court candidate instead waiting for the "next president to decide," nor file a flurry of farcical lawsuits to "OVERTURN!!" the election results.

                Things change, Twitter is a US-based company and that makes the US presidency more salient to them.
                Policies aren't laws -- they're just designed to sort of sound neutral but fulfill executive whims. Private companies aren't government, and without regulation can't be expected to uniformly implement polic

        • by dAzED1 ( 33635 )
          you didn't even have to RTFA, you could have just read the slash post. In 2017, the account Obama used was archived and had its followers copied to a new @potus account that didn't have any posts. The new @potus account had no access to the old posts from Obama. They could have done the same thing here, but chose not to because...well, reasons I guess.
      • Trump has a personal twitter account, which he uses rather than the official POTUS account. I always found it odd they wouldn't ban Trump's account (world leader reasons) when he should have been using the POTUS account all along. That account should receive special consideration, not a personal one.

        • Well, we'll see if twitter puts their nuts where their mouth is and bans @realDonaldTrump for his inevitable violations of their policies when he is no longer president.

    • by ArmoredDragon ( 3450605 ) on Wednesday December 23, 2020 @09:05PM (#60861428)

      But seriously, what kind of person actually gives a fuck about twitter followers?

      • by quonset ( 4839537 ) on Wednesday December 23, 2020 @09:14PM (#60861456)

        But seriously, what kind of person actually gives a fuck about twitter followers?

        A narcissist for one [].

        In this case, the POTUS handle reaches out to millions. To now suddenly deny the same consideration they gave to the con artist smacks of duplicity and double standards. Their excuse of labeling things POTUS45, POTUS46, etc is just that. An excuse.

        • Honestly I think anybody who is even paying attention to that account would simply re-follow it anyways. But this isn't like YouTube subscribers where having more means more money. Maybe if you're a business and twitter is part of your PR, then it might matter. POTUS in particular doesn't really need that though, POTUS already has about a hundred and one other means of communication with the public, with at least half of them being far more impactful than twitter.

          • by EMN13 ( 11493 )

            What other means of communication are likely as unfiltered and unmoderated? I mean, even twitter's fact-check labels are super-light-touch compared to all but the most subservient of media.

        • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

          by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          Will be interesting to see how much they let him get away with after Biden takes over. They claim he is given leeway because he is POTUS, so presumably 5 minutes after Biden is sworn in they will be banning his personal account over his latest rant.

      • by Actually, I do RTFA ( 1058596 ) on Wednesday December 23, 2020 @09:15PM (#60861458)

        what kind of person actually gives a fuck about twitter followers?

        Politicians, actors and musicians whose power in their industry is directly proportionate to their popularity??

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        But seriously, what kind of person actually gives a fuck about twitter followers?

        Twitter execs?

      • by phalse phace ( 454635 ) on Wednesday December 23, 2020 @09:25PM (#60861480)

        But seriously, what kind of person actually gives a fuck about twitter followers?

        Influencers [] and those people who'd like to become an influencer?

      • being able to show up in somebody's daily feed whenever you want when you're a politician is *incredibly* powerful. Most people don't think about politics much or at all.
        • being able to show up in somebody's daily feed whenever you want when you're a politician is *incredibly* powerful. Most people don't think about politics much or at all.

          Sure, but that just leads to the whole idea that tweets are an appropriate way to make policy. I hope your new administration will try and discourage that idea, it's kind of beneath you, and having no followers is a great place to start.

      • But seriously, what kind of person actually gives a fuck about twitter followers?

        Are you serious?

        Anyone who wants to be able to reach, and therefore influence, large numbers of people. Anyone who is interested in being able to spread their ideas quickly and easily. That includes all politicians and journalists, and a large number of actors, academics, CEOs, etc., as well as corporate PR flacks (as corporate representatives), advertisers and many, many more.

        I'm not sure how we got where we are, but Twitter is now not just a medium of discourse, it is the primary medium of public dis

        • by ArmoredDragon ( 3450605 ) on Wednesday December 23, 2020 @11:11PM (#60861682)

          If you think that's discourse, then you're not reading twitter. Generally one of three things happens on twitter: A conspiracy theory is spreading, somebody is being mass shamed, or somebody is being cancelled.

          Twitter is basically just a crappy pop culture magazine without an editor. Think National Inquirer, only worse.

          • If you think that's discourse, then you're not reading twitter. Generally one of three things happens on twitter: A conspiracy theory is spreading, somebody is being mass shamed, or somebody is being cancelled.

            If you think that's all Twitter is used for and all Twitter influences then it's clear you spend all your time reading ... twitter instead of actual news. You can claim all you want but the reality is the tweets of famous people form the on-record basis for discussions in the wider media and that extends well beyond just some nutbags debating how the CIA bombed the WTC.

        • by Goldsmith ( 561202 ) on Thursday December 24, 2020 @12:23AM (#60861794)

          Yeah... you answered the question, more or less, about what kind of person cares about twitter followers. You failed to catch the implication that the people who do care about twitter followers are not at all the people the rest of us would like running our government.

          If you're an academic or a CEO and you care about "twitter followers," you're doing your job wrong. If you're in marketing or the entertainment industry, then sure, go crazy for it. The rest of us need to leave that medium to those folks and focus on having substantive discussions again.

          • If you're an academic or a CEO and you care about "twitter followers," you're doing your job wrong.

            What makes you think a CEO isn't an integral part of a marketing strategy? As for academics, there's enough out there that study language and the media that Twitter forms an integral part of the job as well.

            Don't be so quick to label people.

    • They SHOULD let him say anything.
      Freedom of speech and common carrier and all.

      It't definitely the best way to make an idiot look like an idiot. :)

      They made a massive error by acting as if they had to approve and agree with what somebody said on the platform. Because from then on, unless they said they didn't, one had to assume *they did*.
      If somebody says something actually criminal... (Like calling for murder, or selling meth to children) ... well, dear cops, do your freakin' jobs!

      In any other case, the pro

    • Deserves positive moderation, though I'm not sure it should be considered insightful. Minor Insight would start by mentioning how Twitter follows the money.

      But the big insight would have been discussing the lost opportunity for Joe Biden to reach out to the followers. That could have been a doozy of a welcome message. Can you even imagine the conspiracy theories it would have caused?

      Oh yeah, the modification to the subject. I've heard the name too much. As far as possible going forward he is just "he whose

    • If there was a loophole in CP laws, you just know the for-profit news media would exploit it for clicks.

    • by dcw3 ( 649211 )

      Twitter accounts have basically been flat since 2014, and only down in two quarters. You can't use that to draw conclusions.

    • Lets face it. They let him say anything until finally they started losing people. They did the bare minimum and now instead of making all of those sap headed chumps unfollow Biden they are going to do it for him. They certainly didn't do that for Obama followers. Twitter loves trump.

      LOL. They're going to miss him when he's out of office. Nobody gives a shit about Biden's tweets (for one thing, because everyone knows he doesn't write them. He can barely use a smartphone). Trump was entertaining. If Trump closed his Twitter account today, Twitter would lose 25% plus of their traffic tomorrow. And they know it.

  • by Quakeulf ( 2650167 ) on Wednesday December 23, 2020 @08:52PM (#60861394)

    Term limits for congress now! (I'm just here for the downmodding. Give me that sweet -1 Troll)

    • No! Make it a lifetime appointment to encourage people to think long and hard about who they're putting into power! (May I join you in the down-modding? Haven't had a good beat-down in a while...)
    • by Revek ( 133289 )
      I still want my +5 Troll. I've had a +3.
    • For 2 reasons:

      1. corrupt Congressmen are a dime a dozen but it's incredibly hard to replace an honest one.

      2. It encourages "smash & grab" since politicians will have nothing to lose. Go read up on a lot of what the current ex-President is doing, in particular with pardons.
      • Term limits are a terrible idea because they encourage (actually require) more-and-more wealthy candidates, and force out candidates without deep-pocket backers. In exactly the same way that high turnover causes real estate prices to rise beyond reason (Palo Alto, anyone?), the high turnover that term limits would cause, guarantees that being an elected official is a game that only the wealthy or their sock puppets can play.

        Ask yourself: Whose calls will your congresscritter always take, yours, or the te
      • For 2 reasons:

        1. corrupt Congressmen are a dime a dozen but it's incredibly hard to replace an honest one.

        2. It encourages "smash & grab" since politicians will have nothing to lose. Go read up on a lot of what the current ex-President is doing, in particular with pardons.

        3. People generally get better at their jobs as they learn. Term limits mean you're losing the people who are best at governance.

        4. One of the bigger problems with the US congress is that the legislators need to spend all their time fundraising, this leaves them vulnerable to lobbyists and other outside interests. Give them a few terms and a reputation they've built in their district and they're able to stand up to them.

        The "term limit" idea is built around the idea that the best legislator would be some "o

    • by Luthair ( 847766 )

      It might make sense to have some limit but its probably a lot higher than you're thinking. Aside from what others pointed out, if you have term limits that can move the power behind the scenes to non-elected party power brokers. In an ideal world your voters would hold them to account but unfortunately the USA is highly partisan.

    • Term limits for congress now! (I'm just here for the downmodding. Give me that sweet -1 Troll)


      And if We The People were actually serious about it, we would force those we elect to create such a rule, or Amendment if needed.

      Create it, or we don't vote for you. It's that simple.

      And no matter what color your political pom poms, we ALL should agree that Congresscritters serving half-century terms with not even cognitive ability creating a reasonable term limit, needs to fucking end.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by Patent Lover ( 779809 ) on Wednesday December 23, 2020 @09:16PM (#60861460)
    Biden can actually talk to human beings and doesn't need to tweet crazy shit every 10 minutes. I look forward to Trump's moving to the joke that is Parler.
  • Wrong approach (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) on Wednesday December 23, 2020 @09:17PM (#60861464)

    Why not simply rename POTUS to POTUS.prev, make it read-only and create a new POTUS account? Surely it would be better to keep a "historical" record of who was following Orange Man when he was in office, and it would be just as easy.

    After all, variations of that is what most people do when they want to save a particular directory in a particular state on their hard disk and start afresh.

  • Please, oh please, let's have all @POTUS tweets go through the Press Secretarys' office, okay?
  • by BAReFO0t ( 6240524 ) on Wednesday December 23, 2020 @09:31PM (#60861490)

    And talk to people on a more educated platform. If possible again, not online at all, but in person.

    If people asked why, he should reply that he has no interest in keeping politings dragged down to that level. (Read: Twitter is for people like Trump.)

    Because let's be honest: People want to have an actual human as their leader. Not a soundbite figure.

    • Bravo. First post of yours that I actually got through without looking up to see that it was you.

      Now, from your mouth to God's ears. I guess the problem, though, will be all the other Critters (both sides) who continue the discourse at the twit level and leave Biden sitting on his proverbial twitter rocking chair.
    • by ytene ( 4376651 )

      It is illegal for the President (or anyone working in the Executive Branch, IIRC) to promote a given product whilst in office. Remember the furore when Trump endorsed that brand of beans? Use of Twitter by the President could easily be considered an endorsement of that company’s product over other similar platforms.

      The best thing would be for Biden to shutter the @POTUS Twitter account and re-instate the daily press briefing.

      If Twitter want to take the hit on their advertising revenue, t
    • And talk to people on a more educated platform. If possible again, not online at all, but in person.

      Congratulations on failing to understand the media, marketing, and communication in the 21st century.

      Still showing off your ignorance as usual.

  • by WankerWeasel ( 875277 ) on Wednesday December 23, 2020 @09:36PM (#60861498)
    Oh god, now we're going to have to hear from Trump about how he had so many more followers than Biden, just like he compared his presidential addressees to viewership of other TV programs. Studies showed more than 1/3 of Obama's followers were fake, inactive, and bot accounts and those same ones became part of the Trump POTUS account following.
    • Only have to hear from Trump if you pay him any attention. Have you noticed the yuge drop in medical coverage in the last couple of weeks?
      • Have you noticed the yuge drop in medical coverage in the last couple of weeks?

        Nope. The top three stories on both the NYT and the Post are "Trump Pardons; COVID Relief Bill; Latest on COVID vaccines"

    • If somebody tweets and nobody follows the Twitter account does the... tree... make... I lost the analogy there somewhere.

      The point is that you only have to hear about Trump bragging of more Twitter followers if you follow Trump on social media. I doubt the Jurassic media will care much what Trump has to say after inauguration day. it's quite possible conservative media will not care much either. When 'election season" comes around again for POTUS in three years Trump might be able to make some news again.

      • If only that was the case. You don't need to follow Trump to see his tweets. Anyone you follow, friends, news sources, and more, can retweet him. I'd be surprised if there was anyone who hasn't seen his tweets in their feed, despite not wanting to. And as much as we want to believe we won't hear from him again, that's just not going to happen. He'll still be a former president and when they say something and want to be heard, the media reports. They do it with Obama and every other living president.
    • You don't have to listen to Trump anymore.

  • Why would anyone want to keep the followers if not out of a sheer greed of prestige and numbers? And why would an intelligent person want to have Trump's followers? They are like dumb puppy dogs. ... Wait, is this why one would want to keep them?

  • I think most people followed @realDonaldTrump to see what the President has to say. Once his presidency is over, I will unfollow him. If @POTUS ends up being useful, I'll follow it, but I am very skeptical the Biden administration is savvy enough to use social media.

    I joined twitter when it was clear that was how I could keep an eye on the President. Now that is likely over I probably will lose interest in the platform.

  • With Trump, we got it raw, from him. It's very doubtful that Joe will be writing his own. Just look at it... It's clear that he isn't doing his own account, or we'd be reading more lines like "one horse pony"...Boring!

Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death. -- James F. Byrnes
