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China Privacy

China Calls Out Amazon, ByteDance, NetEase for Violating Users' Rights in Latest Crackdown ( 30

China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) has called out apps made by Amazon, NetEase and Tiktok-owner ByteDance, as well as 142 other apps, for violating users' rights. From a report: Amazon's China app and NetEase's Dashen, an online community for gamers, have illegally collected user information, the ministry said in its latest list of problematic apps released on Monday. In addition, Douyin Lite, a version of TikTok's Chinese app made for lower-end phones, did not clearly display app information on the app store while Huya, a major live-streaming platform backed by Tencent Holdings, was found to have deceived, misled or forced users to turn on certain permissions, according to the ministry. Amazon said in an emailed statement that it will "continue to coordinate closely with the ministry to ensure we are meeting its requirements." Other app operators did not immediately reply to requests for comment. As part of the regular naming and shaming of Chinese apps by the central government, the MIIT has exerted its authority since 2019 with a total of 15 lists of problematic apps, including 6 so far this year.
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China Calls Out Amazon, ByteDance, NetEase for Violating Users' Rights in Latest Crackdown

Comments Filter:
  • Rights? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by phalse phace ( 454635 ) on Tuesday July 20, 2021 @12:48PM (#61601309)

    Pot, meet Kettle.

    • Re:Rights? (Score:5, Funny)

      by aardvarkjoe ( 156801 ) on Tuesday July 20, 2021 @12:53PM (#61601345)

      Chinese citizens have the right to be only be abused by their government.

      • by zlives ( 2009072 )

        Democracy at work.. err

        • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

          Espionage at work. If I can track your population through the school years and then the first working years there in after, I can track every single one of your espionage agents, done and finished. I can also track all of your criminals, those who WILL take money to fuck over you country in any way they can as long as they get paid. I can also track all you tax cheats and extort them for compliance, either go to jail for tax fraud or take some tax free money in a tax have, for information or access to compu

          • by rtb61 ( 674572 )
            PS Really funny, Google in serving the corruption of the Corporate Democrats, Google has proven to the Corporate Democrats how dangerous Google can be and why they should no exist, so now they got what they wanted out of Google, they will destroy, lest that power falls into the hands of those that oppose. Bye, Bye, Google, you have simply proved yourself a too dangerous attack dog to survive and will be put down (broken up).
      • by mjwx ( 966435 )

        Chinese citizens have the right to be only be abused by their government.

        We can no longer say they're communists in name only... they clearly hate having to compete.

      • by jonadab ( 583620 )
        In fact, the Chinese government legally requires all companies that do any
        business in China, to do grossly invasive data-collection (and to make the
        results available to the Chinese government).

        And yes, it's normal that they are accusing someone of doing something
        that they in fact require or do themselves. Pretty much *every time* the
        CCP accuses anyone of anything, it's a weak attempt to draw attention
        away from their own bad behavior. The weird thing is that sometimes
        it kind of works, because people don't
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Pot, meet Kettle.

      More like the Vantablack pot calling the stainless steel kettle black.

    • It's more like the fire complaining the pot has got a bit of some other fire's soot too.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Seems a lot like the US. Rights, but only if you are a citizen and not a criminal.

      The EU is the closest to universal rights, and even it's far from perfect.

  • by Targon ( 17348 ) on Tuesday July 20, 2021 @12:54PM (#61601353)
    They should be careful, because I declare that their crimes against humanity should have the world cut off all communications and business with China overall. Three months without new factory orders and China will have massive problems from people who are not working. The Chinese government even supports slavery within its own country, so should be shunned by the global community.
  • China calling others about violation of users rights? How long have I slept last night?

    (Mandatory /s to keep trolls at bay)

  • Analogy (Score:5, Insightful)

    by PPH ( 736903 ) on Tuesday July 20, 2021 @01:04PM (#61601399)

    Crushing users' rights like a tank in Tiananmen Square.

  • Move along there. nothing to see. Business as usual for Bezos and his lackeys.

  • China has NO business trying to call out others on "Rights violations"

  • You know it's a F'ing crazy world when CHINA ( of all people ) start calling folks out over privacy abuses. . . . . :D

    Just wow.

  • Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong. Yep, free them. Jinping's dick doesn't look any bigger with what he's doing to those. And Taiwan is next on the chopping block.

  • by Mr.Fork ( 633378 ) <edward.j.reddy @ g m a i> on Tuesday July 20, 2021 @03:11PM (#61601895) Journal
    Or as the saying goes, those who throw stones shouldn't live in glass houses. China is in a Glass Castle. Disappointing to see them try and point this out when they themselves are guilty of so egregious activities. Like arbitrarily detaining citizens from other countries to apply political pressure when it serves them. (i.e. two Canadians when Canada detained a Huawei executive on the USA's behalf).
  • "Accuse your enemies of what you're doing".

  • and in the fact that it can play such a ludicrous card, but in China they have their own rules ... that apply to everyone. "Vote with your wallet" and the businesses have spoken. They're not crazy, and they're not stupid. Stupid and crazy are the corporations and nations that think they can throw money at them and accept any terms/conditions, and expect them to "be nice" because ... ?
  • There are so many posts like "Pot calling the kettle black" and "CHINA is talking about rights violations?!" Who gives a shit who points out the flaws? Absolute zero people on this website are thinking, "Oh, China must be alright, I guess."

    We should be focusing on the list (which the article doesn't even provide). According to Google Translate, bullet #3 on this page downloads a Word document with the full list (I WOULD PUT THE URL HERE BUT THAT STUPID ASCII ART FILTER WONT LET ME POST).

    Now would someone pl

  • If you want to play ball in China, Calvinball is the only game in town, and the CCP can change any rule at any time and even prosecute you retroactively for rules that exist now. They want the foreign companies to get frustrated and leave, so they can be replaced by CCP-friendly domestic alternatives.

If it's worth doing, it's worth doing for money.
