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To Fight Vaccine Misinformation, US Recruits an 'Influencer Army' ( 314

The New York Times tells the story of 17-year-old Ellie Zeiler, a TikTok creator with over 10 million followers, who received an email in June from Village Marketing, an influencer marketing agency.

"It said it was reaching out on behalf of another party: the White House." Would Ms. Zeiler, a high school senior who usually posts short fashion and lifestyle videos, be willing, the agency wondered, to participate in a White House-backed campaign encouraging her audience to get vaccinated against the coronavirus...? Ms. Zeiler quickly agreed, joining a broad, personality-driven campaign to confront an increasingly urgent challenge in the fight against the pandemic: vaccinating the youthful masses, who have the lowest inoculation rates of any eligible age group in the United States...

To reach these young people, the White House has enlisted an eclectic army of more than 50 Twitch streamers, YouTubers, TikTokers and the 18-year-old pop star Olivia Rodrigo, all of them with enormous online audiences. State and local governments have begun similar campaigns, in some cases paying "local micro influencers" — those with 5,000 to 100,000 followers — up to $1,000 a month to promote Covid-19 vaccines to their fans. The efforts are in part a counterattack against a rising tide of vaccine misinformation that has flooded the internet, where anti-vaccine activists can be so vociferous that some young creators say they have chosen to remain silent on vaccines to avoid a politicized backlash...

State and local governments have taken the same approach, though on a smaller scale and sometimes with financial incentives. In February, Colorado awarded a contract worth up to $16.4 million to the Denver-based Idea Marketing, which includes a program to pay creators in the state $400 to $1,000 a month to promote the vaccines... Posts by creators in the campaign carry a disclosure that reads "paid partnership with Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment...." Other places, including New Jersey, Oklahoma City County and Guildford County, N.C., as well as cities like San Jose, Calif., have worked with the digital marketing agency XOMAD, which identifies local influencers who can help broadcast public health information about the vaccines.

In another article, the Times notes that articles blaming Bill Gates for the pandemic appeared on two local news sites (one in Atlanta, and one in Phoenix) that "along with dozens of radio and television stations, and podcasts aimed at local audiences...have also become powerful conduits for anti-vaccine messaging, researchers said."
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To Fight Vaccine Misinformation, US Recruits an 'Influencer Army'

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday August 02, 2021 @12:37AM (#61645765)

    that somehow got Trump elected with 1200 dollars of Tweets?

  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Monday August 02, 2021 @12:43AM (#61645771)

    At this point, pretty much everyone has kind of baked in ideas about under what conditions they might get the vaccine it seems like.

    Constant bombardment of messaging will I think be counterproductive, in that it will turn off some people from even getting the vaccine that may have been on he fence. People hate being pushed into something, which messaging from al directions telling you to get vaccinated is doing.

    Far better to have random messaging from news that can be picked up about how well the vaccine is working, punctuated by having every single vaccinated person have no reason to wear masks.

    You want people to get vaccinated? Try the carrot instead of the stick. It worked before when people were promised mask-free existence and a lot of people got vaccinated, but this reversal has pretty much shut down vaccine progress for people that maybe were not thinking about it much during the summer but would have got vaccinated into the fall.

    • At this point, pretty much everyone has kind of baked in ideas about under what conditions they might get the vaccine it seems like.

      Constant bombardment of messaging will I think be counterproductive, in that it will turn off some people from even getting the vaccine that may have been on he fence. People hate being pushed into something, which messaging from al directions telling you to get vaccinated is doing.

      Far better to have random messaging from news that can be picked up about how well the vaccine is working, punctuated by having every single vaccinated person have no reason to wear masks.

      You want people to get vaccinated? Try the carrot instead of the stick. It worked before when people were promised mask-free existence and a lot of people got vaccinated, but this reversal has pretty much shut down vaccine progress for people that maybe were not thinking about it much during the summer but would have got vaccinated into the fall.

      you want to get people vaccinated give a tax rebate to people that get it. Make it 2% or $250 back on income tax which ever is higher and people will line up.

      • Except they can't pass something like that until January, it wouldn't kick in until 2023, and by then we'll all be dead of the Omega variant.
      • by CaptQuark ( 2706165 ) on Monday August 02, 2021 @01:44AM (#61645891)

        you want to get people vaccinated give a tax rebate to people that get it. Make it 2% or $250 back on income tax which ever is higher and people will line up.

        People have already lined up to get vaccinated. Remember the stories of people driving to a neighboring state to get a vaccine sooner than they could in their local area? Nearly 70% of Americans have been vaccinated and the vaccines have shown to be 99.999% effective in preventing hospitalizations and deaths.

        What are the other 30% waiting for? Obviously logic isn't working. I hate to think the decision to get vaccinated has become political but with the high availability of vaccines it begins to look like that is a part of the issue. The other factors could be misinformation and confirmation bias.

        Cost can't be an issue since the vaccines are free and many employers are granting paid sick leave time to employees to get vaccinated.

        Perhaps some people are waiting for a monetary incentive to get vaccinated? Every time someone mentions an incentive for newly vaccinated people it could convince people to wait even longer to see just how high the incentive might get. Stop talking about monetary incentives and the rest might decide there is no reward for waiting and finally get vaccinated.

        Logic will never change emotion or perception. If you never change your mind, why have one? -- Edward de Bono

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          What are the other 30% waiting for? Obviously logic isn't working.

          That's an unwarranted assumption.

          Some people will have medical issues, e.g. in the UK pregnant women were told not to get vaccinated initially. I know some people with auto-immune issues are holding off because others have had very had side effects.

          Some people just can't afford it. Potential time off work is the big issue, especially where there is no right to sick days and employment is at-will or on a zero-hour basis. There are also travel and childcare costs.

          Don't misunderstand me, a lot of it is anti-va

          • Some people will have medical issues, e.g. in the UK pregnant women were told not to get vaccinated initially. I know some people with auto-immune issues are holding off because others have had very had side effects.

            30% is still very high.

            Some people just can't afford it. Potential time off work is the big issue, especially where there is no right to sick days and employment is at-will or on a zero-hour basis. There are also travel and childcare costs.

            Even in TX they will come to you, if you can find four other people who also want to get vaccinated.

            Don't misunderstand me, a lot of it is anti-vaxx idiocy, but some people have legitimate reasons.

            Vanishingly few compared to those who don't and aren't vaccinated.

      • One of the lies that anti-vaxxers spread is that "more people have died from taking the vaccine than from covid".
        Some people have died after taking the vaccine, but the death rate is no higher that what you would normally expect for people in their age group.

        If you have lots of influencers publically taking the vaccine, and not suffering any ill-effects from it, that should help to counter these lies.

    • Why not both carrot and stick []? You know what, just cover the carrot in frosting or ranch dressing and you're done.
    • by shilly ( 142940 ) on Monday August 02, 2021 @02:04AM (#61645919)

      1. Well, it could backfire in the way you describe, but so could *not* pushing messaging. In fact, not pushing messaging already has backfired, because vaccination rates have tailed off
      2. There is plenty of evidence to show that there remains a substantial number of younger people in particular who are influenceable, and that's who this is aimed at. It's not angry 55-yo white men in the Rust Belt on TikTok, by and large
      3. The risks of people becoming resistant when they have pro-vaccination messaging also exist for people hearing anti-vaccination messaging. Fingers crossed they get bored of the anti-vaxx stuff first
      4. You wanted the use of carrot as well as stick. That's part of the value of campaigns like this -- influencers are successful because followers enjoy acting on their suggestions

    • by sg_oneill ( 159032 ) on Monday August 02, 2021 @02:37AM (#61645975)

      The problem is there IS already constant messaging, and by god is it stupid messaging.

      I cant open facebook without seeing some dufas on someones wall screaming about mercury or about "secret mass graves of vaccine victims" (gotta love conspiracies where for some reason its a massively well cordinated secret known only to the elite, uh and some hillbilly glue eater with a youtube channel).

      The misinfo is just drenching social media and other than the occasional bit of comical nonsense like youtube giving murdoch a 7 day sit in the naughty corner, the social media giants seem pretty uninterested in enforcing their TOS's against people spreading dangerous health misinformation.

      This is the thing, for some reason theres an issue with youngsters not getting vaccinated. You gotta hit them where their attenion span is at;- on their favorite social media channels, influencers, streamers, etc.

      Cos if we dont get that vaccinated number to 70-80%, Covid just isn't going to go away, and this things going to eventually mutate into something much meaner.

    • The article is out of date. The Influencer armies peddling "coloured" (dis)information about vaccines have been in full swing since last summer. On all sides.
    • It's propaganda. When it convinces you it works, when it increases distrust it is counterproductive. Both effects coexist.
      The main thing convincing people is the vaccine passports/certificates: they give you freedom to move around.

      • Ironically, most of the anti-vaxxers don't move around a lot, so the benefit of a passport is negligible!
        • That is simplistic. vaccine hesitancy covers
          - confidence: not trusting the Putin vaccine(sputnik), the Trump vaccine(pfizer), the big pharma vaccine or the plandemic vaccine
          - complacency: it doesn't look that urgent right now, if I wait longer we'll know more about side effects, the risk to me is not that high
          - convenience: what does it cost, what effort do i have to do to understand the risks, do i have to take a day off..

          So you trust the Russian and Chinese vaccines then? If not, I guess that makes you a

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Problem is we have reached the limits of medical science bureaucracy here.

      People are used to drugs being extensively tested before being given to people. This time we got hit with a pandemic and needed vaccines fast.

      The reality is that the medical advice being given is simply wrong in some cases. In my case I have CFS, and the first dose of AZ gave me a massive relapse despite all the official advice being that it is safe for CFS sufferers and has no interactions with it. Eventually got Pfizer as a 2nd dose

      • by UpnAtom ( 551727 )

        Sounds like your CFS could be an auto immune problem.

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          It certainly has auto immune links. It's not well understood unfortunately. Now that millions of people are getting Long COIVD, which seems to be similar, there might be some more research done on it.

    • You are correct. Among those whom I know, the single greatest incentive for any of them to get vaccinated has been the offer of removing the mask at work. Nothing else has worked.

      Telling people their lives may be at risk didn't work.

      Telling people the lives of their friends and loved ones didn't work.

      Offering them a shot at going mask-free all day, everywhere? To the extent that any offer worked, that worked best of all.

      • Yes. I think that the period from unmasked if vaccinated to everyone unmasked regardless was entirely too short. It was only 5-6 weeks here. Bar seating should also have been limited to vaccinated upon reopening. Its much harder to go back to vaccinated only than it is to open to vaccinated. One looks more like punishment than the other even though its the exact same seating arrangement. A drivers license is not forced on anyone, and there are plenty, and I do mean plenty, of arguments that can be made to t
    • The Sad part is there is only so much we can do as a Carrot, We have a freely available vaccine that is available are nearly every pharmacy now, they were rules that allowed vaccinated people to go maskless, but the Misinformation spread is making people to be afraid of that carrot.

      As Delta is now hitting some more rural areas, these people who are now catching it, and loosing family members are not thinking, oh I was wrong about what I know, and perhaps my information gathering is faulty, but more towards

  • by DontBeAMoran ( 4843879 ) on Monday August 02, 2021 @12:48AM (#61645781)

    I'm in Canada, I've already got my two doses of Moderna and I feel absolutely no side-eff{#`%${%&`+'${`%&NO CARRIER

    • The same is true for people who had Covid once and have natural immunity, yet we treat them as the same as just plain unvaccinated. Want to garner the public trust in the medical experts? Stop lying to them about natural immunity.
      • by shilly ( 142940 )

        No, the same is not true for "natural immunity".

        Natural immunity:
        - Exposes you to the risks of long covid from the first infection
        - Wanes more quickly than vaccine-induced immunity
        - Does not provide the same level of protection against infection, transmission of infection, morbidity and death as vaccination, especially over time

      • Seems some people with expertise in the subject disagree with you. []

        More to the point, people have been maimed by covid, we don't yet know how many, but parts of their bodies were damaged, sometimes the brain, sometimes the heart, lungs, intestinal tract and more...

        That's not what I'd be willing to risk to get "natural immunty"

        • Yeah your not going to find many doctors with actual covid experience advocating "natural immunity".

          The doctors I know who've been on the front line speak of the virus in apocalyptic terms. Mass deaths, constant writing of death certificates, traumatised medical stafff.

          And a consistent theme of "Can I get the vaccine now?" from vaccine hesitant people who where dying when a vaccine would have made it no-disease at best and mild disease at worst. (And no, once your goose is cooked, no vaccine is going to sav

        • If they are ages 18-99 and want to roll those dice I say let them. Just dont let them around at-risk individuals. Hell, encourage chicken-pox parties if they rather go that route. If they die thats on them. Im not going to force someone to stay alive that determined to die. You know the idiom "You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink"? Sometimes you end up with a dead horse. At least we arent advocating shooting the damn horse ;-)
      • by teg ( 97890 )

        The same is true for people who had Covid once and have natural immunity, yet we treat them as the same as just plain unvaccinated. Want to garner the public trust in the medical experts? Stop lying to them about natural immunity.

        If you have had Covid once, the policy in Norway is that you still need one shot of vaccine some time after recovery - as opposed to the normal two.

      • Prior infection plus 1 dose puts immunity closer to two doses of pfizer. Prior infection by itself has an efficacy similar to J&J. Prior infection plus 2 doses makes you a damn supermutant when it comes to squashing infections.
      • Everyone that got the vaccine should have been tested at the same time. Then we would know where the actual infection rate stands including asymptomatic people. Such a lost opportunity for invaluable information.
  • Just a year ago (Score:3, Insightful)

    by systemd-anonymousd ( 6652324 ) on Monday August 02, 2021 @01:41AM (#61645885)

    This would've been, "Trump spends taxpayer money to hire an army of Hitler Jugen 2.0 to spread propaganda."

    Now the media says, "President Biden employs thousands of young people to debunk misinformation and fight Internet trolls."

    • That's ridiculous. Trumpâ(TM)s never paid anyone for doing work in his life. The headline would've been, "Trump reneges on payment to children for spreading his hydroxychloroquine treatment theories"

      • > Trump reneges on payment

        True story. A friend of mine had to go to State school instead of the top-5 university he'd been accepted at after Trump called to "offer" his father 60% of the contract price on an 18-month job. "Or we could fight this in court for years."

        The t&m cost on the job was 58%.

    • +1 Exactly. The irony is they don't realize that mainstreaming outsourced propaganda just gives legitimacy to the other side to do the exact same thing after the next election. They really are deeply unaware of how this works, I've had countless discussions with people on the left about this effect, and not one of them gets it. They truly are just that naive.

      Give me someone who understands the sin nature any day of the week. At least those people aren't delusional about the human condition.

  • Now people won't listen to physicians, doctor, but might listen to social media "influencers" instead? Oh my a few hundred years in the future, they will look at this and will laugh
  • People who permit their thinking on important issues to be influenced by non-experts like entertainers, influencers and other varieties of celebrity are typical, not outliers. If you're intelligent you're in a minority group and should appreciate the good luck which put you there. You are not normal.

    The average person, the 100 IQ crowd, are normal. and cannot be effectively addressed as if they were more intelligent than they are.
    Messaging must suit the audience. There are lives to save and it's not a matte

  • What if it's a trick to get rid of all these "influencers", and they actually signed them up to the real army instead?

    Try to give make-up tips or teach "life hacks" to the locals of wherever the next war is going to be, see if they want to be "influenced".

  • by Lisandro ( 799651 ) on Monday August 02, 2021 @04:12AM (#61646121)

    There's no understanding to be reached with pretty much any of these people.

    Just make vaccination mandatory.

  • by imidan ( 559239 ) on Monday August 02, 2021 @04:18AM (#61646147)
    Public service messages have long been distributed via, essentially, advertising (messages brought to you by The Ad Council, etc.). This is not all that different, as long as the influencers are clearly indicating that they were paid to encourage their followers to get the vaccine. That's important -- the difference between propaganda and legitimate advertising.
  • by ledow ( 319597 )

    Because the way to convince people is to literally to be seen engaging in paid propaganda.

    Don't get me wrong, the people who refuse vaccines without genuine medical reason are utter morons.

    But the government paying individuals to push their message is just going to be taken the wrong way by the anti-vaxxers.

    Are you telling me that there's no celebrity out there who'll do it for their usual fee and/or for charity?

  • by Anonymous Coward

    These could start by visiting the White House.

    Asked by CNN's Dana Bash in a clip released Saturday whether she would get a vaccine that was approved and distributed before the election, Harris replied, "Well, I think that's going to be an issue for all of us." []

    Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been sowing FUD about the coronavirus vaccine ever sends Trump announced "Warp Speed", and they've been FUDing about it all the way until November. Then, mysteriously, all the FUD stopped.

    But by that time enough peopl

  • If it requires such a marketing blitz, perhaps its time to realize some people may have fairly evaluated the available data and came to the conclusion that they didn't want to take a non-FDA approved treatment.

    If people don't want to take it, that's their choice.

    This is more and more like the old school RPG that asks you Yes or No, but will dialogue-lock you until you choose Yes.

Everybody likes a kidder, but nobody lends him money. -- Arthur Miller
