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Would You Let Amazon Scan Your Palm For $10? ( 72

"New Amazon CEO Andy Jassy is facing questions about how the company plans to use the data it gathers from its newly installed palm-reading scanners in some of the company's retail outlets," reports GeekWire: A group of three U.S. senators — Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Bill Cassidy (R-La.), and Jon Ossoff (D-Ga.) — sent a letter to Jassy asking a series of questions about its new Amazon One program which encourages people to make contactless payments via hand scans in its brick-and-mortar stores, such as Whole Foods. Specifically, the senators expressed concerns about Amazon's own history with its user data...

"Our concerns about user privacy are heightened by evidence that Amazon shared voice data with third-party contractors and allegations that Amazon has violated biometric privacy laws... In contrast with biometric systems like Apple's Face ID and Touch ID or Samsung Pass, which store biometric information on a user's device, Amazon One reportedly uploads biometric information to the cloud, raising unique security risks," they wrote in the letter.

Currently, Amazon is offering $10 in promotional credits to those who enroll their bank accounts in the program and link them to their Amazon accounts.
Hot Hardware calls it a "slightly creepy promo," asking "What is the lowest amount you would sell your personal palm print for to a third-party?"
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Would You Let Amazon Scan Your Palm For $10?

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