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Facebook Relents, Releases Report that Makes Them Look Bad (msn.com) 54

"Transparency is an important part of everything we do at Facebook," reads the first line of a first-quarter Content Transparency Report which Facebook later decided not to share with the public.

They've now changed their mind, and released that report. The Hill summarizes its findings: Facebook said that an article about a doctor who passed away two weeks after getting a coronavirus vaccine was the [#1] top-performing link on the social media platform in the U.S. from January to March, according to a report released Saturday... [The Washington Post adds that this article "was promoted on Facebook by several anti-vaccine groups".] According to Facebook's report, the article was viewed over 53 million times...

In addition, a website pushing coronavirus misinformation was one of the top 20 most visited sites on the platform, according to The Washington Post.

Specifically, the Post calls that top-20 site "a right-wing anti-China publication that has promoted the violent QAnon conspiracy theories and misleading claims of voter fraud related to the 2020 election."

Facebook had considered sharing the 100 most popular items in their newsfeed, the Post adds, but "The problem was that they feared what they might find..." The disclosure reflects the challenge of being open with the public at a time when the social network is being attacked by the White House as well as experts for fomenting the spread of health misinformation. Previously, the company had only shared how much covid-related misinformation it has removed, and has been careful not to acknowledge up to this point what role they've played in disseminating material that mislead the public about the virus and the vaccine. For months, executives have debated releasing both this report and other information, according to a person familiar with the company's thinking. In those debates, the conversations revolved around whether releasing certain data points were likely to help or hurt the company's already-battered public image. In numerous instances, the company held back on investigating information that appeared negative, the person said...

Facebook's leadership has long felt that skepticism about any subject, including vaccines, should not be censored in a society that allows robust public debate... The challenge is that certain factual stories that might cast doubt on vaccines are often promoted and skewed by people and groups that are opposed to them. The result is that factual information can become part of an ideological campaign. Facebook has been slow to remove or block some of the leading anti-vaccine figures that spread such ideas.

Some observations about Facebook's report:
  • It only covers public content in a News Feed — so presumably it's failing to account for any misinformation that's shared only with a group's members.
  • The report acknowledges that nearly 20% of posts in a News Feed come from a Group the user has joined.
  • More than 1 in every 17 content views in the News Feed are recommended by Facebook's algorithms.

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Facebook Relents, Releases Report that Makes Them Look Bad

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  • Sadly ... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by ITRambo ( 1467509 ) on Sunday August 22, 2021 @12:23AM (#61716643)
    Facebook's response to even part of the truth of how they operate reminds me of older "scary" movies where the devil runs corporations. The problem is that Facebook makes the devil, as depicted in said movies, look like a good guy. That's amazing.
    • The problem is that Facebook makes the devil, as depicted in said movies, look like a good guy. That's amazing.

      Care to show us where a for profit organisation decided to do an internal review in attempt to argue that they were being a good corporate citizen, discovered something alarmingly negative, and decided, fuck it, we're going to show this to the public?

      Facebook isn't extraordinarily evil here. Hell they aren't even more evil than most people. Do you go into a job interview and tell your perspective employer that you have a drinking problem and a pornography addiction?

      Generally neither people nor corporations

      • Facebook isn't extraordinarily evil here. Hell they aren't even more evil than most people. Do you go into a job interview and tell your perspective employer that you have a drinking problem and a pornography addiction?

        Generally neither people nor corporations don't put any effort into pointing out their negative traits. The expectation that Facebook would is just unrealistic.

        For sensitive jobs I'm required to disclose criminal history or go through medical evaluation and notify if any new issues come up. Because people's lives can be in danger.

        But it's not even close the same thing. Facebook can literally get people genocided, governments overturned or let deadly diseases spread through their choices of promoting some posts.

        • Facebook can literally get people genocided

          LOL. I've heard of hyperbole, but I think we'll need to invent new words for your post. Megabole? Ludicrousbole? Plaidbole?

          But non of your "feelings" addressed my point: Again, can you point to where you voluntarily and unforced decide to publicly criticise yourself for no gain?

          • I agree with your point.
            Guess it is time to force them.
            Lie and hide unpopular truths as a company with that much power. The C levels get blue collar prison time.

      • OK now look up facebook's role in causing the Rohingya crisis in Burma, the destruction of their democratic organizations, and their current situation.

        They're much worse than a movie devil, they're like a biblical devil in the breadth and scale of their destruction.

  • by swell ( 195815 ) <jabberwock@poetic.com> on Sunday August 22, 2021 @12:54AM (#61716673)

    It's kind of heroic that they released this information. Yes, it looks bad. Could they have corrected it? Maybe. There's plenty of room for criticism from outside the decision making core. But there seems to be a mountain of data to sort thru and whether they are capable of doing that is debatable.

    I think they are motivated to keep a clean, responsible arena for people to gather in. I think that their enemies suspect they are unduly influenced by politics or social pressures or profit motives that have convinced them to promote certain viewpoints. I'm certain that profit motives encourage them to be as open and neutral as possible.

    Take that from a non-user antagonist. I do all I can to discourage the use of Facebook. I am concerned that humans are no longer capable of standing up as individuals and see themselves only in the dim light of others' opinions.

    • Yes, it looks bad. Could they have corrected it? Maybe.

      What might help would be to ban posting of URLs. Yes, all URLs. That would remove linking to misinformation sites. Yes, it would also remove linking to legitimate or innocuous sites, but I can live with that. People can still share personal updates and photos (which was supposed to be the point of Facebook, right?).

    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      A newspaper that is over 170 years old and has nearly a million readers gave credibility to the news item. The news item was factual in that the doctor may have died from the vaccine.as with all news, it is context. One thousand extra deaths a day can currently be attributed to the lack of vaccinations. If you believe the extremist, there may be 3,000 deaths per 100 million doses of vaccines. On the other hand there has been 628,000 deaths for 38 million cases. No legitimate sources says the vaccine is with
  • Their users are addicted to disinformation.
    Oh wait, that part is their fault.
    • by noodler ( 724788 )

      Well, is it?
      Is it a computers fault for being hacked through a vulnerability?

      People keep going on about free will and all, but in the end a lot of folks can be manipulated by pressing the right buttons.

      • Um, ok. I don't know what to make of that but I suppose you aren't down with dopamine feedback loop stories from former FB employees. Apologies if you are but otherwise please don't post uninformed bullshit, thanks very much.
        • by noodler ( 724788 )

          I think i misunderstood your post. I thought you were arguing it's the users fault they get addicted.
          But i suppose you mean that it's facebook's fault, which i completely agree with.

          • Well I'm not sure that's where I'm assigning the blame, but I certainly prefer the old fashioned ways of addicting users, which was to give them crystal meth.
    • by Jmc23 ( 2353706 )
      except the top link was not disinformation.
  • As usual, (Score:4, Funny)

    by Sebby ( 238625 ) on Sunday August 22, 2021 @01:05AM (#61716681) Journal

    Incorrect title.

    "Privacy Rapist Relents, Releases Report that Makes Them Look Bad"

    There, FTFY.

  • by fazig ( 2909523 ) on Sunday August 22, 2021 @01:23AM (#61716705)
    "Transparency is an important part of everything we do at Facebook"
    The funniest thing I've read today so far.
    • You saw right through it?
    • You haven't read any other news sources today?
    • Agreed. There's also some serious Streisand effect going on here; I probably wouldn't have read the report if they hadn't tried to hide it first.

      In my opinion, the report isn't actually all that bad. From reading it, you really wouldn't know there was much "shady content" there. Part of that is also due to how badly formatted it is ... some very obvious, very hasty screengrabs from an Excel spreadsheet. If "Transparency is an important part of everything we do at Facebook" they should spend another hour or

    • by Alumoi ( 1321661 )

      Why? They're so transprarent you can see they are such diks/cunts.

    • It's true, though. Making your data transparent to them is important all day, every day.

  • by Anonymouse Cowtard ( 6211666 ) on Sunday August 22, 2021 @02:44AM (#61716789) Homepage

    This (fucking) story has been up for days. Why is it here now? Lazy eds? On /.!? Are there not enough things being posted? Are not enough users checking the firehose? I <3 how this site dies in extreme slow motion. I'll be here till peak entropy.

    • This (fucking) story has been up for days. Why is it here now?

      Extraordinary fast reaction by editors from the looks of things.

  • At this stage Facebook seems to be a massive experiment that is running riot with every society it touches. The amount of hysteria and misinformation about vaccines is really getting crazy. This was never possible prior to social media like Facebook. They need to be banned until they can prove they have a solution.
  • Letting people speak?

    Or letting people come to the wrong (or in some cases, "wrong") conclusions?

  • At least in the eyes of their key demographics: The gullible stupids, i.e. the idiots that actually believe that bullshit and will now think Facebook is the last bastion of truth.

    Everyone else has left their fields long ago.

    • I think the only thing that fixes the gullible stupids is death, or death of their heroes. I think perhaps the tide is starting to turn. Even people like Abbott are pushing to get their fold vaxed. I'm sure they are coming to the conclusion if they don't get their sheep vaxed, they won't have sheep votes to get re-elected. I'm sure stuff like this https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/21... [cnn.com] will make them think hard about it. I'm sure this guy had the best treatment and still died. I'd never heard of Valentine but I
  • by srichard25 ( 221590 ) on Sunday August 22, 2021 @08:52AM (#61717289)

    Last year the Wuhan Lab Leak theory was considered "misinformation" and Facebook blocked people from even discussing it. Now, it's considered to be a very possible scenario. Right before the election, the Hunter Biden Laptop story was considered "Russian disinformation" and Facebook blocked people from even discussing it. Now we know it's real and that Hunter has actually lost another laptop.

    Which begs the question, who at Facebook is deciding what is "misinformation" and "disinformation"? Do they have a large group of independent researchers who are traveling around the world to investigate these claims? Or are they taking their marching orders from a specific political party?

    • Anything is possibly true. So its not a great argument for allowing people to spread hysterical guesses to half the planet.

  • What does the most shared link being factual have to do with disinformation?

What good is a ticket to the good life, if you can't find the entrance?
