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The Pandemic Has Set Back the Fight Against HIV, TB and Malaria ( 55

The Covid-19 pandemic has severely set back the fight against other global scourges like H.I.V., tuberculosis and malaria, according to a sobering new report released on Tuesday. From a report: Before the pandemic, the world had been making strides against these illnesses. Overall, deaths from those diseases have dropped by about half since 2004. "The advent of a fourth pandemic, in Covid, puts these hard-fought gains in great jeopardy," said Mitchell Warren, executive director of AVAC, a nonprofit organization promoting H.I.V. treatment worldwide. The pandemic has flooded hospitals and disrupted supply chains for tests and treatments. In many poor countries, the coronavirus crisis diverted limited public health resources away from treatment and prevention of these diseases. Many fewer people sought diagnosis or medication, because they were afraid of becoming infected with the coronavirus at clinics. And some patients were denied care because their symptoms, such as a cough or a fever, resembled those of Covid-19.

Unless comprehensive efforts to beat back the illnesses resume, "we'll continue to play emergency response and global health Whac-a-Mole," Mr. Warren said. The report was compiled by the Global Fund, an advocacy group that funds campaigns against H.I.V., malaria and tuberculosis. Before the arrival of the coronavirus, TB was the biggest infectious-disease killer worldwide, claiming more than one million lives each year. The pandemic has exacerbated the damage. In 2020, about one million fewer people were tested and treated for TB, compared with 2019 -- a drop of about 18 percent, according to the new report. The number of people treated for drug-resistant TB declined by 19 percent, and for extensively drug-resistant TB by 37 percent. Nearly 500,000 people were diagnosed with drug-resistant TB in 2019.

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The Pandemic Has Set Back the Fight Against HIV, TB and Malaria

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  • by 140Mandak262Jamuna ( 970587 ) on Wednesday September 08, 2021 @03:02PM (#61776405) Journal
    If a tornado rips through a neighborhood, you would naturally expect the usual yard maintenance, shrub trimming, etc to suffer till the neighborhood recovers. If it does, sometimes the effects are permanent.

    What next? Studies that show Weekly scrubbing of bathtubs for soap scum gets neglected in homes dealing with flash floods?

    • If a tornado rips through a neighborhood, you would naturally expect the usual yard maintenance, shrub trimming, etc to suffer till the neighborhood recovers. If it does, sometimes the effects are permanent.

      What next? Studies that show Weekly scrubbing of bathtubs for soap scum gets neglected in homes dealing with flash floods?

      As a matter of fact, yes. What else would you expect from a "news" industry that prioritizes clicks and likes over content or quality?

      You should expect a "water is wet" analysis to be included in that flash flood study too, along with an "urgent" message about the dangers of inhaling Dihydrogen Monoxide, because that's just how far gone reporting has become.

      • because that's just how far gone reporting has become.

        There's probably a bit of the usual rose-tinted "things in the past were much better" mentality in that sentiment, but I question how try it really is. I think things were always as shit as they are now only it was far less noticeable. Back in the day practically no one had access to the kind of information or data necessary to do any kind of analysis on reporting and the number of sources were so limited for most people that they might not even be aware of any kind of dissenting opinions or other partially

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by sinij ( 911942 )
      It is absolutely insane to compare COVID to a tornado while HIV, TB and Malaria to shrub trimming. You lost all perspective and so did everyone who up voted your insane comment.
      • by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Wednesday September 08, 2021 @05:40PM (#61777049)
        It's a metaphor, so it can be imperfect in some sense. I'm not sure that you're interpreting it correctly either. I looked at it as COVID acting like a tornado that has disrupted typical activities like production of treatments, etc. for those other diseases or has resulted in competition (medical personnel, hospital beds, etc.) for resources that would otherwise be devoted to those activities.

        In other ways I do think it may still be apt even if we read into it in the same way you have. Those other diseases are themselves really serious and just as (if not more in certain parts of the world) deadly than COVID, but compared to COVID they haven't been treated as seriously in many senses. They've been around long enough that they get treated as almost a routine part of life. When people die in these "routine" ways no one gets upset or acts alarmed. But when it's something unexpected or novel (like COVID) then people behave differently.

        Either way I don't think your conclusion is a very charitable assessment.
        • by sinij ( 911942 )

          Those other diseases are themselves really serious and just as (if not more in certain parts of the world) deadly than COVID, but compared to COVID they haven't been treated as seriously in many senses.

          What do you think is more likely to be true - that these other diseases are treated with all due seriousness they deserve or that COVID is the only disease in history that was taken with appropriate level of seriousness?

  • Quite the opposite (Score:4, Insightful)

    by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Wednesday September 08, 2021 @03:07PM (#61776421)

    Short term, maybe there's an increase of people catching diseases like H.I.V. and not getting treatment...

    But what does that really matter long term? That is just treating what has happened.

    Instead you are overlooking the very, very bright side - mRNA vaccines, and even other forms of new vaccines have sprung into being that are technologies you can quickly adapt to other viruses - including HIV [], and Malara []

    Let's all look forward to a not so distant future when we don't have to worry about treating HIV or Malaria, because at-risk people can simply get vaccinated for it.

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Posting as AC because I find myself agreeing with SuperKenal and doubt my sanity.
    • People can already use PreP to prevent HIV infection . Most don't because they are either unaware, or have issues with accessing those very expensive daily medications. A vaccine would be easier to take to be sure, if one is ever successful.

      • People can already use PreP to prevent HIV infection

        How effective is that? I couldn't find any percentages.

        The list of side effects I did find rather sucked:

        Common side effects in people taking DESCOVY for PrEP are diarrhea, nausea, headache, fatigue, and stomach pain. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effects that bother you or do not go away.

        And as you said, that is also more expensive, so it's probably not protecting a ton of people that would benefit most from protection.

        It really see

        • Those seem like pretty standard side effects that you get from practically everything these days. I don't know off hand how frequently reported they need to be to wind up on the box, but I would imagine they list just about everything for CYA purposes if nothing else.
        • by madbrain ( 11432 )

          PrEP is close to 100% effective. There are only a handful of cases worldwide of patients who were taking their PrEP as directed and ended up contracting HIV.

          Descovy is fairly well tolerated by most. Most people don't have those side effects. The long-term ones are the problem. It's not as bad as Truvada, though.

          A lot of people who take PrEP are people who just don't want to use condoms. Mostly gay and bi men, because other populations are just unaware of it, even though they could benefit a lot from it too,

          • Interesting, it didn't realize it was so effective - it still seems like one shot that you take maybe every few years, would be a lot more popular?

            Or at least, maybe it will be used by the wider population that as you said doesn't use PrEP but really needs protection from AIDS...

    • Short term, maybe there's an increase of people catching diseases like H.I.V. and not getting treatment...

      But what does that really matter long term? That is just treating what has happened.

      Instead you are overlooking the very, very bright side - mRNA vaccines, and even other forms of new vaccines have sprung into being that are technologies you can quickly adapt to other viruses - including HIV [], and Malara []

      Let's all look forward to a not so distant future when we don't have to worry about treating HIV or Malaria, because at-risk people can simply get vaccinated for it.

      Exactly what I was thinking with regards to mRNA development. Instead of listening to people condemning all the work and focus that shifted in the last 18 months, how about we consider taking advantage of it. Also, gut feeling is like many other socially interactive diseases, the infection rates for HIV likely went down when everyone was quarantined. Naturally, you'll find no one reporting on that good news. Only bad news sells clicks and likes these days.

      And to be quite honest as an American, I'd more

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      Let's all look forward to a not so distant future when we don't have to worry about treating HIV or Malaria, because at-risk people can simply get vaccinated for it.

      People get vaccinated... I don't know about that.

      Maybe I've been reading the news too much lately, but it sure seems like more people have either become suspicious of vaccines or are completely anti-vax because someone told them it was a secret liberal plot [] for a mass death campaign []. So instead of taking an FDA approvied vaccine that has been shown to be effective, they opt to take some unproven or known to not be effective drug instead because someone [] they follow or a group they are a member of told them t

    • If anything there should be a decrease in people catching HIV and other STDs, Common sense precautions against covid would also help prevent the spread of these diseases. AKA don't go hooking up with random strangers, you might catch Covid, HIV, and the whole spectrum of other STDs.
  • Just infect HIV, TB, and Malaria itself with Covid. Solved!

  • What a surprise (Score:3, Insightful)

    by NFN_NLN ( 633283 ) on Wednesday September 08, 2021 @03:15PM (#61776457)

    Idealists only have the brain capacity to focus on one issue at a time. There is no middle ground there is no time to waste on "other stuff", there is only the balls out singular focus on the shiniest ball in the room.

    Have fun with a ruined economy, increased world poverty, "other diseases" and a broken supply chain.

    • by Ksevio ( 865461 )

      That's called "triaging". The most pressing matter (COVID-19) is being focused on first, mainly because it caused all the things you listed plus millions of deaths.

      By this point I would expect people to realize that just letting everyone get sick and fill up the hospitals isn't an economically beneficial strategy.

      • These people put up "ruined economies" (my 401k has never been better), other health issues (they never cared about and did not want to fund) and poverty (never cared about, would not spend money alleviating), but they don't really care about them.

        What they care about is that their cheap hustle or MLM quit paying out in the pandemic, and they can't hang out in the bar/pub/club.

        • by NFN_NLN ( 633283 )

          > These people put up "ruined economies" (my 401k has never been better)

          My net worth jumped significantly since the pandemic, but are we richer or did all the printed money debase the currency and we ONLY have the same purchasing power? Time will tell. We're certainly better off than someone whose net worth went down. But while you're stroking your dick about your perceived 401k gains the real point is how much you don't understand about the intricacies of the actual economy. And nothing proves my po

          • by NFN_NLN ( 633283 )

            The left under Trump Presidency: "the stock market isn't the economy idiots"

            The left under Biden Presidency: " money printer go burrrr.."

            • by Ksevio ( 865461 )

              Those aren't even conflicting idea. The stock market isn't the economy. All presidents since Clinton have been deficit spending

  • by rogoshen1 ( 2922505 ) on Wednesday September 08, 2021 @04:00PM (#61776663)

    well, we finally completely eradicated the flu. so there's that.

  • by DuroSoft ( 1009945 ) on Wednesday September 08, 2021 @05:30PM (#61777005) Homepage
    There was a report last month that Moderna was testing a full-on HIV vaccine, and it was only possible because of the increased resources and interest in vaccines as a result of the pandemic []

    What gives?
    • by madbrain ( 11432 )

      Treatment and prevention means distributing condoms, HIV meds, PreP, things that all exist today. The Moderna trial is research. It can't help anyone yet.

    • And BioNTech was (pre-covid) busy working on immunotherapy cures for cancer. The couple the started that company do not seem like the sort to retire on a tropical island now they are billionaires. My guess is they will plough their new found hordes of cash into accelerating their life-time work, ironically freed from commercial constraints.

      Immunotherapy was already very exciting and now we are going to see progress like never before.

  • by cusco ( 717999 ) <> on Wednesday September 08, 2021 @07:00PM (#61777249) []

    I’m happy to be able to report that this worst-case scenario, at least for now, has been avoided. This is thanks to the leadership of African countries, which quickly adapted their malaria programs to meet the challenges of the pandemic. Practicing social distancing and other safety measures, malaria workers were able to carry out their duties, delivering long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets, controlling mosquito populations with indoor spraying, and providing preventive treatment for pregnant women and children. In Nigeria, which still suffers from 60 million cases of malaria each year, health workers managed to even increase their delivery of malaria control, protecting millions of children in one of their largest campaigns to date.

    At the same time, malaria resources have served double duty, tackling the mosquito-borne disease and helping to control the spread of COVID-19.

    In Zambia, the scientists and equipment in the National Malaria Elimination Program’s genomic surveillance laboratory used to monitor malaria drug resistance quickly pivoted to find COVID-19 variants in the country. In Mozambique, an app created for health workers to provide real-time reporting of malaria cases and fevers has supplied critical data to the national COVID response.

    My 1988 biology textbook notes that at that time worldwide spending for malaria research and prevention, which was the largest killer in the world at the time, was $8 million. At the same time spending on cancer research and treatment in the US alone was over $500 million. Malaria research is on the worldwide stage almost exclusively because the Gates Foundation put it there and kept it there. You may not like the guy, but unlike most rich people he's trying to do something good with his money.

The opulence of the front office door varies inversely with the fundamental solvency of the firm.
