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First Person Shooters (Games) Games

PETA Criticizes 'Far Cry 6' On Its Choice of Animal-Themed Minigame ( 122

"The recently released Far Cry 6 video game from Ubisoft has drawn the ire of the animal rights organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)," reports While PETA has been known to issue statements on the handling of animals in video games over the years, and Far Cry 6 includes a variety of animals and instances that might have been the subject of such a statement, it is the cockfighting minigame in Far Cry 6 that has been specifically called out.

"Turning a horrific blood sport like cockfighting into a Mortal Kombat-style video game match is a far cry from real innovation, as today's society is strongly opposed to forcing animals to fight to the death," the statement from PETA Latino Senior Manager Alicia Aguayo reads. "Roosters used in cockfights are fitted with sharp spurs that tear through flesh and bone, causing agonizing and fatal injuries. PETA Latino urges Ubisoft to replace this reprehensible minigame with one that doesn't glorify cruelty."

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PETA Criticizes 'Far Cry 6' On Its Choice of Animal-Themed Minigame

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  • Oh, and people (Score:5, Insightful)

    by timeOday ( 582209 ) on Sunday October 10, 2021 @07:15PM (#61878799)
    Doesn't Far Cry have a lot of human beings getting slaughtered also?
    • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      It's like Dave Chappelle said: You can (literally) shoot and kill a black man in a Walmart without hurting your career, but hurt a gay person's feelings, and you are likely to get cancelled.

      • It's like Dave Chappelle said: You can (literally) shoot and kill a black man in a Walmart without hurting your career, but hurt a gay person's feelings, and you are likely to get cancelled.

        The moral duplicity of such a zero-sum-game joke is horrid. Both extremes in the joke are wrong and just because some people get away with murdering POCs, it doesn't mean homophobes should get away with their shit.

        And let us understand that Chappelle is not simply highlighting an inequality (and the injustice therein). He is dismissing homophobic acts as simply "hurting gay feelings." Just a few decades ago, police departments were openly performing gay-hunting raid parties, which is really not that diffe

        • Re: Oh, and people (Score:4, Informative)

          by ArmoredDragon ( 3450605 ) on Monday October 11, 2021 @11:40AM (#61880531)

          Actually Chappelle was taking about one specific person, namely a rapper called DaBaby who shot and killed another black man at a Walmart, and had nothing bad happen to his career (in fact, when rappers are involved in violence, it often helps their career.) Then some time later, DaBaby made a gay joke, and he was disinvited from Lollapalooza.

          • So would it have helped or hindered his career if the black man he shot in Walmart was gay? I'm never really sure how this progressive stack nonsense is actually supposed to work out.
        • You really needed to respond to the proper context of Dave Chappelle's joke. Right now you're basically proving the case that gay rights have advanced farther and more effectively than black rights to life. Then you are shaming him for not being properly POC by your own definition. If I were Dave Chappelle I'd suggest "fuck you and you proved my joke's point" as a proper response.
    • Humans are killers. Humans are also the lowest on the food chain (well maybe second lowest to cockroaches, anyway), and are ripe for the killing. Humans are also very disposable.

      We try to pretend it's not the case, but reality is always showing otherwise. People are out to get you. You might not be a specific target now, but it can and often does happen.

        You always need to stay on high alert around humans.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Humans are also the lowest on the food chain (well maybe second lowest to cockroaches, anyway), and are ripe for the killing.

        Humans are at the top of the food chain; nothing else routinely preys upon us. There are very few animals (polar bears, for one) who will look at a human being and think "lunch". Maybe Pratchett was right, and evolution really has taught wolves that human meat has sharp edges.

    • Re:Oh, and people (Score:5, Informative)

      by Richard_at_work ( 517087 ) on Sunday October 10, 2021 @08:08PM (#61878941)

      PETAs goal here is to make people talk about PETA, because it gives them attention.

      Congratulations Slashdot, you were just gamed.

      • Re:Oh, and people (Score:5, Informative)

        by Pierre Pants ( 6554598 ) on Sunday October 10, 2021 @08:44PM (#61878997)
        Talking about PETA is good. Let's talk about PETA. []
        • This exactly. PETA is a terrorist organisation that has literally provided support and funding to arsonists and bombers.

          Their pronouncements should be ignored by any sensible media - including slashdot.
          • I thought we just had posts from them so we could laugh at them. I have not seen much evidence of anyone taking them seriously.

            • I suppose, but would we want to run stories about the Westboro Baptist Church just so we can point and laugh at those idiots as well? People who do things solely for attention should be ignored in general. Don't waste your time giving them any of it. Even if it's scorn they still get the attention they want and will just pose as a victim.
              • I agree with you and stuff from PETA should not actually be covered. I just think the only reason PETA gets posted is to laugh at.

              • by Creepy ( 93888 )

                Sometimes just raising awareness about these idiots helps. I mean, I told a militant vegan PETA cat lover that we had to go out and shoot mange infected cats on the farm to protect the cat population as a whole and he practically went ballistic. So you want me to try and get a WILD ANIMAL to the vet? Not going to happen. Let the mangy cats infect the rest of the cats? That does them all a favor when they FREEZE TO DEATH in the winter because they don't have any fur. Some people just don't understand the bes

        • People Eating Tasty Animals? OK, what would you like to say about them?
      • Article got me more interested in this mini-game than PETA
      • by Creepy ( 93888 )

        Well my goal here was to make fun of PETA, but others beat me to the joke. You're basically playing a "murder simulator" and all they care about is the torturing of virtual animals?

    • That doesn't bother PETA, it's just a new initiative called Diversity, Inclusion, Equity! Commonly known as "DIE! DIE! DIE!"
    • Oh, and people

      PETA is very clearly astroturf; they're meant to appear like a bunch of complete fucking nuts(TM) - i.e. "grassroots activists" - but they're completely manipulated from above, like the guy the feds talk into trying to blow something up.

      They've created a projection**, a construct of a unreasonable tyrant that everyone just want to punch in the face* because it's just so stupid...

      *And I'm a vegetarian.

      **It was easy as the template already existed; it was called a college female...

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Yes, but that's not the issue.

      An equivalent for humans would be if you force two people into a caged deathmatch, for your own amusement or for gambling.

      • In video games that happens all the time. It's called deathmatch. There's also another variant called a Battle Royale.

        I'm not sure what the big deal over video cockfighting is.

        • I wouldn't buy Far Cry 6 for the cockfighting, which is kind of horrifying to me, but that's because I'm generally opposed to this sort of thing in real life and don't really think I'd derive any enjoyment out of participating in a simulation. But that's a personal thing, and I would no begrudge someone who did enjoy the game for it, and given its a popular sport in much of Latin America it sounds thematically appropriate, I would assume. I am surprised Ubisoft put this in, though. Their other games over th
    • That matters far less to PETA. Always has.

    • Peta doesnt' care about humans. They don't actually care about animals either. They kill over 80% of the cats and dogs they "rescue".
  • by bobstreo ( 1320787 ) on Sunday October 10, 2021 @07:17PM (#61878815)

    In all the latest news of extinctions and die offs, criticizing a bunch of pixels and polygons seems like a waste of time and just plain stupid.

    But maybe that's just me.


  • And soon burning books on anything some organization says promotes violence.
  • by AndyKron ( 937105 ) on Sunday October 10, 2021 @07:20PM (#61878831)
    PETA should shut up and put out a better and more popular game.
  • Tell them (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Gabest ( 852807 ) on Sunday October 10, 2021 @07:26PM (#61878845)

    They are not real animals.

  • Have you seen the cruelty animals do to other animals? Animals inflict immense suffering on each other. I mean, I agree we should not do that, but it needs to be acknowledged how many animals inflict cruelty due to their limitation in empathy, especially cross-species empathy. Yes there are exceptions, but the norm is that animals inflict suffering on each other. PETA gets their information from movies not real life.

    • Have you seen the cruelty animals do to other animals? Animals inflict immense suffering on each other. I mean, I agree we should not do that, but it needs to be acknowledged how many animals inflict cruelty due to their limitation in empathy, especially cross-species empathy. Yes there are exceptions, but the norm is that animals inflict suffering on each other. PETA gets their information from movies not real life.

      You mean like this: []

    • by lsllll ( 830002 )
      That's okay. That's nature dealing with nature. Wait ... We're a part of nature. I'm so confused!
    • by rossz ( 67331 )

      Watching a big cat (I think it was a cheetah) chowing down while the catch is still alive and screaming was rather disturbing. I did not watch the whole thing.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Have you seen the cruelty animals do to other animals?

      Cruelty requires agency, and knowledge of what one is doing. Animals cannot be cruel, with the exception of some of the apes (chimpanzees can be real bastards, apparently).

      Suffering is another emotive word, for to truly suffer one has to have some degree of self-awareness; if you can't remember a time when you weren't in pain or hope for pain to stop, how can one really suffer?

      To coin a phrase, a tiger doesn't eat it its prey alive just so that it can hear it scream.
      (To be fair, most big cats - and other bi

    • More to the point, every living thing on the planet kills for it's own survival. Even plants - they shade out the ground below to compete for sunlight, starving smaller plants below them.

      Killing for your own survival is how life works.

  • by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Sunday October 10, 2021 @07:45PM (#61878887) Homepage Journal

    is PETA relevant?

    • Yes, they kill a lot of animals in the real world.
      • sure, they operate a lot of no kill but actually kill shelters. but is PETA relevant to any policy decisions?

        I'm a moderate animal lover. I don't believe in inflicting cruelty on to animals. And if we are to raise them as pets or food we can do so in an ethical manner (I guess a different meaning of ethical than PETA has).

        As for fur bearing animals, there has been historically so many problems with that industry that the profit incentive to cut corners and to cage un-domesticated animals inhumanely is too s

        • They support killing barred owls to protect spotted owls, even though the barred owl has expanded its territory on its own. It isn't an introduced species. It is a species that recently found a route, via Canada, of habitat close that it could use to expand from the east coast to the west coast. Likely this was enabled by humans killing other predatory species. But this is the world that exists now, and these animals expanded by flapping their own wings in the direction they wanted to fly. And PETA support

    • I know of PETA.


      And I just checked, PETA staands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. What has that got to do with pixels which when arranged look like an animal? Maybe they need another organisation, like PETA Latino, maybe PETA Digital? And lets add an R in there, so it becomes PETARD. Am sure someone can come up with a backronym for this.

    • The point isn't that they're relevant, the point is that it is funny when people complain about pixels.

      And even funnier when they think they're speaking against it, when in reality they're giving it free advertising.

  • by PPH ( 736903 )

    ... are welcome to stand in for the chickens any time you want.

  • by Nicholas Schumacher ( 21495 ) on Sunday October 10, 2021 @08:00PM (#61878919) Homepage

    Given that this is from the same organization that has literally stolen pets from their family's yard and had them killed.

    So they protest fictional chickens cockfighting while deliberately killing treasured family pets.

    PETA can go straight to hell as far as I am concerned.

    • by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Monday October 11, 2021 @05:45AM (#61879745)

      Funny story from my neighbour. He had two sulfur crested cockatoos as pets, and some organisation (don't think it was PETA, but all these anti animal nutjobs are the same) staged a protest in our street complete with local news decrying the audacity of this guy for daring to keep such an elegant creature in a cage!

      So my neighbour relented. Grabbed the birds, went out to the protestors and said he has seen the error of his ways and set the birds free and they took off from his hands. The birds landed on the grass. Looked at the protestors, turned around and walked back into the house.

      I've never seen a bunch of wankers so dumbfounded in my life.

  • So having cockfighting in a video game is bad, not because of any real harm being caused, but because it "glorifies cruelty" to animal-shaped pixels.

    Hence, a cockfighting mini-game should be removed from the video game "Far Cry 6". Which does nothing but glorify violence and cruelty to human-shaped pixels. But that's not an issue.

    Got it.
  • Most games have violence as a central theme: First Person Shooters by definition, but also your average MMPORG. Take a relatively mild game like SWTOR. You gain points and level by killing, well, most anything, and your character is likely to get snuffed out by a robot. So why is PETA focusing on animals? Are they just basic sociopaths who cannot have normal relationships with their fellow human beings? What the developers ought to do is change the target subjects of their game to PETA members. It would be

  • Than this game will kill virtual ones.

  • Hey, PETA do something about pigs and cows. I'm mixing up some new BBQ sauce.
  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Sunday October 10, 2021 @08:43PM (#61878989)

    The one where you explain why we should give a fuck what these loonies think.

  • Because how else can you describe Pokemon but slavery and cockfighting? You go out and hunt for these pokemon creatures, which seem to be sentient, "recruit" or otherwise enslave them to then go fight against other pokemon being enslaved, aka cockfighting.

    But the pokemon characters are cute and not depictions of animals so it's okay. It's definitely popular and even though I never got into pokemon on any level, the idea of playing the phone version where I walk around a park (get those steps in, right) look

  • As a vegetarian, I wish to point out that PETA does stuff just to get attention.

    It is pretty transparent, as one can see from previous campaigns they've engaged in. PETA appears to believe that there's no such thing as bad publicity.

  • by Petersko ( 564140 ) on Sunday October 10, 2021 @09:19PM (#61879051) lost in their implementation.

    It reminds me of Greta Thunberg. I don't disagree with her. I just can't listen to her very long before being annoyed.

    • Intelligent and capable people become engineers, etc. and build better solutions to enrich the world. Idiots just whine and do nothing themselves while expecting everyone else to cater to their moronic whims.
  • why does anyone pay the least amount of attention to this disgusting organization
  • Sorry, but PETA has exactly zero ethical headroom to be preaching to others.

  • They need to grow the fuck up and reserve their outrage for something worthy. They aren't real animals, Just like they are real people murdering real people (or animals).
  • by dfn5 ( 524972 ) on Sunday October 10, 2021 @10:55PM (#61879179) Journal

    Turning a horrific blood sport like cockfighting into a Mortal Kombat-style video game

    Finish him!
    Kluck Zero wins!

  • Seriously, it's a video game. If you think that video games have a legitimate affect on real world human behaviors, you really missing out on several decades of psychological papers. But hey, there's still hope! Turns out, games like this also enable players to shoot and "kill" real game human models just as readily, so you have a 2nd case in the works that could be even bigger than the chickens!

    tldr; get fucked you over-reaching tards.

  • Steve Hofstetter with the 411 []
    tldr: PETA murder an enormous, crazy number of animals every year, in the interests of "saving them". It's fucked up.

  • I would like to see a bull fighting game in VR. Think about it, having a virtual 1 ton steak of muscles and bad humor running at you at full speed.
    But unlike in the real world where the bull is severely damaged beforehand (i e neck tendons cut so as not to allow the bull to raise its head) have it fit for an honest match.

  • a digital representation of cockerels fighting in a game about end of world and violence. and all we hear is "think of the poor digital representation of birds "
    some one is getting payed far too much and either can not find any thing useful to cry about or is too afraid to tackle real world problems.
    in my opinion PETA is a scam. and stuff like this does not help me believe other wise. no where is my leather jacket. and leather shoes going to go have a ride in my leather seats in my car... and may be get a f

  • Congratulations, you just gave PeTA the attention that they wanted to get by criticizing a video game.
    And that's exactly why they tend to make such outrageous claims like criticizing games with even fantasy animals like Pokemon; people are outraged and create free publicity for PeTA. And they do not seem to care whether the publicity is good or bad in the eyes of the majority, they just want publicity.

    For most intents and purposes PeTA are trolls. Try not to feed them, or they'll regularly come back for
  • That's far more acceptable, and everybody hates humans anyway.
    Can't end em all, but at least you can try harder than lazy ass Covid! ;)

    In fact, let's do it to the most despised humans! Militant PETA members VS corporate psychopaths!
    Now THERE's a fight I'd like to watch! :D

  • Just because of this.
  • " today's society is strongly opposed to forcing animals to fight to the death." Says privileged Latina in the US. The rest of Latin America and the Caribbean disagrees. I've never seen a tore-up rooster in a sad montage played to Sara McLaughlin.
  • Considering that PETA kills far more animals each year than this video game, why should we give even one single fig what PETA thinks about it?
  • I can understand protecting _real_ animals. But virtual ones? That is just fighting "though crimes" and that marks them as evil.

  • Stop posting any statements from PETA, ever. Only report on them if they commit a crime, win a lawsuit, or shut down.

    Their behavior is troll-like. They sit around, waiting to be offended by mundane bullshit, then make a statement that gets published around the web solely because their name has longevity.

    They should be ignored.

  • So let me get this straight... PETA.. the organization that kills THOUSANDS of animals each year...

    ...Is freaking out over a video game, where no actual animals are harmed...?

    PETA is the reason that I'm NOT vegetarian!!
  • Can we just all do a collective eye-roll right now? IT'S A VIDEO GAME!

  • Games where people run around and kill eachother without remorse is okay, but having virtual animals engage in fighting is not?
  • Farcry 6 just got a whole bunch of free advertising.

    Ms Streisand isn't a PETA member is she?

...this is an awesome sight. The entire rebel resistance buried under six million hardbound copies of "The Naked Lunch." - The Firesign Theater
