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Google Says NSO Pegasus Zero-Click 'Most Technically Sophisticated Exploit Ever Seen' ( 106

wiredmikey shares a report from SecurityWeek: Security researchers at Google's Project Zero have picked apart one of the most notorious in-the-wild iPhone exploits and found a never-before-seen hacking roadmap that included a PDF file pretending to be a GIF image with a custom-coded virtual CPU built out of boolean pixel operations. If that makes you scratch your head, that was exactly the reaction from Google's premier security research team after disassembling the so-called FORCEDENTRY iMessage zero-click exploit used to plant NSO Group's Pegasus surveillance tool on iPhones.

"We assess this to be one of the most technically sophisticated exploits we've ever seen," Google's Ian Beer and Samuel Grob wrote in a technical deep-dive into the remote code execution exploit that was captured during an in-the-wild attack on an activist in Saudi Arabia. In its breakdown, Project Zero said the exploit effectively created "a weapon against which there is no defense," noting that zero-click exploits work silently in the background and does not even require the target to click on a link or surf to a malicious website. "Short of not using a device, there is no way to prevent exploitation by a zero-click exploit," the research team said.

The researchers confirmed the initial entry point for Pegasus was Apple's proprietary iMessage that ships by default on iPhones, iPads and macOS devices. By targeting iMessage, the NSO Group hackers needed only a phone number of an AppleID username to take aim and fire eavesdropping implants. Because iMessage has native support for GIF images (especially those that loop endlessly), Project Zero's researchers found that this expanded the attack surface and ended up being abused in an exploit cocktail that targeted a security defect in Apple's CoreGraphics PDF parser. Within Apple's CoreGraphics PDF parser, the NSO exploit writers abused Apple's implementation of the open-source JBIG2, a domain specific image codec designed to compress images where pixels can only be black or white. Describing the exploit as "pretty terrifying," Google said the NSO Group hackers effectively booby-trapped a PDF file, masquerading as a GIF image, with an encoded virtual CPU to start and run the exploit.
Apple patched the exploit in September and filed a lawsuit seeking to hold NSO Group accountable.
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Google Says NSO Pegasus Zero-Click 'Most Technically Sophisticated Exploit Ever Seen'

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  • Is this state actor level or just real good bad guys?

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by warpmoon ( 654097 )

      Is this state actor level or just real good bad guys?


    • Re:Scary Stuff (Score:4, Interesting)

      by JustAnotherOldGuy ( 4145623 ) on Thursday December 16, 2021 @07:36PM (#62088779) Journal

      Is this state actor level or just real good bad guys?

      At this point it's hard to tell the difference. I'm not even sure it matters.

      A "virtual CPU built from custom-coded boolean pixel operations"

      Damn. That's some impressive shit. It's brilliant, really.

      • Probably best to just avoid iPhones if you're a high profile target for a state actor:

        Android CVEs for code execution, all time: []
        Total: 674
        (Note: Most of these vulnerabilities only apply to one or possibly a few models of Android phones.)

        Chrome CVEs for code execution, all time: []
        Total: 116

        iOS CVEs for code execution, all time: []
        Total: 1158
        (Note: Applicable to ALL iOS devices)

        Safari CVEs for code execution, all tim

      • Yet, something has to invoke it, right?

        So the actor sends a msg to an iMessage recipient - after figuring out a target iMessage address (phone number?).
        That msg is the virtual machine as a PDF disguised as a GIF?

        Then, the device invokes the virtual machine via (posting) that "GIF" thru the iMessage app, and eavesdropping starts w/o any other action?
        • Yet, something has to invoke it, right?

          As per the article, just receiving it is enough to trigger it.

          So yes, technically, something has to "invoke it", and in this case it's the OS that's "invoking" it just by being there to receive it. You don't have to do anything except have the phone (or other device) turned on and able to receive an email or a text.

          Like I said, it's brilliantly evil.

    • Re:Scary Stuff (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Rayfield k. ( 8918519 ) on Thursday December 16, 2021 @08:09PM (#62088849)

      State level pretending not to be. Look into the background of their founders, all former members of unit 8200 (Israeli signals intelligence).

      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by piojo ( 995934 )

        In Israel, everyone is former military. So having that background doesn't imply anything.

        • by Aubz ( 7986666 )
          Not everyone who serves as a conscript in the Israeli defense forces works for unit 8200. I personally would like to see criminal charges brought against those who make a business out of breaking into the personal devices used by countless people and organizations around the world. Whatever county they may be a citizen of. Screw them.
          • by jonwil ( 467024 )

            I think its time that we made the buying, selling, trading or abusing of exploits a crime. This kind of spyware should be outright illegal (and no the argument that its being used to catch kiddie fiddlers, terrorists and other really nasty people doesn't justify it)

            • I doubt anybody would do that for several reasons:

              - Bug bounty programs, which basically work as a legal alternative to selling exploits on the dark web, would possibly go away, meaning white hat independent security researchers won't bother
              - Black hat hackers typically already don't care what the law says anyways, and in many cases have no moral qualms about who they sell it to or what they use it for
              - Government spy agencies really want these exploits, so unless legislators are willing to put an exclusion

          • by piojo ( 995934 )

            You are mistaken, I think. They are weapons manufacturers/sellers. They don't hack phones directly. They sell (hacking) weapons to governments. (Not all, but the ones that the company and the government decides they can export weapons to.) The controversy is because some of those countries, like Saudi Arabia, should not have those weapons.

            But they don't hack people's devices, so you can't prosecute them for that.

    • Given how incompetent government IT is, probably not a state actor.

    • by splutty ( 43475 )

      Really good good guys, for varying definitions of good.

    • by evanh ( 627108 )

      It's N S O ! They'll be ex-military + civilian + permanent military contract.

    • a PDF file pretending to be a GIF image with a custom-coded virtual CPU built out of boolean pixel operations


  • ..and used api's to run itself.
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Thursday December 16, 2021 @07:44PM (#62088809) Homepage Journal

      Not APIs, but the compressed image parser itself. A flaw in the parser allowed it to execute code encoded as pixels in the image, and from there get a foothold to run native ARM code.

      • ..and an api. besides technicalities, it was pretty awesome how they did it.
      • by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Thursday December 16, 2021 @08:00PM (#62088837) Journal

        Note that image parsing code should always be tested very well, because it's a fruitful source of exploits. The reason is because it's mathematically complex, and not always obvious when a buffer will be overflowed.

        • not always obvious when a buffer will be overflowed

          Unless, like, you checked for a full buffer before you appended something to it. Yeah, no way to prevent that.

          • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

            by phantomfive ( 622387 )

            You can do that, but usually you want image de-compressors to go quickly. No one is happy if you can see each pixel rendered across the screen as you do all your buffer checks.

            This isn't an easy problem to solve in Rust, either, because of the complex math.

            • Rust uses fat pointers. What's so complex about bounds checking a fat pointer?

              • Doing it at runtime is easy, but slows things down. Doing it at compile time is hard.

                • You're talking one or maybe two operations, which is well well below the nanosecond time scale.

                  But if you already have a boundary established elsewhere in your code (which is the only way to do "bounds checking" at "compile time" in any language without introducing the same kind of bugs you're talking about preventing) then you can always just call an unchecked buffer read/write. Rust has those for exactly this purpose.

                  • ok? Write some Rust image decompressors. Maybe you can convince people to use them, even if they're slow.

                    • A bit late for that as many already exist, and they're anything but slow. No real notable video codecs I'm aware of though, but that's mainly because the open source community barely even has the patience to write just one good library for the only useful video codecs these days. To say modern video codecs are a LOT of work is an understatement, as it's a field of study unto its own that requires years of understanding. That, and video codecs are so demanding these days that a lot of the work is now done in

                    • Yeah, I'm basically done fighting programming language holy wars (my chosen language never wins, anyway). Rust is fine.

                      My main point was that Rust won't automatically solve all your problems when writing an image decoder, because it's hard (ie, instead of a byte stream, you have a bit stream, etc).

          • by Mr. Barky ( 152560 ) on Friday December 17, 2021 @08:30AM (#62089937)

            The flaw in question was a buffer overflow created by an integer overflow. If you read the code, it isn’t something that jumps out as incorrect code. The rest of the code doesn’t read past any buffers (except for using a variable with an incorrect value).

            The library used is open source and I am willing to bet just about any other user of the same library is vulnerable to the same exploit as well.

            This is just one part of the attack. NSO figured out how to hit this code using other unexpected behavior (other code being too smart and figuring out what type of image format it is based on the content - a .gif file triggered jbig code). Lots of little flaws plus one serious one.

          • Unless, like, you checked for a full buffer before you appended something to it. Yeah, no way to prevent that.

            Obligatory "That's unpossible!"

        • by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Thursday December 16, 2021 @08:52PM (#62088913) Journal

          > image parsing code should always be tested very well, because it's a fruitful source of exploits.

          This is another reason I get pissed when big vendors force new image "standards" onto us having relatively minor advantages. Examples include webp and avif. It takes several years for image handling apps and utils to recognize the new format properly. Stoppit! If it's not "a lot" better, go home.

          Webp format drove me crazy as MS had one codec and Google another. When I made the MS codec the default, a group of apps couldn't display it right. When I made the Google codec the default, a different group of apps couldn't display it right. I had to pick which group of apps to be broken to the format.

        • by Vintermann ( 400722 ) on Friday December 17, 2021 @03:32AM (#62089553) Homepage

          Apple has a history of not being great at it too. Just yesterday, a nice proof of concept exploit, encoding a png that shows "Hello world" on correct implementations, and shows "Hello Apple" on Apple devices:

          PNG Parser Differential []

      • code encoded as pixels in the image

        That doesn't seem quite right judging from the description in the detailed article.

  • Thank goodness Windows is totally immune and will never fall prey to this, right? Right?

  • Locked down (Score:5, Interesting)

    by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Thursday December 16, 2021 @07:40PM (#62088791) Journal

    In its breakdown, Project Zero said the exploit effectively created “a weapon against which there is no defense,” noting that zero-click exploits work silently in the background and does not even require the target to click on a link or surf to a malicious website. “Short of not using a device, there is no way to prevent exploitation by a zero-click exploit,” the research team said.

    Note that if you could control the device, you could install firewalls, filters, and alternate messaging services. "There is no way to prevent" only because Apple doesn't allow you to prevent it.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      In its breakdown, Project Zero said the exploit effectively created “a weapon against which there is no defense,” noting that zero-click exploits work silently in the background and does not even require the target to click on a link or surf to a malicious website. “Short of not using a device, there is no way to prevent exploitation by a zero-click exploit,” the research team said.

      Note that if you could control the device, you could install firewalls, filters, and alternate messaging services. "There is no way to prevent" only because Apple doesn't allow you to prevent it.

      So you think that an alternate messaging service would write their own JBIG2 implementation? Reimplementing every library so they don't have to use the OS libraries? And without a single exploit in their implementation? You sure have a lot of confidence in others.

      If you could control the device, more devices would be compromised by social engineering attacks (low cost, low technical knowledge required) by fooling the users into installing the "virus scanner", "firewall" or "security update" that the tech su

      • Re: (Score:1, Flamebait)

        by phantomfive ( 622387 )

        If you could control the device, more devices would be compromised by social engineering attacks (low cost, low technical knowledge required) by fooling the users into installing the "virus scanner", "firewall" or "security update" that the tech support recommends. The types of attacks that is described in this article are VERY hard to protect yourself from.

        Interestingly, if Apple allowed virus protection on the phone (or even just a message scanner), then once the virus was discovered, it could easily be defended against by updating the signatures. Much more quickly than Apple's fix.

        As for the social engineering attacks, they don't seem to be a problem on Mac, so I don't know why you are so worried about them.

        I seriously doubt that you are one of them. If you were you wouldn't be posting crap on /.

        There are some wicked-smart posters on Slashdot, it's not Reddit or Medium.

        • > There are some wicked-smart posters on Slashdot, it's not Reddit or Medium.

          Occasionally, once you get past the trolls.

        • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

          Interestingly, if Apple allowed virus protection on the phone (or even just a message scanner), then once the virus was discovered, it could easily be defended against by updating the signatures. Much more quickly than Apple's fix.

          Because its worked so well on ... Windows?

          And you do realize what a "message scanner" is, right? It's a piece of spyware. Any app that can go through messages arbitrarily has the ability to spy on the users by copying and forwarding on those messages elsewhere.

        • by mspohr ( 589790 )

          Unfortunately, there are also a lot of trolls just shitposting. It's hard to read through all the crap for an occasional gem.
          I regularly get discouraged a leave for a while. I come back when I have time to waste.

    • In its breakdown, Project Zero said the exploit effectively created “a weapon against which there is no defense

      Note that if you could control the device, you could install firewalls, filters, and alternate messaging services. "There is no way to prevent" only because Apple doesn't allow you to prevent it.

      I can already install those on my iPhone, and have. For instance, Lockdown is a third-party firewall that you can run locally. Alternate messaging services are readily available and you aren’t required to log in with your Apple ID to use an iPhone. And most of my traffic goes through pi-hole additionally. But this library is widely used, this class of exploit is difficult to secure against, and arbitrary code execution will let you bypass most of these safeguards altogether if you’re dealing wit

      • But this library is widely used, this class of exploit is difficult to secure against, and arbitrary code execution will let you bypass most of these safeguards altogether if you’re dealing with a clever attacker (which we are here), so nothing you’re suggesting would actually stop it.

        Of course it would, you're a moron. Filter out any JBIG2 images, and problem is solved.

        • If you think this class of exploit is limited to that library, I’m not the moron here.

          • It's not going to happen with GIF or PNG, that's for sure.

            • It's not going to happen with GIF or PNG, that's for sure.

              JBIG2 is literally a GIF decoding library, so you’re for sure incorrect.

              • JBIG2 is a different image format. The problem here is that it allows a basic logic operations (which most other image formats don't have), which turned out to be Turing complete, so they could use the image itself as a kind of scripting language.

        • Also, what sort of magic “filter” are you envisioning? We’re talking about E2E communication. You can’t do any sort of meaningful packet inspection and filtering on that traffic. By the time it’s unencrypted, you’ve already missed the best window to do any form of filtering, since it’ll already be in-memory for the messaging app, at which point the exploit is already active.

      • JBIG2 is the problem once iy decodes the patload you done. Some time ago when my internet was metered I disabled javascript and jpg downloads for economy. Since then I left them off for all new sites (this comment page is ok without them). I'm beginning to think this is a good idea for everyday security as well. I need to feel less paranoia and this shit is too real.
  • by K. S. Kyosuke ( 729550 ) on Thursday December 16, 2021 @07:59PM (#62088833)

    Short of not using a device, there is no way to prevent exploitation by a zero-click exploit

    Or...use a device with non-broken software? This claim that no such device could exist seems preposterous.

    • by jaa101 ( 627731 )

      Or...use a device with non-broken software? This claim that no such device could exist seems preposterous.

      Sorry, but computer science isn't there yet; not even close. Smart phones have millions of lines of code. Humans, even with the best technological tools currently available, can't produce that much perfect code. Then there are bugs in the compilers, the CPUs and other hardware, including vulnerabilities like row hammer.

      There are efforts to produce both software and hardware that has been proved to be correct using formal verification techniques. This is very limited, extremely expensive and the commerci

      • You seem to be confusing a claim of (non)resilience to *this* particular exploit with a claim of (non)resilience to all possible exploits. Not quite sure how you did that.
        • by jaa101 ( 627731 )

          Your comment was explicitly in response to the observation that "short of not using a device, there is no way to prevent exploitation by a zero-click exploit". Other zero-click exploits are possible.

          • Technically all exploits on a touch-screen device are zero-click since you tap on the screen -- unless you have a mouse connected. Nevertheless I thought it was quite clear that the claim I quoted was continuing on the claim that 'Project Zero said the exploit effectively created "a weapon against which there is no defense"' which was obviously about this particular hole ("THE exploit", emphasis on THE). Perhaps I should have expanded the quote.
            • Technically all exploits on a touch-screen device are zero-click since you tap on the screen -- unless you have a mouse connected.

              I thought I'd seen the limits of pedantry here on Slashdot. I was sadly mistaken.

    • by xalqor ( 6762950 )

      I interpreted the sentence like this:

      Short of not using [the vulnerable] device, there is no way to prevent exploitation by a zero-click exploit

      Meaning if you have a device that is vulnerable to a zero-click exploit, your only mitigation for that threat is not to use that device -- disconnect from network or power off. Of course you could use other devices, or take a risk and use the vulnerable device anyway.

      • It said "a device", which to me as a foreign speaker meant "any device" (because using *any* device qualifies as "using *a* device"). If they meant something different, perhaps they should have clearer about that.
  • ... you could use a non-native message app that can interface with iMessage.

    It's not the message transmission that's broken, it's the software on the phone.

  • by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Thursday December 16, 2021 @09:14PM (#62088939)

    All sorts of people said "don't worry, this is too hard to exploit practically". Then, within a week, everyone was scrambling.

    So... progress?

  • Not that surprising (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Gription ( 1006467 ) on Thursday December 16, 2021 @09:22PM (#62088943)
    The basic internals of a PDF file is PostScript and people don't realize that PostScript is a programming language. The PostScript language is very slanted towards describing images but it is still a programming language.

    Back when the US court system was figuring out electronic documents it always bothered me that they ended up going with PDF instead of TIFF which is intended to not have a way to easily be edited which is more suitable as an archive standard. Plus TIFF obviously makes it easy to add data tags that would make cataloging data much easier.

    • by dskoll ( 99328 )

      PostScript is indeed Turing-complete, but PDF only implements a subset of the PostScript operators and isn't, or isn't supposed to be, Turing-complete. (I'm assuming here, of course, that JavaScript is disabled... it's not really part of the PDF spec anyway.)

    • by pjt33 ( 739471 )

      TIFF which is intended to not have a way to easily be edited

      I find that claim very surprising. It's a raster format: raster formats are typically very easy to edit. The optional zip compression in TIFF would be a slight complication, but PDF also has optional zip compression so that doesn't seem to be what you're referring to. Do you have any references which might enlighten me?

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      As noted, this generalisation doesn't hold. PostScript is indeed a programming language and PDF is closely related, but it doesn't have the loops and things that PostScript does; it's a page description language rather than a page-describing programming language. This is deliberate. Not because security, but for practical concerns: It can be hard to figure out where each page is described in free-form PostScript, making it hard to programmatically edit (say with a desktop publishing program). The structure

    • by Jeremy Erwin ( 2054 ) on Friday December 17, 2021 @07:22AM (#62089847) Journal

      Hmm. I don't think that this a PDF related issue. Rather, it's an issue with one of the image formats that can be embedded within PDFs. You can have JBIG2 files outside of PDFs.

      (In 2013, some copiers that stored images in JBIG format could alter the text of documents that weren't obvious to the observer [])

      If it had not done so, it would have been a useful archival standard-- high dpi files take up a lot of space, and standards like jpeg would introduce blurriness.

      Engadget described JBIG2 [] as
      "old code from the 1990s used to process text in scanner images."
      Which is only half true. Yes, the standard was released in December 1999, and yes, most JBIG2 files were scanned in at some point, but the niche the format purports to fill still exists.

      • This is getting a bit off topic...

        JBIG actually seems like a pretty good compression format for its use-case (black and white documents). I didn't know about it until I read the article. The real problem is the encoders that allow too much variation in what they encode, leading to fun stuff like 6's being replaced by 8's. But this is really the encoder's fault, not the file format itself. You probably could get could compression ratios with a lossless encoder - and even better if the encoders just allowed a

  • Uh... okay? That's obviously bullshit ?

    There are two cases and two cases only _that I know of_ under which this would be possible, both of which are a bigger problem than such "undefendable weapons" themselves:

    1) cpu bug. Honest-to-goodness bad cpu design which allows bypassing of virtual memory protection features (reference: most of christopher domas' presentations)

    2) an os that allows code to execute privileged instructions/ call system entry points (implied: when it shouldn't).

    Am I missing something?

    • Am I missing something?

      The main thing you seem to be missing is reading the links.

      • Good god, don’t read the links. It’s right there in the url - project zero! Yes, the purport to be analyzing flaws, but given their expertise why wouldn’t they also create exploits of their own. Google long ago gave up on Don’t Be Evil. ;)

        (For those humor-impaired, yes this is a joke.)

    • You are missing that you don't own the OS. Apple can defend against this, but you can't.

  • by CySurflex ( 564206 ) on Friday December 17, 2021 @12:01AM (#62089201)
    This is not "code encoded as pixels" as some comments here describe it. Its much better. Its actually recreating basic logic gates using the pixels + a single pass of the JBIG2 decompression algorithm, recreating basic assembly operations including registers. Its kind of like Conway's Game of Life, just by flipping bits off & on it results in something Turing complete. From the article:

    "JBIG2 doesn't have scripting capabilities, but when combined with a vulnerability, it does have the ability to emulate circuits of arbitrary logic gates operating on arbitrary memory. So why not just use that to build your own computer architecture and script that!? That's exactly what this exploit does," the researchers explained.

    "Using over 70,000 segment commands defining logical bit operations, [NSO’s hackers] define a small computer architecture with features such as registers and a full 64-bit adder and comparator which they use to search memory and perform arithmetic operations. It's not as fast as Javascript, but it's fundamentally computationally equivalent."

    "The bootstrapping operations for the sandbox escape exploit are written to run on this logic circuit and the whole thing runs in this weird, emulated environment created out of a single decompression pass through a JBIG2 stream. It's pretty incredible, and at the same time, pretty terrifying,” the Google researchers added.

    • by vivian ( 156520 )

      I don't get it. how can any image pixels however they are flipped, affect anything else on your computer? dont you just end up with at most an image that displays something other than intended?

    • Reminds me of the early days of game console development, as well as the demo scene on early PCs.

  • "A weapon against which there is no defense!"

    Other than fixing the buggy implementation, making this just like any number of exploits.

    booby-trapped a PDF file

    Also called a trojan

  • Neat tricks.
  • by AndyKron ( 937105 ) on Friday December 17, 2021 @03:27AM (#62089543)
    I have 0% faith in humanity. I just want everything to be over with now.
  • So, many may remember Stuxnet [] (codenamed "Operation Olympic Games []" by the United States government and was a joint op with Israel). This was a worm discovered in 2010 and was shortly followed by Duqu [] and Flame [] which appear to be malware which used the foundation of Stuxnet, but added things like modules and update systems. Here are the highlights of Stuxnet:
    • * Exploits multiple zero days in the windows print spooler
    • * Designed to infect an airgapped system using an autoload exploit for USB
    • * Replicated aggr
  • I think iMessage should reject everything other than plain text in messages that do not verifiably come from come from numbers or addresses in the user's contact list. No images, pdfs, gifs or urls - plain text only.

    That ought to reduce the attack surface somewhat.

Nothing is more admirable than the fortitude with which millionaires tolerate the disadvantages of their wealth. -- Nero Wolfe
