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Last Of Us Voice Actor Pisses Everyone Off With NFT Push ( 28

Troy Baker, best known as the voice behind The Last Of Us Parts 2's Joel Miller, made trouble for himself overnight when he announced his support for a new NFT venture around monetizing artists' voice work. From a report: "You can hate. Or you can create. What'll it be?" he standoffish-ly tweeted. It didn't take fans long to decide. "I'm partnering with VoiceverseNFT to explore ways where together we might bring new tools to new creators to make new things, and allow everyone a chance to own and invest in the IP's they create," Baker -- who's voiced dozens of video game characters from Final Fantasy XIII's Snow to Fortnite's Agent Jones -- wrote overnight. "We all have a story to tell."
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Last Of Us Voice Actor Pisses Everyone Off With NFT Push

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  • by anonymouscoward52236 ( 6163996 ) on Friday January 14, 2022 @12:08PM (#62172799)

    This is a voice actor's last dying breath before being replaced with deep fake AI tech. One last "monetize all you can" push before their projected career death.

    • And I don't blame him. VAs generally aren't paid anything special, and it's not like they're getting much revenue on the backend from success of a game or animated show. These kind of NFTs are a joke, but I also think monetizing what you can when you can before you become a dinosaur is a good move
  • Translation (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Rosco P. Coltrane ( 209368 ) on Friday January 14, 2022 @12:13PM (#62172825)

    Very minor celebrity tries to jump on one of the many blockchain Ponzi bandwagon to make a buck.

  • NFTs are only good for the first person that gets the money. Everything else doesn't exist.
  • Seriously every time I hear about a new NFT, my reaction is "meh. Whatever" It is no Sword of a Thousand Truths.
  • This seems like one of the few valid uses cases to me. Use an NFT to convey whole or part ownership of the IP rights to artistic works. Licensing bodies would then have to pay out royalities to the NFT owners. Use the blockchain to confirm transfer of ownership rights from one party to another. So you get a clear chain of ownership, no complex court cases of he-said she-said to determine whether some arcane verbal sale was made, etc. What's the downside?
    • by oGMo ( 379 ) on Friday January 14, 2022 @12:47PM (#62172969)

      But they don't. NFT adds nothing here. It guarantees nothing here. Only by assigning shared ownership (via copyright law) and contractually agreeing on payout terms do you get that. And then, you don't need NFT to do it.

      Just like every other use of "the blockchain" and related "technology;" the only actual use is convincing someone else to give you money. So ask yourself: are you convinced, or are you the one making the money?

      Also, why has no one made PtbarneumCoin?

      • Not quite P.T. Barnum, but close enough - ;)

      • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

        NFTs could be a patronage token. You like an artist so you give them money and get a cosmetic token, an NFT, in return. This is about the only legitimate use of NFTs, and is precisely what they were used for prior to the blockchain-based variety becoming popular.

        • Patronage typically leads to at least a public "thanks to...", unless you want to remain anonymous. NFT does nothing here in either case.

          But if it convinces some more people to give you a patronage... well, again, it's useful for that.

          • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

            An NFT is a pretty public thank you. One that's supposedly part of the public record until the servers shut down.

            I imagine there will be people who appreciate being anonymous, ones for the classic wine, cheese and polite applause, and some who want to be Internet famous. So long as the speculation doesn't turn the whole thing into the high end art market: a cluster fuck of corruption.

    • Who validates the original authenticity, the NFT exchange? Please I was born on a day but not yesterday.
    • This isn't that. NFT just says you can use this particular one-off recording in your Twitch streams, or you TikTok videos, or whatever. There are literally no royalties. You can play that "Bazinga!" sound all you want but your competing Twitch streamers can't. Ho hum. The voice actor is the only one making money, this is just another way of doing Patreon...

      Now what if 10 People have what appears to be ten nearly identical "Bazinga!" sounds, with 10 different unique signatures? It's no longer a clear "o

  • Honestly. I'm not sure why I even come here anymore. It's either crypto or politics. I'm pretty sure most of the nerds left long ago.
    • The nerds didn't leave, their interests just shifted.

    • There are a handful of us left but yeah the constant shilling of cryptocurrency is making me rethink if I should even bother with /. for 2022.

    • The nerds of the early 2000's have retired, and are now interested in Politics. With a lack of nerds to read the site, Slashdot is trying to appeal to a younger audience by talking about cryptocurrency.
      • I have a different, related, perspective. I think there simply isn't anything "new" in tech. Tech is now either:
        A. Blocking and tackling issues.
        B. Specialized science 10 people in the world can comment on.
        C. Derivative of a project we've seen a million times.
        D. A cool/scary new robot/AI thing.
        E. A project that changes the perception of reality.

        "A" is now covered by stackoverflow. "B" gets no comments. "C" is boring. "D" is interesting, but not enough of it to fill up the page each day. So Slashdot now

  • Just like every other dime-a-doezen MBA with this type of canned, corporate boardroom language.
    • Voice actors don't even write the stories... Writers do! The voice actors just tell it. You could have a speak & spell do that!
  • "Last Of Us Voice Actor Pisses Everyone Off With NFT Push"

    I'm not pissed. I'm pretty indifferent to this..

  • by neuro88 ( 674248 )
    His revenge for his character being killed off..?
  • Troy Baker: You can hate? Or you can create.
    Internet: When you can't innovate, you can manipulate.

    You aren't fooling anyone with this imaginary wealth.

  • The Kotaku article is just pissy nonsense, like most of their stuff these days. What the hell happened to the Slashdot that was interested in the tech of things, not just the snotty Twitter-izing of opinion spewing?

Everybody needs a little love sometime; stop hacking and fall in love!
