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KDE Open Source Software

KDE Plasma 5.24 Released (kde.org) 38

jrepin writes: Plasma is a popular desktop environment, which will also be powering the desktop mode on the Steam Deck hand-held gaming console. Today, KDE Community announced release of KDE Plasma 5.24, a Long Term Support (LTS) release that will receive updates and bug fixes until the final Plasma 5 version, before transition to Plasma 6.

This new Plasma release focuses on smoothing out wrinkles, evolving the design, and improving the overall feel and usability of the environment. Highlights include: Overview effect for managing all your desktops and application windows, easy discovery of KRunner features with the help assistant, and unlocking screen and authentication using fingerprint reader. You will also notice a new Honeywave wallpaper, the ability to pick any color for accent, and critically important Plasma notifications now come with an orange strip on the side to visually distinguish them from less urgent messages.

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KDE Plasma 5.24 Released

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  • Steam Deck? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Tailhook ( 98486 ) on Tuesday February 08, 2022 @06:57PM (#62251091)

    Nice win for KDE. Really nice. Congratulations.

    Somehow, since the early 4.x debacle, KDE has managed to refine itself and avoid those iconoclasts that do so much damage fixing solved problems. It has become the best Linux DE going and it is great to see that rewarded by through adoption by a significant commercial platform.

  • Two things break it for me. It seems so *bloated*, it runs so so much to support itself it feels like it's own distro. No desktop environment should be that heavy handed. Even Windows isn't anywhere near as bad.

    That, and the ridiculous 'K' naming scheme is honestly kind of embarrassing.

    I prefer more lightweight stuff and after discovering awesome and just how customizable it is I can't imagine ever using anything else, but even if I were to recommend something for other users it would be something like xfce

    • by Gavagai80 ( 1275204 ) on Tuesday February 08, 2022 @07:47PM (#62251241) Homepage

      KDE is so "bloated" that it runs great on my 10 year old PC. Unless you only have 500 megabytes of disk space for some odd reason, what's the problem with having more software available that you can use or not at your discretion?

      They dropped the K naming scheme years ago (although of course didn't rename all old software). Personally I think it's way more confusing now, I used to be able to know which were KDE apps by the name and I couldn't care less if that offends somebody's sense of naming style when it serves an important practical purpose.

      • I spend all day at the other end of a VNC connection over a corporate VPN (thanks covid!). I can select KDE, but the animations do not work nicely with VNC. FVWM2 is the other option - primitive and simple with no dancing Ks.

      • by LubosD ( 909058 )

        Totally! I was surprised to find out (when updating a very old laptop) that Plasma consumes significantly less memory than GNOME. But Plasma is a lot more powerful.

      • by Teun ( 17872 ) on Wednesday February 09, 2022 @11:59AM (#62252597)
        Weird, KDE (OK, Plasma) is the lightest of the complete DE's.
        Yes their are a couple of very light desktops but on relatively modern hardware like my 10 y/o Thinkpad you don't notice a speed advantage, only the lack of options.
        About the K-naming, I am from a country where we use the k for k sounding words, only with a few typically Latin/French origin words you'd find a c pronounced as a k.
      • LOL, who cares if it runs well, that's not a measure of anything.It's trivial to find software that predates your PC and would run amazingly but is still nonetheless bloated.

        Point is I don't need to run an OS to have a desktop - no one does. At that point you may as well just run Windows.

        And the K naming scheme serves no purpose - glad to hear they dropped it, it was always foolish.

    • I can't argue on the *bloated* part, that's personal taste and whatever.

      The 'K' naming scheme being *embarrassing* sounds... childish at best?

      • Not sure how you reached the conclusion that calling out the k naming scheme is childish, that's rather absurd. It was childish to have such a naming scheme in the first place though.

    • Its dependencies and components are highly modularized so it seems even bigger than it actually is.
  • Well done KDE! Keep up the good work!
  • I'll look forward to seeing these improvements in 2025.
  • "Finally, new windows are now opened in the center of the screen by default." Small thing, but good.

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