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Facebook Businesses

Facebook Freezes Novi Digital Wallet Project ( 5

Meta has frozen development of its Novi digital wallet project, Israeli media Globes reported this week, citing sources familiar with the matter. From the report: The project was originally planned for trading in Facebook's cryptocurrency -- an activity that has been halted. Following this latest step, Facebook will disband several teams in the US and at the company's development center in Israel, new tasks are being sought for the risk management technology division, which was set up to provide services for the digital wallet. This latest step comes as Meta has begun 2022 by cleaning its desk. While suspending the Novi digital wallet project, Meta is examining the possibility of transferring more financial services to Facebook Pay -- another wallet infrastructure that the company has already opened -- thus leaving Novi as an NFT trading platform for creating digital art or animated games accessories. Due to the fact that Novi activities are at the expense of the Facebook Pay infrastructure, which is already used on platforms like Facebook Stores and Facebook Marketplace, the company is grappling with the question of if there is any point in continuing Novi's development. Despite the freezing of most of Novi's financial development activities, the project's pilot in the US and Guatemala, which began last October, will continue.
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Facebook Freezes Novi Digital Wallet Project

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  • Welp. Digital Wallet and Facebook Pay...yes, that will reverse their recent misfortunes, between most of their users hating the site, subscriber plunge, threats from European regulators, the popularity of Apple's feature to shut down their tracking...but hey, at least we have Facebook Pay now....because that's something everyone was screaming for!!! I want what Apple and Google already ubiquitously provide, with the trust I have in Facebook!!
  • While it has been decades sense I had to experience High School drama. Facebook reminds me of the Kid no one really liked, but he was really good at sports, so most had tolerated him, and included him in the group of the jocks. Until one day usually after the seasons is over where he has to join me at the loser nerd table, because he he just wasn't as cool as he thought he was.

    Facebook ain't cool anymore. People are not interested it is new stuff, they will just kinda tolerate the main Facebook page, and

[A computer is] like an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no mercy. -- Joseph Campbell
