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Israeli Government Sites Crash in Cyberattack ( 36

A number of Israeli government websites went down on Monday in what may be the largest-ever cyberattack carried out against the country. Haaretz reports: The Israeli cyber authority confirmed the attack was a DDos (Digital-denial of service) attack that had blocked access to government websites, and that all websites were back online. The websites of the interior, health, justice and welfare ministries had been taken offline, as was that of the Prime Minister's Office. A defense establishment source claims that this was the largest-ever cyberattack carried out against Israel. They believe that a state actor or large organization is carried out the attack, but cannot yet determine who is behind it. The defense establishment and the National Cyber Directorate have declared a state of emergency in order to study the extent of the damage, while checking strategic Israeli websites and government infrastructure, such as Israel's electric and water companies, to see whether they were also attacked.
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Israeli Government Sites Crash in Cyberattack

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  • DDOS means "distributed denial of service", not "digital".

  • Go ahead, data entry person, tell us that you don't have either a clue or a fact checker without saying that you don't have either a clue or a fact checker.

    • by znrt ( 2424692 )

      funny how aggressively you mock the editor for a typo, when the source and the entire article is inane nonsensical bullshit already.

      they declare a state of emergency (to themselves) to evaluate "the harm done" for a ddos that impacted a few ministerial sites? it's just pathetic how self-important and full of (hot) air these morons are. and they don't even know where it came from. looks like they need a scapegoat asap, bets are on ...

      • by Entrope ( 68843 )

        That quote was from TFA. I was mocking the person who wrote it, and by extension the publishing outfit they work for, not an editor.

  • Considering Israel is allowing Russian oligarchs to hide their planes [] in the country to get around sanctions, pleaded with the U.S. not sanction Roman Abramovich [], and there is now an investigation about how Abramovich got his Portugese citizenship [], it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Ukraine hackers targeted Israel for its duplicity.

    • I had a similar thought. Is this just same old Israel hatred, or is it a western attack because Israel isn' going along with the received wisdom of Ukranian support?

      • by fazig ( 2909523 )
        Well, a certain disdain for what Israel has been doing to Palestine has been existing in the "West" for a long time.
        Ironically, Russian state media (or outlets like Al Jazeera) has been one of the larger sources of stirring the pot here, as many Western media outlets seem to have avoided reporting negatively about Israel. Especially in countries like Germany, where "whatabout that Holocaust?" is usually enough to make most ethnic Germans look the other way (exceptions exist of course, there are plenty of N
    • You mean oligarchs like Roman Abramovich, who is of Jewish descent and holds an Israeli citizenship? Fancy that, a state standing up for its citizens.

  • DDoS means Distributed Denial of Service, but BeauHD is a joke editor who censors real news for shit like this.
  • Honestly, BeauHD, you've been a horrible editor for years and you censor news articles that are legitimate. I for one vote that Slashdot remove this idiot as an editor and maybe Slashdot would improve. I'm actually saving up to sue Slashdot, solely because of BeauHD removing multiple of my legitimate posts.
    • You should ask for your money back!
  • Meeting with Ivan the Terrible (who calls himself now "Wladimir") and treating him as a politician with whom one should talk to end the war is an absolute No-Go for the Deep State, I guess.

  • I'm sure it's a coincidence though.
  • Someone hire a spellchecker, stat.

"This generation may be the one that will face Armageddon." -- Ronald Reagan, "People" magazine, December 26, 1985
