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Ivermectin Didn't Protect People from COVID-19, Finds Largest Trial Yet ( 289

"Researchers testing repurposed drugs against Covid-19 found that ivermectin didn't reduce hospital admissions, in the largest trial yet of the effect of the antiparasitic on the disease driving the pandemic," reports the Wall Street Journal: Public-health authorities and researchers have for months said the drug hasn't shown any benefit in treating the disease.... The latest trial, of nearly 1,400 Covid-19 patients at risk of severe disease, is the largest to show that those who received ivermectin as a treatment didn't fare better than those who received a placebo. "There was no indication that ivermectin is clinically useful," said Edward Mills, one of the study's lead researchers and a professor of health sciences at Canada's McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.
"That finding is consistent with long-standing FDA claims that ivermectin showed no benefits in clinical testing and could be dangerous in large doses," reports the New York Daily News.

These new findings "have been accepted for publication in a major peer-reviewed medical journal," notes Seeking Alpha.
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Ivermectin Didn't Protect People from COVID-19, Finds Largest Trial Yet

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  • Tucker and Rogan (Score:4, Insightful)

    by hdyoung ( 5182939 ) on Saturday March 19, 2022 @12:48PM (#62371781)
    Have told me that Ivermectin is the cure, so anything else is fake news. Those scientists with their ivory tower degrees, and actual real knowledge - they’ve been wrong in the past. What do they know? I hear they used to put leeches on people.
  • If they'd used as much ivermectin as worked in the petri dish it would have eliminated the COVID. (Of course, it would also have eliminated the taker.. ..)

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      I would advise them to inject disinfectant instead, but they may not be capable to do that. Drink disinfectant maybe?

  • by Rick Schumann ( 4662797 ) on Saturday March 19, 2022 @01:44PM (#62371977) Journal
    You can publish all the scientifically valid studies you want, peer-reviewed, tested over and over again, and the idiots of the world will still insist it's all part of some global liberal conspiracy to keep The Truth from the masses. Then they'll go on an on about how all the vaccines aren't really vaccines, how you couldn't possibly create one in months like we did, and how it's got microchips in it to track everyone, how it's going to make your kids gay and want sex change operations, how it's going to rob you of your (God-given) testosterone and make you into a limp-wristed soyboy, and how it'll make (conservative) women infertile, and so on, and so on, and so on.
    You know, the same sorts of people who are convinced the Earth is flat, the Moon landings were faked, that the Earth is only 6000 years old, dinosaurs and cavemen co-existed, ghosts and spirits and magic are real, someone with different coloration than yours must not be a real human being, that the 2020 election was 'stolen', and that the January 6th attack on Congress was justified?
    Let's face the facts, kids: The Human Species is still mostly atavistic cave-dwellers, we just have nicer caves and better toys. Inside our skulls we're still superstitious and driven by obsolete hardwired instincts that some are leveraging for their own purposes.
    If we manage to survive as a species for another 1000 years that might change but as things currently stand the odds are not in our favor.
    • If we manage to survive as a species for another 1000 years that might change but as things currently stand the odds are not in our favor.

      Great comment! I unfortunately have serious doubts humans survive another 100 years. Too many of them have an IQ lower than the average hamster. And they're PROUD of it.

      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        I unfortunately have serious doubts humans survive another 100 years. Too many of them have an IQ lower than the average hamster. And they're PROUD of it.

        Indeed. Dunning & Kruger are optimists. It really is "Incompetent and proud of it".

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Indeed, that nicely sums it up: A rather large part of the human race are idiots that understand nothing and it is not a question of education and information being available. Far too many people are just defective and do not have a working intellect.

      The thing I am wondering these past few years is how I ended up getting reincarnated here. Object lesson in living in a stupid society? Horrible mistake? Simply drawn in by an instance of the human race that breeds like crazy against all reason and sanity? Only

  • Would this study even have happened if it weren't for all of the people who decided it was some kind of miracle cure? Is this bit of evidence going to convince any of them?

    Perhaps this study was necessary and useful as an additional bit of evidence to help counter the conspiracy theorists, but all I can think of is the resources that could have instead been spent studying an intervention that might have helped people.

  • ...of people's valuable time & resources. How have we got to the point where we're wasting expertise on crackpot hypotheses & quackery? Can't we focus our attention on something more useful?
  • [] This site contains results from 81 studies (61 peer-reviewed) done with 128000 patients. Actual links to the studies are supplied and results are grouped by improvement of mortality reduction, ICU submission, aso.
  • If it is dosed high enough it will kill the patient, thus preventing COVID with 100% effectiveness! If dosed lower, it will have no effect, true. The dosage were it becomes effective directly against COVID is way higher than the lethal dose though.

  • There is still no cure or vaccine. No one is publishing anything much on effective therapies and medicines. What we see is neither a magic bullet or much useful at all. That being said, why do a study on if it protects , when it was claimed it helped if you got Covid.
  • Does anyone have a link to the pre-print of the paper?

  • Ivermectin Didn't Protect People from COVID-19, Finds Largest Trial Yet

    Proponents will double-down on their belief -- and take twice as much. :-)

A sine curve goes off to infinity, or at least the end of the blackboard. -- Prof. Steiner
