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US Space Command Releases Decades of Secret Military Data, Confirms Interstellar Meteor in 2014 (cbsnews.com) 13

"The U.S. Space Command announced this week that it determined a 2014 meteor hit that hit Earth was from outside the solar system," reports CBS News. "The meteor streaked across the sky off the coast of Manus Island, Papua New Guinea three years earlier than what was believed to be the first confirmed interstellar object detected entering our solar system."

After Oumuamua was spotted in 2017, the interstellar comet Borisov appeared in 2019 — discovered in Crimea, Ukraine at a "personal observatory" built by amateur astronomer Gennadiy Borisov"

But CBS notes that despite their theory about a first interstellar meteor in 2014, the two Harvard astronomers — Dr. Amir Siraj and Dr. Abraham Loeb — "had trouble getting their paper published, because they used classified information from the government." Specifically, data from a classified U.S. government satellite designed to detect foreign missiles... The meteor was unusual because of its very high speed and unusual direction — which suggested it came from interstellar space.... Any space object traveling more than about 42 kilometers per second may come from interstellar space. The data showed the 2014 Manus Island fireball hit the Earth's atmosphere at about 45 kilometers per second, which was "very promising" in identifying it as interstellar, Siraj said....

After more research and help from other scientists, including classified information from the government about the accuracy or level of precision of the data, Siraj and Loeb determined with 99.999% certainty the object was interstellar. But their paper on the finding was being turned down, because the pair only had a private conversation with an anonymous U.S. government employee to confirm the accuracy of the data.

"We had thought this was a lost cause," Dr. Siraj told the New York Times — which couldn't resist adding that "it turned out, the truth was out there." Last month, the U.S. Space Command released a memo to NASA scientists that stated the data from the missile warning satellites' sensors "was sufficiently accurate to indicate an interstellar trajectory" for the meteor. The publication of the memo was the culmination of a three-year effort by Siraj and a well-known Harvard astronomer, Avi Loeb.

Many scientists, including those at NASA, say that the military still has not released enough data to confirm the interstellar origins of the space rock, and a spokesperson said Space Command would defer to other authorities on the question.

But it wasn't the only information about meteors to be released. The military also handed NASA decades of secret military data on the brightness of hundreds of other fireballs, or bolides. "It's an unusual degree of visibility of a set of data coming from that world," said Matt Daniels, assistant director for space security at the White House's Office of Science and Technology Policy, who worked on the data release. "We're in this renewed period of excitement and activity in space programs generally, and in the midst of that, I think thoughtful leaders in multiple places said, 'you know, now is a good time to do this.'"

The Times notes that data from classified military satellites "could also aid NASA in its federally assigned role as defender of planet Earth from killer asteroids. And that is the goal of a new agreement with the U.S. Space Force that aims to help NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office better understand what happens when space rocks reach the atmosphere." Sharing sensitive military satellite data with astronomers has led to significant scientific discoveries in the past.

A group of satellites deployed in the 1960s by the United States to detect covert detonations of nuclear weapons on Earth accidentally became the key instruments used to make the first detection of extraterrestrial gamma ray bursts. The bursts showed up on the satellites, code-named Vela, as single bursts of energy, confusing analysts at Los Alamos who later declassified the data in a 1973 paper that spurred academic debate about the bursts' origins....

A core reason for Space Force's increasing ties with NASA has centered on the agency's congressional mandate to detect nearly all asteroids that could threaten the Earth. When NASA signed an agreement in 2020 to strengthen ties with Space Force, the agency acknowledged it had fallen behind in its asteroid-tracking efforts and would need Pentagon resources to carry out its planetary defense mission.

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US Space Command Releases Decades of Secret Military Data, Confirms Interstellar Meteor in 2014

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  • Or something similar? This story really isn't a dupe since it's more about the data dump than the meteor itself, but we've already had the story here about the meteor.

    • It sounds like they used NORAD TLE data, which you can download from here:
      https://celestrak.com/NORAD/el... [celestrak.com]

      There are several interrelated organizations in the US government watching the skies and exchanging data. I don't think they're going to tell us exactly which system initially got this data. :)

      It wouldn't have been AFSSS (Space Fence) because the old system was shut down in 2013 and the new system came online in 2020.

  • Sorry couldn't resist. It's surprising that there aren't many more.

  • Perhaps an alien intelligence is attempting to bombard Earth from a great distance in response to Earth bombarding them with reruns of horrible TV and radio shows?

  • by crunchygranola ( 1954152 ) on Sunday April 17, 2022 @09:20AM (#62453904)

    In many areas of technology (and incidentally science) the deep pockets of the military and the drive to maintain a technical edge over potential adversaries have led the development of tools and systems that eventually became ordinary commercial tools, in no particular order - radar, inertial navigation, GPS, nuclear power, large scale rocketry, digital communication, the Internet, cryptography, satellite photography, etc.

    It should be inevitable that space surveillance should become a commodity activity just as land surveillance has.

    • by cusco ( 717999 )

      The Navy still refuses to give biologists the data on whales that they've accumulated as part of their sub tracking operations. Supposedly it would give "the enemy" information as to their capabilities.

  • Most of the Pentagon document on UAP sightings refers to events from 2014 to present. Consider if an alien civilization sent a panspermia payload vehicle to many exoplanets including our Earth. An asteroid would be the optimal camouflage as they would be common occurrence for all planets, but the asteroid would have to be large enough to survive travel through orbit and not too large to destroy the landing area. A panspermia payload could include not only alien biological organisms, but nano-replicators tha

Neckties strangle clear thinking. -- Lin Yutang
