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'Father of MIDI' Dave Smith Dies At 72 ( 30

Sad news from long-time Slashdot reader NormalVisual: Synthtopia reports that Dave Smith, founder of the legendary synthesizer manufacturer Sequential Circuits and creator of the MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) standard, died this past Wednesday.

Some of Smith's notable creations include the Prophet 5, one of the first commercially available digitally-controlled polyphonic analog synthesizers, and the Prophet-600, the first available device to offer MIDI...

Smith, who held degrees in both computer science and electronic engineering from UC Berkeley, was scheduled to appear at this year's National Association of Music Merchant (NAMM), but died suddenly. No cause of death has yet been released.

Smith's Wikipedia entry calls his 1977 Prophet 5 "the world's first microprocessor-based musical instrument" and a crucial step forward as a programmable synthesizer.

And this week Billboad magazine hailed Smith as "a key figure in the development of synth technology in the 1970s and 1980s." With Sequential (originally known as Sequential Circuits), Smith released various sequencers and programmers to be used with the Moog and ARP synthesizers prevalent at the time, before designing his own release: the Prophet-5, first polyphonic synth with programmable memory, to allow sounds to be stored and re-accessed at any time. The Prophet-5 quickly became the gold standard in its field, used in the recording both of epochal '80s blockbuster LPs like Michael Jackson's Thriller and Madonna's Like a Virgin and envelope-pushing scores for era composers like John Carpenter and Vangelis....

Smith's greatest legacy might be the introduction of MIDI to synth technology... Smith's invention (along with Roland pioneer Ikutaro Kakehashi and Sequential engineer Chet Wood) of MIDI allowed unprecedented levels of synchronization and communication between different instruments, computers and other recording equipment, which was previously incredibly difficult to achieve — particularly between equipment designed by separate manufacturers. The innovation of MIDI helped facilitate the explosion of forward-thinking programming and creativity throughout the industry of the '80s, essentially making the future of pop music accessible to all.

Smith would also develop the world's first computer synthesizer as president of Seer Systems in the '90s, and launched the company Dave Smith Instruments, an instruments manufacturer, in 2002. He has won many lifetime awards for his work in the field of musical technology, including a Technical Grammy for MIDI's creation in 2013 (an honor he shared with Kakehashi).

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'Father of MIDI' Dave Smith Dies At 72

Comments Filter:
  • My hat is off (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Baconsmoke ( 6186954 ) on Saturday June 04, 2022 @03:47PM (#62592934)
    My hat is off to this pioneer. Using MIDI was a major portion of my early creative career. Much thanks to you and your ingenuity good Sir.
  • As if losing Andy Fletcher of Depeche Mode wasn't bad enough.

    Also, given how impactful he was, I'm a little dismayed that it took 4 days for Slashdot to report this.

  • Dave ... (Score:5, Informative)

    by Dj Stingray ( 178766 ) on Saturday June 04, 2022 @04:31PM (#62593044)

    ... was an awesome guy. So many of my friends were able to take pictures with him, he never said no. He also defended himself from a toxic and poaching manufacturer called Behringer and won. This is why many in our industry have cancelled Behringer, and you should too! Not supporting that company is a great way to honor Dave's legacy, and of course buying a Sequential synth would be good too!

    • Truth. Behringer was and is a bunch of fucking thieves. I remember when they totally ripped off Mackie's ultra-successful line of innovative compact mixers and undercut with a product that looked the same and was cheaper, but that didn't perform nearly as well.
    • This is why many in our industry have cancelled Behringer

      Can you please not perpetuate right wing propaganda language. "Boycott" Behringer. Don't sound like Ted Cruize is about to whine about your business with Behringer on the senate floor.

      If we're going to evolve / destroy our language then at least we should do it on our terms, and not those of politicians with an axe to grind. The Axe of Moron that is which gives a -100 intelligence stat to those holding it.

    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

      To be fair, Behringer copies stuff and makes much cheaper versions of it. And there are mnaufacturers who are OK with it - Moog's most iconic synth has been copied rather blatantly, but it's carried because it's the only way to get that sound.

      A Moog Model D, the original or the reissue (the original from the 70s and early 80s, the reissue from 2017 or so) cost over $5000 these days. A Behringer Model D costs under $500. You can buy the latter at any music store, while the former is no longer sold and only a

  • 'Father of MIDI' Dave Smith Dies At 72

    That explains his upcoming episode of MTV Unplugged [] ... :-)

  • died suddenly. No cause of death

    God released his sustain pedal. Surely...

  • Dave Smith's contribution to music-making is inestimable. I got to meet him a few times and he was a real gentleman.

  • Comment removed (Score:3, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Saturday June 04, 2022 @06:26PM (#62593250)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion

"Card readers? We don't need no stinking card readers." -- Peter da Silva (at the National Academy of Sciencies, 1965, in a particularly vivid fantasy)
