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China Businesses

Tencent Forms 'Extended Reality' Unit ( 26

China's Tencent has officially announced the formation of an "extended reality" unit, "formally placing its bets on the metaverse concept of virtual worlds," reports Reuters. From the report: The unit is tasked with building up the extended reality business for Tencent including both software and hardware, the sources said, adding that it will be led by Tencent Games Global's Chief Technology Officer Li Shen and will be part of the company's Interactive Entertainment business group. Two of the sources said the unit will eventually have over 300 staff, a generous figure given how Tencent has been cost cutting and slowing down hiring. However, they also cautioned that the hiring plans are still fluid, as the company will adjust the unit's headcount based on its performance. The unit was first formed earlier this year but remained shrouded in secrecy, the three sources said.
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Tencent Forms 'Extended Reality' Unit

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  • It is just lower-res. Well, lower res and more of a prison.
    • The article is about Tencent who are a vast corporation in China. Nobody involved is a communist.
      • Everyone involved is an authoritarian, or they wouldn't be allowed to be in business as a domestic Chinese company.
        • What if there were authoritarians who aren't communist? Would that blow your mind? We could call them oligarchs, fascists, or presidents for life.
          • My point is that such distinctions don't matter, precisely because they're all authoritarian. You have to prove yourself a psychopath in order to be allowed into that structure; even the slightest whiff of a liberal tendency or democratic principle would make someone "unreliable" in the eyes of both the business and the CCP. They wouldn't be allowed to rise in influence. And if they rose anyway, they'd be charged with a crime and thrown away. And in the unlikely event that even that didn't stop them, th
            • What if I told you that all that has always been true in China, and every large Western corporation that has been able to has been taking advantage of all that since the late 1990's.
              You picture China in your mind as some sort of enemy, but the people who run your country see it as a profit centre.
      • Yup, it's not really socialist in China right now. There's very much a profit motive in all these companies, the owners are getting rich, these aren't employee owned, profits are not being shared equally among the workers much less society. Even in the main government, people are communist or Maoist in name only. They may be authoritarian but that alone doesn't make someone a communist.

    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

      Except it's not communism. It's authoritarianism.

      • by GoTeam ( 5042081 )

        Except it's not communism. It's authoritarianism.

        Authoritarianism is the end result of communism. Authoritarianism is often the beginning of communism as well.

        • Authoritarianism may be the end result of capitalism in some cases, or the end result of fascism. It could even be the end result of some democracies (witness India and it's current party, supported by many in the majority because they approve of oppressing the minorities).

    • by znrt ( 2424692 )

      you might not like them, and with reason, but they are better at innovation and r&d nowadays. i wouldn't be surprised at all if they get it to work long before suckerberg. which would be hilarious, given the huge anticipation and fanfare with which he started to hype what will no doubt be a big thing but is still many years away.

  • What a lovely place that should be...

What the gods would destroy they first submit to an IEEE standards committee.
