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Netflix Taps Microsoft as Partner For Ads Service ( 33

Netflix: In April we announced that we will introduce a new lower priced ad-supported subscription plan for consumers, in addition to our existing ads-free basic, standard and premium plans. Today we are pleased to announce that we have selected Microsoft as our global advertising technology and sales partner. Microsoft has the proven ability to support all our advertising needs as we work together to build a new ad-supported offering. More importantly, Microsoft offered the flexibility to innovate over time on both the technology and sales side, as well as strong privacy protections for our members. It's very early days and we have much to work through. But our long term goal is clear. More choice for consumers and a premium, better-than-linear TV brand experience for advertisers. We're excited to work with Microsoft as we bring this new service to life.
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Netflix Taps Microsoft as Partner For Ads Service

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  • Seems that Google would be a better fit.
    Use YT for the amateur stuff and Netflix for the pros.
    That and they have those TVs. Microsoft doesn't unless you hook a computer up to one of them.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Because MSFT is a better merger fit, and this is a safe way for them both to test the water.

      • Sigh, I hope not. Microsoft sullies everything they purchase.

        I really wish our governments would restrict M&A for companies with more revenue than some countries.

  • because it can only get worse from here on out.

    • I wonder how many will stop paying and just use the ad-driven tier.

      It was nice while it lasted, but I may cancel my subscription just to see how it is.

      I still watch a lot of OTA and Pluto so I guess I am kind of used to ads anyway.

      • It seems they still want you to pay for the ad tier. Netflix is dead, they have no clue what their original subscribers want. I was on the service for over 10 years, I cancelled because besides woke propaganda, there was nothing new coming out.

        They let good shows die under political pressure, they allowed other services to get bigger while they focused on content production thatâ(TM)s only appreciated at Cannes. Trading in Disney for the Obamaâ(TM)s was not a good step.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Nobody "partners" with Microsoft and comes out better for it in the end. Anybody remember Nokia?

  • haven't said fuck all about this to me directly.

    • Subscribers will be informed when given the choice between continuing to pay what you pay now for ads, or adding $5-10 extra per month for a non-ad sponsored subscription.

    • As long as you're not going to downgrade to the ad supported tier they probably won't.
  • That $7B aQuantive buy is gonna pay off any day now!
  • by NewtonsLaw ( 409638 ) on Wednesday July 13, 2022 @03:06PM (#62700296)

    I'm just waiting for the Netflix announcement that customers on existing subscription plans will be getting ads and those who want to retain an ad-free experience will need to "upgrade" to the new "premium" tier for an extra $5 a month.

    If/when that happens it's "goodbye Netflix" from me!

    • by e3m4n ( 947977 )
      $5?? seems like every month when I get my notice on my phone for the netflix account deduction (cant remember if its a bank or paypal subscription payment) it goes up by a few cents all the time. Its like $21.48 now and their selection is complete shit these days. Meanwhile as fucked up as disney is, $8 gets complete access to damn near everything they ever did. I may start doing what everyone else does. Buy it for a month and get caught up on all the streaming shows you were invested in, then drop it for 1
    • by splutty ( 43475 )

      That won't happen for about another 2 years or so, at which point the current pricing will be the ad supported one, and your subscription will have "slowly" increase in price.

    • Unlikely. It'll be similar to Hulu, where there's an ad free and an add supported tier.

      As far as content, it's got it's ups and downs. On the one hand pacing will have to be changed to fit commercials in. On the other hand one of the reasons Netflix cancels shows so fast is that if a show isn't bringing in subscriber eyeballs they can't risk spending money on it. With adverts they'll have an incentive to keep underperforming content around for the sake of ad space, meaning they'll have an opportunity to
    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

      I'm just waiting for the Netflix announcement that customers on existing subscription plans will be getting ads and those who want to retain an ad-free experience will need to "upgrade" to the new "premium" tier for an extra $5 a month.

      If/when that happens it's "goodbye Netflix" from me!

      Only if Netflix is stupid would they do that.

      They'd first say that they're ending the no-ads subscription service - but anyone who currently has an account and keeps it current will have no ads until they cancel their subscr

  • by muh_freeze_peach ( 9622152 ) on Wednesday July 13, 2022 @03:13PM (#62700316)
    Netflix hasn't been relevant to me since they stopped digitizing their dvd library.
    • by bn-7bc ( 909819 )
      I doubt they ever iud that, dvd uses a rather old and in efficient compression, is only 720p etc. why start with an already compromised source and add yet another layer of ariefacts. I find ut rather more lightly the netflix got some sort of 1080p lossless master from the content iwners and ingested that into their own piplime with more modern codecs etc
  • Any engineers feel a little sad about this? The company that had so much influence on "cloud native" now has to depend on Microsoft for their technology?

    • Engineering and advertising are not, yet, 100% synonyms. I mean, maybe in the next ten years or so they will be, but there is still a difference today.

      • by zookie ( 136959 )

        Agreed, but the "old" Netflix, flush with VC dollars & a growing stock price, would've said "we can build ad-tech from scratch better than anyone else."

        BTW, the Microsoft ad-tech is likely Xandr, which most recently was owned by AT&T: []

  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Wednesday July 13, 2022 @05:42PM (#62700588)

    Take a wild guess why people ditched cable TV and went to you.

    Hint: It ain't because of your awesome "exclusive" shows.

  • Comcast directly competes with Netflix, in the form of Peackock.
    Google indirectly competes with Netflix, in the form of YouTube.

    Why put money in the pocket of a competitor so they can use that money to cross-subsidize the competing product?

    Better put that money in the pocket of a neutral party...

    PS: I wonder how does Netflix feel about Amazon's Freevee & Prime Video, given that all of Netflix Infrastructure uses AWS...

  • by PPH ( 736903 ) on Wednesday July 13, 2022 @09:32PM (#62701026)


    That means ads will be served up in some screwball proprietary Silverlight format that my Linux system can't play.

    • by mjwx ( 966435 )


      That means ads will be served up in some screwball proprietary Silverlight format that my Linux system can't play.

      Yes, but the show wont play until you see the ad. Eyeball tracking via webcam to make sure you're not out taking a piss.

      Shit, I shouldn't give them ideas... or at least patent them so I get paid for it.

The opulence of the front office door varies inversely with the fundamental solvency of the firm.
