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Twitter The Internet IT

Twitter Outage Hits Thousands, Downdetector Reports (bloomberg.com) 46

Twitter faced a brief outage on Thursday, leaving thousands of users without service for about an hour. From a report: At the peak, at 8:20 a.m. in New York, 54,582 users reported problems on Downdetector.com, an outage tracking platform. Twitter's website displayed an error message and prompted users to reload the page. It wasn't immediately clear what caused the outage. A message on Twitter's support account posted at 9:10 a.m. said: "Some of you are having issues accessing Twitter and we're working to get it back up and running for everyone. Thanks for sticking with us." By 9:16 a.m., about 1,600 users reported they were still having trouble. The last time Twitter faced an outage was in February, when the site crashed due to a "technical bug" on the page. In its early days, Twitter was famous for crashing amid high traffic, leading to the iconic "fail whale" image that popped up when service was down.
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Twitter Outage Hits Thousands, Downdetector Reports

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