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Putin Grants Russian Citizenship To Whistleblower Snowden ( 202

New submitter nunya_bizns writes: President Vladimir Putin on Monday granted Russian citizenship to former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, nine years after he exposed the scale of secret surveillance operations by the National Security Agency (NSA). Snowden, 39, fled the United States and was given asylum in Russia after leaking secret files in 2013 that revealed vast domestic and international surveillance operations carried out by the NSA, where he worked. U.S. authorities have for years wanted him returned to the United States to face a criminal trial on espionage charges.
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Putin Grants Russian Citizenship To Whistleblower Snowden

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  • by Calydor ( 739835 ) on Monday September 26, 2022 @12:47PM (#62914975)

    Next step: Mandatory military service as a citizen.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 26, 2022 @12:53PM (#62915005)
      Send him to Ukraine. God, that would be priceless.
      • Re:And then ... (Score:4, Insightful)

        by NFN_NLN ( 633283 ) on Monday September 26, 2022 @02:05PM (#62915299)

        > Send him to Ukraine. God, that would be priceless.

        Yes, that'll learn him good. No one whistleblows on the US government for spying on their own citizens and gets away with it.
        On slashdot we'll take a pro-military industrial complex / fascist big brother government stance before we accept anything Russia does.

        • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

          Yeah! Right on! And abolish big gubbermint while we're at it! Freedumb!
        • Re:And then ... (Score:5, Insightful)

          by DesScorp ( 410532 ) on Monday September 26, 2022 @03:37PM (#62915669) Journal

          > Send him to Ukraine. God, that would be priceless.

          Yes, that'll learn him good. No one whistleblows on the US government for spying on their own citizens and gets away with it.
          On slashdot we'll take a pro-military industrial complex / fascist big brother government stance before we accept anything Russia does.

          It's a great demonstration of how shitty and two-faced people are. Snowden was a hero here, and now they'll eagerly throw him to the wolves because it's Russia offering the citizenship. Instead of demanding that Joe Biden give him amnesty, they're essentially going "we hope he dies in Ukraine". It's like something out of the Communist Party USA's handbook right after Molotov-Ribbentropp. "X is bad! Wait, no X is GOOD, Y is bad!".

          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            He's said he wouldn't even need amnesty to return to the US, just a fair and public trial.

            Hard to see how that would work, given that much of the material is still classified even if it is freely available. A jury of his peers might be possible though.

        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          He didn't actually blow a whistle on anything though that hadn't already been widely reported by the WaPo and other outlets.

          We got a lot more details about how the work was done... and we got a lot of details that have absolute nothing to do with mass surveillance like the details on bugs placed in keyboards that could bridge airgapped devices using a targeted radar antenna. By definition requiring a van outside of every keyboard tapped with an antenna pointed exactly at the keyboard has nothing to do wit

    • by Firethorn ( 177587 ) on Monday September 26, 2022 @12:54PM (#62915007) Homepage Journal

      Given that they're drafting 65 year olds with diabetes, heart conditions, and more, yeah, this was my first thought.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by gioan ( 263208 )

      He can report directly on what's going on.

      If he didn't like surveillance state with no human rights, Russia is a pretty sad choice of places to relocate to. Only thing worse might have been China?

      • If he didn't like surveillance state with no human rights, Russia is a pretty sad choice of places to relocate to. Only thing worse might have been China?

        Russia must have made him a higher offer.

      • by djinn6 ( 1868030 )

        Russia is a pretty sad choice of places to relocate to. Only thing worse might have been China?

        He first tried to stay in Hong Kong, but Hong Kong was willing to extradite him to the US, so he escaped to Russia instead.

        What's truly sad is nobody in the "free" world was willing to accept him. At least Russia and China are honest about their oppression.

        • What's truly sad is nobody in the "free" world was willing to accept him.

          Equador was willing to accept him. Doesn't do Snowden any good if the US can compel any international flight to land in a region willing to extradite him.

      • > Russia is a pretty sad choice of places to relocate to.

        It wasn't like Snowden had better options at the time.

      • Re:And then ... (Score:4, Informative)

        by MSG ( 12810 ) on Monday September 26, 2022 @05:11PM (#62915957)

        If he didn't like surveillance state with no human rights, Russia is a pretty sad choice of places to relocate to

        You make it sound like he chose to relocate there. He didn't. He was heading to Latin America from Hong Kong when US authorities cancelled his passport, which stranded him in Russia. He has been unable to leave since, because he doesn't have a valid passport.

    • That was exactly my first thought too. Russia must be getting desperate to find anyone who's competent & cares enough by now.
    • by sconeu ( 64226 )

      Came here to say or find this. Was not disappointed.

    • ok, breaking news says he's exempt from military draft. But it would have been ironic if he was deemed to mandatory service and assigned as an intelligence analyst for the GRU. Would the Russian army trust him?

    • I'd think the Russian's would be all over giving him a job at the FSB
  • Cue idiot comments.. (Score:5, Informative)

    by BardBollocks ( 1231500 ) on Monday September 26, 2022 @12:54PM (#62915011)

    ...ignoring that he is in Russia because the U.S. Stranded him there when they revoked his passport while he was traveling through Russia to get elsewhere.

  • by groobly ( 6155920 ) on Monday September 26, 2022 @12:54PM (#62915013)

    Kiss of death for Snowden. Now he is really screwed.

  • by AlanObject ( 3603453 ) on Monday September 26, 2022 @01:01PM (#62915037)

    Something is wrong about this and I wouldn't be surprised to find out later that it was involuntary.

    Snowden was always planning to return to the U.S.

    • Something is wrong about this and I wouldn't be surprised to find out later that it was involuntary.

      Snowden was always planning to return to the U.S.

      Snowden is a daddy now. Would not expect him to rock the boat by doing anything too principled for quite a while.

      • He'd better hurry up and produce a couple more kids - otherwise he'll find himself holding a rusty rifle in eastern Ukraine.

    • Snowden would only return to the US after a pardon. That isn't going to happen. So I hope he is happy in his new home.

      • by AlanObject ( 3603453 ) on Monday September 26, 2022 @02:12PM (#62915337)

        Snowden would only return to the US after a pardon.

        I agree that a pardon is not going to happen but that is a misrepresentation of Snowden's longstanding position.

        What he has stipulated is that he would return to the U.S. to face indictment/charges only if he was guaranteed a fair trial. At the time of his flight it was a very stark world, where the government was eagerly putting people in jail with no defense allowed because of "state secrets" which they would declare without restraint, and the courts were going along with it. Snowden's very legitimate concern was that all exculpatory evidence against him would be suppressed and denied due to national security concerns.

        Add to that the political climate, where major candidates of both parties were slavering to deliver his head on a platter as proof that they were "strong on defense." His demand for a fair trial was and is no more likely than a pardon would be.

        Personally I think he should have come back during the Obama years. Obama would not have helped him and neither would have Clinton, but the extreme visibility of his case and the public support he has would very likely have restrained enough government abuses that he could have won acquittal under the whistleblower laws.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by CAIMLAS ( 41445 )

      The culture of the US has gone in such a way that it is inhospitable to the ideas of freedom he espouses, instead embracing a form of religious zealotry. It's really quite scary, lookin in from the outside. It's going to be that way for the rest of his life.

      Russia is likely one of the better places for him to raise his family, now.

    • by Mousit ( 646085 )

      Something is wrong about this and I wouldn't be surprised to find out later that it was involuntary.

      Snowden was always planning to return to the U.S.

      It was voluntary. He (and his wife too) applied for citizenship in late 2020. He spoke openly about doing so [] and his reasons why.

  • by Miles_O'Toole ( 5152533 ) on Monday September 26, 2022 @01:12PM (#62915081)

    The list is, "People who are safer in Russia than in the US".

    • Kind of ironic when many Russian men his age would line up for a chance to be in an American prison for the next few years as opposed to a Russian one, or you know, Ukraine.

  • When he discovers that they are spying on citizens, he can release classified information proving it!
  • by Layzej ( 1976930 ) on Monday September 26, 2022 @01:36PM (#62915185)
    1 in, 200,000 [] out.
  • including that you were sold out for a mere 10mil

    The NSA secretly paid the computer security firm RSA $10 million to implement a "back door" into its encryption. []

  • by istartedi ( 132515 ) on Monday September 26, 2022 @02:11PM (#62915335) Journal

    For most people, the US would be better than Russia. This guy is an exception that proves the rule. What the USA did was shitty, and he blew the lid off it. He can't come back here. What Russia does is shitty. He can't blow the lid off it, because he'll end up worse off. He's not getting conscripted to Ukraine. He's got propaganda value. He's working the system, and to anybody who isn't blindly tied up to ideology on either side, it's simply illustrative of the fact that all the world's leaders are shit. It's just that depending on who you are, one pile of shit may look better or worse than another.

    Some of it is perspective. You've got Black people here in the USA that are done with the country and are returning to Africa. You've got Africans that come here because it's still the land of opportunity.

    Either you could say that every country has it's charms, or they all have their problems. Objectively and on average for people, the USA is far preferable now. To reiterate though, for a few people in odd circumstances the tables get turned.

    Everybody is full of shit in their own special way.

  • by Miamicanes ( 730264 ) on Monday September 26, 2022 @02:30PM (#62915433)

    Russia probably has a law that says only citizens can get their equivalent of "top-secret" clearance. Putin wants Snowdon to do a job that requires it (probably intelligence-related). Make him a citizen, problem solved with no need to bend Russian laws.

    Putin *could* break those laws with impunity, but he's smart enough to not pointlessly squander political capital on something he can make officially legal via rubber stamp anyway. Plus, this draws Snowden into Putin's grip as a permanent asset way past any point of no return, by making him a demonstrable participant in future war crimes... and probably a fairly high-level participant, at that.

  • by zarmanto ( 884704 ) on Monday September 26, 2022 @02:49PM (#62915509) Journal

    The timing of this feels to me like Putin is doing it solely to spite the US government, based upon all of the goings-on with Ukraine. He figures that at this point, he's never going to be able to rekindle anything even remotely resembling a positive relationship with the US and he's royally pissed that Biden is openly threatening to call his "It's not a bluff!" bluff... so he's just doing whatever he can to annoy the US before his own people depose him... because that's really all he can do.

    Frankly, it's petty, and it's pointless. Nothing more than a child's temper tantrum.

  • by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Monday September 26, 2022 @03:30PM (#62915643) Journal

    Glen Greenwald reminds us: []

    When Snowden left Hong Kong and landed in Moscow to transit to Latin America, Obama officials like @brhodes did everything possible to prevent him from leaving, to trap him in Russia.

    Rhodes boasted of it in his book.

    Ever since, they've use this to imply he's a Russian agent.

  • Comrade. Your citizenship has been approved! The bus to the induction center will arrive shortly.

I don't do it for the money. -- Donald Trump, Art of the Deal
