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Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Project Orion Confirmed By CD Projekt Red (polygon.com) 48

CD Projekt Red just announced a Cyberpunk 2077 sequel, currently codenamed Project Orion. The developer tweeted its long-term development plan Tuesday, sharing that Project Orion will "take the Cyberpunk franchise further and continue harnessing the potential of this dark future universe." From a report: Adam Kicinski, CD Projket's president and CEO, said in a video published to YouTube that the next three games in the developer's pipeline are based in The Witcher franchise, meaning that Cyberpunk 2077's sequel is well off in the future. He called the sequel an ambitious title that will require expanding CD Projekt's more than 1,200 person studio even further; the studio will open a new hub in Boston, which will focus on Project Orion alongside its Vancouver location as CD Projekt Red North America.
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Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Project Orion Confirmed By CD Projekt Red

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  • Edgerunners https://www.rottentomatoes.com... [rottentomatoes.com] on Netflix has reignited my interest in this franchise. Time to give the game another go to see what they've made of it.

    • it is still a shallow buggy mess. have fun!
      • Actually, it is not.
        I have started playing it a month ago, and I found very few small (and mostly hilarious, nothing breaking) bugs.

        • by dostert ( 761476 )
          Have a Series X? On XBox One I get maybe one "quit the game error" per hour. I've had one three or four hour stretch completely erased from all saved games (I quick saved AND manual saved, and completely gone, then my other saved games had date changed to 2019). I've had to quit and restart from an old save a good half dozen times (those Delemain missions love to glitch and never complete). All that being said, it's an ambitious game that is still fun to play. I'm glad it's getting a sequel. I found the un
        • this bad game does not deserve the redemption narrative being spun.
        • Agreed it's not buggy anymore, but it also isn't polished either. Police chases are non-existent. People still do dumb shit in cars and on the sidewalk. And all the quests follow one of only a few possible variants and get very repetitive.

          It's still definitely nothing like The Witcher 3 or the GTA game it was mostly pitched against. But at least you can finish it now without having to reload save files because your vehicle spawned underground or some equally stupid crap.

      • That's a little unfair: the game was indeed a shallow, buggy mess, but most of the major bugs have been solved. It is now simply a shallow mess.
      • by znrt ( 2424692 )

        it's not that buggy anymore (disclaimer: pc only). the recreation still feels a bit empty, but no other game gets this right, creating a lively and believable universe is a formidable challenge. but otoh if you are already nostalgic for 80/90s cyberpunk ... it's all there and it's a damn good effort to represent it all, and it is fun.

        about this sequel ... color me skeptical but interested.

    • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

      Worth noting that Witcher franchise, especially Witcher 3 also got a massive sales boost from Witcher series on Netflix.

      Seems like this sort of mixed multimedia thing increases sales across the franchise provided both sides are at last decent to good quality products. CP2077 has been mostly fixed to be a decent game at this point, rather than a buggy mess that it was at launch. It still has significant problems with gameplay and story, but those are not gamebreaking.

  • don't believe the hype (tm)
  • No apologies (Score:1, Interesting)

    Unpopular opinion: Cyberpunk 2077 was a great game from day one. Sorry that the previous gen consoles suffered but what do people expect when running nearly decade old hardware? Imagine how much better it could have been if they had just skipped last gen entirely. So many pc ports of console games suck, but it happens the other way around one time and now the company is trash? Hilarious take.
    • so you have a low bar of entry into your "good game" category.
    • Didn't the game also have massive problems on PC? Reading reviews I see that performance was poor at release, hasn't improved much, and has even degraded in some ways (like increased pop-in.)

      • by logjon ( 1411219 )
        No issues for me on an FX CPU and 2070 GPU.
        • lying on the internet is fun, but I often wonder what the end game is. your cpu will not get rid of the coding problems, buddy.
          • by gweihir ( 88907 )

            lying on the internet is fun, but I often wonder what the end game is.

            Some people are just crap. This person probably has no end-game beyond annoying others.

        • No issues for me on an FX CPU and 2070 GPU.

          Then you didn't play the game. There were actual game breaking bugs that affected 100% of players with several quests simply unfinishable at launch.

      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        Didn't the game also have massive problems on PC? Reading reviews I see that performance was poor at release, hasn't improved much, and has even degraded in some ways (like increased pop-in.)

        It had. I cancelled my pre-order back when. By now it seems to be a pretty good game though. They really should have released it a year or two later. I hope they have learned something there.

    • by nomadic ( 141991 )

      It was an ok game. Very good on the visuals and the scope of the city. They lose points on how non-interactive the city is.

      The actual gameplay was mixed, especially the combat which felt like a slog too much.

    • Sorry that the previous gen consoles suffered but what do people expect when running nearly decade old hardware?

      That's revisionist bullshit at best. Regardless of what console or hardware you played on the game was full of game breaking bugs. Several quests were outright unfinishable on any hardware for anyone. Main story quests often bugged out requiring you to load save files. Crowds spawned and respawned in stupid ways. Police acted like ... I don't know I've never seen an NPC in any game in any genre spawn inside a wall and stand there trying to shoot me.

      The game had a phenomenal narrative. A truly excellent stor

    • I ran into Only 2 bugs that "broke the game". I ignored them as I do with the dozens of bugs that break Bethesda games years after release... But really it ran as good as, or better, than Skyrim at launch. I have a 2080 and i7. Fell through the world once, had a story mission bug out and 2 conversations at the same time. That is all I've had aside from npc's getting stuck in terrain on occasion.
  • I found CP2077 was not fun to play and stopped playing after 3 or 4 days.

    Is it fun now, or should I continue to ignore it?

    • by muh_freeze_peach ( 9622152 ) on Tuesday October 04, 2022 @02:11PM (#62937859)
      they fixed technical stuff. the game itself is still a generic shooter lightly seasoned with RPG, with not very good shooting mechanics, and not very good RPG seasoning.
      • they fixed technical stuff. the game itself is still a generic shooter lightly seasoned with RPG, with not very good shooting mechanics, and not very good RPG seasoning.

        So, in other words, its Mass Effect 2. To be fair, ME2 was greater than the sum of its parts. It also had a pretty good story that made up for most of its deficiencies.

        • by Saffaya ( 702234 )

          ME2? Bwah ha ha hahahahahaaaaa...
          No, please.
          The whole game was taking a dump on the first opus.
          I don't have time right now to fully dissert on everything wrong with it, I will just point out one thing amongst many.

          Shepard strolling back in the streets of the Citadel ... with a Geth in tow.
          A Geth!
          You know, the guys who were slaughtering and impaling everyone just a few years before in those same streets.
          Yet no one bats an eye.

          Just an illustration at how the lore, continuity, gameplay and spirit of the first

          • The game had issues. I enjoyed it immensly at the time, but all of the RPG elements of ME1 were gone and as a shooter, it wasn't that great. I don't think I ever took the Geth character onto the citedel, as I had no desire to break the game. Too bad EA took a dump on the story for part three, as that's really what it had going for it. If they get the original writer back for the fourth game, I'll play it. If not, it'll just be another EA cash grab.
    • It felt too scripted and very much "You have to do this then you have to do that...." I played for only an hour or so and gave up. Not sure if I bother going back to it. On PS5.
    • No more breaking bugs. Still a few technicalities here and there. But the game's fun factor didn't change. It had an incredible main story narrative, but the side quests all followed a generic formula, the city still massively lacks in interaction. Quests still get literally phoned in. There's still no stakes to your choice of vehicle and the police are still just ... there, not a threat, don't give chase, and may as well not be in the game.

  • Fallout 76, as it is now, not how it was released, would make a great model for making the game multiplayer. In that model, I can choose to avoid other players if I want to. The game is very playable without other players being the "content." This would be a great direction for Cyberpunk.
  • by Gibgezr ( 2025238 ) on Tuesday October 04, 2022 @03:04PM (#62938131)

    I was in the mood for a game like a modern GTA, so I picked up Cyberpunk last week. The bugs I've run into so far haven't ruined the game, although I find that sometimes audio gets distorted...might be my laptop audio interface being not great, unsure. I have a brand new Lenovo Thinkpad with a 6GB RTX3000, not really a gaming machine, but should be OK for any modern game really. I'm running it on quite high settings at 1080p, locked at 30 fps for super-smooth, consistent frame rate: I prefer that over "runs at 60 fps but occasionally drops to 28 for a brief moment".
    The game play is fine, it's like a shallow mixture of GTA and Deus Ex games. The shallowness comes from lack of choices, although it's not exactly "on rails". There *is* a lot of implant and weapon customization, and you can approach missions with stealth or a murderous rampage mindset or anywhere in-between, so it's not THAT shallow, but it's not as deep and slick as either GTA V or the original Deus Ex...more like the Ubisoft Deus Ex.
    It's a fun game overall, if you like this sort of thing. I'd recommend waiting for a sale and picking it up at a discount.

    • I recommend it. Honestly I was incredibly impressed with the story aspects of the game. It was a nice detailed story which came together quite nicely. However...

      The entire game is driven by its primary quest line. There's no lore from side quests. There's little to nothing to be discovered. Once you've played 5 odd side quests you've played them all since they are all some cookie cutter variant of one or another. Sure there's an easter egg here or there (Maxtac agent in the shopping centre) but you can get

  • Sorry. They offered multiplayer, and when they screwed up the project, they canceled the features.

    CDPR will not be getting my money again. They got the ONE preorder I'd done in the last five years, based on their rep. They burned that bridge.

    • by Saffaya ( 702234 )

      Never, never pre-order a game.

      The only exception I can think of would be if you are ordering a deluxe pack and you really really want the physical goods proposed.
      But apar from that case, just don't.

      • I really don't understand pre-orders. My neice wants me to pre-order that new Hogwarts game for her. You know, the unoptimized one with ridiculous requirements that will probably come out with more bugs than Cyberpunk. I don't think I've ever actually pre-ordered a game, because I don't see the point of paying for something early that isn't affected by physical contraints. I don't buy the argument that they need my unearned revenue to complete the game. Its just a hedge against the possibility that the
  • They started hyping this game as being the most in depth RPG game known to humanity. What we got was GTA Lite with customizable dongs.
  • the pulling back on multiplayer game-play is really what disappointed me. I don't often play games that are just single-player anymore. If I'm just pitted against the computer with no live human interaction, I usually get bored with a game quickly.

    (Fallout 4 was an odd exception for me. Got really hooked on that because of the story-line, plus the fact I never really player earlier Fallout titles first to have preconceptions of what it "should" have in it.)

    I love the Cyberpunk genre, but 2077 felt a bit to

    • they pulled back on every single promise they made. and now people are like "it is a good game now cause they fixed some software bugs lol"
  • I hope they learnt their lesson. Hype you are unable to deliver on doesn't help sell games, it helps sink your company. CP2077 would have been a great game if it were released with less bugs, had more narrative driven side quests rather that quests by formula, and a quest system that naturally evolved interacting with the city.

    They didn't need to promise all the things they couldn't deliver to make a good game. But holy shit they did manage to crap out something boring and lifeless which is a solid achievem

  • Wake me when it arrives.

    Quite frankly, I can't really be bothered to get excited about a game that is barely in the planning stage. If you want to hype it, at least wait 'til there is at least something you can show off.

    Twice so if you're trying to create hype about the most overhyped and underperforming game since Fallout 76.

This process can check if this value is zero, and if it is, it does something child-like. -- Forbes Burkowski, CS 454, University of Washington
