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It's Lonely in the Metaverse: Decentraland's 38 Daily Active Users in a $1.3B Ecosystem ( 61

What's going on in the metaverse these days, you might ask. Looking at two of the biggest companies with over $1 billion valuations, the answer is surprising: Not much, or at least not enough to bring users back every day. From a report: According to data from DappRadar, the Ethereum-based virtual world Decentraland had 38 active users in the past 24 hours, while competitor The Sandbox boasted 522 active users in that same time. An active user, according to DappRadar, is defined as a unique wallet address' interaction with the platform's smart contract. For example, logging onto The Sandbox or Decentraland to make a purchase with SAND or MANA, each platform's respective native utility token, is counted as an "active use."

This means that DappRadar's compilation of daily active users doesn't account for people who log in and mosey around a metaverse platform or drop in briefly for an event, such as a virtual fashion week. It also likely means that these spaces are not where people are making transactions such as buying non-fungible tokens (NFT). A developer might defend the low daily stats with the familiar phrase, "don't hate the player, hate the game" but it seems it's not just one quiet day for the two metaverse platforms. The largest number of daily users ever on Decentraland was 675, according to DappRadar. For The Sandbox, that number was larger at about 4,503.

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It's Lonely in the Metaverse: Decentraland's 38 Daily Active Users in a $1.3B Ecosystem

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  • by Fly Swatter ( 30498 ) on Monday October 10, 2022 @04:09PM (#62954227) Homepage
    There are so many it is hard to choose, I thought the point is that they would be in one single compatible verse. Also, never heard of either of them.
    • by Merk42 ( 1906718 )
      I think you've just stumbled onto a reason for the multiverse! We are living in a simulation, but there are multiple incompatible simulations because capitalism, thus the multiverse.
    • Re:Which metaverse? (Score:4, Interesting)

      by DarkOx ( 621550 ) on Monday October 10, 2022 @04:34PM (#62954289) Journal

      The metaverse is STUPID.

      Its just a bad idea. Imagine a video game world where there is no-scarcity, exactly no reason at all the computer can't provide a simulation where you and your friends enjoy front row seats at the concert for exactly the same cost as third level balcony behind some obstruction but - hey they'll charge triple any way!

      Imagine a world where JUST EXACTLY like to today with your telephone headset you can take a meeting with your banker about that HELOC but rather than comfortably taking notes with pen on your yellow-pad or with your trusty-keyboard you can sit awkwardly in their virtual office, using some klutzy VR interface, with 4lbs of kit strapped to the face! but hey the low-resolution bangle tiger that was wondering around their virtual lobby for whatever reason was pretty cool.

      I am not going to saying the enabling technologies are entirely useless. I am sure there are some interesting collaborative engineering, and tele-medical applications. Just the unified meta-verse concept. We have a real-world full of natural limitations, scarcity, and delay; there is no reason at all to re-implement it. Save the VR tech for enabling experiences that would actually be difficult, destructive, expensive, impractical, etc in the real world.

      Zuckerberg and Dimon need to accept nobody really wants this

      • by Zuriel ( 1760072 )
        VR can do interesting things in gaming. Using VR to create environments that are just like the real world except worse? There's no demand at all.
      • My take is that it is a world where you can enter one door to play a game of Sonic The Hedgehog, leave that room go down the hall and enter a room playing Mario Brothers, then exit that game to another room to watch a live Soccer game without getting trampled in real life.
      • by CAIMLAS ( 41445 )

        It's not just that it's stupid.

        It's that we're spending an awful lot of time and attention ignoring that we need to work out the pron usecase before spreading it to broad public consumption.

        • by Shaitan ( 22585 )

          "It's that we're spending an awful lot of time and attention ignoring that we need to work out the pron usecase"

          VR pr0n is off the charts amazing. Especially with teledildonics.

          Pretty sure they've been working on it and there is an ever expanding library of content too.

      • I know it's just a typo, but the idea of a bangle tiger has stuck with me
      • A profitable market of autists want social/multiplayer sandbox building environments and if someone makes a good VR one it will make money. Then there's porn.

        For a normie mass market application it's mostly useless.

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        People want it, just not for the things Zuckerberg wants to sell them.

        VR porn is apparently big business. Sexual harassment is rife in the Metaverse too. If someone developed one where your avatar had a body below the waist (they currently don't because they can't figure out how to animate the legs realistically) I'm sure it would be popular with a certain demographic. Obviously the hardware needs extending to include a groin attachment.

        This has been known for a long time: []

        Zuckerberg and Dimon need to accept nobody really wants this


    • You have to wait for the metametaverse to come out.

      One metametaverse to rule them all,
      One metametaverse to find them,
      One metametaverse to bring them all
      and in the metadarkness bind them
  • Not a metaverse (Score:2, Informative)

    by Bahbus ( 1180627 )

    Neither of these things are real metaverses. There is no such thing, currently, as an actual metaverse. Zero. Fortnite? Not a metaverse. Roblox? Not a metaverse. The Sandbox? Not a metaverse. Second Life? Not a metaverse. Decentraland? Not a metaverse. Meta? Oddly enough, not a metaverse. None of these people even know what a metaverse is or should be, let alone how to make one. And when they do exist for real, they won't have anything to do with shitty, useless blockchains.

    Because, yes, all blockchain tech

    • My unrealistic expectations for the metaverse have been permanently set by Ready Player One. We still don't have the omnidirectional treadmills down pat, although there are some overpriced contenders.
    • Blockchains are not stupid and useless, it's just that people do stupid and useless things with them. Trustless, tamper-evident databases have tons of valid use cases.
      • by Bahbus ( 1180627 )

        I have yet to see a valid use case that isn't plagued by some other issue(s) that ultimately make them *gasp* useless. At least, for now. Some people think blockchain is the way of the future at some point. I do not. Blockchain will most likely get replaced by something else entirely different. Maybe blockchain will be an influence, maybe it won't.

        • by jythie ( 914043 )
          Well, it isn't that they are useless... they just don't do anything better than other solutions.
    • Git is pretty much a blockchain, certainly uses Merkle Trees as a basis. So there is a use for you.

    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      No one knows what something truly novel looks like or how it will be used. Radio was largely news and local advertising. Mostly live. Then it conspired with re order music technology to create an industry everyone believes always has and always will e itâ(TM)s, even though it is only a hundred years old. And who would listen to crackly radio when their kid could ply the piano?
  • There are plenty of 'metaverses' where people go to hang out. For example VRChat has ~20k daily active users according to steam. [] That number is a low estimate since it doesn't count the many people who use it via the quest standalone client. The artificial scarcity of NFTs is really nothing but a money grab and the sooner we all wake up to that the better off we will be.
  • by bettodavis ( 1782302 ) on Monday October 10, 2022 @04:24PM (#62954265)
    The first time that was attempted it was called VRML back in the 90s and it was a fad just as this one.

    The technology just isn't ready yet regardless of Zuck's wishes.
    • by Shaitan ( 22585 )

      The technology is far more ready than you might think. Is it literally like stepping into the RL holodeck? No, of course not.

      But it HAS reached the point where stepping into a photorealistic virtual world in a fairly comfortable and light headset is a real thing.

      When I get too stressed at work or need an escape from the kids I go fishing in VR or jump into my heavily modded skyrim and chill by my pool and watch the auroras or hang by a waterfall. Sometimes when I can't sleep I load up a private instance of

      • I go fishing in real life and brig home real fish to eat have a real pool which I can swim in and have a multi game table where me and the family enjoy many hours playing table tennis billiards and air hockey Going virtual on those things no thanks I just watched a documentary which confirmed real life experience in to much tech is bad for society human interaction is important
        • I can afford a VR headset, I can't afford a pool and the local fish are inedible.

          • by Shaitan ( 22585 )

            For the poor folks in the city, they probably live in a tiny shitbox apartment with an amazing view of a brick wall out the window. Even just chilling and watching TV or playing console games on a large flat panel in a cool crib that is always clean, with a great view, a tropical fish tank wall you don't need to maintain and a fire feature is a hell of an upgrade. Setting it up as a shared space for a Superbowl party is also a great thing. Hell, you can even do that together with your friends while actually

        • by Shaitan ( 22585 )

          You are thinking of this as a replacement for real life. It is better thought of as a supplement.

          "I go fishing in real life and brig home real fish to eat"

          Not everyone has that option available and you'll never eat virtual fish. Though if you are really fishing for food the best ways I found don't really involve sitting there holding a pole. With VR you can fish with your brother who moved (or you moved away from). You can fish in exotic locations around the world. You can fish for various types of exotic f

  • by Shaitan ( 22585 ) on Monday October 10, 2022 @04:25PM (#62954269)

    These are artificial scarcity scams.

    • Obtaining scarce things is the only purpose most people have. Imaginary scarce things don't waste resources, or end up in the landfill.
      • by Arethan ( 223197 )

        Obtaining scarce things is the only purpose most people have.

        Procreating and improving their quality of life are the only purposes most people have.
        What we have here is certifiable snake oil, imaginary landfill or not.

  • I was so excited that I tripped on my way to the computer and missed the latest drop. I know I'm missing out and really, really want to buy the latest NFTs. Don't know about you but nothing motivates me more than 8-bit 'art' and artificial scarcity.

  • I am gratified to hear that so few people think the "metaverse" idea makes sense. It partially restores my faith in common sense.

    • It's a false hope. They've decided they don't like the metaverse because that's what the cool kids said.
    • Dont get your hopes up. The target demo isn't reading slashdot, or even reading at all yet. They are setting the stage for the next generation of kids. Think about microtransactions in games. Most older people didn't believe anyone would ever pay for different skins, etc. But the next generation grew up thinking it was perfectly normal. Tiktok didn't focus on people already on other platforms, they went all in on under 12's. Now look at the world...
    • by Shaitan ( 22585 )

      The metaverse concept makes a great deal of sense, artificial scarcity isn't the basis. The real metaverse is an immersive web of virtual content, the next generation of internet not a controlled space owned by an entity selling fake real estate. It will be not one virtual world but countless virtual galaxies and will also include multiple overlays and linkages to physical reality with MR.

      Is it here? Some of it very much IS here. If you are looking to jump into the holodeck... no, but people were selling th

  • This is one of the great horrors of colossal IT monopolies, that they have the power to act in a way decoupled from end-user demand, and indefinitely commit to it as an attempt to bully or herd users into agreeing to their bullshit.
  • I know that this is how our economy works, but holy shit how many real housing units could've been built for $1.3 billion.
    • Wait until you find out how many could have been built for all the consoles, high end PCs, and graphics cards used to play games.
    • how many real housing units could've been built for $1.3 billion.

      Don't assume that $1.3 billion valuation means that anyone spent $1.3 billion. "Valuation", if used as a synonym for market capitalization is simply the number of shares issued times the the sale price of the most recently sold share. Even if only one share is bought or sold at a given price, that price is multiplied by the total number of shares.

      To give an extreme example, and ignoring the paperwork and other hurdles required to get listed on a stock exchange, suppose I create a brand new company and issue

  • by RightSaidFred99 ( 874576 ) on Monday October 10, 2022 @04:48PM (#62954321)
    These fucking nerds, Jesus Christ. Are the same assholes who name pharmaceuticals now naming these shitty ideas? "Deshitisol" for your chronic explosive diarrhea. "Mekehappyafy" for chronic depression. "Jizzonol" for low sperm count. Fucking idiots.
    • by CAIMLAS ( 41445 )

      You got a hearty LOL from me on that one. Hilarious.

    • Me too. That was some funny shit, thanks.

    • What pisses me off about the nerds is that the word "DecentraLand" should be really called "IHatePeopleAndTrustNobodyLand". Shorten that to "AntiSocialLand" and you get the basic problem. Nerds hate everyone, and think yo can build a society on that. Society is a network based on trust.

      • Hey don't blame this on nerds. Zuck's whole metaverse concept is entirely fueled by marketing execs pretending to be nerds.

    • by Astfgl ( 203296 )
      Don't forget "Flaginol", which helps keep your sub healed up well enough to take 40 lashes every other day...
  • Somehow, this is all gonna make profit one day, because reasons. If you build it, they will come.

  • That's on par with the number of daily active players of Halo Infinite.

  • whatever the Zuck a metaverse is...

    The issue is

    these spaces are not where people are making transactions such as buying non-fungible tokens (NFT).

    Yeah. By now, even the most hardcore cryptard has realized NFTs are a scam (and well, the whole cryptocurrency bulshit arguably so too - at least that's the global perception now).

    So the issue isn't that the metaverse isn't the place where people lose money in pretend transactions with play money, is that people don't want to make pretend transaction with play money anymore.

  • Roblox has 50+ Million daily active users. Maybe if Decentraland were decent, it might have more users.

  • Just naming it "Decentraland" isn't gonna magically make it decentralized or even decent.

  • I had a relative tell me to divert my company resources into projects like Decentraland. I told him we're staying the course and working on more tactile human centric endeavours with a more ethical objective. One day, nurds like Zuch and whoever runs Decentraland will realise that not everyone wants to hide behind a terminal/VR etc run by triggered wokery with no people skills. Healthiest lifestyle is outside in the sunshine with a few lifelong tactile friends, building tree houses, riding bicycles, fishing
  • So you buy $1 million of land in Metaverse, then it shuts down, you're banned or can't access it. What are you doing to do then ? Can you sue for your loss in a virtual world ? Or you got lost $1 million !
  • First, this is not the Metaverse.
    So what is the Metaverse you ask? For now a single definition:

    • A platform and infrastructure similar to what Neal Stephenson describes in the novel Snow Crash.

    And you can also say, that it must exists in a dystopian future that is described in that book.
    You can claim we on the way to such future, but we are not there yet.

    Meta, Snadbox or Decentraland are NOT building anything similar to this right now.
    There are A LOT technical challenges for a Metaverse [] in the next d

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