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Tencent Chief Blasts Managers in Fiery Townhall ( 30

The founder of Chinese tech giant Tencent told employees many "corruption" issues had been discovered within the company and mismanagement was draining its vitality, Reuters reported Friday, citing employees familiar with the matter. From the report: In a rare show of frustration, Pony Ma said at a year-end meeting with staff on Dec. 15 that internal reviews this year had exposed unspecified corruption within Asia's biggest social media and gaming company, the sources said. He also lambasted senior managers after one of the toughest years for Tencent since its founding in 1998, with revenue battered by a regulatory crackdown and headwinds from measures to stop the spread of COVID-19. "Your projects can't even survive as a business -- they are living on life support, but still you just cheerily play ball on the weekend," Ma said during the call, according to one employee who heard the comments and another who was briefed on them.
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Tencent Chief Blasts Managers in Fiery Townhall

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  • by t0qer ( 230538 ) on Friday December 23, 2022 @06:19PM (#63153812) Homepage Journal

    Good year, bad year, reading the article this reminds me of working for Chinese in 1996.

    “Your projects can’t even survive as a business – they are living on life support, but still you just cheerily play ball on the weekend,” Ma said during the call, according to one employee who heard the comments and another who was briefed on them.

    Ya there was never really any praise, you were expected to be the fall guy for everything, thankful to breath the O2 in the room. Not that I'm a praise hound, I just want to be left alone to do my work but this Pony Ma guy sounds like the same jackasses I worked for back in 96 telling me how fat and lazy Americans are, and China would win a war because they have so many expendable soldiers.

    That being said, Mr. Pony Ma if you happen to be reading this, the only reason you're allowed to do business under the CCCP is because you're a team player with them, either doing exactly what the party wants, or bribing off officials. Your claims of corruption are just Tuesday for America.

    • When managers don't understand what their employees are working on, they can't manage properly. Thus they look for proxies.

      If an employee is happy, then he/she is not working hard enough. The solution is to make sure all your employees are unhappy. That is how morale improves. /s

  • It's good to hear they are getting a better work-life balance than some of their neighbors.

  • by zenlessyank ( 748553 ) on Friday December 23, 2022 @07:26PM (#63153906)

    No matter the flavor of control, eventually people want freedom and choice. China is going to have a problem on its hands if they don't make some changes as the population grows restless.

    • The problem China's got is that you can't have a middle class without educating people well enough to know that your propaganda is a bunch of fuckery. You will always have idiots, but you still create a problem for yourself this way.

      If America weren't becoming ever more authoritarian they would have no chance to come out ahead economically. All we have to do is not be assholes, right? But that seems an unreasonable ask.

      • In what ways is the US becoming *more* authoritarian. In many ways it's less. Things that were illegal 10,30 or 100 years ago are perfectly fine now.

      • You’re spot on about China, but I think you misunderstand a few key features of the US. First off, the US is becoming more free, not less. Sure, we have issues with wokeism and cancel culture, but last century we had “whites-only” bathrooms and the law enforced all kinds of much more serious inequalities. Despite what you hear from the talking heads on Fox and NBC, the country is actually getting better.

        And the US is still ahead economically because a capitalist democracy is designed t
  • Tencent is a shitty corporation pandering to the lowest common denominator and they deserve to suffer for it. Since when is playing ball on the weekends corrupt? I bet this CEO knows a lot more about corruption than he is letting on.
  • by Midnight_Falcon ( 2432802 ) on Friday December 23, 2022 @08:00PM (#63153956)
    must be a euphemism in China for "cocaine and hookers" or something similar?
  • More than even in the U.S., corruption is how stuff gets done within China. So, maybe the CEO is just pissed that he wasn't getting his cut. Unless it was "lie to keep bosses happy" scam that got busted, and there's no lucre to skim.
  • by S_Stout ( 2725099 ) on Friday December 23, 2022 @08:59PM (#63154006)
    I want you all working 80+ hours to make me money
  • ...then who's responsible for it? If Pony boy wants to make things "better," maybe shouting at, insulting, & threatening staff isn't the most productive approach. What constructive solutions can he come up with? C'mon, we're waiting, Pony boy. You're the billionaire genius, now earn your keep.
  • Pony Ma will soon be like Jack Ma... Hiding out in Toyko. Once the Chinese government transfers all their assets back to their own accounts, say bye-bye Pony Ma and Tencent. Sounds a lot like Jack Ma and Alibaba.

    • And nothing of value was lost. Neither with the loss of the one-trick Pony, nor with the loss of his company.

      Seriously, the worth of the company is in its name: Tencent. Worth approximately a dime.

  • ... it's own elon musk.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by cas2000 ( 148703 )

      Elon Musks aren't rare, there are lots of incompetent rich people managing businesses without a clue. Hordes of them, if you include the moderately wealthy.

      Musk's just another clueless moron whose family wealth pushed him way beyond where the Peter Principle would have otherwise stalled him...he was just lucky enough to be at the right age to be surrounded by tech-savvy people in the right place at the right time with enough money and contacts to cash in big on the first internet bubble. That luck is the o

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        Musk got a tiny leg up from wealthy friends and family, he did the rest of the way by himself... with a good dose of luck. Successful entrepreneurs are those who 1) run into a bit of luck, 2) recognize it, and 3) take advantage of it . Some fail at step 2, most fail at step 3.

        As for his technical skills, Musk actually takes time and effort to school himself in the technology of his businesses, and it's more than a passing glance at a few Wikipedia pages; he studies, and with results. I would say tha

What the gods would destroy they first submit to an IEEE standards committee.
