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Modi Takes Steps To Allow Yale, Oxford To Open India Campuses ( 26

India has taken a step toward allowing leading foreign universities such as Yale, Oxford and Stanford to set up campuses and award degrees as part of an overhaul of the South Asian nation's higher education. From a report: Regulator the University Grants Commission on Thursday unveiled a draft legislation for public feedback that seeks to facilitate entry and operation of overseas institutions in the country for the first time. The local campus can decide on admission criteria for domestic and foreign students, fee structure and scholarship, according to the draft. The institutions will have the autonomy to recruit faculty and staff.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government is pushing to overhaul the country's heavily-regulated education sector to enable Indian students to obtain foreign qualifications at an affordable cost and make India an attractive global study destination. The move will also help overseas institutions to tap the nation's young population. Even as India's universities and colleges have produced chief executive officers at companies from Microsoft to Alphabet, many fare poorly in global rankings. The country needs to boost its education sector to become more competitive and close the growing gap between college curricula and market demand. It's currently ranked 101 among 133 nations in the Global Talent Competitiveness Index of 2022 that measures a nation's ability to grow, attract and retain talent.

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Modi Takes Steps To Allow Yale, Oxford To Open India Campuses

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  • why not just use online resources?

    • Because universities are about research and hands-on experience. Also, even classes non-lab don't work great behind a "stink screen." You don't have the kind of real-time discussion. You don't have the ability to spontaneously talk to other students or professors after class. You can't just drop in to office hours (as easily) for a chat. Plus there are privacy/ethical issues ... in-person convos are much more confidential and free than those via a "platform."

      • by zlives ( 2009072 )

        i am not disagreeing, however my understanding is that this is for a stamp on the diploma that says i went to a fancy school, so you could do that with an online diploma.

    • Correspondence/distance learning has existed long before the "COVID times" ... it's been generally shown to be inferior compared to an in-person environment. And YES! the social and networking aspects of a university are also important, despite the asocial folk who wish to minimize them.
  • How American (Score:1, Flamebait)

    by awwshit ( 6214476 )

    Spreading the grift of higher education.

    • Hey, no...this is great.

      Perhaps NOW....students over there can get stuck with a teacher that has an accent so thick they cannot understand a fucking thing they are saying when trying to instruct you.

      Now, they'll know how we've felt all these many years in the US.

      Man, this seemed to often be grad students, teaching hard classes like physics (labs) and math classes...once where you really needed to have clear understanding.

    • India already has a somewhat good higher education system, and no, it's not a "grift." Typical American anti-intellectual knee-jerk twaddle. It's sad how litle respect S(k)eptic culture has for academics and teachers.
      • How much do you have in student loans?

        • Probably less than you. But I agree: public 4-year schools should be free. Take the money from the funding that we (over) spend on military and cop parasites in the US.
          • I've never had student loan debt. Paid my own way through a couple of years of college at a public school, working and going to school. Decided work was better than school and never finished.

    • by NFN_NLN ( 633283 )

      Higher education isn't exclusive to a named school. Those schools are basically "brand" and "image" now. But like all brands they can be diluted.
      It's like moms and dads buying Affliction, Fila or Bench gear at Costco. By the time its selling at Costco that brand isn't "it" anymore.

      • I didn't say spreading higher education, I said spreading grift. Like you said, its just a brand, I suppose it depends on what you are after.

  • Watch out guys, this is not good.

    You might have visions of East India Company securing a charter to establish trading posts in India from the Mogul Emperor Jehangir!

    But, the that was back then. Recent history is not all that good.

    Tatas bought Jaguar and the Tea company, Lipton.

    Brittania India bought parent Brittania.

    Hindustan Lever bought the whole or most of Unilever

    And their company Infosys bought the UK Prime Ministership. Ok, ok, not the company only the founder's daughter, and not bought just

  • I guess the mafia is a form of regulation.

  • Not two things I would normally consider being related. From what I can see of education in India you either have to be really smart to get ahead. That or cheat. Either seems to be perfectly a acceptable.
    • Either seems to be perfectly a acceptable.

      Yes, anyone going to India has to confront several problems: the lack of trust in most institutions, the caste system, 'Made in India' regulations. Distinguished universities have the added problem of local staff allowing the normalcy of cheating to contaminate their campus.

  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think any leading university has an overseas campus anywhere. India's regulations don't prevent Oxford, Harvard, Stanford, etc, from opening a campus in India. They just don't do that. They want the world to come to them and it works for them.

    The kind of institutions that might jump at opening a campus in India are dubiously valuable schools like Devry and the former ITT Tech.

    • Yale has a Singapore campus. Carnegie Mellon and Northwestern have some presence in Qatar. There are probably more.
  • That's why graduating Yale if you were studying during covid lockdown is useless.

    You can get a world class education from Khan Academy and Brilliant. Far better than Yale or Oxford.

    When you hire a Yale graduate, you're hiring someone who attended the school, spent time on the campus and built a strong network.

    Yale or Oxford India campus seems like absolute stupidity. It's a brand name without the value add.

He keeps differentiating, flying off on a tangent.
