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Russian Strikes Sap Ukraine Mobile Network of Vital Power ( 139

Russia's attacks on Ukraine's electrical grid are straining the war-torn country's mobile-telephone network, leading to a global hunt for batteries and other equipment critical for keeping the communications system working. From a report: Ukraine's power outages aren't just putting out the lights. The electricity shortages also affect water supplies, heating systems, manufacturing and the cellular-telephone and internet network, a vital communications link in a nation where fixed-line telephones are uncommon. Consumers can charge their cellphones at cafes or gas stations with generators, but the phones have to communicate with base stations whose antennas and switching equipment need large amounts of power. With rolling blackouts now a regular feature of life in Ukraine, the internet providers are relying on batteries to keep the network going.

The stakes are high, since Ukrainian officials are using positive news of the war, speeches by President Volodymyr Zelensky and videos distributed by cellphone to maintain popular support for fighting Russia. First responders and evacuees rely on the mobile network, and a long-term loss of communications in major cities would compound the existing problems of electrical, heating and water outages, the companies say. Labor shortages have exacerbated the mobile-network issues as many Ukrainians have been displaced by the war or gone to the front to fight. In December, the chief executive of Ukraine's Lifecell mobile operator, Ismet Yazici, went into the field himself to wheel in a generator and restore backup power at a cell tower, according to the company. But the biggest problem is power equipment.

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Russian Strikes Sap Ukraine Mobile Network of Vital Power

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  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Monday January 16, 2023 @04:47PM (#63213876)
    Are giving increasingly modern weapons to Ukraine. There is some question of whether there will be able to maintain the stuff, but given the sheer amount of surplus military equipment United States has will probably just keep giving them new stuff and let the old stuff break down. I mean at one point we had generals pleading with senators to stop sending them more tanks.

    The point is Russia is going to start facing increasingly better equipment while their own equipment gets increasingly worse. Their ploy to force Europe to let them run over Ukraine in exchange for the gas needed to make it through the winter didn't work. The United States pumped oil and gas into the markets and drop the price. We sold huge amounts of cheap oil to China so they wouldn't buy from Russia forcing Russia into a corner.

    The only reason this war isn't already over is Putin's grip on his population is so much that he could ignore public opinion. Unfortunately that means this stupid war is going to drag on until that bastard drops dead of the bowel cancer that's currently working its way through him
    • by znrt ( 2424692 )

      The United States pumped oil and gas into the markets and drop the price.

      really? what's your source? the u.s. energy information administration might want a word: []

      We sold huge amounts of cheap oil to China so they wouldn't buy from Russia forcing Russia into a corner.

      how's that working out? bc russia is selling more gas to china than ever before. actually, china is reselling part of that gas to europe. shhhhh, don't tell joe! :')

    • USA hasn't shipped a SINGLE tank to Ukraine yet, damn fool.

      • USA hasn't shipped a SINGLE tank to Ukraine yet, damn fool.

        We haven't, but Great Britain is sending 14 Challenger 2 tanks [] in the extremely near future. This is in addition to 30 more self-propelled howitzers, 100,000 rounds of artillery shells, advanced missiles, at least 100 armored vehicles, UAVs and parts for all the above.

        And they are only the first country to do so. You can be guaranteed Poland and other Nordic countries will be doing so as well, including Germany once it gets its head out of its ass. France is already sending armored vehicles [] to Ukraine wh

        • One cannot fight conventional war with borrowed arms. Tanks require massive amounts of maintenance. The patchwork of different models and types of arms is unmaintainable and will be out of operation in no time. These are all feel-good measures that will not have any meaningful impact on the long term outcome of the conflict. Sacrificing bunch of ukranians to bleed russian military is in US interests, but don't look for any moral high ground here.
      • most laymen would call the troop transports we just sent tanks. But I guess technically they're not, even though they outclass most of what's left from Russia on the battlefield.

        Weird how many Russian stooges there are on /.. I get why. The GOP is basically a wholly owned subsidiary of Russia at this point (with extensive funding coming through the NRA), but it's funny how the Ukraine war flushes you guys out.

        You don't have the votes in the House to do anything though. You got your ass handed to you
        • nobody calls people carriers tanks, they armored vehicles and they can do fuck all to a tank, including a T72 or even worse.

          As to your nonsense about GOP, I am in Ukraine right now, since the 30th of December, 2022, visiting my offices in all cities where we have them, I personally supplied about 500K USD of cash and equipment for the fight against the ruzzian agression, as to you, you are a dickwad.

    • I mean at one point we had generals pleading with senators to stop sending them more tanks.

      We have only very recently agreed to send them any tanks at all. []

    • by Tom ( 822 )

      Equipment is worthless without people who use it.

      The modern stuff needs training. Specialized and long training (months). We're laughing about Russia throwing 80s stuff on the battlefield, but there are advantages to that (first, they still have a lot of the stuff just rusting away from Cold War times, but second the stuff is much easier to train on).

      In WW2, Germany made the mistake of thinking Russia is a push-over and the war will be over soon. Lost them the war, that thinking. Russia moved entire factori

  • ...if we could just Thanos-snap Russia out of existence. Of all of history and reality. That entire landmass has *always* been problematic to others near it.

  • However this terrible conflict ends, the likes of Kim Yong Un will sadly learn one thing from it: Never ever give up your nuclear weapons voluntarily, as the Ukraine did when the "Warsaw Pact" fell apart. It is an invitation to the international bully states to grab your resources.
  • This conflict causes uncountable sufferings and losses. And it has a potential to bring much much more of this kind.

    In human history a new weapon always ended up being widely used in a war. The nuclear weapons quite probably are not an exception at all.

    In my opinion, the policies of the political elites on both sides of the conflict are not correct. This is not a soccer game, so the attempts to outwit, to humiliate, to knockout, to ridicule each other should be stopped.

    A new European or even global
  • Reading comments online it is truly scary how far the KGB mind virus has made it and people would rather crawl on the floor than face the truth: the whole Western world and our way of living in freedom and peace has been attacked. We have to defend it, not just for Ukraine but also because Chyna is watching every second and they are biding their time. It wonâ(TM)t be long now, if it comes it has to happen before 2030⦠they know it, we know it.
    We have to be a strong and united West against th

A rock store eventually closed down; they were taking too much for granite.
