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Television Sci-Fi

Streaming Free: 'Three-Body Problem' Sci-Fi Novel Adaptation by Tencent Video ( 64

"One of the most beloved sci-fi novels of the 21st century finally has been adapted for television to huge acclaim," writes Esquire, "and it's out now." Their article includes embedded videos of Tencent Video's live-action adaptation of Three-Body Problem, which is streaming free on YouTube with English subtitles. "They're already getting great reviews online, with an 8.7 IMDb score for the adaptation that is being acclaimed for its faithfulness to the original bestselling novel."

Long-time Slashdot reader gordm writes: The YouTube playlist offers the first 4 episodes (of a 30 episode series) for free, although the videos include Chinese ads.... Be sure your YouTube subtitles are turned on.

I've only watched episode one and noted the most unpleasant reaction I had during my first-read of the book is front-loaded into episode one of the show... that is, it is suggested GMO and advanced technologies are a blight upon humanity. I kept reading, and I'm glad I did. But for any viewers put off by that moment, and not knowing what Three-Body Problem is about... that moment pays off later.

Esquire calls the original book "not only the most successful Chinese science fiction novel of the century so far, but likely the most successful and acclaimed science fiction series in the world since 2000, winning the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award for Best Novel..."

Netflix says its own adaptation of Three-Body Problem will also be released before the end of 2023.
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Streaming Free: 'Three-Body Problem' Sci-Fi Novel Adaptation by Tencent Video

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  • I read all three books. The series can be dense at points, but certain scenes blew me away. And there are concepts in the second book that may have you question the wisdom of any outward signals of our civilization. The third book got a little out-there theoretically toward the end but it was a take on the far, far-future.

    There was one space battle scene in the second book that was so cool I read it a few times. I enjoyed book two the most.

    • by Tom ( 822 )

      To me it's the Amber of SciFi - it isn't afraid to think large, then totally dwarf that in the 2nd book, and then go way beyond that in the 3rd. It doesn't introduce some bullshit to keep its story small, but pushes out constantly.

  • These days we want our serial TV stories to go on and on for 9 seasons or more, and this book is really tailor-made for that kind of treatment. The plot has a huge arc, there are back-stories galore, huge cast, big buildup to a spectacle, etc. Sure, I'd watch that.

  • Not sure how often it is presented as Quadrilogy rather than a Trilogy, but beware the publisher lists a 4th book as part of the series. It is just fan fiction. I've not heard of anyone who thinks it compares to the actual trilogy. This TV adaptation is of the 1st book, "The Three Body Problem" the 1st book in "Remembrance of Earth's Past". I thought all 3 books in the series were excellent.
  • by EreIamJH ( 180023 ) on Saturday January 21, 2023 @08:25PM (#63228654)

    ...the book grabbed me when I grokked that the underlying assumptions about how people act / react reflected Chinese culture rather than western culture. I don't know if the TV version has the same problem.

    Once I figured out how to understand the characters, I ended up powering through the whole series in record time. In fact, the books got me fascinated with China - and subsequently banned from some sub-reddits because my "well, actually" replies upset the dominant anti-China group think.

    • Yeah as someone fairly well-versed in history including chinese history, knowing a lot of the culture, I found it troubling with all the recent anti-China group think being so prevalent. There's lots of valid criticisms about them, but a lot of what's being said were based on plain ignorance, bordering on xenophobia even. Although if I think about it, it's not entirely surprising, given the tribalism and polarization that's happening in politics these days, it's happening with tons of other groups as well.


  • Every Chinese movie from my childhood were in cantonese. Watched them with subtitles of course. I don't think I will ever get used to mandarin, for me this makes these movie unwatchable.

    • by dargaud ( 518470 )
      Why ? If you speak neither language, what does it matter what language it is ? I don't think I could even distinguish mandarin from cantonese but I've never tried to compare them.
  • It can be watched on [], [], and []. First five episodes are currently free (#5 went free today). However, the rest requires payments. They have subtitles like English. Also, the episodes are region blocked India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. :( It was quite good. :) Also, Happy Lunar/Chinese New Year (4721) with its water/h2o black (w/r)abbit/bunny!

If it's worth doing, it's worth doing for money.
