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Amazon Is Reportedly Making a Tomb Raider TV Series ( 43

Amazon is developing a TV series based on the Tomb Raider video game franchise with scripts written by Phoebe Waller-Bridge, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The Verge reports: Details are light on this new Tomb Raider series, but THR says that while Waller-Bridge will serve as a writer and executive producer, she won't be starring in the show. The show is apparently still in the development stages, so we probably shouldn't expect to see it anytime soon. This new series could be another potentially big video game franchise adaptation for Amazon, which announced in December that it would be making a God of War TV show. But it also marks a further investment from Amazon into the Tomb Raider franchise, as the company will also be publishing the next Tomb Raider game from Crystal Dynamics. Amazon didn't immediately reply to a request for comment.
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Amazon Is Reportedly Making a Tomb Raider TV Series

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  • Well here we go again. []

  • Nobody wants this (Score:2, Insightful)

    by TwistedGreen ( 80055 )
    The only reason anyone played that game was because of the, shall we say, "large assets." They better deliver on that. If it's no longer acceptable to allow women to be "exploited" in that way then just drop it.
    • Tomb raider was fantastic. Still is. It's essentially the 16-bit game flashback but in 3D (and yes I know there was a 3D flashback game but it's pretty tough to go back to compared to tomb raider). The game play was perfectly designed around the limitations of 3D and designed at the time and had amazing set pieces.

      As for people wanting it, it's just a action adventure show with a cute girl. But yeah nobody would ever want that right?

      Man you've got a mean streak about you. You've been hanging around
      • The only reason anyone played that game was because of the, shall we say, "large assets."

        It's essentially the 16-bit game flashback but in 3D ...

        Or, in this case, 2-DD ...

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        I'm sure they already made that TV show, it was called Relic Hunter.

        If FWB is involved it won't be low grade eye candy, she will do something interesting with it.

    • Re:Nobody wants this (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Dutch Gun ( 899105 ) on Friday January 27, 2023 @11:12PM (#63246205)

      I call bullshit on that, having played the first several games. The game was popular because it had great gameplay, gorgeous environments, and interesting puzzles. I don't think it hurt anything having a sexy female protagonist (well, as sexy as you can get with so few polygons), but that's just a bonus. Eye candy alone won't typically save a shitty game. In the end, it's still all about the gameplay.

      That being said, at this point, the last people I'd expect to do justice to this series is Amazon. I'll give it a try, but I'm not expecting much.

      • Did decent with the Witcher.

      • The game was popular because it had great gameplay, gorgeous environments, and interesting puzzles.

        Well, it had interesting puzzles anyway. The environments suffered from the excess realism trend that began around that time, so they were muddy. The play control was absolutely terrible, I can't remember how many times I had to do something over again because Lara's response to the controller was commonly to throw herself off of a high place. I played on both PSX and PC (with acceleration, I think I might have gotten it bundled with something even) and I only played through the first one and part of the se

        • That's an accurate description of the game but it was still a lot of fun. You had to do a lot of jump puzzles and if you didn't do it perfectly, you had to do it again. I wish more games had puzzles like that.

          Guild Wars 2 had something like that. They called them Vistas if I recall and you essentially had to do a series of jumps to get to a specific vantage point and your reward was a really awesome view of the area. As a solo player that enjoyed random pick up events, the game was a lot of fun for the time

    • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Saturday January 28, 2023 @12:50AM (#63246301)

      The only reason anyone played that game was because of the, shall we say, "large assets."

      From the outside that may seem like a reason, and probably it helped move initial copies to have a busty woman on the cover.

      But really, especially the first one, there were many reasons to love it:

      1) Really showed off power of early 3D graphics card (ok maybe there was more than one card at the time, but they were not common)

      2) Awesome acrobatic gameplay that really had not been seen in 3D to that point - like flipping backwards while firing.

      3) Dual guns, always a popular move with gamers.

      4) Great storyline (at least the first few)

      5) Dinosaurs

      6) The first game especially had awesome cinematic moments - common now but they were really special back then, especially as noted when it was also paired with what were for the time very advanced graphics.

      The first Tomb Raider was good enough to get me to build a whole gaming PC around it. As in, just what parts were going to work bets with Tomb Raider...

      it still has some of the fondest memories I have playing video games...

      • The large assets are cgi or practical special effects

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        It's interesting that people consider Tomb Raider to have exceptional 3D graphics. It was in fact limited by the lowest common denominator - the Sega Saturn.

        The Saturn used quads instead of triangles. It was a product of the machine originally being designed as a 2D power house, so they thought rectangular images being rotated, scaled, and distorted was what they needed. As it became clear that 3D games were the future the panicked and put a second CPU in to help with the 3D calculations, on top of an alrea

        • The Saturn's designer, Hideki Sato, said in this interview [] that Yu Suzuki was pretty much the only developer at Sega with proper 3D experience at the time.

          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            The console seems to have been the victim of internal politics at Sega. Apparently they even talked to Silicon Graphics about partnering on hardware, like Nintendo eventually did.

            • Both Sony and SGI proposed partnerships to Sega. Both times, Sega of America's CEO Tom Kalinske supported the idea but Japan rejected it without giving any seemingly logical explanation. In fact, after the latter deal failed, Kalinske was the one who advised SGI's founder Jim Clark to call Nintendo.

        • It's interesting that people consider Tomb Raider to have exceptional 3D graphics. It was in fact limited by the lowest common denominator - the Sega Saturn.

          That's interesting to know, I may have folded the timeframe together a bit because when I think of the amazing graphics, I'm pretty sure I am thinking of the Voodoo 3DFX [] version... read through the comments there and it sounds quite a bit enhanced over the Saturn or even PSX version of the day.

    • One should not project onto others.
    • The only reason anyone played that game was because of the, shall we say, "large assets."

      Star Trek Voyager has entered the chat.

      Ironically, the top-heavy borg chick actually ended up being a more interesting character than that psychic/telekinetic girl who was wouldn't let you forget that Neelix was technically a space pedophile.

    • Well, the entire premise was "lets desecrate the sacred places and rob the cultural artifacts of another culture", and I don't see that playing as well today as it did 30 years ago.

      Around the world we're at a much different place with regards to looting other cultures for profit at this point. We're seeing huge shifts towards returning and repatriating lands and items that were stolen through colonialism.

      I wonder how they can make an engaging movie around this concept, and not run into either widespread pro

    • People might want it if it's filmed with the nude raider patch applied.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Amazon was supposed to deliver my new razor earlier today. All I got was a damn box.

    A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong. - Tecumseh

  • Isn't that illegal? Glorifying these activities is bad for society.

  • Are they going to mess up the casting? Let's hope this is more 'Reacher' than 'Rings of Power'
  • I just hope they don't replace the main character with a woman that is better at everything and easily beats up men twice her size.
  • What was bad was its adaptation to movies. But it has potential, specially for a TV series.

    Remember that Amazon is now the proud owner of MGM movies and TV studios, and, while MGM lost the rights to Tomb Rider FILMS on may last year, TV is another avenue that can be pursued, if Amazon Studios can develop the property leaning on both their own know-how AND the know-how of MGM Films/TV arms

    • How could you not enjoy watching Angelina Jolie run around shooting stuff with guns and flying around on ropes, while wearing clothing that emphasized her many assets? I enjoyed both those movies enough to watch them multiple times.

      It's just entertainment. Try not to read so much into it.

  • A great franchise with a female lead will somehow be turned into woke allegory where it clearly would not be needed.

      I doubt that this is going to be worth watching unless they'e wiped their writing table and replaced them with people who can actually tell stories.

  • So some hot chick running around doing unrealistic stuff? That works for me. I love action shows with hot chicks.

  • by King_TJ ( 85913 ) on Saturday January 28, 2023 @11:45PM (#63247983) Journal

    I actually liked the Tomb Raider games. I agree with the people who pointed out that they had good looking graphics, fun game-play, and some puzzles for people to solve. Given the time they first came out, it wasn't a bad move having a female main character/hero either. (There was still that effort underway to make video games more relatable to female players, since the 80's coin-op arcade era was very male-focused.)

    But I think most of the time, video games don't have a deep enough plot/story line to translate well into movies or a whole TV series. When it works, it's typically because writers went out of their way to expand on anything ever depicted or mentioned in the video games themselves. But that has to be done carefully too, or it will upset people who feel like they're rewriting the history of a classic arcade series.

    (I thought the Warcraft movie came out better than most, largely because Blizzard made so much effort to have more story development to its games and characters. They gave the writers more to work with.)

    Amazon has a track record of cranking out very "woke" shows, chock full of scenes intended to get their messages across to viewers. Even if that doesn't bother you (and some people will love every one of those messages they're putting in) -- I think you need original material to pull it off. A series already based on a video game or well known novel isn't the place to put that in, without watering everything down. I can't see them doing anything great with Tomb Raider as the source material.

  • According to [] the writer (for the only episode listed) also wrote the recent Witcher Blood Origins mini series, and the director? One of his listed credits is "How to Vajaculate: If You Build It, She Will Come (2015)". I don't think I'm even going to bother checking this new series out, since Amazon doesn't seem very serious when it comes to hiring talent for the project.

Measure twice, cut once.
