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Graphics Games

Nvidia Confirms Latest GeForce Driver Is Causing CPU Spikes (pcworld.com) 21

An Nvidia GPU driver update has caused some users to see inflated CPU usage after closing 3D games, which persists until a reboot. Nvidia confirmed the problem with driver update 531.18, and will post a hotfix on March 7. PCWorld reports: The company confirmed the problem with the latest driver update, 531.18, which was published on February 28th. An updated list of open issues (including some that didn't make it into the full release notes) was posted to Nvidia's support forum, and spotted by VideoCardz.com. Issue number 4007208 reads, "Higher CPU usage from NVIDIA Container may be observed after exiting a game." Some users are showing CPU usage of up to 10-15 percent in these conditions -- not enough to seriously hamper most gaming desktops, but more than enough to be an annoyance, especially if you use your PC for other intensive tasks. Like opening three Chrome tabs at once.

At the moment there's no easy fix, so the immediate solution if you're affected is to roll back your driver to version 528.49 from February 8th, available for manual download here.

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Nvidia Confirms Latest GeForce Driver Is Causing CPU Spikes

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  • That's not helpful at all, give it to us in tiktok videos.

    Also if you are on a laptop wouldn't this eat into that almighty battery life?
  • "Like opening three Chrome tabs at once."

      It used to be that you could have tens of tabs open on much less substantial hardware and not even notice a performance hit. Enough to lose track of.

    WTF happened?

    • They sandboxed each tab so they wouldn't interfere with each other (the "site isolation feature"). As of 2018 - chrome v67 - each tab is now effectively a separate browser instance with its own resources, and that's about the time chrome started becoming the ridiculous resource pig it is today. Firefox's implementation of site isolation (released in 2021) is significantly more resource efficient in my experience than chrome.
    • WTF happened?

      Requirements happened. I for one do not want to go back to a world where a crashed tab takes out the browser, where code from one tab was spying on my actions in another, and where the only things not static on the internet were some advertisement GIFs and text enclosed in a blink tag. I have actual work to do.

      • "and where the only things not static on the internet were some advertisement GIFs and text enclosed in a blink tag."

        And you are saying this as if this was a bad thing. I remember when you could browse a site and not worry about a full screen box popping up out of nowhere covering the article you are halfway through reading. You didn't have to download megabytes of shit to get at the few paragraphs you are trying to read, you didn't have pages with no audio or video content constantly streaming them

  • I toldja Greedo shot first, the CPU hiccup made it score otherwise. I want my win back!

  • by GotNoRice ( 7207988 ) on Monday March 06, 2023 @07:25PM (#63348657)
    Seriously, most users will have 20+ tabs open, not 3.
  • This seems to be a windows-only problem.

    • by jmccue ( 834797 )

      This seems to be a windows-only problem.

      Probably because this is a new Driver and was not fully ported to Linux or FreeBSD. I would think most Linux is using nouveau. Not sure about FreeBSD.

      BTW, until Nvidia opens their source under an appropriate Open Source License, I avoid Nvidia like a plague.

      • Probably because this is a new Driver and was not fully ported to Linux or FreeBSD.

        Yes, indeed. The reported problem affects 531.18, while linux/freebsd is 525.89.02 ( https://www.nvidia.com/downloa... [nvidia.com] ). I mentioned it as a quick way for linux readers to know they don't have to check anything, they certainly are not affected.

        I use nvidia proprietary drivers for CUDA code, but I agree nvidia is a bad experience (my case: suspend only works when launched from the terminal not from X; for versions 5.4/5.5/5.6 of the kernel in 2020, nvidia was slow in releasing updated versions, so manual pa

      • I would think most Linux is using nouveau.

        I would think you were wrong. Nouveau is only good enough for the desktop, and if you only care about that, you probably don't have an nvidia GPU. When it comes to actually using the GPU, you absolutely still want the binary drivers. Performance is head and shoulders above Nouveau, not to mention you can use CUDA which has become more and more relevant. Video editing? Binary driver. Gaming? Binary driver. Stable Diffusion? You got it, binary driver only.

  • Some people are saying it's the Display Container .dll, and at least one person said they just deleted it. Fix coming tomorrow from nVidia. I'll wait for that.

  • by Bu11etmagnet ( 1071376 ) on Tuesday March 07, 2023 @03:31AM (#63349333)

    Just don't exit the game.

  • It takes a lot of effort to throw away billions of triangles.

  • It has been 8 days since it was released and GeForce experience is still nagging me to install this exact version.

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