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China Businesses

Binance Concealed Ties To China For Years, Even After 2017 Crypto Crackdown, Report Finds ( 12

Binance CEO Changpeng "CZ" Zhao and other senior executives have been for years concealing the crypto exchange ties with China, according to documents obtained by the Financial Times. CoinTelegraph reports: In a report on March 29, FT claims that Binance had substantial ties to China for several years, contrary to the company's claims that it left the country after a 2017 ban on crypto, including an office still in use by the end of 2019 and a Chinese bank used to pay employees. "We no longer publish our office addresses ... people in China can directly say that our office is not in China," Zhao reportedly said in a company message group in November 2017. Employees were told in 2018 that wages would be paid through a Shanghai-based bank. A year later, personnel on payroll in China were required to attend tax sessions in an office based in the country, according to FT. Based on the messages, Binance employees discussed a media report that claimed the company would open an office in Beijing in 2019. "Reminder: publicly, we have offices in Malta, Singapore, and Uganda. [...] Please do not confirm any offices anywhere else, including China."

The report backs up accusations made in a lawsuit filed on March 27 by the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) against the exchange, claiming that Binance obscured the location of its executive offices, as well as the "identities and locations of the entities operating the trading platform." According to the lawsuit, Zhao stated in an internal Binance memo that the policy was intended to "keep countries clean [of violations of law]" by "not landing .com anywhere. This is the main reason .com does not land anywhere."

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Binance Concealed Ties To China For Years, Even After 2017 Crypto Crackdown, Report Finds

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  • Um. Is anyone (Score:5, Interesting)

    by hdyoung ( 5182939 ) on Wednesday March 29, 2023 @10:02PM (#63410466)
    Surprised? Anyone? ANYONE? The thought that a Chinese company might actually.. you know be Chinese? Is there a single person on the planet surprised to hear that a Chinese company run by a Chinese guy might be tied to gasp China? Why, I nearly choked on my handlebar mustache wax to hear that.
    • The funny thing being they try to hide their business from Chinese gov not from burger gov. This is not a secret evil chinese company trying to spy on honest burger people.
      • Nope, just another cryptocurrency scam company trying to skirt laws that protect the citizens of their respected countries.
        • Nope what? It seems we agree Binance sees Chinese gov as an enemy (contrary to what parent implied).
          • Well I assume by this statement you are trying to say "other gov" - "try to hide their business from Chinese gov not from burger gov" which is incorrect. They are trying to obscure any aspect of their business from all governments as shady as shit companies do, which is what I was speaking to. The Chinese government is only one aspect of the multi faceted attempt at criminality for profit.
  • Chairman Zhao says not to look at the man behind the curtain... or else.

  • by keithdowsett ( 260998 ) on Thursday March 30, 2023 @04:03AM (#63410850) Homepage

    This kind of stuff isn't new. Many years ago I did some work for an oil company who held assets in Libya during sanctions. These assets were all listed as "Western Sudan" on their databases because they didn't want anything about Libya becoming public. It was a bit of a standing joke among the people I was with that nobody wanted to be sent to audit Western Sudan.

    That being said, Binance seem to have missed the obvious choice. If you don't want to be seen doing business in China you create a shell company in a suitably secretive Caribbean tax haven. This company then appoints an agent to handle your affairs in China. Having "Shh... don't tell," e-mails circulating isn't an effective way to keep anything secret.

  • by thesjaakspoiler ( 4782965 ) on Thursday March 30, 2023 @04:37AM (#63410896)

    *evil dorky laugh!*

  • Crypto means hidden.

A computer without COBOL and Fortran is like a piece of chocolate cake without ketchup and mustard.
