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United States Technology

Commerce Dept. Outlines Plans To Fund Cutting-Edge Chip Research ( 11

The Biden administration outlined plans on Tuesday to propel research on the type of cutting-edge microchips needed to power computers, cars and other devices, saying it would establish a new national organization with locations in various parts of the United States. From a report: The Commerce Department, which is in charge of the administration's efforts to revitalize the American chip industry, said its new National Semiconductor Technology Center would bring together companies, universities and others to collaborate on next-generation chip technology. The organization would include a string of research centers, the locations of which have yet to be chosen, and aim to be operational by the end of this year.

The organization would help "regain America's leadership in research and development and technologies of the future and, importantly, make sure we stay there for decades to come," Gina Raimondo, the commerce secretary, said in a briefing Monday. "It's a place where industry and academia and start-ups and investors can come together to solve the biggest, grandest challenges and set priorities," she added. The plans are part of the Biden administration's effort to reinvigorate semiconductor manufacturing and ensure that the United States has a steady supply of chips necessary to feed its factories and support its national defense. The Commerce Department has been charged with doling out $50 billion to revitalize the industry, including $11 billion devoted to research and development.

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Commerce Dept. Outlines Plans To Fund Cutting-Edge Chip Research

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  • by John Jorsett ( 171560 ) on Wednesday April 26, 2023 @12:07PM (#63478072)
    The government is here to save the industry. May God help us all.
    • by korgitser ( 1809018 ) on Wednesday April 26, 2023 @12:26PM (#63478116)

      Relax, they won't. Not with this peanuts money. The Chinese are investing trillions, because they are actually committed. They already had $1.4T going into semiconductors in the 2020-2025 timeframe, and that was already before all of this new cold war got going. Now as the need has risen sharply, they are doubling and tripling down.

      This $50B will amount to nothing more than a free giveaway to the cronies, as usual.

      • Or $50B is too much. The U.S. got a lot of mileage out of Sematech (which still exists but seems to have lost its way) 1987-1992 for $100M a year. The problem with numbers like $50 billion is efficiency goes out the window and everyone involved makes it their job to spend the money, not reach an objective. The Commerce Department's current budget ask is $16.3B. This would easily be their largest program ever, and therefore pretty much is doomed to failure.
      • This $50B will amount to nothing more than a free giveaway to the cronies, as usual.

        That's what all of this smells of. Our government handing money to corporations without any form of penalty for failing to meet expectations? It's going into the executive bonus pool. Period. And our government would never, EVER, contract up a "force of repay" clause for these douche-wads. No, no, that might impact their shared golf time with the C-Suites.

  • I've followed the actions of Presidents of the United States for about 50 years, and read books about them.

    It seems to me that anyone who investigates the management of the U.S. government will realize that President Biden is the best President the United States has had.

    Those who vote for Trump have never worked to give themselves a depth of understanding of the complexities of the government.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      I'd give a mixed review. Biden is pretty much Obama 2.0, and has to deal with World War III, a civil uprising caused by foreign propaganda, opposition which doesn't care and wants to destroy the government (as per their overseas masters), a populace of people who are more interested in what a Kardashian pooped today than anything else, the after effects of a pandemic, and nose-diving economy.

      Which is ironic because Biden, as a Congresscritter with his bud Lieberman did a shitload to hose the country. Bide

  • The organization would help "regain America's leadership in research and development and technologies of the future and, importantly, make sure we stay there for decades to come," Gina Raimondo, the commerce secretary, said in a briefing Monday.

    Them there "decades to come" are plenty of time for that old globalization itch to demand scratching again. Then begin the offshoring and outsourcing, and we'll be back where we are now, if we survive that long.

  • I fear many of the funds will go into "pockets" as demonstrated by our history. So I innocently ask: Wouldn't a heavy import tax on chips achieve the same thing? "They're so expensive; I can make some bucks by making them here instead." Taxes are "free" to incur and can be changed if need be.
  • The US chip industry was essentially created in the 60s and 70s by the Defense Dept. This was possible because of two factors: (a) visionary people in DoD, and (b) no one in Congress or other depts. looked very closely inside DoD to corrupt what they were doing in R&D.

    Doing this in the Commerce Dept will inevitably be laden with endless political requirements, ranging from wokism to unionism to patronage.

We can predict everything, except the future.
