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Nate Silver To Leave FiveThirtyEight ( 70

Thelasko writes: Renowned data journalist, Nate Silver, announced he will be leaving the company as soon as his contract expires. Although Disney owns the FiveThirtyEight brand, it is believed that Silver retains ownership of the site's algorithms. "ABC News remains dedicated to data journalism with a core focus on politics, the economy and enterprise reporting -- this streamlined structure will allow us to be more closely aligned with our priorities for the 2024 election and beyond," an ABC News spokesperson said in a statement. "We are grateful for the invaluable contributions of the team members who will be departing the organization and know they will continue to make an important impact on the future of journalism."
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Nate Silver To Leave FiveThirtyEight

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  • 528's graphs were essential in tracking the 2020 election, resulting in that infamous meme of the blue spike. Curiously, it seems their coverage turned to shit after that controversy, and never again did I see them publish a graph of counted votes over time, though I looked in the midterms.

    • Re:Interesting (Score:5, Insightful)

      by gurps_npc ( 621217 ) on Wednesday April 26, 2023 @10:25PM (#63479706) Homepage

      The midterms did not have the problems and complaints the 2020 had. The problem was not 528's coverage, but that the midterm was far more boring.

      Nate Silver is a hard line mathematician. He looks at the numbers. When people are lying about the numbers, he is very interesting proving them wrong. When the lies get boring, so does he.

      I hope that wherever he lands, he continues to put out good data analysis. I suspect that in the next presidential election, it will get very interesting again. Unless Trump goes to jail before then, and all we get is Biden Vs. Trump-lite.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by youngone ( 975102 )
      The thing about claiming fraud in the 2020 election is that the republicans had spent the previous 4 years putting well trained right-wing judges into office all over America and not even one of them could bring themselves to rule in favour of Trump's fraud claims.
      If you have some evidence that hasn't gone before a court, they'd love to see it because the last thing they're interested in is the will of the voters.
    • by dohzer ( 867770 )

      infamous meme of the blue spike

      Never heard of it. Got a link?

      • by denzacar ( 181829 ) on Thursday April 27, 2023 @12:15AM (#63479830) Journal

        Which is why he remembers as both "infamous" and a "meme" what was just one in the series of Dumpeacho's attempts at spreading FUD and disinformation - and flagged as "false news and misinformation" and debunked almost immediately. []


        You know... The "grown person talking about past events as memes" kind of sad. Depressing AND repulsive.
        Makes you think about washing your hands or taking a shower kind of sad.

        • "S-s-stop talking about memes as if they're memes! I-it's gross for you to even mention it!"

          Yes, it was a meme, Photoshopped all over the place. Joe Biden vaulting over Trump with a blue line trailing behind him, spiking at the pole line, Jeb taking over the spike, etc.

        • "S-s-stop talking about memes as if they're memes! I-it's gross for you to even mention it!"

          Yes, it was a meme, Photoshopped all over the place. Joe Biden vaulting over Trump with a blue line trailing behind him, spiking at the pole line, Jeb taking over the spike, etc.

          Also funny that your article doesn't even show it.

          • by Train0987 ( 1059246 ) on Thursday April 27, 2023 @01:47AM (#63479934)

            There's always a spike in vote totals when the polls close because that's when absentee/mail-in ballots get added to the totals all at once. In 2020 that spike was much larger than usual due to the much higher number of those ballots and they heavily favored Biden due to the demographics of those who voted absentee/mail-in.

            • Great? Doesn't change the fact that it was a meme

    • I don't remember that meme. Maybe because I unsubbed from all the default subreddits, I'm not connected to the hive-mind anymore.

    • Re:Interesting (Score:5, Informative)

      by Sique ( 173459 ) on Thursday April 27, 2023 @04:01AM (#63480036) Homepage
      I don't believe you ever read Nate Silver's actual analysis. For instance, one of the last posts before the 2016 election was "Trump is just a normal polling error beind Clinton" [], cautioning everyone that the 2016 election might as well go Donald Trump. And in 2020, FiveThrityEight did not predict a Blue Wave, instead they quite moderatly posted this as their last forecast: "Final Forecast: Democrats Are Clear Favorites To Maintain Control Of The House" [] - which the Democrats did.
      • I didn't mention anything about his analysis whatsoever. Did you not read my comment? I said his graphs were essential and then after the controversy I haven't seen anything like that since.

        • by Sique ( 173459 )
          So how comes his conclusion from the graphs are so wildly different from what other people see in them? My conclusion: It's other people who are the problem.
    • Re: Interesting (Score:2, Interesting)

      by sonoronos ( 610381 )

      Actually, Nate Silver made his name in 2008 when his web site gave the public a fairly accurate depiction of what the outcome of the Obama / Romney election was going to be. The way he presented his information was fairly simple and easy to understand, and he gained notoriety in the press when his predictions ended up coming true, which was not a particularly difficult thing to do, to be honest. He was hailed as some kind of predictive mathematical genius, but in actuality, the election was not that close a

      • correction: Obama / McCain - it's late and typing on my phone and remembering things is hard to juggle.

      • Fast forward to 2016. Nate Silverâ(TM)s brand has essentially become a mouthpiece of the Democrat party.

        You say he presents the data simply and openly, how can you become political by presenting data?

        • When 1 group is out of touch with reality they have to me make reality their enemy.

          Long term, it doesn't turn out well for them or their eventual victims and sadly, delusions can last a whole lifetime.

      • The incompetent MEDIA (I'm being nice) benefits greatly by excusing competence as rare genius. Their praise is really smokescreen for themselves. Have you ever experienced this yourself? It gets easy to spot if you have.

        No, Nate did well in 2016 too.

        Many people seem to think that siding with Democrats reflects on them "changing" when it reality is the Republicans have gone delusional and then went to extremes (lacking any grounding) thereby alienating anybody still grounded in any of the following:

      • The funny thing Nate Silver was one of the very few people who realized that the polling data leading up to the election was off in 2016 and that Trump voters were being underrepresented. He adjusted his models - I suppose to you that's "making up numbers", but he ended up predicting Trump could win. He didn't say that was the most likely outcome, but he gave Trump about 30% odds. It was all the Nate Silver/538 copycat sites that were saying things like 99.9+% Hilary that were arguably just wrong.

        I will

    • Nate Silver was instrumental in swinging the election for Trump by undoing the left's psychological voter suppression via bad polls. Whereas everyone held Clinton at 90%+ (NYT 92%, HuffPo 98%), Nate alone began "reweighting" the polls to allow for a more accurate forecast and dropped Clinton's chances from 90% to 65% in the final few weeks, raising Trump's chances from 10% to 35%. This had a huge impact as 538 was considered the most accurage and was the most quoted in the news, on MSNBC sometimes as often

      • You are a subhuman pool of liquid shit that should be sprayed across hundreds of acres with a manure spreader. Fuck you shitface.
        • Piss off, moron. Unless your goal is to show everyone what really goes on in the mind of the radical left, in which case, carry on.

  • by rossdee ( 243626 )

    Disney owns the 538 brand?
    I thought that you couldn't trademark a number.

    • Has anyone ever challenged it?

      Unlikely it would survive.

      • Yes you can trademark a number.

        • "Heinz 57"
          • That's not the same as "538". If they went for "57" I'm pretty sure it wouldn't fly.

            My legal background is more heavily in patent law than trademark but I'm about 80% sure a raw number wouldn't survive a challenge.

            • There's a reason that Intel started selling Pentiums instead of 586/80586 branded processors. Anyone could have used that branding if they wanted and Intel wouldn't have been able to do squat. There aren't a lot of other groups doing polling and most would rather use their own existing brand than trying to pass themselves off as 538. It's a bad name anyway since the number will eventually need change to match the value it represents.
  • So without following the links the Slashdot post reads as: "An unknown person leaves and unnamed company that may be Disney or ABC News. ABC news will continue to do meaningless buzzwords stuff, as will the staff".

    I guess I will take Slashdot's word for it that this is tech news, but none of the buzzwords were exiting enough to make me want to follow the links.
    • by aitikin ( 909209 )

      So without following the links the Slashdot post reads as: "An unknown person leaves and unnamed company that may be Disney or ABC News. ABC news will continue to do meaningless buzzwords stuff, as will the staff".

      I would take the fact that the individual has been covered on here, albeit briefly throughout, for about a decade and a half (maybe even more) to indicate that there need not be more precision in the description than linking to /. coverage of him...

      • by ukoda ( 537183 )
        Meh, never heard of him and I have been working with technology for many decades and reading Slashdot daily since the early days.

        Since you seem to think I should have head of him a did a quick search: "statistician, writer, and poker player who analyzes baseball, basketball, and elections". None of that, except stats, is Slashdot fodder. I guessing people who live in a country that screens ABC News might know the face but I can't say the picture jogs any memories here. As for on Slashdot a search show
        • I believe he wrote the models that FiveThirtyEight uses for their aggregated analysis. He also owns those models so they should be leaving with him to wherever he goes next. FiveThirtyEight has consistently been the most accurate analysis of elections for the last decade or so. So anyone invested in politics in the USA relies on their data.
          • by ukoda ( 537183 )
            Well said, and your 4 short sentences said more than the whole article I poked fun at. How hard would it have been for them the write something similar, so someone like me would know WTF they were talking about and why it was news worthy.
  • In most countries I don't think it is possible to own an algorithm.
    Algorithms are considered to be a sequence of mathematical steps and mathematics can't be patented or copyrighted(at least not in the EU or the US).
    An implementation of an algorithm, i.e. a program, can be copyrighted but that does NOT mean that algorithms used in the program are owned by anyone.
    It also seems to be possible to get patents for 'computer-implemented inventions' but this seems to contradict the non patentability of maths and ma

    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      The US briefly flirted with not allowing the patenting of algorithms, and it's still technically not allowed. But you can patent a sequence of steps.

      No, it doesn't make sense. I think it's because when lawyers say "algorithm" they either mean something very abstract, or very specific, like a particular machine learning model.

      I expect Silver just owns the copyright to his software though. His stuff has lots of little fiddly details that can be hard to get right, so it would probably be somewhat expensive to

  • ...that 538 was owned by Disney?

    I don't recall them making that tremendously clear.

    • by EvilSS ( 557649 ) on Thursday April 27, 2023 @09:39AM (#63480358)

      ...that 538 was owned by Disney?

      I don't recall them making that tremendously clear.

      It was in the news in 2018 when ABC bought them. It has an ABC logo at the top of the page, and a ABC copyright notice at the bottom. ABC is owned by Disney, this is well known to anyone who pays attention to media.

    • When 538 was first bought, it was tied closely to ESPN. Sports have a lot of statistics, so it kind of made sense. But maybe since then it's moved more out into the news area under ABC? They're all owned by Disney, one big media conglomerate.

  • Leaving is such sweet sorrow.

  • this could be retitled and simplified as, " to lose all notable content." . . .

    Among my hats is statistics professor.

    I found his analysis, particularly on relative ranking of polls, intriguing.

    And then the outcome of the election.

    But since that time, I've found that every item on that website *not* written my him be, well, dross.

    On top of that, his have become rather rote and technical.

    So a site with only one reason to read it is losing that reason.

    Does Disney/abc have a contract term that they can

Real programmers don't comment their code. It was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
