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AI Sci-Fi

Secret Invasion's Opening Credits Scene is AI-Made (polygon.com) 50

An anonymous reader shares a report: The world of Secret Invasion is decidedly sketchy. With thousands of shapeshifting Skrulls on Earth, you can't trust what you think you're seeing. One second, you're looking at Nick Fury or an esteemed world leader; the next, you see their face morph into something (or someone) else entirely. This is a description of the plot of the new Marvel Cinematic Universe show on Disney Plus (as well as its comic book counterpart), which follows Nick Fury as he uncovers -- what else? -- a secret invasion by the Skrull population on Earth. But the concept of shape-shifting is also seen in the series' very different approach to its opening credits, which look like a sort of watercolor rendering of the key players and themes of Secret Invasion.

As we see a sort of jittery and ominous sequence of the Skrull green taking over more and more of the world, it looks a lot like if an AI was prompted with the concept of "Skrull cubism" -- which, actually, isn't that far off of what it is. As director and executive producer Ali Selim tells Polygon, the intro sequence was designed by Method Studios using artificial intelligence, something he thinks plays with the very themes of the show. "When we reached out to the AI vendors, that was part of it -- it just came right out of the shape-shifting, Skrull world identity, you know? Who did this? Who is this?" Selim says. Like many people, Selim says he doesn't "really understand" how the artificial intelligence works, but was fascinated with the ways in which the AI could translate the sense of foreboding he wanted for the series. "We would talk to them about ideas and themes and words, and then the computer would go off and do something. And then we could change it a little bit by using words, and it would change."

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Secret Invasion's Opening Credits Scene is AI-Made

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  • Frankly I thought it was pretty on-band of a show about humans being secretly replaced, to have an intro generated by AI replacing artists behind the scene that you never think about...

    Perhaps even just as an awareness thing the show has done the world a service, so we can decide what mixture of people and AI is acceptable, and in what circumstances...

    • Soulless corporation having mindless machines generating random trash for mass delusion, not realizing that value of their merch, if any, is in HUMAN experience?

      Very on-brand.

      Also, even more a "hard pass" for anyone with half a brain.
      Can we just have all the mouse minions moved to Florida and have it all done and over with by a hurricane?
      It's a small price to pay and I for one am willing to live without Disney products and people if that means no more Disney products.

      • Can we just have all the mouse minions moved to Florida and have it all done and over with by a hurricane?

        Disney dropped moving them all out to Florida, so you're going to have to settle for whatever the next major earthquake does.

  • Is this going to be your new thing? Posting submissions right on the main page containing all of the spoilers and no warnings?

    Awesome, dude.

  • What's Secret Invasion, some kind of television program?

  • The vast majority of TV and Movies are mindless, why does it matter that is being prompted by something mindless?
  • Summary reminds me of this movie.
  • If the show is about deformed zombies on LSD, then AI is perfect for that.

  • Seriously, I felt like I was suffering from epilepsy with how the frames kept flickering. Did they really not even try to hire clean-up artists to at least make this look passable?
    Guess it is on-brand for Marvel to cheap out considering their recent film outputs.

  • For those not into Marvel comics, it's talking about a new show on Disney+ called Secret Invasion that's now a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

    You would think there could be a short one line explanation. Not all of us keep up with the MCU or have been burned out by the endless superhero/comic book movies and shows (especially the last few years) that we've stopped caring about them.

    Then at least people like me would skip to the next article.

    • by porges ( 58715 )

      The fourth sentence in the snippet right here in front of you says:

      "This is a description of the plot of the new Marvel Cinematic Universe show on Disney Plus (as well as its comic book counterpart), which..."

      I mean, the editing here is famously crap, but you should really read the text before complaining about it.

      • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

        The fourth sentence in the snippet right here in front of you says:

        "This is a description of the plot of the new Marvel Cinematic Universe show on Disney Plus (as well as its comic book counterpart), which..."

        I mean, the editing here is famously crap, but you should really read the text before complaining about it.

        So after reading tons of crap about skrulls and other BS you bury the sentence in the middle of the paragraph where after reading the nonsense before it I was supposed to continue?

        The very definit

  • I like the surrealism (reminds me of a time-lapse video I watched of a gastrulating mouse embyroid), and I think it speaks to the Skrull invasion of Earth. IMO, it's a really interesting artistic choice to use AI, ergo I'm all for it.
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