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Twitch Streamer in Custody After Giveaway Clogs Downtown NYC with Crowd of Thousands (cnn.com) 117

An anonymous reader shared this report from CNN: The New York Police Department took social media influencer Kai Cenat into custody Friday and is considering charges such as "inciting a riot" after thousands-strong crowds gathered in Union Square for a giveaway, leaving multiple people arrested and several police officers injured.

Cenat, who has over 4 million followers on YouTube, over 5 million on Instagram, and 6.5 million on Twitch, said during a Wednesday Twitch stream that he would be hosting a "huge giveaway" Friday at 4 p.m. in Union Square Park. In the stream, he said they would be giving away computers, Play Station 5s, microphones, keyboards, webcams, gaming chairs, headphones and giftcards from a truck in Union Square. "I feel like New York really deserves it," he said.

Thousands of people began gathering at the park around 3 p.m., NYPD chief Jeffrey Maddrey said at a Friday news conference. "Soon the park and the surrounding streets were overrun with people, obstructing vehicular and pedestrian traffic," he said. The crowds spurred the NYPD to activate a "Level 4" response, its highest level of disaster response... "You had people walking around with shovels, axes, and other tools from the construction site," he said. "Individuals were also lighting fireworks, throwing them towards the police, they were throwing them towards each other...."

Several police officers were injured in the frenzy and "quite a few" people were arrested as police worked to clear the crowd, Maddery said... Cenat could be arrested and face charges for inciting a riot, the chief said. He said NYPD Police Commissioner Edward Caban and the city's legal team were discussing possible charges.

Police complained to CNN that the Twitch streamer "had not alerted the police to the gathering or obtained a permit, and it was declared an unlawful assembly."

Cenat streamed live on Twitch on Friday for some portion of the event, posting video from the crowd. In one video seemingly posted from inside a truck, he described the chaotic gathering, saying, "It's everybody for themselves. It's a war out there."
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Twitch Streamer in Custody After Giveaway Clogs Downtown NYC with Crowd of Thousands

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  • or Amsterdam. Other than the axes, of course.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      It would even have been slow for a New Years Even in NY - but those gatherings bother to get permits and have proper security to keep things under control.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by b0s0z0ku ( 752509 )
        The obsession with cops penning people up into steel-fenced pigpens without bathroom facilities so they can "celebrate" the New Year is basically an American thing, though it's spread to a few European countries. In most of the world, "proper security" doesn't treat people like convicts being inducted into a prison.
  • I dunno man (Score:4, Insightful)

    by hdyoung ( 5182939 ) on Friday August 04, 2023 @10:46PM (#63741684)
    Seems like inciting a riot right in the halls of congress and encouraging your followers to hang the vice president barely even registers nowadays. What this guy did seems small potatos. Why is this guy getting charged when the inciters of Jan 6 are happily running for president and strutting around proudly.

    Oh, wait. This is a black dude.

    Downmod in 3,2,1
    • Re:I dunno man (Score:5, Insightful)

      by b0s0z0ku ( 752509 ) on Friday August 04, 2023 @10:56PM (#63741704)
      Well, I mean, they did finally get to indicting The Former Guy ... and 18 USC 241 is a serious crime; 10 years in prison. If they make the argument that a death resulted (there were several), it's actually a capital crime.
    • Seems like inciting a riot right in the halls of congress and encouraging your followers to hang the vice president barely even registers nowadays.

      You mean a protest at a public building, that was "occupied" less than a day (small potatoes indeed, by leftist standards), where the only people killed were protesters? And where the only person shot was a protester shot by police? And where the poster child - the, er, terrifying man wearing viking horns (?), was escorted by police to where he did his thing?

      None of which Trump told anybody to do.

      But, you know that ... somewhere deep in your brain, you do actually know all that.

      Just like you know that a

    • I am fairly certain if you plan to have a gathering of this many people in a public park you need to go through proper channels to set it up otherwise things can get out of hand - even protesters need to get a permit to gather for their protests, they don't seem to have a problem doing so.

      IDGAF what color. Stupid is stupid. Negligent is negligent.

      'Influencer' says it all. Have you ever seen an 'influencer' that cares about anyone but themselves?
    • by e3m4n ( 947977 )
      They have to at least charge this guy for inciting riots and violence. OTHERWISE it makes it very hard to charge trump. Did you give this guy a free pass because he is black? Or because he is a youtube fucktard? Outcome aside, he had to at least be charged. Its literally the same charges of inciting violence. If you give this guy a free pass then trump defense will argue prosecutorial bias and create reasonable doubt in the jury. It only takes one juror. These followers need Singapore caning. Beating people
  • Had they done minimal research into what happened when others tried this really bad idea before, they could have saved themselves and others a lot of trouble. Instead they just natively assumed nothing bad would happen.

  • by SuperDre ( 982372 ) on Saturday August 05, 2023 @04:00AM (#63741978) Homepage
    I'll bet the "influencer" made a lot of money on the gig. Just let him pay for all the police that had to be defered to crowd control instead of actually doing their job.
  • Hey, whatever happened to his right to free speech? The gubbermint are censoring him. That's an oppressive, tyrannical act & we must resist. It's just like those upstanding patriots who were inspired by their glorious orange leader to gather at the Capitol building to express their views & are now being persecuted. Enough is enough! Freedom!
    • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

      Even worse is that they're preventing American citizens from exercising their right to take advantage of extraordinary consumer bargains. Never has the tyrannical US govt sunk so low.
  • ... to charge him with any random health problems that any of the police officers had the next day.

    That's how it works ... right?

  • by groobly ( 6155920 ) on Saturday August 05, 2023 @02:06PM (#63742708)

    I fail to see how they can get an inciting charge to stick. He obviously is an idiot and had no idea that 50k people would show up. He probably figured a few hundred. He did not tell them to riot.

    But here's the thing: what this guy did is not that much different than what Trump did. So, because they are charging Trump, they are going to have charge this guy as well, giving new meaning to "incite", which now is supposed to mean "do something where some people who showed up later rioted."

    What they should do, however, is sue him for the costs of what he caused through his negligence and stupidity.

  • Disappointing but we must uphold the law.

An engineer is someone who does list processing in FORTRAN.
