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Roblox Cancelled Awards Presentation Due To Security Incident ( 77

Slashdot reader quonset writes: Roblox Corporation was to have its award ceremony for developers on Saturday when it cancelled the event at the last moment. According to reports, a game developer was reportedly arrested on gun charges outside the event.
More from MarketWatch: Citing jail records, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Sunday that a man identified as game developer Mikhail Olson, known by the nickname Simbuilder, was arrested by U.S. Park Police on suspicion of having a concealed firearm in his vehicle, along with armor-piercing ammunition and a large-capacity magazine.

The awards ceremony was held at Fort Mason Center, which is on federal property. According to the Chronicle, the suspect was arrested Saturday afternoon after allegedly assaulting U.S. Park Police officers who had been called over a report of a disturbance outside the Roblox conference.

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Roblox Cancelled Awards Presentation Due To Security Incident

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  • So some drunk had a standard capacity magazine in his gun and it wasn't stored by California specific rules ... a silly reason to call off a show.

    • by jythie ( 914043 ) on Sunday September 10, 2023 @07:12PM (#63837578)
      Eh, fog of war problem. Looking back with full information it seems unnecessary, but when you have limited information and need to make a quick decision, abundance of caution is not a bad thing.
      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        Once the gun is in Federal custody there is no more threat.
        • Once the gun is in Federal custody there is no more threat.

          I prefer the criminals be in federal custody than the guns.

          It appears people forget that there's weapons besides firearms in this world. At least we have law enforcement that didn't forget that. I remember hearing about a local arrest where the charge was something like "assault of a peace officer with a deadly weapon", but what was the deadly weapon in this case? It was an AUTOMOBILE. Turns out the guy didn't like being told by police that he couldn't take a given route home because of threats of flood

        • by Calydor ( 739835 )

          Do you know if he was one guy with no plan, one guy with a plan, or one OF TEN GUYS with a plan?

  • Article is paywalled. I don't trust summaries of articles I can't read so I'm going to assume that he left his carry gun and it's standard capacity magazine loaded with defense ammo in his car and it was discovered after he got arrested by the Rangers for some stupid nonsense. Maybe I'm wrong, but until I can read more I just don't know.
    • by chill ( 34294 )

      A man was arrested for assaulting U.S. Park Police officers at a video game awards presentation that was canceled beforehand Saturday night because of a "potential security threat," police said, adding that the man had a gun in his vehicle.

      The Park Police said they were notified at about 2:15 p.m. Saturday of a "security concern" posted online related to the Roblox Developers Conference, which was scheduled to host its award ceremony Saturday night at Fort Mason Center.

      They said no one was injured.

      Sgt. Thomas Twiname said Sunday that security personnel alerted Park Police of a man who was acting disorderly. When officers tried to talk to him, he said, the man assaulted police officers and was arrested. Twiname said the man later told officers that he had a firearm inside his car. No further details were immediately released.

      Park Police did not identify the person arrested, but jail records show that Roblox developer Mikhail Olson, known as Simbuilder, was booked on suspicion of having a concealed firearm in a vehicle, leaving a handgun in an unattended vehicle, possession of armor-piercing ammunition and large capacity magazine activity.

      A video posted on X, formerly called Twitter, shows about four officers attempting to detain a man who appears to be resisting. Bystanders are heard saying "Simbuilder is fighting the police!"

      The company hosting the conference announced at 6:16 p.m. that the awards ceremony was canceled "in an abundance of caution."

      "We have decided to cancel the Roblox Innovation Awards due to a potential security concern. We are working with all appropriate authorities and everyone is safe. We take safety very seriously. This is not how we wanted RDC to end," the company wrote on X.

      A Roblox spokesperson said Sunday the company was not sharing further details about the incident.

      A conference attendee told the Chronicle he saw several Park Police vehicles near Gallery 308 while he was leaving the venue to prepare for the ceremony scheduled for that night. He said he assumed staff members were telling people to leave the venue to prepare for the award ceremony, which he described as a special "red carpet" event for the developer community.

      The attendee, a developer who is not being identified in accordance with Chronicle policy, said he didn't feel unsafe "because the suspect had previous incidents that did not seem threatening then."

      But after learning that the suspect was also charged with having a firearm in his vehicle, he said, "it honestly made me sick to my stomach knowing what could have happened had the suspect decided not to make a scene first."

      He said a user on X also "made a hoax threat with an Airsoft gun," which many guests believed was the reason the event was canceled.

      "It is really unfortunate that the ending of the conference was canceled, but I'm glad they did it to protect everyone attending," he said.

      Roblox is an online game platform that allows users to program games and play games created by other users. This year marked the company's ninth annual conference in which social media creators, gamers and executives are invited to connect and discuss the future of the platform.

      • Thank you very much!
      • Electric Daisy Carnival?
        That's what google sent me to when I entered EDC.
        That must mean its true, right?
        Sounds like something from the 60's.
        Now I'm researching "Buffalo Springfield" which I was told makes guns or something.

        • Electric Daisy Carnival?

          That's what google sent me to when I entered EDC.

          Every Day Carry

          Basically, the gear you carry on your every day when you leave the house...what gun, knives, carry daily.

          HTH (Hope That Helps).

    • Article is paywalled.

      What article are you reading? It's not paywalled. Neither the MarketWatch nor SF Chronicle article is paywalled. But since you're whining:

      A video game developer was accused of assaulting U.S. Park Police officers Saturday night, forcing the cancellation of a San Francisco awards presentation because of a “potential security threat.”

      The Park Police said they were notified at about 2:15 p.m. Saturday of a “security concern” posted online related to the Roblox Developers Conference, which was scheduled to host its award ceremony Saturday night at Fort Mason Center.

      They said no one was injured.

      Sgt. Thomas Twiname said Sunday that security personnel alerted Park Police of a man who was acting disorderly. When officers tried to talk to him, he said, the man assaulted police and was arrested. Twiname said the man later told officers that he had a firearm inside his car. No further details were immediately released.

      So there you have it. A concern was posted online. Park police then went to a call about someone being disorderly. When they approached the disorderly person the person attacked them. The disorderly person then told the police he had the firearm in his vehicle.

      • The site wouldn't let me read it for whatever reason but another helpful user posted the text.
      • Re: (Score:1, Troll)

        by Train0987 ( 1059246 )

        "The disorderly person then told the police he had the firearm in his vehicle."

        Cop: "Do you have any firearms in your vehicle"
        Guy: "Yes, I keep a pistol in the glove box"
        Cop: "Is it loaded?"
        Guy: "Well, I wouldn't keep an unloaded pistol in the glove box, would you?"
        Cop: "Does it have a standard magazine?"
        Guy: "Is there another kind?"
        Cop: "You are under arrest for a concealed firearm and possession of a high-capacity magazine with armor-piercing ammunition!!!"

        • I'd really like to know the real order of events. It sounds like he was arrested first and told them he had a gun in his vehicle when they asked. There just isn't enough information which is a shame.
      • Article is paywalled.

        What article are you reading? It's not paywalled. Neither the MarketWatch nor SF Chronicle article is paywalled.

        I've noticed now that a lot of news sites will intermittently hit me with a paywall depending on various factors like VPN usage, where the link originated from, or even just seemingly at random.

        And also since this is slashdot, running something like noscript or even just disabling javascript for that site with your adblocker disables like 99% of news article paywalls.

  • The reporting is really short on details. Was this guy a van lifer type? An RV is considered your primary or "second" home for legal purposes. That means you can have a loaded firearm inside the RV and CA can't do anything about it.

    Last time I checked (I left Commifornia a while ago), CA required you to carry firearms unloaded in vehicles, in a place that is not accessible to the operator. EG, unload your weapon and put it in the trunk. Smart people have lock boxes inside their vehicle to store their u

    • by jythie ( 914043 ) on Sunday September 10, 2023 @07:17PM (#63837602)
      Not really seeing anything that could be described as not being 'level headed'. Pretty much anywhere getting into a fight with cops will get you arrested and charges added due to things that were discovered during the arrest.
      • Part of carrying a gun is understanding that you can't get into fistfights without it escalating. Even if the gun is in your vehicle, you need to understand where you are, what the laws mean for that gun and act accordingly so that you do not loose control of it. Somebody could break into your car and take your gun, somebody could break your nose, get your keys and take your gun. Is it locked in a box or is it sitting in your center console? Simply hidden is not good enough, everybody who carrys needs to un
      • Cops will absolutely bury you in charges and tickets if you piss them off. On the other hand, if your offence is minor enough they can use their discretion and let you go... that becomes a lot more likely as shift change approaches unless they're greedy for OT.

        I hate that, because it speaks to the fundamental lack of professionalism of cops in general, but I also feel like if you're getting into a physical altercation with cops and it's not an outright case of police abuse... I'm probably happy you're gett

      • Not really seeing anything that could be described as not being 'level headed'. Pretty much anywhere getting into a fight with cops will get you arrested and charges added due to things that were discovered during the arrest.

        That's still a narrative thing though. The police will call just about anything 'assaulting an officer' if it falls anywhere between "ripped his shirt off and started swinging while screaming 'AM I BEING DETAINED?!?!?'" and "the officer hurt their knuckles when he hit their fist with his face after he lost a game of simon says".

  • I knew it (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Twisted64 ( 837490 ) on Sunday September 10, 2023 @07:26PM (#63837628) Homepage

    Why are there always so many comments that rush to defend guns and their owners? TFS says he assaulted a police officer.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Maybe that's because a lot of us own guns and understand how biased reporting is often used to make us sound like extremists for political purposes. This could've been avoided with more details. One would expect better journalism from a large and trusted site such as Market Watch.
      • Maybe that's because a lot of us own guns and understand how biased reporting is often used to make us sound like extremists for political purposes. This could've been avoided with more details. One would expect better journalism from a large and trusted site such as Market Watch.

        In the USA, everyone should own and carry a gun. Its the only way to feel safe.

      • I own guns. But I would not want unhinged criminals to own any.

        A gun is not a toy and should be treated like what it is, at all times: A potentially lethal device, designed for the purpose of causing holes in bodies. That's what a gun is.

        I spent some time in the military and there I learned to treat guns the way they need to be treated to avoid damage to those that don't deserve it. In an environment where a lot of people have a lot of guns, this is basically mandatory if you want to avoid dangerous situati

    • by HiThere ( 15173 )

      Well, there's no obvious reason as to why the show was cancelled. One possible explanation is that everyone got hysterical because he had a gun in his car. If there's a different explanation, it isn't being publicized.

      *IF* that's the explanation, then people were being silly. I find that a bit hard to believe, but I don't have another plausible explanation that doesn't depend on "but there's a secret plot discovered, that we're still investigating, so we won't tell you about it".

    • by Entrope ( 68843 )

      It doesn't take much for police to charge people with that. Sometimes you're lucky if police don't charge you [] for bleeding on them when they illegally beat you after arresting you because they confused you with somebody with a different name.

    • Nobody's defending him for attacking a police officer if that's what he actually did. Story doesn't make a lot of sense. The dude is a Roblox developer. What caused the incident? It's exceedingly rare for a game dev to go apeshit and attack police.

      On top of that, the gun wasn't even used in the commission of a crime. It wasn't even on him, and as numerous posters have observed, it could just be a standard 12-round mag with ball ammo.

      But for this they cancel the entire event.

      • Addendum : Looks like he tried getting into the con without an invite, and he swung fists at officers while maybe being escorted off the property. There's video floating around on YouTube that allegedly shows the incident. []

    • The charges do not include assaulting an officer. It is all about possession of a gun and a magazine.

      Docket Number
      Charge disposition
      Scheduled release date

      32310(a) PC/F
      Not set
      30315 PC/F
      Not set
      25140(a) PC/I
      Not set
      25400(a)(1) PC/M
      Not set

      • by rossz ( 67331 )

        That suggests the original charge was bogus. Probably a case of the cop demanding ID for no reason and the guy refusing because California is not a stop and identify state.

  • Why is everyone always so angry about Roblox?

  • Knowing the San Francisco Chronicle and Police, they were probably standard ball ammo and standard size magazines, instead of reduced capacity magazines sold with newer guns. Standard capacity magazines are not illegal. Using the "expanded magazine" description is to make it sound scary. Also, having a gun in your car is not necessarily illegal. It has to be unloaded and locked up (in a case or other means).

    • by PPH ( 736903 )

      Also, having a gun in your car is not necessarily illegal.

      Federal property. It is if that's where his car was parked. You can't even secure a firearm in your car when visiting the Post Office.

      That's why I do as much of my business at contract post offices as possible. Walk up to the postal window, buy some stamps and mail a few letters. Move over 5 feet to the next counter and purchase some 9mm ammo and a gallon of milk from the same cashier.

      • by rossz ( 67331 )

        Good point. If it was federal property, that's an issue. Though I believe if that prohibition is ever seriously challenged, the law would be tossed. Not something I've ever been concerned with since I don't have a CCW, though I clearly need to avoid making a side trip to the post office on range day.

  • To me "armor" means something that rolls on caterpillar tracks, so "armor piercing ammunition" means to me having Javelin anti-tank missiles or something. Even the notoriously lightly armored M113, an armored personnel carrier from the 1960s, could hold up to anything short of a "20 mike-mike". There's some anti-tank rifles from World War One and early World War Two that were built to punch through armor, very light armor like the M113. I recall seeing examples of these rifles in a tank museum. They wer

    • You're probably thinking of Lethal Weapon 3. Not an Eddie Murphy film though.

    • by PPH ( 736903 )

      To me "armor" means something

      "When I use a word⦠it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less." - Humpty Dumpty

      If you select flimsy enough armor, anything is armor piercing. It would depend on how the laws are written, what the minimum specification for "armor" is and how ammunition is tested w.r.t that.

      If this is the press reporting it, I suspect that they have their heads planted firmly in Wonderland.

  • I'm just shocked someone was actually arrested in San Francisco.
  • by groobly ( 6155920 )

    If you're going to San Francisco, don't.

  • Look it's just as well they cancelled it out of precaution.

    Imagine someone has mis-gendered someone or used the wrong pronoun or god forbid, used someone's dead name. The horror would have been unimaginable.

Hold on to the root.
