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JetBrains Previews 'RustRover', a New Dedicated IDE for Rust Developers ( 48

An anonymous reader shared this report from InfoWorld: JetBrains is previewing a dedicated IDE for the Rust programming language, called RustRover, which combines coding assistance with an integrated Rust toolchain. Available in preview September 13, RustRover is positioned to simplify the Rust coding experience while "unlocking the language's full potential," JetBrains said. Capabilities include real-time feedback, code suggestions, simplified toolchain management, and team collaboration.

Previously, JetBrains offered IntelliJ Rust, an open source Rust plugin for IntelliJ IDEs. But with RustRover, the company aims to provide a dedicated product with enhanced functionality for the growing Rust developer community. JetBrains also has been previewing a multi-language editor and IDE, called JetBrains Fleet, that supports Rust development...

RustRover will have some similarities to JetBrains' other language-specific IDEs including PyCharm for Python, GoLand for Go, and RubyMine for Ruby.

RustRover integrates with version control systems, supporting GitHub and Git.
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JetBrains Previews 'RustRover', a New Dedicated IDE for Rust Developers

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  • I wish someone would write a native IDE like Visual Studio 6 that isn't laggy and unresponsive.
    • I use JetBrain's Rider (same Java engine) at home on Linux and find it just as responsive as VS (C++) which I use at work.
      • Visual Studio was nice and responsive until version 5. From then on it's been lag-lag-lag.
        I'm talking about the legacy Visual Studio, not the Electron based crap they ship under the same name today.
        • A personal question to broadcast; How many kernel types really I mean truthfully need a full modern IDE for anything but version tracking? Application side developers are a different story I think...
    • It would be cool with a Rust IDE written in Rust, and using native GUI bindings (for example by wrapping the UI calls to QT's C++ libraries).
  • by jarle.aase ( 1440081 ) <> on Monday September 18, 2023 @01:47AM (#63856720)
    AFAIK, this will eventually cost money. Of course, it's free for now, so they can get people to provide free feedback to streamline their new cash cow.
    I home the Open Source community will provide better solutions. (Yes, kdevelop, I'm looking at you!)
    • Jetbrains does paid subscriptions right. If you stop paying you can still use the software, you just don't get updates.
      • Re:Just say no (Score:5, Interesting)

        by BladeMelbourne ( 518866 ) on Monday September 18, 2023 @02:44AM (#63856794)

        No, they don't.

        If you pay for a year subscription, it would be expected that you can continue to use the last version released before the year was up. Instead they only allow you to use the version available when the yearly subscription was first purchased.

        They also shaft you when renewing - based upon when the subscription expired rather than when payment for a new subscription was made.

        • by Cyberax ( 705495 )

          If you pay for a year subscription, it would be expected that you can continue to use the last version released before the year was up. Instead they only allow you to use the version available when the yearly subscription was first purchased.

          In other words: a perpetual license is equal to 2 years of subscription. What's wrong with that?

          They also shaft you when renewing - based upon when the subscription expired rather than when payment for a new subscription was made.

          Uhh.... What's the problem here?

          • In other words: a perpetual license is equal to 2 years of subscription. What's wrong with that?

            I never mentioned anything about a perpetual license. Every other subscription software I have purchased (say for a year) gives you free updates for a year that can be used after the subscription has ended. Otherwise you can get left with extremely buggy software because your subscription was renewed shortly after 2023.0 was first released. Everything is wrong with that.

            Uhh.... What's the problem here?

            The problem is (clearly) that the end of the new subscription date should be exactly 365 days after payment was made. We have been shafted

            • by jbengt ( 874751 )

              The problem is (clearly) that the end of the new subscription date should be exactly 365 days after payment was made. We have been shafted 1-2 weeks because JetBrains just add 365 days to the date the previous subscription ended.

              So, you think you're being screwed because you let the subscription lapse and they still just charged you the subscription fee as if it hadn't lapsed? Hell, some subscription software I've used would charge more for the first year with a discount for re-upping each year and would

              • So, you think you're being screwed because you let the subscription lapse and they still just charged you the subscription fee as if it hadn't lapsed

                Yes, we were screwed. Had to install the version of Jetbrains software (Rider, R#) when the subscription was last renewed. Had to use that until payment way processed. When payment was finally processed, the expiry date on the new subscription was less than 365 days. Shafted? Yes. Screwed? Yes. Undeniable facts.

            • by cb88 ( 1410145 )
              Most subscription software, in fact all of it I have ever bought... stops letting you use it when the subscription expires.
            • by Cyberax ( 705495 )

              I never mentioned anything about a perpetual license.

              You did. You can treat the "fallback version" as the perpetual license.

              Every other subscription software I have purchased (say for a year) gives you free updates for a year that can be used after the subscription has ended.

              That's simply BS. I don't know _any_ other subscription software that allows you to use it after the expiration. For example, Adobe products simply cut you off after the expiration date. Microsoft is similar. I don't know any modern subscription-based products that even have a fallback license.

              The problem is (clearly) that the end of the new subscription date should be exactly 365 days after payment was made. We have been shafted 1-2 weeks because JetBrains just add 365 days to the date the previous subscription ended. Everything is wrong with that.

              I have just checked, and you can simply start a new subscription at the regular cost. This is exactly how renewing works _everywhere_.

              • I have just checked, and you can simply start a new subscription at the regular cost. This is exactly how renewing works _everywhere_.

                Starting a new subscription is not the same as renewing an existing subscription. You must be retarded. Entering new subscription details into every product/Visual Studio instance is a pain in the arse.

                You did. You can treat the "fallback version" as the perpetual license.

                No, I never mentioned a perpetual license. How you treat the fallback version is completely irrelevant.

                That's simply BS. I don't know _any_ other subscription software that allows you to use it after the expiration. For example, Adobe products simply cut you off after the expiration date. Microsoft is similar. I don't know any modern subscription-based products that even have a fallback license.

                OK, just to name a couple - Sublime Text (ever heard of that cunt?) and JPEGMini Pro. You clearly don't know as much as you think you do.

                • by Cyberax ( 705495 )

                  Starting a new subscription is not the same as renewing an existing subscription.

                  Well, duh. If you let your subscription lapse, just start a new one. You don't need to enter details into each instance, your licenses are synced to your JetBrains account and Toolbox will pick them up.

                  OK, just to name a couple - Sublime Text (ever heard of that cunt?)

                  Haven't heard this name in... a decade?

                  and JPEGMini Pro. You clearly don't know as much as you think you do.

                  Wow. Now you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel. What next? ACDSee?

            • The problem is (clearly) that the end of the new subscription date should be exactly 365 days after payment was made. We have been shafted 1-2 weeks because JetBrains just add 365 days to the date the previous subscription ended. Everything is wrong with that.

              I think you're being a bit petty here.

              • Expecting to get what was paid for is not being petty. Paying for a 52 week subscription and getting 50 weeks... that's not right.

    • It will eventually cost money, but then as with any commercial product you don't have to use it. There is currently a free Rust plugin for IntelliJ (to be deprecated, but will remain free and open source). There may also be a rust plugin for Eclipse (which is another alternative. I haven't looked into this). There is always vim if you want free!

      As to being a cash cow, in my experience IntelliJ is the most used IDE (for Java certainly) in the commercial environment, probably as it is one of the best! And
    • > Yes, kdevelop, I'm looking at you!
      It almost made it: []
      For now, kate + LSP plugin :/

    • I have no problem paying them. They make great tools.
      I view myself as a "trades man" and the IDE(s) are my tools. It costs 100-something USD per year for the whole portfolio. Compared to how much I make by using them, it is a bargain. I can't think of other trade where the tools are that cheap.
      Yes, there are OSS alternatives. Do I want to use them ? No.
  • by bradley13 ( 1118935 ) on Monday September 18, 2023 @07:47AM (#63857126) Homepage

    Why does there need to be a special IDE for each programming language? You have a project structure. You have Git. You display code. Why does it matter whether this is all done via a plug-in to a general purpose IDE, or via a repackaged IDE, maybe with a special skin or theme, that only handles that one language?

    Does it make people feel...special or something? Or is this a way of fragmenting the market, so that IntelliJ can sell the same IDE to the same person multiple times for different languages?

    • by SirSlud ( 67381 )

      you don't need one, but an IDE that targets a particular language may benefit from UX optimizations, less bloat etc, better runtime performance, more specialized tooling, tighter integration to language specific workflows and needs ... etc etc

      I mean, this is just a super generalized software question: why does a screenwriter need a word processor designed to edit screenplays? can't you just get the same with a general word processor with plugins? or a re-packaged word processor? or? etc?

      you can ask this sam

    • by RedK ( 112790 )

      Why need an IDE at all ?

      Literally write the code, and rust has all the command line tools to get the job done.

      • Because for some people productivity is important.

        I don't remember the last time I knew any framework so well that I didn't benefit from all the niceties of a good IDE. I'm an "all products" subscriber to Jetbrains. I like that Idea is smart enough to tell me that the form of a language that I'm using is outdated, and that I can benefit from the niceties of a recent improvement.

        I appreciate being told that checking if a list size == 0 actually reads nicer as .isEmpty(). I appreciate it being pointed out tha

    • This is the pathway to exclusification. I think they got that "you gotta act" part already. This will be the "you gotta use this tool" part. You can figure out what's next. Something like, "You can use whatever tool you want but the one true Rust demands..." In the end it will look like a cult. Because water pools or something.

  • Next debugger for Rust.

  • For those old enough to remember Borland AKA Inprise AKA Borland... tools like JBuilder (and all others tools/IDEs they make)... We had to pay premium for their IDEs. A lot of projects was in their vendor locked-in tools. When they stop supporting/selling it, of LOT of projets spent TONS OF CASH migrating their projets to tools like Ant/Maven/[IDE du jour]/...

    For me proprietary IDEs, even if they have a Community version, is a NO-GO for me. The day Mr. Greedy pass by, your IDE will disappear or be exclusive

What this country needs is a good five cent microcomputer.
